Warrior Cats: The Four Clans

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TOPIC: Rainpelt's Random Stories -- *NEW STORMxSQUIRREL STORY*
What character(s) would you like me to write about next? [76 vote(s)]

Other (Please comment and specify which one(s); including if you want it to be about more than one/pairings)
SkyClan cats -- Please comment and specify which one(s)
The Tribe of Rushing Water cats -- Please comment and specify which one(s)

ShadowClan Deputy

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Posts: 4373
RE: Rainpelt's Random Stories -- *NEW STORY*

That'd be really cool. O-o

This is my wonderful competitive Pokemon team.
Sprites from PokemonElite2000.com

ThunderClan Warrior

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Posts: 2531

Wait, confront Bone before he does it?


WindClan Apprentice

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Posts: 4790

Holy -censored-!

What the fish just happened!?

We all have our moments:
A moment to cry, a moment to laugh.
A moment to be held, a moment to be let go.
A moment to be sad for not having what we want,
and a moment to be happy with what we got.

Yeah, we all have those moments.
And I advise you not to put them to waste.

ThunderClan Warrior

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Posts: 2531

Whaddyeh mean? confused.gif


WindClan Apprentice

Status: Offline
Posts: 4790

Ya know.Night blacked out all of a sudden.Then she woke up all bloody and stuff.
What the fish just happened!!!!

We all have our moments:
A moment to cry, a moment to laugh.
A moment to be held, a moment to be let go.
A moment to be sad for not having what we want,
and a moment to be happy with what we got.

Yeah, we all have those moments.
And I advise you not to put them to waste.

ThunderClan Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 2531

Okay, lemme just PM you okay?


WindClan Apprentice

Status: Offline
Posts: 4790

*waits patiently*

We all have our moments:
A moment to cry, a moment to laugh.
A moment to be held, a moment to be let go.
A moment to be sad for not having what we want,
and a moment to be happy with what we got.

Yeah, we all have those moments.
And I advise you not to put them to waste.

ThunderClan Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 2531

If Only

Crowpaw gasped; his eyes wide with excitement. "Guys, c'mon!" he yowled to the cats pawsteps behind him. The other five cats raced up to stand beside their companion.

"There it is!" Squirrelpaw squealed with excitement. The tired cats stood tall as they looked over the home they had left so long ago.

"It's just as beautiful as I remember it being," whispered Stormfur. Brambleclaw nodded in agreement, entwining his tail with Squirrelpaw's.

Crowpaw's heart skipped a beat when the beautiful, silver she-cat pressed against him. "We're finally home," she purred into his ear. He licked her forehead softly and wrapped his tail around her, not wanting to let go.

"Well, c'mon!" hissed Squirrelpaw impatiently; her paws kneading the ground.

Brambleclaw chuckled. "Yeah, she's right. The sooner we warn the Clans about the prophecy, the better." He led the group of cats steadily down the slope and into WindClan territory. Crowpaws spirits lifted; feeling the springy grass of his homeland moor gave him new life. He felt as if he could run across the open fields forever without stopping.

"I don"t know how you can stand it out here," hissed Tawnypelt, her fur puffed up in discomfort. "I think I'd go crazy with no trees."

"Are you insane?" growled Crowpaw. "You forest cats dont know what you're missing! I dont think I'd sleep a wink with those trees covering the sky." He snarled at the ShadowClan warrior playfully.

Feathertail nudged him. "I agree with Tawnypelt," she mewed sweetly. Crowpaw whipped his head to look at her, his eyes wide with disappointment. The silver RiverClan cat smiled. "I don't think I could live with no water to cool my fur with." She winked teasingly at him. The smoky, black tom narrowed his eyes wryly.

"Here, here!" yowled her brother, Stormfur.

Squirrelpaw nudged her way between the cats, obviously annoyed about not being part of the conversation. "Well, you guys are all crazy!" she mewed matter-of-factly. "I don't know how you guys can stand having no trees, or all that water, or...well in ShadowClan." She shivered in disgust.

Tawnypelt hissed. "Hey!"

Brambleclaw laughed, nudging his sister. "You know, you had the choice to live in ThunderClan."

"Why would I want to live in ThunderClan?" she replied proudly. "ShadowClan's obviously the best."

"Uh-huh, sure."

Squirrelpaw perked her ears. "Hey, look!" She flicked her tail toward a small slope ahead.

Crowpaw lifted his nose curiously. "It's Mudclaw and Onewhisker," he sighed. His heart suddenly throbbed with pain. He turned to Feathertail, his eyes clouded with pain. "I-I don't want to leave you."

