... I can't imagine myself doing a slow-dance. ._. Not that I don't like slow-dances, really. I just have the feeling that if I ever went to a dance, I'd never find someone to boogie on down with. D:::::::::::::::::
Please excuse that random outburst. That song has been stuck in my head aaaaaaaaalllllllllll day. :B
We all have our moments: A moment to cry, a moment to laugh. A moment to be held, a moment to be let go. A moment to be sad for not having what we want, and a moment to be happy with what we got.
Yeah, we all have those moments. And I advise you not to put them to waste.
Friday, December 19th, 8:39 AM HAPPY HAPPY UPDATE, MAY ALL YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE! Well, I had a FABULOUS week. Only two days of school cus we were snowed in Thursday and today! Wednesday they just didn't want to take the risk of sending us to school, but it actually didn't snow. ;) Anyways, I've never seen it snow like this here. Eight inches! :o Where I live, that normally doesn't happen!! Only like, one or two inches usually, so we're pretty darned happy!
MONDAY AND TUESDAY= AMAZING <33 At Flamepelt's basketball game, I started texting the guy I like. He replied (last year I had some experiences with him that almost blew my chances that I won't go into detail about, so it's good to know he's forgetting the past and giving me another chance, ya know?). So we had a huge texting convo. All in all, I have 23 messages from that convo in my inbox that he sent to me! So it was long. The next day at school... oh my gosh, haha, he sits behind me in math and as I was walking to my seat, I just looked at him and he was looking at me with the sweetest smile he's EVER given to me when he knew I was looking (he does it soemtimes when he stares at me when I'm not looking, ya see..). He made this weird motion with his hands and I laughed. Then he said, "We're still around the annoying people!" because in our convo we were talking about how strongly we dislike everybody surrounding us in math. I said, "Yup. Again." and he laughed. So that pretty much made my life! <3 I think he's finally come to his senses and doesn't care what other people think, he likes me and I like him.
That's wonderful, Snow! *I almost said Moony! xD* I wish you the best of luck! I have a snow day today, and it hasn't even snowed yet. xD I wonder why...
okay, then. unfortunately loving an idiot who doesn't love me back. but i'm not falling. i just kind of... am. .
And I got up at 7:00 A.M., and hour after I usually do, and school starts at 7:00 for me, so I started freaking out, running around and getting dressed and then my mom stares at me and says, "It's a snow day." I stared at her and started screaming in frustration. Now I'm here and drawing a big picture. :3 IRL right now... I have y'all's gifts, just need 'em scanned.
okay, then. unfortunately loving an idiot who doesn't love me back. but i'm not falling. i just kind of... am. .