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TOPIC: The House of Night [A Vampire RP] ~FULL~

RiverClan Warrior

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Posts: 3555
The House of Night [A Vampire RP] ~FULL~
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The House of Night

   You were in school one day, hanging with friends, when a pale man walks to you, index finger outstreached. He says, "You have been chosen by the Godess Nyx to go through the Change! Accept your destiny, and go to the House of Night!" You suddenly go unconsious. When you wake up, your friends are gone, and you have the stranest feeling of pain on your forehead. 'Great' you think, remembering what had happened, 'Now my friends will think I'm a freak, god knows how my parents will react, and I have to go to some bording school with a bunch of other outcast kids.' You rush to the nearest bathroom, and look in the mirror. Your skin has grown lighter, or at least that's how it seems. A sapphire outline of a crecent moon is on your forehead, giving your face a look of immortality, and pure beauty.

   In this world, Vampyres are well known about. They're pop stars, college professers, and even grocery clerks. All trying to fit in and make a way in your world. Each Vampyre has a filled in Crecent Moon on their forehead, with different patterns that cascade on their skin from the Mark, to their jawline. You don't se the Mark, though. It's covered up with a special makeup. No other makeup could ever hide the sapphire Mark in your skin. 

   You're already changing. In the next four years, you will go through the House of Night: A school for those going through the Change. If you don't go to the school within twenty-four hours, you'll die. You see, You're considered a Flegling. That's the Vampyre name for Student. One in every ten Fleglings actually completes the Change. The rest die.

   The Headmaster of your school, is called the High Priestess. Her name is Hera. She chose her name after the godess of Marrage, Woman, and Childbirth. There are no locks, or security on anything, because Vampyres can sense when your lieing. They can kind of read your mind, but no Flegling is sure how it really works. 

   Vampyres and Fleglings worship the godess Nyx. Nyx is known in the human world as the Greek goddess of Night. They are in awe of her power in the ancient stories, but also fear her deeply. In Vampyre lore, the godess Nyx guides them everyday. She represents love, compassion, and darkness. She commands the elements, and the Vampyres are her children. She has given many warnings, and aides, but one of the most importaint was given to Zoey Redbird. 
'Darkness does not always mean evil, just as light does not always mean good.'

   Some Fleglings have powers given to them by the godess. They can be anything from an affinity with the elements, to getting detailed premonitions, to having a connection with cats.

   Every full moon, all People in the House of Night come togeather to have the Full Moon Ritual. In the ritual, they summon all five elements to the circle. Then make announcements, and thanks to the godess. They then send around a goblet of wine to take a sip of [Fleglings can't get drunk. Alcahol dosn't register in their systems.]. After, they send the elements away, and go back to their dorms.

   Exept for the members of the Dark Circle.

   The Dark Daughters are a group of girls and some guys who get togeather and have their own circle. It's an elite group, and only the outstanding students are chosen to be in it. The leader picks them in any way she sees fit. The current leader of the Dark Daughters is Pandora. Her name suits her well.
   She is a beautiful girl. Long blonde hair, beautiful light blue eyes, but she is the meanest person you'd ever meet. She is the most popular girl in the school, and wants everyone to know it. 

   Your story will start as you enter the school. You will be assigned a roomate, and you'll have to deal with highschool problems, as well as the Change. 

[If you have any questions, please PM me. n.n]


-- Edited by Lilyspirit at 14:34, 2008-09-24

-- Edited by Lilyspirit at 19:56, 2008-09-24

-- Edited by Lilyspirit at 20:43, 2008-09-24

-- Edited by Lilyspirit at 22:05, 2008-09-24

-- Edited by Lilyspirit at 02:51, 2008-09-25

-- Edited by Lilyspirit at 02:00, 2008-09-26


Here's my personal info. Don't hesitate to contact me if you ever need anything! <3



RiverClan Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 3555
RE: The House of Night [A Vampire RP] -EDITING- DO NOT POST
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Sign-up forms -
[post both]

Human Name: [Name?]
Gender: [Male, or Female?]
Hometown: [Can be anywhere in New England (School's at Northfield in Massachusetts)]
Looks Before Mark: [how did you look before your Mark?]
Life Before Mark: [how was life before you got Marked?]
Reactions/changes with Mark: [how did friends and family react?]
Other: [any relationships with a human? are your parents involved, or not? etc.]

