Roughpaw ran back into the fire trying to block the fire with the rocks, like in her dream.. "How can Flamepelt have done this she wasnt here when it happend!!!" she thought
I thank Scarclaw for the AWESOME pic you drew me and i am glad and happy that i am going to put in ma sig. =3(now i can have people see you AWESOME art work!!!!
Flamepelt looked to the sky's she could see the half moon growing brightly, but being covered up by fiery mists. She and the other madicine cats were almost to her camp.
Sandpaw went back for more and grabbed as much as she could carry and returned to the rock with herbs on it.She did the same thing over and over again until she was done and had it all. "Cobwebs.....Poppy Seed......Horsetail....Catnip......Sap......Goldenrod....Dandilion Stems.....Chlorella......Echinacea.......Fennel.....Fenugreek....Ginseng....MArigold....Yarrow....Juniper Berries.....Broom Berries....Alder Bark.....Nightshade......Mousebile.......Ragwort.....Feverfew.......Lavendar......Chamomile.....Tansy........Chervil Roots.....Celadine....Thyme.....Lamb Leaves......Stinging Nettle.......Ragwort Leaves....." listed Sandpaw of all the Medicine she knew from her lessons with her mentor Flamepelt. She hoped the medicine cat would be satisfied with what she was able to collect. "All here...." she said. "Flamepelt I was able to save all of your herbs!" she called. Sandpaw looked down at the herbs.
Flamepelt saw the herbs at her feet, she was so proud that her apprentice was willing to risk her life to get herbs to help her clan. then flamepelt nodded her head and picked up some remidies to heal the other cats. the fire was still blazing, but every one was safe. and with the other medicine cats going around helping everybody, she let herself calm down.
Redpaw padded into the clearing and mewed today is a new day the sun was almost over the tree tops.Redpaw rushed out of camp to catch prey the forest was full with life redpaw caught a shrew a thrush and a rabbit and took it back to the clan.
"You look tiered, you can't help your clan much if that cut gets infected can you? let he heal your wound then go rest. You were very brave." Flamepelt made sure she said that last sentence loud and clear, she didn't mean to brag, but she wanted the other medicine cats to see how brave and loyal her apprentice was.
Flamepelt bowed her head and made sure the clan was ok. the fire wasn't to bad, and there was plenty of land left for shadowclan, the only unfortunate part was the only part that got burnt down was their camp. and there wasn't another place to live! She decided just to go to sleep, and thats when the rain started. when she woke up their wassoaked fur every where, and the other medicine cats were still their. then she looked into the distance and saw the Great Ember had fallen!! It was a large tree that was on thunderclan teritory, but now it was on shadowclan territory! It was hallow and huge, and its called the great ember because for some odd reason, the hollow middle of the tree was stone. and when there was a fire before, one of the trees wood layers pelled off! This would be shadowclans new camp!