Rach growled menacingly at Crome. "Fine. If that's how it is, you're free to go back home. Just get out of my sight, all of you!" he snarled. The alpha turned to his beta. "You were wrong. Again. You did the wrong thing. You're tearing my pack apart. Go away. I don't want to see you again," he said calmly, face expressionless to her. He turned and headed away, toward Morph Mountain. "I'm going to find the cure, like we should be doing, and not helping the Sinners. When I get back, I don't want to see you with my pack."
I am Jaggedpine. Just thought I should let you know.
Cloudandis turned her back to Rach, and flew off without a word. If that was how he was going to be, then she would obey that one last command from him. She flew oppostie the direction of Morph Mountain, and not to the camp. She heae out southwards, where she didn't suspect in the slightest that the Sinners had made their own temporary camp. But they didn't notice her. She saw that up ahead a swamp like forest lurked. She flew deep into its deapths, the murkey air not bothering her. She didn't look back to the far Northern where Rach and the pack were headed to Morph mountain. She had a plan. Even if she wasn't art of the pack anymore, she could still get the cure and leave it for them and still leave. But why would she? Because she still cared for the pack. Since the swamp wasn't too far from around the side of Morph mountain, then maybe...but she remembered Raches words. She would have to get through without detection or sight from anyone.
Back with Rach Holly hadn't noticed what had happened, and was walked around. He spotted ach angrilly storming off, and Clouudandis far off in the distance. What had happened? He didn't get his nose in it though. Cloudandis must have finally made rach toss her out, the way her attitude had been. But he didn't see her turn around or head back, not even the slightest glance. She dissapeared over the tree tops. He looked panic stricken. His best friend had acctually left the pack?! He looked at how angry Rach was. Crome looked like he'd been shouting too. He padded away from them, and looked in the direction Cloudandis had flown off in. "Guess...I should follow and see what's up." he whispered. Rach wasn't paying heed to him, so he flew off after Cloudandis's now stale scent. She must have gone quite aways. After a while, he dissapeared from their sight too, and spotted the wolf pack, going inn the same direction. But they were chasing a Sinner.
Twillo was watching everythink from up above still in the platform cleaning her fur making sure she had all of the moss out of the fur. She noticed that some of the wolves were leaving in the direction here Cloudandis had left. She got shook herself off then ran and got a running start, jumping then flying in the direction of Cloudandis.
Rach flew hard for Morph Mountain. He was going to find it and show them who was really the alpha here. He took a deep breath and forced himself not to look back. If that was the way Cloudandis wanted it, she had asked for it. He swooped once and took off at top speed for the mountain rising in the distance. Why was his beta like that, helping the enemy, leading his pack for him, doing everything wrong?
I am Jaggedpine. Just thought I should let you know.
ooc:Katanapaw: No, I'm just going with the flow of the RP. XD
ic: CLoudandis looked up to Morph Mountain yet again from the swampy landscape. She noticed a pass that was off to the side. Maybe that would lead her a bit closer. She flew off towards the pass, seeing Rach's outline heading straight for the mountain, opposite of it. Good, he wouldn't see her. The trees were thick in that area too, so the pass would act as a cover for her. She landed softly, and moved forewards towards the mountain's peak. The pass was exactly three miles from the pass, not really a long run for her. But she wasn't going to take her chances with flying. They would see her. Another scent drifted to her however. It smelled like the Sinners were also taking a chance to get closer to the mountain. She stayed close to the brush, making sure her dark pelt camoflaged. As she moved, she saw quite a few Sinners making their way on the opposite side of the pass. How had they gotten there so fast?! She immediatly went deeper into the brush. The bushes on her side hid her scent better, and the bushes on their side gave them away. She saw Holly flying above them. Had he been chasing them? She went a bit faster, determined to keep the Sinners at bay. If it was a fight they wanted, it was a fight they would get. She thought back to Crome. Why wasn't he with them? Wouldn't he have the chance to just leave and go back to them once they had left him ungaurded?
Twillo was flying around after she noticed some red fur under the pines. Twillo dived and landed in a pine. Then stared and saw her. Twillo smiled sneakilly she stuffd pine cones into her wings so they looked like scales like a sinners wings and put leaves on her fur so it was dark. Then she pounced playfully on Cloudandis.
Rach shot to the peak of the mountain, then dropped a ways from it. It wasn't that far, but he wasn't going to be stupid. He ran toward the summit, keeping low so no one would see him or hear him. He hoped his pack was okay, but he didn't care about Cloudandis. She had changed his life for the worse. He saw Sinners a ways away, and lowered himself so his belly fur was skimming the ground and he kept running. He didn't how long it had been, but it was fast moving. Soon, he was maybe a mile from the top. He wasn't going back now.
I am Jaggedpine. Just thought I should let you know.
Cloudandis pinned Twillo down as she pounced, holding her paw over her mouth. "Shhhh...there are real Sinners on the side of the road..." she whispered. She noticed that Holly was hovering above where they had been, a confused look on his face. She also noticed the Sinners had vanished...and their scent was gone. She moved Twillo behind her as she saw them heading farther up the pass, now on their side of the brush. They hadn't noticed her Twillo or Holly, and Holly hadn't noticed anyone. She watched him fly around for a moment, confused, and then prick his ears off and shoot into Raches far off direction, mabe 2 or three miles away. She let a sigh slip as the Sinners Disappeared too. She gave Twillow her blank look, but her heart was heavy. Hadn't Rach decided to explain to the others she was now an enemy? That she was no longer a pack member? Or had he left them in the dark? "twillow, head back to the others. You Belong with the group, not out here." and she pushed her off into the air, running as fast as she could. If there was one pack member who shouldn't be involved in this mess... in fact no one in the pack should be. "Stay out oof this Twillow!" she called back. She followed the scent of the Sinners, but found that it trailed off the pass and into a river. They must have jumped in. Her ears pricked and eyes keen, she went up into the tree for cover.She moved along the branches, the inners below her. She spotted one going back for Holly, and another alongside it. They had spotted her. "Twillow, I said get out!" Cloudandis calmly stated, however, for once, her voice had wavered. Her eyes had shown for an instant, a flash of anger, but then resided back to the empty shells they were. She pounced on both Sinners, noticing one of them being familiar. She ripped one's throat out, and lunged for the other. Spark and Gabu, both out of protection, were now dead. She streaked off before Holly or Twillow could react, and spotted the Sinner leader, Kanrik, and charged in at him.
Rach streaked toward the top of the mountain. It wouldn't be far now. He heard the sound of fighting wolves, and one thing came to mind. Cloudandis. He ran faster. She was close, probably coming for the cure too. His paws pounded the earth. He was a flick of brown in the brush and then he was gone. He had never gone this fast before. Maybe he was driven by emotion, but he couldn't be sure. He was minutes from the summit of the mountain. He could do it. He could.... When a giant thing, out of nowhere, slammed into his side.
I am Jaggedpine. Just thought I should let you know.