it sounds like a good idea, but i'm not sure how we would be able to do it. I guess i just dont really get the point of it. But still ask Moonshine about it, she might love it!
I already did. I sent her a pm about it. -looks around forum- This is a very unusual forum...I mean the ones I am used to are from invision free...hmm oh well I still love it with all the passion in my heart!!
Yes, PMing me won't be nessescary if there is a thread.
And i need help understanding the "role-playing" part of it. Personally, I think it may just be a waste of space, possibly a lot of spam, and just a reinactment... I don't really see a point. D:::
However, please tell me what you mean by role-playing.
@ Blizzardclaw's post and Levipaw's reply: yes, it is half spam.
Thistlepaw walks through the woods lifting and setting down each of her paws very carefully. She hears a crow caw off in the distance, and she looks at the sky. It's about to rain. She thinks to herself. She hears a little scartching noise amongst the leaves. She slowly moves toward her prey. Pouncing on it with great accuracy she picks the small field mouse up in her jaws and heads back toward camp. There awaits her mentor, Her eyes give her a warm welcome as she carries the prey to the pile in the middle of camp.
[She but you can also talk too, See but the thing is, you can't you these * when you do actions. You just type it out...and when you think you use Italics Then when you talk you can either use " or a color. ]