Feathertail rubbed his cheek. "Don't worry, beloved," she purred reassuringly. "We'll see each other soon. I promise." Crowpaw smiled back at the beautiful she-cat. He had never imagined that he would be so lucky to fall in love with such a wonderful cat. It no longer mattered to him that she came from a different clan. She loved him back, and that was all that mattered to him.

"What are you doing on WindClan territory, trespassers?" growled Mudclaw.

Onewhisker stared at Crowpaw with wide eyes. "Crowpaw?" he gasped, his voice laced with surprise. "Is that you?"

Crowpaw nodded, his voice lost from grief of leaving Feathertail.

"Crowpaw?" exclaimed Mudclaw. The old warrior's voice was sharp. "Where have you been?" he demanded.

To Crowpaw's relief, Onewhisker silenced his Clanmate by resting his tail on his shoulder. "He can explain that to Tallstar once we get to camp." He looked around at the other cats. "And I think you all should be getting back to your own Clans."

Brambleclaw nodded in agreement. "Yes, thank you, Onewhisker." He turned to Crowpaw. "Farewell, Crowpaw. We'll see you at the Great Rock."

Crowpaw nodded and smiled, suddenly sad to see the dark tabby leave. "I'll see you all soon," he meowed to his companions. "I'm proud to have been a part of this journey."

"It's not over yet," Feathertail reminded them all gently.

"Yes," sighed Crowpaw. "Not yet." He took a step forward to touch each cat's muzzle. When he got to Feathertail, he paused. "I love you, Feathertail," he whispered. "I'll wait for you forever."

Feathertail purred softly. "As will I, my beloved."

The black tom stepped back slowly, taking in the sight of his forbidden lover. "Goodbye," he mewed softly before turning around and following his Clanmates to the camp he had doubted that he'd ever see again.

Crowpaw's heart throbbed with every step that took him farther away from the beautiful RiverClan she-cat. I have to at least tell the Clan about the prophecy, he told himself. The sandy ravine that was WindClans camp slowly came into view.

"We've all been very worried about you, Crowpaw," Onewhisker told him. "Ashfoot will be relieved to see you."

Crowpaw smiled slightly at the thought of seeing his mother again, but Feathertail's memory still captivated his attention. Just tell Tallstar the prophecy, and get out. He had decided that unless he was with the beautiful she-cat he loved, he wouldnt be able to live happily. He would follow her anywhere, even if that meant leaving his clan behind.

The three cats padded into the camp and almost immediately, every head in the camp perked up. "Onewhisker," called Tornear, "who's that with you?"

Onewhisker opened his mouth to reply, but was cut off by the joyful yowl of a she-cat. "Crowpaw!" Ashfoot pushed her way through the other warriors to stand in front of her son. She pressed against him and began to lick his smoky fur rapidly. "My kit, my kit!" she purred, her voice cracking with relief.

"Yes, mother," Crowpaw soothed, "I'm home."

Tallstar padded to the middle of the camp and stood in front the apprentice. "Crowpaw, you're back." His voice was steady but Crowpaw could sense a hint of tiredness in it. Looking at him, after so long, Crowpaw noticed how elderly the black and white tom was.

"Tallstar, I have just returned on a journey," Crowpaw began.

"Apparently," growled Mudclaw. "Look how well fed he is!"

Crowpaw glared at the deputy and suddenly noticed that they all looked so skinny. Things must be worse than I thought, he said to himself, looking at the small pile of fresh-kill.

Tallstar interrupted his thoughts by meowing, "Crowpaw?" The black tom glanced up at his leader. "You were saying?"

"Oh, yes." Crowpaw gathered his thoughts and began telling the clan of his journey with the other five cats. They all stared at him fearfully as he recited Midnight's ominous prophecy: "Darkness, Air, Water and Sky will come together and shake the forest to its roots. Nothing will be as it is now, nor as it has been before."

The clan stood in silence, slowly absorbing the prophecy. "What will we do?" Oakwhisker rasped.

Crowpaw looked at his paws. "The other cats and I have decided to meet at the Great Rock in two sundowns."

Mudclaw snorted and opened his mouth to retort but Tallstar interrupted him. "Crowpaw, the Great Rock is gone."

"What?" Crowpaw yelped. Gone? How could it be gone? That stupid, no good badger lied to us! "Well, thats what Midnight told us. She said that we--"

"Midnight told you?" growled Tornear.

