Warrior Cats: The Four Clans

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TOPIC: ~IvyClan RolePlay~ {2 Spots up for grabs!~} .:Sunstar has sided with Shadowstar! NightClan has formed!:.

ShadowClan Warrior

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RE: ~IvyClan RolePlay~ {FULL} .:The Gathering is this night!:.
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Rosefur smiled as she padded into the Gathering area. A dusty brownish-orange tom was looking around for someone, that someone was her. One of her best friend's, Autumnwhisker waiting for her. " Autumn, I'm over here! " She mewed over the conversations. He turned his ears towards her and smiled. He bounded through the cats until he was just a few feet away of her, " Rose, it's good to see you. " Rose smiled and said, " Meet Bloodeyes, my mate. "

He looks around the room
Innocently overlooks the truth
Shouldn't a light go on?
Doesn't he know I've had him memorized for so long?

He sees everything black and white
Never let nobody see him cry
I don't let nobody see me wishing he was mine

RiverClan Warrior

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Upon reaching the Gathering, Florestadream smiled. "Hello, Rivershine," she purred to her friend from LakeClan. The large silver tom whipped his head towards her with a large grin. She laughed and leaned back a little. Though they were friends, and had been since they were apprentices here, he always intimidated her a little, since she was so small, and he as large as Ivoryclaw. At that thought, her eyes glanced towards the "corner" where he would be. Her glance held acid, and Rivershine noticed.

"Don't tell me you're still arguing with that lonesome tom, Florestadream! Just give it a rest. If he wants to stick out like a sore thumb, like his fur, then let him. You shouldn't worry about his actions," Rivershine chuckled, bumping shoulders lightly with the she-cat. She laughed and sighed. Shrugging her shoulders, she looked up at Whitestar who was speaking with the other leaders.

"But I'm concerned that we will become the, 'detached,' warriors thanks to him. I admit he is a great warrior, but his fighting style just isn't how I was taught -- or rather how I learned," Florestadream tried to explain the best she could, but she couldn't tell why she had a natural aversion to the tom. Then she remembered and joked with a grin, "Maybe it's our fur. I heard black and white doesn't mix, right?"

Rivershine had a booming laugh and several cats turned their way when he laughed but he nodded his head and said, "Maybe, maybe!" She couldn't help but grin -- this tom and her were pretty close despite being from seperate clans. She really hoped she would never have to fight him.



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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Ivoryclaw heard the loud booming laugh of Rivershine, a cat he had never really talked to nor wished to talk to. He noted just who was sitting beside him and turned his cold amber eyes toward her. Of course, it was Florestadream. Why did it always have to be her? Then again what did he really care about who she spent her time with? The fact was, he didnt. He merely mentally logged away who she sat with at the gathering and turned away. He once again sat perfectly still like a statue again.



RiverClan Warrior

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Rolling her eyes, Florestadream sighed and looked at Rivershine seriously. "Okay, we have to make a pact, Rivershine," she said, voice quiet. His icy blue eyes turned to her cuiously. She had easily grabbed his attention, but wanted this done now, since they would not be able to talk after the Gathering. Leaving as soon as she could from here was on the top of her list. Next to throwing an insult or two at Ivoryclaw, but that came quite easy, so that was almost last.

"All right. I'm all ears," he said, a grin no longer plastered on his face. Luckily everyone's attention was no longer on them, so they were free to speak without anyone paying attention. She took a deep breath, and then began, softly and with a speakle in her eyes, except for the one that momentarily showed fear.

"We need to make a pact... That... if we are ever adversitaries in battle, we will not kill eachother's loved ones. Hurt, so you may stay loyal to your clan, but not kill. Right now... I only have my brother, and the elders Hazeleyes and Tallsigh. But... listen. I... do not want it come to that, but I want your word, and you have mine. I will not hurt your family, your mate... anyone dear to you if you do the same for me," Florestadream said quietly and quickly. But Rivershine's ears caught every word, every breath, and he leaned back, with a huff. Pondering it, he smiled softly and replied.

