Warrior Cats: The Four Clans

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TOPIC: Fireclan: Ebonypaw's Quest ~After a long wait Part 14 is UP!!~

ThunderClan Warrior

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Posts: 7257
RE: Fireclan: Ebonypaw's Quest ~Chapter 7 is now up!!!~

I love it! Like a lot =]
And like
A lot more! WOO! Its seriously ah-mazing! You are soo talented at sooo many things!
Yes you are!


RiverClan Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 2635

... I'm baaack! :) It's over; Im better, everything's great. Thanks for everything. :DDDDDDD
I guess I need to check up on things. :3
I'm not going to RP for awhile, as I need to be acustomed to things once more; it was hard enough at first. So... what'd I miss? LOL.

-- Edited by Vally at 02:05, 2008-10-21



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

Status: Offline
Posts: 12977

Oh my gosh!!! Vally!!! You are back!!! I am so excited and happy i am going to explode!!! *KA-BOOOOOOOOM!!!!!* Hehehe!! I am so glad you are back!!! XD Not to much has happened since you left... WElcome back ever so much!!!



ThunderClan Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 2806

*Dot dot dot...*


That stands for Zebras Over My Grandmother.

I LOVE YOU VALLY-CHAN!!!!!!! So glad youre backk!~

ask me why i love marching band.
i'll definitely tell you.
but only if you've got a year to listen.

RiverClan Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 2635

Flighty! Hiya! Yay! Hiya Ebonners! *glompes both of t hem* What's up? :3



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

Status: Offline
Posts: 12977

Hey there guys! Here is Part 8!

Hawkstripe sat in the temporary camp with his tail flicking side to side. Where was Ebonypaw? He hadnt seen him since yesterday. Falcondance had stormed by a little while ago and Hawkstripe hadnt felt the need to bug him about it. He merely rested his head on his paws when he heard a frantic voice call across the hill like forest area next to the river.  "Has anyone seen Duskpaw?" Hawkstripe lifted his head and glanced to see Nightbreeze pacing close to Rockfall. The gray tom watched her steadily as he frowned.

"Dont worry Nightbreeze. I am sure she is with Goldpaw, Eaglepaw, and Ebonypaw. They have to be around here somewhere." Yet there was doubt in the toms eyes as he listed off the names of his sons.

Hawkstripe sat up and called out to them, "Have you seen the four? Ebonypaw hasnt been back since yesterday." Rockfall turned his eyes toward Hawkstripe as he frowned deeply. Hawkstripe turned his face away, looking for Ivoryclaw. "Maybe Ivoryclaw has seen them, he is Eaglepaws mentor." Rockfall stiffed as he named his other son, it more than likely reminded him of his former love. He recalled the strange sickness that had wiped out many cats in Fireclan including Ravenmist, Rockfalls mate, Gingerheart, Juniperthorn and Lorysong, Goldpaws parents, and Dustcloud and Harefoot, Duskpaws parents. It had made a devastating blow on Fireclan to have them all wiped out. Nearly a whole generation had been lost but at least their children were safe, until now that was.

Nightbreeze just continued to fret and pace. "But Duskpaw never goes anywhere without letting me know first!" The dark tabby she cats darted everywhere as if there was some place she hadnt checked yet. Duskpaw and her mentor obviously had a strong bond. After Duskpaws parents had died days before her apprentice ceremony, Nightbreeze had stepped in and acted like the only family the young tabby she kit had. They had grown very close and had done almost everything together. It was true that Duskpaw never did anything with her group without letting Nightbreeze know.

Come to think of it, Ebonypaw never went anywhere with checking in with Hawkstripe as well. Not much could be said for Ebonypaws rebellious brother but Ebonypaw was one who always stuck to the warrior code, even more so than was necessary. He would always get in to arguments with his brother about how strictly he was following the code.

Hawkstripe shook his head softly and stood. "I am going to go look for them. Care to join me?" Nightbreezes face turned to him immediately and she nodded vigorously. Rockfall on the other hand looked a tad bit skeptical. "Whats wrong Rockfall? Dont you want to see what happened to your boys?" The gray tom glanced away. Hawkstripe tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"Its not that I dont want to go look for them," He started, "Its just... we need permission from Silverstar first." He concluded. Hawkstripes brows knitted together. It sounded like Rockfall was finding any excuse not to go.