Crowpaw glared back at the tabby tom. "Yes," he hissed. "We were sent by StarClan to speak to Midnight. She's the one who told us the prophecy."

"How can midnight tell you anything?"

"Midnight is a badger," Crowpaw replied.

Mudclaw hissed in disgust. "Great, now my apprentice is talking to badgers."

Crowpaw growled, raising his hackles. Tallstar stepped between the two cats and mewed, "I don't care if Midnight is a cat, or a badger, or a mouse! If StarClan sent Crowpaw to speak to her, then this prophecy must be important." He hesitated. "We will have to leave the forest."

The clan gasped in horror. "Leave?"

"Yes," Tallstar replied then turned away from his clan, nodding to his deputy, instructing him to organize the clan to leave. "Crowpaw," he added, beckoning the apprentice with his tail. Crowpaw followed his leader to his den, sitting down in front of him when Tallstar turned to face him. "Crowpaw, it is time for you to leave."

Crowpaw perked his ears in surprise. "Tallstar?" Did Tallstar not want him back?

The elderly tom smiled warmly. "Crowpaw, we both know that your heart doesn't truly belong in WindClan." Crowpaws heart stopped. "It belongs with her."

Crowpaw widened his eyes, slightly confused about how his leader knew about his love for Feathertail, but he didn't care. "Really Tallstar?" He leapt to his paws. "Thank you, Tallstar!" He whipped around and raced out of the camp. His new found spirit made him fly across the grass. Before he knew it, he was leaping through RiverClan's territory.

"Feathertail!" he called, seeing the sliver pelt of his love. "Feathertail! Tallstar said that--What...?" Suddenly, he was back in the Cave of Pointed Stones. The fearsome Sharptooth towered over him.

He heard the sweet sound of Feathertail's voice above him. "Crowpaw...I can hear the voices clearly now; this is for me to do."

No! thought Crowpaw. His heart pleaded for her not to jump. Not to plunged to her death just to save his life. Before he could cry out in warning, the large boulder crash atop the Sharptooth, the limp body of Feathertail followed close behind. Crowpaw heard a sickening crunch as she hit the ground.

"No!" Crowfeather shook himself awake. His face was soaked from the tears pouring from his eyes.

"What on earth?" hissed Tornear, blinking awake annoyed.

Crowfeather gasped for breath, trying to control himself. "N-nothing...I-I just need some air." He pushed himself to his paws and stumbled out of the warriors' den.

Webfoot sat at the camp entrance, holding guard. "Where're you going?" he asked as Crowfeather padded out of the camp, but the black tom ignored him.

He padded to the lake shore and gazed down into the still water. "You would have loved it here, Feathertail," he whispered. Tears rolled down his cheeks, disturbing the water as they fell.

"I do love it here, beloved." Crowfeather jumped. He looked around and suddenly saw a pale outline of a slim she-cat.

His heart pounded. "Feathertail?" he whispered.

"Yes, beloved," she purred. The silver she-cat padded toward him, her paws leaving behind shining pawprints. She rubbed against the dark tom and smiled as he began to purr deeply.

"Oh, Feathertail," he sighed. "I was so afraid I would never see you again. I can't live without you. I-I love you."

Feathertail smiled. "And I love you, Crowfeather." She curled her slim body around him. "But I do not walk with you anymore. You need to continue on with your life."

"How can I? You're my life!"

"You'll find a way, love." She licked him warmly between the ears. "But you'll find it in places you least expect it."

Crowfeather locked eyes with her. "What do you mean?"

She laughed softly. "You are a bright cat," she mewed playfully, "you'll figure it out."

Slowly, her pale outline began to fade. "N-no!" Crowfeather cried. "Feathertail, don't leave me!"

"I'll always be with you, beloved." And suddenly, her sweet scent was gone. Crowfeather hung his head and curled up in a ball. He closed his eyes and let his mind drift in thoughts of his beloved Feathertail.


RiverClan Warrior

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Posts: 3555
RE: Rainpelt's Random Stories -- *New CrowxFeather story*

i absolutly LOVE IT!!

next, you should write about how Oakpaw[heart] and Bluepaw[Star] Meet!


Here's my personal info. Don't hesitate to contact me if you ever need anything! <3



WindClan Deputy

Status: Offline
Posts: 12977

Wow...... I LOVED IT!!!!! tehehe, i like how you used the word beloved, it is Ebonycloud's favorite word to call Goldheart XD I love it Rainpelt!!!



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