"I agree. I understand what you mean -- we are from different clans after all," he sighed, looking seriously at her. Florestadream smiled happily again and whispered, "Thank you, Rivershine. I knew I could trust you. And you have my word, as well..." Then she stared at the sky for a few moments, praying to StarClan they would never fight each other. But, little did she know, there was a possibility of it happening very, very soon. Her eyes shifted down to see Ivoryclaw, and she thought to herself, Would Ivoryclaw still kill my friend, even if I told him not to? I mean, we are not best friends, but Rivershine would never attack IvyClan... Would he?

Florestadream looked at her strong friend and nodded no softly to her thoughts. No, never, she thought, never in a million moons. He looked at her quizically, but could see she was thinking, so merely smiled and stared at the stars with her, praying the exact same thing as her. Thinking as she thought, even nodding his head no the same way.


i love how ivory and resta keep tabs on eachother w/o knowing it. xD



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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OOC: I know! Its just darn hilarious!! XD

Ivoryclaw noted that the gathering was coming to a close. His leader and the leaders of Lakeclan and Leafclan had all had their turn to speak. Many cats were getting a bit restless as the last leader, Dartclan's leader, sat gathering his thoughts. Ivoryclaw looked upon him with suspcion in his amber eyes but nothing more. He was growing tired of this same old routine for the gatherings. He decided it would be easiest if he went to sit on the edge of the crowd where his clan would leave so he could head back earlier. The great white tom stood and moved away.
He navigated his way through a few cats but managed to get a low his from one of them. He snapped his attention toward the cat only to see a young she cat apprentice with bright green eyes glaring at him. "Stop moving around and getting in the way. The rest of us cant see." Ivoryclaw was about to ignore her but the attitude she threw at him didnt settle well. He leaned down closer so that his face was only a breath away from hers.
"Good apprentices know their place in a gathering. You dont talk that way to warriors, especially ones from other clans. I will remember your face and dont you forget mine. The next time we meet may not be when we have called a truce." His amber eyes were filled with cold fire. The she cat shrank away from him and nodded. His tail fluffed up with fear and he snorted at her. "Mind your tongue so next time i wont be able to bite it off."
With that the tom pulled away and stalked through the rest of the cats to the edge of the clearing. Its not like he enjoyed scaring the living daylights out of cats... Its just when they assumed he was just some push over that they could yell at did he ever get prideful.



RiverClan Warrior

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Florestadream had seen Ivoryclaw snap at the young apprentice, and she said, "Rivershine, take care," and gave him a flick of the tail as she stalked after Ivoryclaw. Her eyes anrrowed as she purred threateningly, "What was that, Ivory?! Scaring off a young apprentice! She was probably scared of you and so she went into an adrenaline rush, and then anger. I get the same way! It is not your place to be scaring them. It is their leader's job to put them in their place, all right?" Neon green eyes stared at him with anger, while all the glare got in return was a blank stare. This made her even angrier. "Show some emotion, okay?! Something other than anger, regret, sadness, and that stupid broken soul! I can't stand it! Listen Ivory, I lost people too, but I got past it. You should too." Then she whipped her head around and hissed at the tom from LeafClan that was giving her an odd look.

"Chill, Florestadream," came Rivershine, suddenly beside her. He looked at Ivoryclaw with calm, icy eyes in reply to his cold, amber gaze. "This is no place to claw off your clanmate's face." He bumped shoulders with her, then nodded to Ivoryclaw.

oOc;; gods, resta is so much like me. xD



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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Ivoryclaw did not rise to Florestadream's angry challenge. He merely let her yell and hiss much like an adult would let a child throw a tantrum only to still refuse the child's wishes with a stern face. He turned his cold eyes toward Rivershine and neither thanked or acknowledged his help in calming the she cat down. If the black warrior wanted to make a spectical of herself, he certainly didnt mind. He didnt wish to explain his intentions reguarding the young apprentice from the unknown clan. "Rivershine," Ivoryclaw said with a nod and a dismissing tone. He turned away to leave the two alone again. His tail lifted and flicked Florestadream across the nose with the motion. This gesture could have either been a playful act or scornful act. The white tom left it up for interpritation.



ThunderClan Medicine Cat Apprentice

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Mosspaw sat excitedly, waiting for the leaders to begin the gathering. They were chatting among themselves though the DartClan leader -- Mosspaw could recognize him immediately for he looked evil -- was along, cooking up a plan. She sighed. Mosspaw didn't know much, but she could already tell that the leader was going to do something mischievous.

