Yeh,well,I dun need protection.I am Kung-Fu girl! x3
We all have our moments: A moment to cry, a moment to laugh. A moment to be held, a moment to be let go. A moment to be sad for not having what we want, and a moment to be happy with what we got.
Yeah, we all have those moments. And I advise you not to put them to waste.
no, i didn't call him for protection, i called him for a kiss! *muah!* a kiss for good luck!
check out my DA account!- JB avatar by ssbmlvr- I AMSUNNYCLOUD AND I'M BACK!!!! YAYZ!!!! XD
We all have our moments: A moment to cry, a moment to laugh. A moment to be held, a moment to be let go. A moment to be sad for not having what we want, and a moment to be happy with what we got.
Yeah, we all have those moments. And I advise you not to put them to waste.
See! i can defend myself, with a little bit of luck! *muah!* lol
check out my DA account!- JB avatar by ssbmlvr- I AMSUNNYCLOUD AND I'M BACK!!!! YAYZ!!!! XD
Me:Hush! It does exist! You just gotta believe,you just gotta belieeeeeeeeve!!!
We all have our moments: A moment to cry, a moment to laugh. A moment to be held, a moment to be let go. A moment to be sad for not having what we want, and a moment to be happy with what we got.
Yeah, we all have those moments. And I advise you not to put them to waste.
I am soo lovesick... Check out this poem when I was in a MAD state of lovesickness yesterday..
Young Love Glancing secretly at him Catching his gaze every now and then Blushing Quickly turning away Longing Wanting
His tender eyes full of laughter Cant stop gazing, cant stop adoring Giggling Softly craving love Longing Wanting
He flips his hair out of his eyes My heart pounds fiercely Wondering Is he good for me? Longing Wanting
His gentle stare I feel I get a fast glimpse of his gaze Fretting Do I look alright? Longing Wanting Trusting fate to do its best Hoping Pleading Oh, young love
D: And here are the comments I posted for it on my deviantART: Yes, my heart is pounding like heck right now, considering I just finished this.
I love to write when I'm strongly feeling an emotion- happy, sad, angry- well this time it was affection. I must admit, the "him" I am talking about in real life is not as wonderful as the him in this poem, but nobody's perfect. I'm way too picky with guys anyways. And yes, basically everything in this poem is part of a real-life situation. But it's kinda different in real-life... I mean, I sound incredibly desperate in the poem, and I'm not as much in real-life. But everybody can relate to this poem, I think, which is what I like about it.
Haha, if you have anything to say about the him, note me. xD I don't feel like sharing to the world in these comments.
I'm quite pleased with how the poem turned out, not so pleased with the title. After writing a poem, I struggle to come up with a title that reflects everything using pretty words. So, meh, this title's okay.
We all have our moments: A moment to cry, a moment to laugh. A moment to be held, a moment to be let go. A moment to be sad for not having what we want, and a moment to be happy with what we got.
Yeah, we all have those moments. And I advise you not to put them to waste.
:] Thanks. olol AHHHHH what will happen during summer? My school is over in two and a half days... what ever will I do? -falls dramatically to the floor-