Warrior Cats: The Four Clans

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TOPIC: Subjects: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42. [Adult Content] -Complete-

ThunderClan Warrior

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Subjects: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42. [Adult Content] -Complete-
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I know not many of you are still on, well, like none, but the very few of us there are, I'm going to start this. And hopefully it won't be a massive fail. :/ Although I am not gonna hold my breath. ;) I'm editing the way my idea is so that say, if there is only 3 or 4 of us, all the numbers don't have to be used. 

You open your eyes, and there is smoke everywhere. You can feel the faint tightness in your throat, gradually growing stronger, you've no idea how long you've lain here, and what's worse, you don't remember ending up here. Your eyes flutter open, and the site before you draws up even more confusion. Smoke fills the sky, there are ashes floating around you, and what's left of a building, burning to become only rubble. You struggle to search the depths of your mind to discover what happened, but you learn something else out entirely, you have no memory of anything. There isn't any recollection of this location, of you, of anything. A blank, white slate is all you have. The only real clue you have, is a single number tattooed on your wrist.

After you awake and walk away, you'll gradually meet others who are in the same predicament as you, memory blank, and a number tattooed on their wrist. Your goal is to search to find answers. Who are you? What happened the day you all found each other? What was done to cause your memory to be swiped? Who did this to you? 

All the numbers are associated with an ability you have. 


The ability to travel up to 400 mph, and anything in between. 
Flaw - You burn out easily, for example, if you go your full speed,you won't be able to again for awhile. Fatigue comes easily.


The ability of strength. You lift up to 10 tons, and your general strength is unmatched.
Flaw - Like running, you become burned out easily, and your muscles sore. 


The ability to become invisible. 
Flaw - Once invisible, you still have a physical shape. You can touch things, and they can touch you. You become physically and emotionally drained if you stay invisible too long.


The ability of telekinesis. Like the force, you can move things withyour mind.
Flaw - If you try too hard, focus on too big of an object, your brain could go into shock, and not only would you not be able to use your power for an extended amount of time, you also get nosebleeds, migraines, and intense moments of not being able to control your mind.


The ability of telepathy. You can see into someone's mind, and read it. If you try hard enough, you could even plant a thought there.
Flaw - It can only be achieved when you are physically touching someone. You can read emotions very well, and the occasional word can slip through by just being around someone, but it's never strong. Also, going deep into someone's mind can easily drain you. You could loose yourself if you stay focused on it too long. 


The ability of teleportation. You transit yourself to other places, without actually having to travel there.
Flaw - You can only travel up to 200 miles. If you go too far, you could get stuck in the realm of unknown, unable to move anywhere. You can only teleport 3 times a day, if you go up to 4, your brain could become fried, and your molecules and cells completely disorganized.  

General idea - You've all had pasts, and you're allowed to have flashbacks to those. Nothing solid please, only flashes. You're trying to learn what really happened and who you really are. But there are people after you, men and woman in black attire trying to capture you. Why? For what purpose and to what end? Find out. 

 Character Rules

1- This is about all of you. Not just one subject, ALL. OF. YOU. Do not turn it into all about you.
2- No profanity.
3- Your lines must be at least 2-3. 3 is best, as more detail the better.
4- Don't pick out a name for your character right away, if this RP goes anywhere, yes, your character can name themselves, unless we get to where we can discover who we really are, in which case, if your character already named themselves, they can change it back to their original name.
5- Do not abuse your abilities, there are flaws for a reason. Not every post has to be you using it.
6- If you're unable to post, please let us know.
7- Please enjoy! :D 

Your Form: 

Age: (between 15 and 19)
Any other flaws you'd like to add to your ability? (flaws are welcomed, bonuses to your ability, however, are not.)




Username: Moonstar
Subject: 4
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Any other flaws you'd like to add to your ability? Can simply pass out without even knowing she's tired sometimes. Has to be careful because she can't always tell when she's drained from her power.


Appearance: 5' 5" and decent curves. Gingery hair with firey red streaks blended into the rest and strong frontal bangs. Thin eyebrows with a severe arch and muddy eyes (hazel-y, if a color has to be attached). Eyes a bit slanty and pale, pale skin with a scattering of freckles dotting her nose. Strong jaw structure.
Personality: Not one to neccesarily get along with others, not on purpose, she just naturally doesn't know what else to say than what she does. Usually offensive. Fierce, strong-willed, ready to take charge and pretend she knows what she's doing and even what you're doing, even if she's got no clue.


Other: Wearing black combat boots, skinny jeans and a gray sweatshirt with no words. Her nails are bright pink and one pale hand is concealed in a black glove.