New Name: [Fleglings can pick a new name if they choose.]
Looks with Mark: [what features are changed once you were given the mark?]
Personality: [likes, dislikes, how they act, etc.]
Class Schedule: [See post three]

Girl's Dorm -
Room # 204-

New Name: Annilesse Lively [took my grandmother's last name]
Looks with Mark: My eyes look like they hold more emotion. They're dramatic, and enhanced my the Mark.
Personality: Likes Music, Hates her parents. She's a kind, loving person that others see to be a leader, even though she dosn't think so herself.
Class Schedule: 4
Other: When Annilesse was Marked, and she passed out, The godes Nyx came to her and said, "My child. Many troubles and changes will take place in your time. I choose you as my daughter, so that the troubled may have guidence through the darkness. Through darkness, there must always be a dawn. Through the longest day, night must always fall." When she awoke, her mark was filled in instead of an outline.

New Name: Shy
Looks with Mark: My hair darkened a bit and turned Auburnish Redish. My eyes also darkened into a deep ocean blue.
Personality: She's calm and collected, she keeps to herself and is scared of letting anyone else get too close to her. She's tired of having her heart break.
Class Schedule: 3

Room # 216-

New Name:
Aura Mendon
Looks with Mark: She now has cherry blonde hair and blue-gray eyes. Her height has not changed. She lost her freckles to her newly pale skin.
Personality: Aura is pretty outgoing; she is very humorous and loves to tease people, though she never means what she says. She can be very feisty.
Class Schedule: Schedule 2

New Name: Violet Rayne Russe
Looks with Mark: Brown hair that came down to shoulders, green eyes, lighter skin.
Personality: Shy, quiet, goes on the internet often, wears a lot of purple and black, panics easily, is very, very shy around guys. Most people either call her Rayne or Vi
Class Schedule: 6

Boy's Dorm -

Room # 102-

New Name: Phantom (No last name) [If that name isnt okay let me know =D]
Looks with Mark: My hair became raven black and my skin became pale. My hazel eyes somewhat glow now.
Personality: Phantom is more or less a rebel to what he has become. He loves being a con artist and knows that it will help him stay alive. He loves classical music with no singing involved. He has a bad habit of stealing things as well.
Class Schedule: 5

New Name: Ammo
Looks with Mark: My hair darkened a bit, and it looks almost black. Yet, it's not, you shall see if you look closely. Eyes have turned into a dark forest green, and my skin is slightly paler.
Personality: I try to look on the bright side of things, you know. Sure, life is cruel, but, hey, there's no way I'm wasting my time being all mopey! I will try my best to help cheer someone up. But, like any other person, get on my last nerve, and you're in for it.
Class Schedule: 1! :]

Room # 98-

New Name: Darkest
Looks With Mark: I have black shaggy hair, brown eyes & I'm almost pale white.
Personality: Quiet, very shy, likes to read, if a bully attacks him he won't say anything or do anything, doesn't talk much.
Class Schedule: 2

-- Edited by Lilyspirit at 20:28, 2008-09-24

-- Edited by Lilyspirit at 20:42, 2008-09-24

-- Edited by Lilyspirit at 20:45, 2008-09-24

-- Edited by Lilyspirit at 22:05, 2008-09-24

-- Edited by Lilyspirit at 22:24, 2008-09-24

-- Edited by Lilyspirit at 02:51, 2008-09-25

-- Edited by Lilyspirit at 01:58, 2008-09-26


Here's my personal info. Don't hesitate to contact me if you ever need anything! <3



RiverClan Warrior

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Posts: 3555
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Class Schedules -

Schedule - 1 -
10pm Homeroom - Vamp Soc - Professer Garnier
11pm 1st - Fencing [Pf. Blaze]
12am 2nd - Literature [Pf. Loren]
1am 3rd - Human Biology [Nurse Kane]
2am Lunch
3am 4th - History [Hp. Hera]
4am 5th - Music [Professer Alice]

Schedule - 2 -
10pm Homeroom - Vamp Soc - Professer Loren
11pm 1st - Riding [Pf. Belle]
12am 2nd - Literature [Pf. Loren]
1am 3rd - History [Hp. Hera]
2am Lunch
3am 4th - Drama [Pf. Garneir]
4am 5th - Human Biology [Nurse Kane]

Schedule - 3 - Shy [Goldheart]
10pm Homeroom - Vamp Soc - Professer Belle
11pm 1st - Fencing [Pf. Blaze]
12am 2nd - Human Biology [Nurse Kame]
1am 3rd - Literature [Pf. Loren]
2am Lunch
3am 4th - Drama [Pf. Garnier]
4am 5th - History [Hp. Hera]

Schedule - 4 -Annilesse [Lilyspirit]

10pm Homeroom - Vamp Soc - High Priestess Hera
11pm 1st - Literature [Pf. Loren]
12am 2nd - Drama [Pf. Garnier]
1am 3rd - History [Hp. Hera]
2am Lunch
3am 4th - Human Biology [Nurse Kane]
4am 5th - Music [Professer Alice]

Schedule - 5 - Plantom [Ebonycloud]
10pm Homeroom - Vamp Soc - Professer Blaze
11pm 1st - History [Hp. Hera]
12am 2nd - Riding [Pf. Belle]
1am 3rd - Human Biology [Nurse Kane]
2am Lunch
3am 4th - Fencing [Pf. Blaze]
4am 5th - Literature [Pf. Loren]


Vamp Soc--
   Vamp Soc is basic Vampyre knowlage. You'll learn about bloodlust, advantages and disadvantages of being a Vampyre, Things to avoid, etc.

