OOC: okay what is going on right now is that Roughpaw and Sandpaw have some what like magic powers and that Roughpaw just found out she has been talking to her dead mother without knowing.and wellSandpaw and Flamepelt are treating me and Sanpaw's dad and his new mate Sugar, a loner now part of our clan.
I thank Scarclaw for the AWESOME pic you drew me and i am glad and happy that i am going to put in ma sig. =3(now i can have people see you AWESOME art work!!!!
"Alright" Mewed Flamepelt " I know you are up to the job, if I StarClan trusts you I definaly will" She bowed her head and went off to sleep in a bramble bush
When the patrols got back it was late, and she wanted to see her mom but didnt want to at the same time!When Roughpaw and Sandpaw's mother had died they were only kit's! So they never new her name or much about her!!. She went to the apprentice's den and fainted"Shadowpuff.. you are my.. my mom does Sandpaw know about this!?" Roughpaw asked "Yes she does my dear we have been meeting her dreams.." "What about me you could've done that to me to!!" she said i a ragde!! "Calm down hun. i didont do that to you because you have this power!!
I thank Scarclaw for the AWESOME pic you drew me and i am glad and happy that i am going to put in ma sig. =3(now i can have people see you AWESOME art work!!!!
"Ohh... okay well i should get back now bye!" she went over rubed her head aganist her mothers and woke up.
I thank Scarclaw for the AWESOME pic you drew me and i am glad and happy that i am going to put in ma sig. =3(now i can have people see you AWESOME art work!!!!