Username: Ivoryclaw
Subject: 15
Gender: Male
Age: (between 15 and 19) 16
Any other flaws you'd like to add to your ability? (flaws are welcomed, bonuses to your ability, however, are not.) His invisibility relies heavily off of his fear. When he is frightened, he becomes invisible faster than when he focuses.
Appearance: He stands at 5'3", also with a slightly bad posture, always hunched over like a broody teen. He is kind of thin ish, with awkwardly proportioned arms and legs, making his torso seem a bit smaller than normal. He has straight black hair that folds over one eye, and his eyes are a bright gray that changes slight tones from either gray blue to gray green, and just sometimes to solid gray.
Personality:(optional) Easily frightened, kind of jumpy. He also is slightly paranoid of others, thinking they will hit him, causing him to flinch when someone raises their arms near him, this reaction is one of his main ones. Also when someone scares him, he tends to let out a loud squeak.


Username: Ebonycloud
Subject: 16
Gender: Male
Age: (between 15 and 19) 17
Any other flaws you'd like to add to your ability? He is more prone to headaches and nosebleeds which only further his angry temper.
Appearance: He stands at about 5'8", his build is slightly muscular with the hint of youth making them thinner than a full grown man's. He has dirty blonde hair that is longish, but does not pass further than the bottom of his ears. He is not exactly handsome, but he is not hideous either. If anything he is slightly better looking than the average Joe. His eyes are a soft blue, however this only contradicts his often angry behavior.
Personality: Head strong and almost never willing to back down from a challenge. He has a bit of a temper and once its flared he will do whatever it takes to quench it, whether the outcome is good or bad. He can have a tendency to be cruel, but he is not wholly bad. Just a bit dark. (The rest of his personality will be made up as we go along)


Username: Goldheart
Subject: 23
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Any other flaws you'd like to add to your ability? (flaws are welcomed, bonuses to your ability, however, are not.) Intense headaches and a hint of instability are present.
Appearance: She stands at about 54, deep, rich brown hair, and shes very athletically built. Her appearance is someone you would look at and think she was somebody, but her personality is complete opposite. 
Personality: Very anxious, always second guessing everything. She worries, and shes frightened. But she does get flashes of courage, and outspokenness. The instability that comes with her telepathy is almost that of a schizophrenic. While there are other means of it, her mind is not the strongest.



-- Edited by Goldheart on Thursday 1st of March 2012 06:28:43 AM

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-- Edited by Goldheart on Friday 2nd of March 2012 04:34:49 AM

-- Edited by Goldheart on Saturday 3rd of March 2012 08:13:06 AM

-- Edited by Goldheart on Friday 9th of March 2012 05:31:06 AM

-- Edited by Goldheart on Wednesday 21st of March 2012 06:07:19 PM

-- Edited by Goldheart on Wednesday 4th of April 2012 05:18:46 AM

-- Edited by Goldheart on Monday 9th of April 2012 05:11:20 AM

-- Edited by Goldheart on Wednesday 11th of April 2012 07:14:14 PM

-- Edited by Goldheart on Monday 23rd of April 2012 03:29:47 AM

-- Edited by Goldheart on Wednesday 1st of August 2012 09:45:17 PM



-- Edited by Ebonycloud on Thursday 20th of June 2013 06:28:07 AM

-- Edited by Ebonycloud on Thursday 24th of October 2013 12:58:24 AM


ThunderClan Warrior

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Posts: 7257
RE: Subjects: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42
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Username: Goldheart
Subject: 23
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Any other flaws you'd like to add to your ability? (flaws are welcomed, bonuses to your ability, however, are not.) Intense headaches and a hint of instability are present.
Appearance: She stands at about 54, ginger hair, and shes very athletically built. Her appearance is someone you would look at and think she was somebody, but her personality is complete opposite.
Personality: Very anxious, always second guessing everything. She worries, and shes frightened. But she does get flashes of courage, and outspokenness. The instability that comes with her telepathy is almost that of a schizophrenic. While there are other means of it, her mind is not the strongest.


WindClan Deputy

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RE: Subjects: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 (OPEN)
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Username: Ebonycloud
Sujbect: 16
Gender: Male
Age: (between 15 and 19) 17
Any other flaws you'd like to add to your ability? He is more prone to headaches and nosebleeds which only further his angry temper.
Appearance: He stands at about 5'8", his build is slightly muscular with the hint of youth making them thinner than a full grown man's. He has dirty blonde hair that is longish, but does not pass further than the bottom of his ears. He is not exactly handsome, but he is not hideous either. If anything he is slightly better looking than the average Joe. His eyes are a soft blue, however this only contradicts his often angry behavior.
Personality: Head strong and almost never willing to back down from a challenge. He has a bit of a temper and once its flared he will do whatever it takes to quench it, whether the outcome is good or bad. He can have a tendency to be cruel, but he is not wholly bad. Just a bit dark. (The rest of his personality will be made up as we go along)



ThunderClan Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 7257
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Thank you SO much for joining! :D I always love your characters, and can't wait to see what you do. :) I figured after one more person joins, we'll be able to at least start. :D Thank you again!


