Warrior Cats: The Four Clans

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TOPIC: Fireclan: Ebonypaw's Quest ~After a long wait Part 14 is UP!!~

WindClan Deputy

Status: Offline
Posts: 12977
RE: Fireclan: Ebonypaw's Quest ~Long Chapter 3 UP!!!~

Edit 4 Sorry for all the edits!!!

I shall be posting up my new chapters here!!!

            Falcondance gazed over the clan as they came closer in from the shore. The sun was setting now and it was getting cooler. He smiled a bit, welcoming the cool night air. He glanced up and did a head count of the members of the clan. He frowned a bit when four heads were missing. He turned from the group to see Silverstar padding away to a small makeshift camp. He bounded to her side quickly and stopped.

            "Silverstar, we have a problem." He whispered softly to her. The she-cat whipped her head around to him with stern eyes. He felt like a kit under her gaze.

            "Well?" She started, "Are you going to tell me the problem or am I going to have to drag it out of you?" her mouth set in to a firm frown as she scanned him warily. Falcondance marveled at her. She was a young leader, no more than 26 moons. She had assumed control of the clan when their cryptic leader Darkstar had died two seasons ago. The young leader had a lot on her shoulder, yet she carried it gracefully and without complaint. As it was, he wasnt sure that he could handle such a job.

            He leaned in a little closer, "The trouble makers are gone." A flash of anger passed in Silverstars light blue eyes for a moment.

            "You mean they just disappeared?" Her mouth held a frown again and Falcondance felt really foolish. He nodded slightly and Silverstar shook her head with a sigh. "Apprentices just dont disappear Falcondance." She turned from him and padded away. "Go get Fireheart. I need to speak with him as well as you." Falcondance frowned as he turned away.

            "Sorry if it seems that I cant keep an eye on them," He growled a bit. He felt a cuff on his ear with slightly unsheathed claws. He turned a glare over his shoulder to see Silverstars eyes flash dangerously. If there was one cat in the world that he had never felt that connected to it was Silverstar. The only cat that had managed to get her to be nice was Ivoryclaw. They had been rather close friends since the nursery.

            Just as he thought this a glimmering ivory white pelt came in to view. Deep amber eyes held a bit of laughter in them as he watched his deputy being cuffed like a kit. He let out a husky laugh before he sauntered easily to Silverstars side, "Well, it seems like the relationship between you two is as great as always. You are bickering like an old couple." A large good-hearted grin spread on the large warriors face.

            Silverstar gave him a stern frown but her eyes twinkled with the deep connection the two had. Falcondance wished he had a connection like that, yet he didnt. Ivoryclaw nudged Silverstar a bit with another grin, "So what does our fearless leader need us to do now?" Silverstar turned away.

            "We need to find Fireheart. I need to talk to him." Her eyes were troubled a bit. Ivoryclaw gave her a soft gaze when she wasnt looking at him. Falcondance could almost feel and see a soft longing in the warriors eyes. Yet it was gone as fast as it came. He turned from her and bounded away, his husky voice calling out for the ginger medicine cat.

            Falcondance stole a glance at Silverstar to see a soft sadness in her light eyes as the white warrior bounded away. Her chest heaved softly in a sigh. Her face lost a bit of composure but snapped back again as she saw him watching her. The pale leader nodded to Falcondance before she turned away to find a small den to sleep in. Falcondance felt sorry for the two. It didnt seem fair at all.

-- Edited by Ebonycloud at 06:30, 2008-08-14



RiverClan Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 2635
RE: Fireclan: Ebonypaw's Quest ~Part 4 UP!!!~

So good! Keep up teh great work, Ebonners! *wants to draw pictures now of all teh couples* Now then, Silverstar, be nice to your Clan.
Silverstar: Falcon is a good Deputy, I admit, but still.



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

ThunderClan Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 2806

Hee hee, I love Silverstar's personality too. Perfecto.


You write so well! Your descriptions are amazing! One of my favorites:

" Silverstar gave him a stern frown but her eyes twinkled with the deep connection the two had."

Love eet.

ask me why i love marching band.
i'll definitely tell you.
but only if you've got a year to listen.

WindClan Apprentice

Status: Offline
Posts: 4790

Magnifico, hun! x3

Love the connection between Silverstar and Ivoryclaw. :D

We all have our moments:
A moment to cry, a moment to laugh.
A moment to be held, a moment to be let go.
A moment to be sad for not having what we want,
and a moment to be happy with what we got.

Yeah, we all have those moments.
And I advise you not to put them to waste.

ThunderClan Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 7257

I Love it Ebony! (sorry i had to stay off for a few days...)
BUT I LOVES IT! I cant WAIT for more!!!


