"I'm just SO excited! I get to go to the Highstones with the best Medicine cat in the world and my most favorite sister ever." meowed Sandpaw. She was as excited as ever. She pretty muched skipped the way there.
"Sandpaw!!!" Meowed flamepelt "that is so sweet of you! you two will make great warriors one day!" Flamepelt found a spot to sleep for the night "we'll sleep here" she announced. Then when all the cats were asleep she heard a loud thump and a roar. a thunderpath monster had trampled all the cats!!!
Lying down sleeping, Sandpaw felt a shiver down her spine as she slept. A warrior that was wet, a n apprentice with sandy smooth fur, and an apprentice with Rough fur. Then a dark flame burnt the cat. They soon looked better then before. "What." meowed Sandpaw shocked. Then she saw something, dark eyes in the light making her awake with shock. She was panting. "What happened?"she whsihpered. It took a second for Sandpaw to know where she was at. Her sister lied beside her sleeping like a kit. Sandpaw sat on a rock and looked at the bright moon. "I wonder what that dream was about?" she asked herself.
OOC; If Roughpaw isn't going to be a Medicine cat apprentice can Sandpaw be? Or can she have alot of dream, alot of prophecies from Starclan?