Clan Rock
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This is the Meeting Rock! Tell the rest of the clan a little about yourselves here! :) If you have pets, what your hobbies are, if you like sports, that type of thing. :D (All positions are taken, except warriors and apprentices of course!) Clan Leader Duskstar Clan Deputy Stormfur Clan Medicine Cat Ra...
Thunderclan's Medicine cat den
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Welcome to the Medicine cat den! In the books medicine cats are supposed to heal cats that are sick but we can't really do that online so we are here to make sure everyone behaves anyway this is the medicine cat den and i will add more stuff like the den picture.
Jaggedpine's deputy den! Welcome Woodpaw!!!
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This is my den. I am the ThunderClan deputy.This is my den. Isn't it great???Okay, here is where we can welcome new members, apprentices, and warriors into ThunderClan. There will be contests, and I...
ThunderClan's hunting game.
Ok guys all ya gotta do is get at least 8 right. What is the old loner that Brambleclaw Squirrelpaw Feathertail Stormfur and Crowpaw meet's name? Who goes into the tunnel and dies? What is the name of Graystripes kits? (ALL of them) Who's Graystripes two mates? Who is the blind cat? What is the name of Bra...
-- The NewEST ThunderClan Roleplay!! -- join, peeps!! --
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So, let's REALLY stop being inactive, yes? Something's changing the forest...And things are not what they seem.A darker force than any cat imaginedIs rising from the shadowsTo seize control of everything they've ever known.Blame will be dealt mistakenly,Pointless battles fought.But when a sm...
ThunderClan Roleplay~
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Yes, this is the new version of the ThunderClan roleplay. xD It will be based on current events, and was inspired by my visit to Ebbs' Moorland Den if you wanna read up on it. ThunderClan has no medicine cat! There used to be three, Rainpelt, Cherrytail, and Eaglesight, but Rainpelt trained as a warrior...
Revival Thread. like, s e r i o u s l y
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This just ain't funny. Kay? We used to be so a l i v e. Where'd all that stuff go? What took it away? Where did the spark go?if you're new here, great.if you're old here, great. ThunderClan is a happy clan. We need to get back together. We need to... hm, lets say, r e v i v e f r o m t h e d e a d here's an idea: if you...
Thunderclan RP
The clans are in great danger and only four cats can save them Username: Venomkit/paw Character: Oaktail Gender: Male Appearence: A brown tom with a white under belly Personality: Funny and kind Characters: Userame: Woodfall Character: Woodfall Appearence: A white she cat with jade green eyes P...
~The New ThunderClan RP~
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Welcome to ThunderClan Brief Summary of Plot: It's been at least 100 years since Firestar was clan leader of ThunderClan. He passed on, giving the role to his deputy, Brambleclaw, who gave the role to the now living Duskheart. Now, Duskstar rules the clan of ThunderClan. ThunderClan is striving, b...
Alright guys, we're done with being inactive!
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So, I'm holding a REVIVAL. XD Yes, that sounds weird. No, I don't mean the technical definition you get in 8th grade history. My goal is to bring ThunderClan BACK TO LIFE. xD yes, that will be hard, but yes, I'm willing to try. And so, I'll be posting in a few boards and I WANT YOU TO DO THE SAME. xD Anyway, hel...
:: Timbersong's Deputy Den :: UPDATE!!!! :: Please Read =)
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Welcome to ThunderClan!!! =) As you know, I am Timbersong, ThunderClan deputy. ThunderClan is one of the four clans in the warrior cats series. ThunderClan cats are built to be great stalkers/hunters, and they live in deciduous forests, without pine trees. Our leader right now, is Duskstar, who is...