"As I was saying, I scratched Whisperwind's leg and he tried to trip me but I jumped and landed on his paws. Then I flipped him over and I DEFEATED MY MENTOR!!!" Silverpaw said enthusiastically. Her friends cheered, all except for Mosspaw and Nightpaw. Nightpaw rolled his eyes and Mosspaw was really off in a daydream. Only one ear was listening to her little chatter.
"I defeated Bloodeyes.." she whispered. Mosspaw didn't really know whether or not to say that. All eyes turned on her.

"Bloodeyes?" the orange cat said. Mosspaw just then realized there was still one cat whom she did not know the name of. Mosspaw smiled warily. "Yeah.. Bloodeyes," she whispered again. Silverpaw gasped. "Bloodeyes just looks so.. fierce!" she cried. Mosspaw smiled. "He's real nice, though," she replied.

Mosspaw turned her gaze onto the unknown, orange kitty. "What's your name..???" she asked slowly. The orange cat laughed off. "My name is Flamepaw. Of LakeClan as well. They don't introduce me at all because I claw off their ears if they do!" Mosspaw laughed. "Hi Flamepaw!" She giggled again. Flamepaw was quite funny.

"Cat's of all clans! Let's gather here in peace for news to share!" Whitestar called. Mosspaw felt her heart skip a beat. The gathering! Finally!

you're hiding in the closet
once again, start smiling.
I know you're tryin', real hard
not to turn your head away
pretty darling, face tomorrow
tomorrow's not yesterday. <3


ThunderClan Apprentice

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Berrytail was still talking with the cat who she first met up with! The pretty She-cats name was Swiftbreeze. "So are there any bagers or bad stuff in Ivyclan?" Swiftbreeze whispered so no cats could hear since the leaders had started talking. "Nah, well, not that I know of" Berrytail answered quietly. "How about Lakeclan?" "Nope I dont think so. In our territory we used to have a fox den but the family of foxes left." Said Swiftbreeze. Then finally Berrytail and Swiftbreeze stopped talking and listened to what the leaders had to say.

-- Edited by Aurastripe on Thursday 15th of October 2009 12:11:20 PM



ThunderClan Medicine Cat Apprentice

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ooc: I will just RP the leaders :)
DartClan: Shadowstar
LeafClan: Willowstar
LakeClan: Sunstar
IvyClan: Whitestar

"I have good news," Sunstar said, stepping up in front of the other leaders, "So I will go first!" He looked down at the cats. "We have 1 new warrior, his name is Barkleaf. Also, we have plenty of prey and no sicknesses spreading in the clans. Our medicine cat has plenty of herbs stocked up for leaf-bare. We're ready." Sunstar stepped away from the post and Willowstar stepped up.

Mosspaw gasped. The LeafClan leader was prettier than cats had described. Her silver pelt shined in the moonlight and her blue eyes were crystal and pale. Her body was big and massive and she held her head up high with pride.

"LeafClan is just as good as LakeClan," Willowstar said. "We have prey running in the rivers and our camp is well guarded. We have a new medicine cat -- Patchpaw became Patchpelt." She smiled at the crowd and stepped back, her eyes still gazing down telling the cats 'LakeClan is not weak.'

"IvyClan is good. Prey is running, just like the other clans." Whitestar said simply. He smiled politely, motioning that his news sharing was over. Shadowstar stepped up. He was pitch black with black eyes. He was massive, bigger than Whitestar. And Mosspaw always though Whitestar was huge. Shadowstar looked down at the cats with hungry eyes. Hunger for territory, ambition, and more. As always, cats always made rumors about the DartClan leader. And they weren't really rumors.

"I have better news than any," Shadowstar growled. "We can survive any leaf-bare from now on. And I know how!" Many cats gasped with respect. Their worst nightmares over! Mosspaw felt small, suddenly. She knew that Shadowstar was going to plan something. "We can all join together, the clans," he said. "We can become one clan and share ways. We can catch prey for each other and not fight!"

Mosspaw shivered. There was always 4 clans of the forest and Shadowstar was planing to change it.

"We could become 1 clan, one clan called Nightclan. And I would rule it. Then the other leaders as my deputies. How about it?"

you're hiding in the closet
once again, start smiling.
I know you're tryin', real hard
not to turn your head away
pretty darling, face tomorrow
tomorrow's not yesterday. <3


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