ThunderClan Warrior

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Username: Woodfall
Subject: 42 (Teleportation if I'm not mistaken...)
Gender: F
Age: (between 15 and 19) 15
Any other flaws you'd like to add to your ability? (flaws are welcomed, bonuses to your ability, however, are not.) Not really :P
Appearance: Short red haired girl. Also has brown eyes. Yet she is pretty short.
Personality:(optional) She has a lot of mixed feelings. You really cant tell how she is going to act.
Other:(optional) Hmm not really.

I'm kind of a newb at rps so... yeah. I hope I'm the only newb because like Ebonycloud said: "Experienced players in a newbish rp. It goes terrible the other way around" (The other way around is newbish rpers in an experienced rp.)

Thanks! :)



This wonderful siggie was made by Twigie! Thanks Twigstorm! :D


PLEASE click this link! I really need help drawing pictures for a Firestar tribute!


ThunderClan Warrior

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ooc; Thank you for joining! I'm sure you'll be fine. :) I'm going to go ahead and start this. If anyone else still wishes to join, of course they can. :)

She was aware of the ground, the heat, and the smoke. Everything else was a blur, her mind couldn't piece anything together, and her head ached. Her eyes fluttered open, and the scene before her was almost terrifying. She sat up, her head screaming out to her in pain as she adjusted her position. She brought a hand up to it, and winced. She looked around, trying to see if anyone else was in sight, maybe they could tell her what was happening. She searched her brain, trying to figure out how she got into this situation, when she realized, she couldn't remember anything. What was her name? Who was she? Why was she here? Her breathing quickened as panic began to settle in, and her heart raced. She started coughing, as more smoke filled her lungs, and her head exploded with each cough. She pulled herself to her feet, stumbling backwards and almost falling over. She looked down, and her clothes were stained with ash and dirt, her hands were almost black with the filth. She brushed them off quickly, still panicking, that's when she noticed the number. There was a number just sitting there on her wrist. She tried to brush it off, but it was of no use. Because she couldn't wipe it clean, she could feel the 23 burning into her skin. She had no idea who or where she was, but something told her she didn't want to know. What kind of situation was this? What normal person would be involved in something like this? She started to walk forward, searching for any sign of any other person, maybe they'd remember.


ShadowClan Warrior

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OOC: Darn I was going to try to get 42 as soon as I got home. I'll go and take and take 15 then.

Username: Ivoryclaw
Subject: 15
Gender: Male
Age: (between 15 and 19) 16
Any other flaws you'd like to add to your ability? (flaws are welcomed, bonuses to your ability, however, are not.) His invisibility relies heavily off of his fear. When he is frightened, he becomes invisible faster than when he focuses.
Appearance: He stands at 5'3", also with a slightly bad posture, always hunched over like a broody teen. He is kind of thin ish, with awkwardly proportioned arms and legs, making his torso seem a bit smaller than normal. He has straight black hair that folds over one eye, and his eyes are a bright gray that changes slight tones from either gray blue to gray green, and just sometimes to solid gray.
Personality:(optional) Easily frightened, kind of jumpy. He also is slightly paranoid of others, thinking they will hit him, causing him to flinch when someone raises their arms near him, this reaction is one of his main ones. Also when someone scares him, he tends to let out a loud squeak.

OOC: I hope this is acceptable. X3



ThunderClan Warrior

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ooc; It very much is acceptable. :) Thank you for joining, sweetie! :D


ShadowClan Warrior

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OOC: Yaaay zanku~



ThunderClan Deputy

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Oh yeah. This looks awesome.

Username: Jaggedpine
Subject: 8
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Any other flaws you'd like to add to your ability?: If he doesn't keep his fiery temper down, his strength decreases dramatically.
Appearance: He's tall with jet black, shaggy hair. His eyes are a mix between green and brown(so puke-colored XD).
Personality: He has an agressive, defensive temper. When he feels threatened, he goes for fight rather than flight. He doesn't like to back down, and he picks fights he himself knows he can't win, even with his power, which weakens unless he keeps calm. However, keeping calm can he tough for him.
Other: Hmmm....no


I am Jaggedpine. Just thought I should let you know.

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