"Honestly Rockfall I have thought you a great many things but coward was never one of them," He frowned deeply at the tom and turned away. He flicked his tail and Nightbreeze bounded to his side. The two left the river camp and headed toward their usually base camp. "We will look to see if we can find their scent first."

"Alright," She murmured but kept her gaze staring straight ahead. Determination flickered across her eyes and Hawkstripe smiled deeply at it.



WindClan Apprentice

Status: Offline
Posts: 4790
RE: Fireclan: Ebonypaw's Quest ~Part 8 is UP!!~

YA Y FOR WORRYING! xD *hugs Dusky and Ebonners* It's been a while since I hugged Dusky-sama. :3

*pokes with Beelzenef plush* 8D

But...Why Rockfall not want to goooooo?! ;3;
THEIR YOUR SONS, DARNIT. *slaps Rockfall with Beelzenef plush* >:c

We all have our moments:
A moment to cry, a moment to laugh.
A moment to be held, a moment to be let go.
A moment to be sad for not having what we want,
and a moment to be happy with what we got.

Yeah, we all have those moments.
And I advise you not to put them to waste.

WindClan Deputy

Status: Offline
Posts: 12977

Here is part 9 guys!

Ebonypaws mouth dropped open to the point where it hurt. There was a mixture of shock and anger on Goldpaws face. She pulled away from the black and white tom cuffing him on the cheek as she jumped away. "Dont touch me!" She hissed. Blackfox lifted his face to the sky and roared with laughter. The slap on the face had not fazed him at all. Ebonypaw growled to himself. What was wrong with this guy? Just who did he think he was? The black and white toms yellow eyes turned to Ebonypaw. Once again he felt a foreboding in the warrior gaze.

"Sorry hotshot, I see why you are so defensive. She is quite the little minx isnt she?" He grinned making his eyes narrow at the sides. Ebonypaw hissed lowly and stalked toward Goldpaw. The golden she cat did not go to his side as he thought she would, rather she edged away from him. Ebonypaw turned his shocked ice blue eyes to her. The she cats light blue eyes were focused on Blackfox. With a growl Ebonypaw stormed toward him.

"What do you want? Just go away!" He spat at the ground in front of Blackfox. Blackfox lifted his eyebrows in curiosity. His mouth twitched in to a slight frown.

"Who is going to make me? You?" He laughed with his rough uneven voice. It was driving Ebonypaw insane.

"Yes me!" He hissed at the tom. Blackfox tilted his head to the side and shrugged his shoulders lazily.

I like him. Came the voice of none other than Ebonypaws brother. The black tom turned his cold gaze to stare at his sightless sibling. The gray tom had a large smirk on his face and the silver centers of his eyes stared right where Blackfox was standing.

"What?!" Ebonypaw hissed in frustration. He glared at his brother for a moment before he turned his cold gaze to Blackfox. The tom was grinning largely. He didnt look surprised to hear that. Instead he looked more like he expected it. As if he already knew who really liked him and who didnt. The roguish tom turned his yellow eyes to Ebonypaw and gave a sneer-like smile.

"I say we let him come with us!" Eaglepaw chirped.

"What?!" Came the almost startled voice of Goldpaw. Ebonypaw was about to go in to a rage until the cat that hadnt spoken this whole time mewed softly.

"I think we should let him come." Both Goldpaw and Ebonypaw stared wide-eyed at Duskpaw. She was staring at Blackfox with a guarded yet thoughtful expression. I mean he is a warrior after all. He might come in handy. He looks like he can take care of himself. Ebonypaw felt a burning jealously rise within himself. What was wrong with these guys? There was something seriously wrong with Blackfox. He didnt walk or even quite look like a warrior. Moreover the way he talked was a little odd. He called them by other names and it just wasnt warrior like. He also had an odd way of talking. The words were thick on his tongue as if he wasnt even speaking the proper language.