   History is the backround of Vampyres. This includes Mythology, The godess, Nyx, how Vampyres have found their place in time, etc.

Human Biology-- 
   In Human Biology, you learn the basics about human. Basically what you'd learn in health in public school.

   In Literature, you learn aboutwriting styles, stories, basic english.

   In Fencing, you'll fence. Yeah.

   Drama is basic drama. You'll do monologues, plays, etc. This may, or may not include musicals. Most likely not.

   Music teaches music throught time, and current music.

   Riding is where you'll learn to groom, and ride horses. The teacher will have you cleaning the stalls and taking care of the horses before you'll even be allowed to ride it.

-- Edited by Lilyspirit at 22:07, 2008-09-24

-- Edited by Lilyspirit at 22:19, 2008-09-24

-- Edited by Lilyspirit at 22:24, 2008-09-24


Here's my personal info. Don't hesitate to contact me if you ever need anything! <3



RiverClan Warrior

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Posts: 3555
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Character Referance -

 - Lilyspirit -
Human Name: Annilesse Webber
Gender: Female
Hometown: Greenfield
Looks Before Mark: brown, wavy hair down to upper back, light freckles, silver eyes with flecks of different colors.
Life Before Mark: My step dad was crazy, and head of the church. They despised Vampyres, and believed that they were the end to mankind. My mom just agreed with everything he said. She was his puppet. My real dad died, and life was fine until mom re-married. My gramma became my mother, though I lived with my parents. She was a rolemodel to me.
Reactions/changes with Mark: Gramma was proud that The godess looked down and saw that I was special. My dad hated me even more [if that was possible.] And of course my mom agreed.
Other: I had a boyfriend named Troy, but he dumped me when I was Marked.

New Name: Annilesse Lively [took my grandmother's last name]
Looks with Mark: My eyes look like they hold more emotion. They're dramatic, and enhanced my the Mark.
Personality: Likes Music, Hates her parents. She's a kind, loving person that others see to be a leader, even though she dosn't think so herself.
Class Schedule: 4
When Annilesse was Marked, and she passed out, The godes Nyx came to her and said, "My child. Many troubles and changes will take place in your time. I choose you as my daughter, so that the troubled may have guidence through the darkness. Through darkness, there must always be a dawn. Through the longest day, night must always fall." When she awoke, her mark was filled in instead of an outline.

 - Ebonycloud -
Human Name: Nicholas Rever
Gender: Male
Hometown: New York City
Looks Before Mark: Dark brown hair with tawny colored skin and large hazel eyes
Life Before Mark: I was an orphan with no where to go. I really didnt attend a school but learned all i needed to know on the streets. I use my natural charm to con people and happily admit to it!
Reactions/changes with Mark: I hated the change. I dont really believe in this goddess Nyx (That if that is alright with you Lily =D) I reject her in all ways that i can.
Other: I had a friend who was like a brother to me but he stabbed me in the back. No biggy really, just buisness

New Name: Phantom (No last name) [If that name isnt okay let me know =D]
Looks with Mark: My hair became raven black and my skin became pale. My hazel eyes somewhat glow now.
Personality: Phantom is more or less a rebel to what he has become. He loves being a con artist and knows that it will help him stay alive. He loves classical music with no singing involved. He has a bad habit of stealing things as well.
Class Schedule: 5

 - Goldheart -
Human Name: Sara McKelly
Gender: Female
Hometown: Albany
Looks Before Mark: Light brunette hair with ice blue eyes and pale skin.
Life Before Mark: I had a fairly simple and easy life, always getting good grades, and being the apple of my parents eyes. I had it all going for me...
Reactions/changes with Mark: Everyone turned their back on me, I didn't fully understand why, why they didn't love me for who I was...
Other: No one cared for me after everything, it's fine, I could handle it on my own.