WindClan Deputy

Status: Offline
Posts: 12977

Thanks so much you guys!!! The next one shall be up soon!! This one shall be about the apprentices again =D



RiverClan Leader

Status: Offline
Posts: 5414

Love it, as always. :D



Thank you Ebbs!! <3

WindClan Deputy

Status: Offline
Posts: 12977

Hey guys!!! Here is part 5!!! Tis very extra long XD

            Ebonypaws feet pounded against the ground harshly as he thundered through the underbrush. He wasnt exactly sure where he was going but there was a bright star in the sky that seemed to call to him. A soft whisper caressed his ears as he followed the path. He heard heavy breathing from behind him. The ragged breaths were familiar and grumpy. "Come on Ebonypaw! Slow down!" It was the grumpy voice of his younger brother. Ebonypaw turned a gaze over his shoulder to see Eaglepaw somewhat tripping and stumbling over the ground.

            The gray tom was usually very good at finding his way but not at this pace. Ebonypaw sighed a bit and slowed the pace. Duskpaw flanked the dark gray tom and gave him a compassionate glance. His brothers fur stood on end and he gave a short hiss. "I dont need your pity!" He growled. Duskpaw pulled back in surprise with a flustered gaze but gave a small hiss.

            Ebonypaw turned his pale eyes to Goldpaw. She had no express on her face but her eyes read that she was angry. Ebonypaw sighed heavily, "Come on guys. We need to knock this off. If we are going to be grumpy all the way we wont ever make it." All eyes turned to him, even Eaglepaws. Ebonypaw gulped a bit. Just where was he leading this small band of friends.

            "Youre right," he heard Goldpaw agree with him. Her voice was just a little bit on edge but it wasnt as ruffled as he expected. He shot a grateful glance toward her but she merely turned her head away. He felt a part of his heart hurt. It wasnt used to Goldpaws harsh looks. He frowned slightly and turned his gaze to see Duskpaw whisper something to Eaglepaw. The gray tom sighed and nodded slightly.

            "Were sorry Ebonypaw. Its just that we have no idea where we are going and who is to say that this dream of yours was from Starclan?" The young tom shook his head slightly. "It just seems really hard to believe." Ebonypaws ice blue eyes softened slightly. Eaglepaw must have caught a change in his scent from harsh to soft, because he immediately tensed.

            "Oh come on Eaglepaw!" Ebonypaw hissed in exasperation. "I am giving you pity because of your sight, for Starclans sake!" He saw his brother flinch slightly and glare at him. Ebonypaw sigh harshly and turned on his heel. "Jeez, if this is how it is going to be the whole way I dont see how Starclan can expect us to save the clan."

            He pounded away from his companions with a growl. He didnt care if they followed him now. They could go where they wanted. He glanced to the sky above. The star that called out to him dimmed slightly as if it was disappointed in him. He frowned, "Not you too," he muttered. He turned a glance over his shoulder as he skidded to a halt. The bushes quivered behind him and Goldpaws golden face appeared from behind them.

            Her face was a tad bit sorry but her eyes were still mad a bit. "Sorry," She muttered to him. Ebonypaw glanced behind her but Eaglepaw and Duskpaw did not appear. He turned his eyes back to her.

            "I dont understand it Goldpaw," His voice held a slight bit of desperation, "I expected this anger from my brother but not you. You are me best friend Goldpaw. Why are you so angry at me?" The young cats eyes turned away slightly, but she said nothing. Ebonypaw frowned deeply and turned his face away. The sound of crashing in the bushes signaled that Eaglepaw and Duskpaw had not abandoned them.

            His brothers furry gray muzzle appeared from the bush and held a scowl. "Man Ebonypaw you dont have to over react. We are just a little nervous, thats all." The brown tabby she cat beside him nodded a bit and turned her eyes to Eaglepaw. Eaglepaw swiveled his ears around to her. "So are you going to lead us or are we going back?" He brother frowned slightly.

            Ebonypaw was taken aback. A large grin spread on his face. "Of course!" His voice was lighter now and he saw small grins spread on his companions faces. "Sorry about being so pushy," With that he turned on his heel and padded at a steady pace. Eaglepaws soft footfalls were even and easy. This would be the pace they would keep.

            He turned his eyes up to the sky and the soft whisper of the star caressed his ear once more. The star glowed brightly and beckoned him onward. He smiled softly and followed it. He heard a soft hiss from behind him and he knew who it was. The only one that seemed to care that he smiled this way. He turned a stern gaze over his shoulder to see Goldpaw frowning at him. Ebonypaw rolled his eyes and kept the pace.


            Goldpaw watched Ebonypaws fluffy tail swish back and forth happily as every few seconds he would glance to the heavens above. She wasnt quite sure why but every time he did that anger would boil within her. It just wasnt fair at all. She had been with him since she was small. They told each other everything. They shared every emotion together and now he was going down a path that he seemed to refuse to let her follow.

            She turned her gold muzzle away. She didnt want to be mad at him but he hurt her badly. If she told him how she felt right now he would probably refuse her feelings and then things would be awkward between them. Sighing softly she finally decided that she would keep these feeling deep within herself until she either found the right time to tell him, or until they died away.