"We just met him! And how do we know he wants to come huh?" Ebonypaw growled at Duskpaw.
            "You guys dont have to talk as if I am not here." Blackfox sounded as if he was making another pout. Ebonypaw turned his eyes to the tom to see that he was. His face was dropped in to a pout making his average face seem more or less more attractive. Ebonypaw bristled angrily at him. Yet oddly enough he felt a soft wind caress his ear. It had the scent of Robinpaw and it soothed him slightly but not enough.


            Goldpaw tossed in her sleep. Her dreams were filled with Blackfoxs mocking laughter. It teased her and made sure that she knew just who was the focus of his harassment. She quickly opened her eyes to see the dark sky above her. She was on her back with her paw pressed to her stomach while her back feet were on the ground. The four had finally agreed that Blackfox could tag along, yet Ebonypaw hadnt really agreed so much as the others. Goldpaw had tried to refuse but Blackfox just continued to tease her, making her look foolish in front of the others. They hadnt taken her vote seriously so that the majority had voted to let him come.

Long white tuffs hairs tickled her nose and she sat up suddenly only to have her head smash right in to a large black wall. She pulled away to see Blackfox grinning devilishly at her. "Did you know that you talk in your sleep?" He chuckled. Goldpaw felt heat rise in her cheeks as she swatted her paw at him. He jumped away with another laugh. Goldpaw frowned and flattened her ears. Blackfox seemed to only tease her. It had been two days since they had voted to let him come and things couldnt have been more hectic for her.

Ebonypaw seemed to always want to be at the front of the group. Anytime Blackfox would look at Ebonypaw the tall black tom would bristle. Eaglepaw would trot easily beside Duskpaw, yet he would be constantly bantering and chatting with the newest edition to the team. And to Goldpaws dismay, Blackfox had practically attached himself to her hip. He was always around her, even when she thought she was alone. The first night they had stopped Blackfox had waited until Goldpaw was asleep to curl himself around her and go to sleep. Goldpaw had awoken only to slap him on the cheek, which seemed to be a custom between them now. He had merely laughed it off and teased her as he leapt away. Now tonight he had teased her and listened to her talk in her sleep.

Had she said anything embarrassing? She prayed not. She felt the odd toms golden gaze on her but she refused to look at him. Instead she made herself busy by examining the others. Eaglepaw was lying on his side tonight with his mouth wide as he snored. Duskpaw was curled up close by with her head on her paws. Much to Goldpaws surprise, Ebonypaw was not watching the stars tonight. Instead he was asleep with a troubled expression. Goldpaw felt her heart wretch with worry. She wanted to comfort him terribly but she knew he was angry with her.

She sighed and sat up straight. With a sigh she began to groom her tail. She found the motions comforting. Oddly enough she felt the same rhythmic beat on the back of her neck. She turned her eyes to see Blackfox happily grooming her neck. Once again heat rose in her cheeks as she pulled away. She lifted her paw and scored across his cheek with a sheathed paw. Blackfox took the cuff and laughed it off. His eyes twinkled as he pressed his nose to hers quickly and jumped away. Goldpaw stared at him with a flustered look.

"Come on Goldy," he chided, "Its not that bad." Goldpaws eyes widened as he called her by a nickname. No one had ever called her anything other than Goldpaw and here he was, a perfect stranger, making nicknames for her. His smile was still mocking and she still hated it. Yet the way his eyes narrowed at the sides made it extremely hard to hate him completely hate him. She had to admit, he was charming, in an odd way.




RiverClan Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 2635
RE: Fireclan: Ebonypaw's Quest ~Update: Part 9 UP!!~

Amazing, dear! I absolutely loves how Black was! I also like how Blackfox came and created a conflict between them all and made Ebonypaw's and Goldpaw's relationship even more confusing, not to be mean to them... *Sorry, sorry!*

-- Edited by Vally at 21:41, 2008-11-11



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

Status: Offline
Posts: 12977

Hehehe!!! Thanks ever so much! I am glad you like it! Yesh Blacky is rather evil that way XD He comes in to create conflict! Hurray! XD



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