Yay! I drew Firestar! :D It shall be for the ShadowClan review.
Alright, I drew Bluestar. Yes, I realize that Firestar is a LOT better. But I'm semi happy. ++EDIT++ I revamped Bluestar a bit, so she looks bettah. :D
Aha! A new, NEW one. :D Tigerstar. :O
Ah, another one! Graystripe. :D
Yes, another one. Sandstorm. :)
Zomgod. Another one. xD Cinderpelt. And that blob by her foot is a berry poultice on a leaf. xD
Your art is AWESOME! Can you make the poll a tad shorter? People seem to be making polls with hundreds of choices lately, and it steches the screen quite a bit. ;D Thank you! ^_^