            Goldpaw opened her eyes to see that the night had yet to go away. The group had stopped for the night. Her eyes drifted to her companions. Eaglepaw was lying on his back with his legs splayed out around him. Not to far off Duskpaw was curled up on her stomach with her tail wrapped around her paws. At the very edge of their small circle laid Ebonypaw. His long legs were tucked underneath him. His fluffy tail was perfectly wrapped around his body and his head was lifted to the stars.

            Goldpaw tensed slightly. Why was he paying so much attention to a star?! It was just insane. She stood from where she was laying down and stormed off in to the night. She cast a glance behind her to see that Ebonypaw hadnt even made an attempt to follow her and see what was wrong. Growling as she turned around, she bounded away.

            It was obvious that Ebonypaw was infatuated with some starry warrior. She sneered a bit. Once that great lump of fur realized that his starry mistress wasnt coming down from Starclan he would come to his senses. He would finally realize her feelings but by then it might be to late.

            The wind buffeted her shining golden pelt as she raced away. She had no idea where she was going but she was just going. Nothing seemed to make any sense right now.  After a while she slowed down and let her ears droop beside her head. Glancing up she saw the sun peeking up over the trees. The others were probably wondering where she was.

            Goldpaw sighed and turned around. Only then did she hear a twig snap. She breathed in sharply as a thin black and white tom stepped out of a bush. His pelt was a tad bit dull and his large yellow eyes glowed with amusement. His tail was fluffy like Ebonypaws but the rest of him was sleek except for a messy tuff of fur on his forehead. His pelt was mainly black except his tail tip, paws and jaw. A smug grin was plastered on his face.

His brows were lifted in curiosity. "Well, what do we have here?" He purred with a mocking hint in his voice. Goldpaw hissed at the tom but he merely shrugged her off. "Well arent you feisty?" He made soft steps forward. A laughing gleam lit his eyes. His purr was a bit rugged and uneven as he talked. His paws didnt glide evenly across the ground, he merely placed them down where he liked. This cat didnt have the feel of a warrior. He was over confident and his movements were to unbalanced and uncaring.

"What do you want?" She hissed deeply. The tom stopped and looked at her in mock surprise.

"My word! She speaks!" His voice mocked her in ever sense. She hated him already. "I wonder," he was saying to no one in particular, "I really wonder if she has a name." His mouth pulled in to a crooked smith. His eyes crinkled at the side. Goldpaws breath caught in her throat. Only for a moment did he seem... handsome. Just for a moment but as soon as he stopped smiling he looked average.

"I have a name!" she growled at the odd tom. "I only give it to those who give me theirs". Her voice was very defensive at the tom. He laughed at her. His voice was husky for one who was so young. 

"Well, it seems that you really are feisty," he grinned again and her breath caught in her throat once more, I am Blackfox, warrior of Darkclan. His smirk never left his face. Goldpaws mouth opened wide. "What? Surprised someone as handsome as me is a warrior?" His voice laughed at her again.

Goldpaws mouth clamped shut, "H-how dare you!" she hissed at him. She turned on her heel and set off. Before she got to far she saw a blur of black cut her off.

"Where do you think you are going?" He grinned at her.

"What does it matter to you?" She growled.

"Well," he started, "Its not fair," he made a pout that most cats, including Goldpaw, would think was cute. She turned away from him and padded toward where she had come from. Again the blur of black fur cut her off. He didnt look like a warrior but he was very fast. Frowning she turned her eyes to him. "You still havent told me your name," He chuckled. The husky tone was beginning to get on her nerves.

"I am Goldpaw of Fireclan alright!" she hissed at him. His mouth pulled in to a wider grin. She pushed past him and stormed off back to where she had come from. Her ears didnt hear the annoying tom follow her. She cast a glance over her shoulder to see the spot where he had been was empty. With a sigh of relief she turned her eyes forward. Standing in front of her was Blackfox. A happy grin was plastered on his smug mug.

With an exasperated yowl she raced past him. Her paws carried her away. She really didnt want the horrid cat following her. By his size and speech he didnt seem too much older than an apprentice. He was just as annoying. Blackfox was nothing like Ebonypaw. He was annoying and was nowhere being half the gentleman Ebonypaw was.

Her pounding paws carried her back to where her companions sat in a circle with worried glances being passed between each other. Ebonypaws handsome eyes turned to her and a bit of relief could be seen. Suddenly his gaze became defensive.

"So this is where you were going," Blackfox purred as he stood next to Goldpaw.



RiverClan Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 2635
RE: Fireclan: Ebonypaw's Quest ~Part 5 Now up!!!~

Oh noes! Ebonypaw! Lead the others away! Run! *pokes them all awake* Goooo!!!



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Apprentice

Status: Offline
Posts: 4790


We all have our moments:
A moment to cry, a moment to laugh.
A moment to be held, a moment to be let go.
A moment to be sad for not having what we want,
and a moment to be happy with what we got.

Yeah, we all have those moments.
And I advise you not to put them to waste.
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