New Name: Shy
Looks with Mark: My hair darkened a bit and turned Auburnish Redish. My eyes also darkened into a deep ocean blue.
Personality: She's calm and collected, she keeps to herself and is scared of letting anyone else get too close to her. She's tired of having her heart break.
Class Schedule: 3

 - Night -
Human Name: Amoldo Mazariegos [Yeah, I know, weird last name. But, hey, it's mine. xD]
Gender: Male
Hometown: Boston [I don't know many towns in New England, since I live in Canada. So, I hope this is alright!]
Looks Before Mark: Before I was marked, as you may know, I had tanish skin, and dark, brownish-black, slightly long hair. My eyes were a greenish-gray color, something you don't see everyday in Spaniards.
Life Before Mark: I guess you could say I was the class clown, at my school. I somehow always had managed to make everyone laugh. What no one knew, and I intended to keep it that way, was that I lived with a fairly large family, who adopted me a few years back. We lived in a small apartment, and my 'father' just managed to get enough money to buy us food. We had a small TV and radio, but no car or other cool stuff that most people my age had. I loved my adopted family, but we were living like dogs on the streets.
Reactions/changes with Mark: My adopted family accepted me as I was, not caring about whom I had become. But, my very few 'friends', they would be silenced by just the mention of my name. They grew very distant, and at first, I didn't even know why....
Other: I had a very kind and amazing girlfriend, but she was cold to me after I had been Marked, and started going out with this other guy I had never seen before. I was jealous, naturally, and angered, because I remember when she promised me that she would be mine no matter who I was or what I liked or what I did.

New Name: Ammo
Looks with Mark: My hair darkened a bit, and it looks almost black. Yet, it's not, you shall see if you look closely. Eyes have turned into a dark forest green, and my skin is slightly paler.
Personality: I try to look on the bright side of things, you know. Sure, life is cruel, but, hey, there's no way I'm wasting my time being all mopey! I will try my best to help cheer someone up. But, like any other person, get on my last nerve, and you're in for it.
Class Schedule: 1! :]

 - Freeflare -
Human Name: Derric Cats (weird name ;P)
Gender: Male
Hometown: Salem
Looks Before Mark: I was lean, had brown hair, brown eyes & not much of a tan.
Life Before Mark: My father would abuse me, my mom devorced from him but she did win rights over me.
Reactions/changes with Mark: I was scared of my changes & the mark, I didn't know much about the goddess Nyx.


New Name: Darkest
Looks With Mark: I have black shaggy hair, brown eyes & I'm almost pale white.
Personality: Quiet, very shy, likes to read, if a bully attacks him he won't say anything or do anything, doesn't talk much.
Class Schedule: 2

 - Lavendersoul -
Human Name:  Isabella Russe
Gender: Female
Hometown: Orlando, Florida
Looks Before Mark: Short, frizzy brown hair, kinda tan, brown eyes
Life Before Mark: shy, quiet kid that never got into trouble
Reactions/changes with Mark: parents were shocked, but accepted the fact that their kid is a vampire

New Name: Violet Rayne Russe
Looks with Mark: Brown hair that came down to shoulders, green eyes, lighter skin.

Personality: Shy, quiet, goes on the internet often, wears a lot of purple and black, panics easily, is very, very shy around guys. Most people either call her Rayne or Vi
Class Schedule: 6


-- Edited by Lilyspirit at 20:43, 2008-09-24

-- Edited by Lilyspirit at 22:02, 2008-09-24

-- Edited by Lilyspirit at 22:03, 2008-09-24

-- Edited by Lilyspirit at 22:23, 2008-09-24

-- Edited by Lilyspirit at 02:35, 2008-09-25

-- Edited by Lilyspirit at 02:38, 2008-09-25

-- Edited by Lilyspirit at 02:48, 2008-09-25

-- Edited by Lilyspirit at 01:50, 2008-09-26

-- Edited by Lilyspirit at 01:51, 2008-09-26

-- Edited by Lilyspirit at 01:55, 2008-09-26

-- Edited by Lilyspirit at 17:34, 2008-09-27


Here's my personal info. Don't hesitate to contact me if you ever need anything! <3



RiverClan Warrior

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Posts: 3555
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Waiting list.


-- Edited by Lilyspirit at 02:36, 2008-09-25


Here's my personal info. Don't hesitate to contact me if you ever need anything! <3



RiverClan Warrior

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Posts: 3555
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Human Name: Annilesse Webber
Gender: Female
Hometown: Greenfield
Looks Before Mark: brown, wavy hair down to upper back, light freckles, silver eyes with flecks of different colors.
Life Before Mark: My step dad was crazy, and head of the church. They despised Vampyres, and believed that they were the end to mankind. My mom just agreed with everything he said. She was his puppet. My real dad died, and life was fine until mom re-married. My gramma became my mother, though I lived with my parents. She was a rolemodel to me.
Reactions/changes with Mark: Gramma was proud that The godess looked down and saw that I was special. My dad hated me even more [if that was possible.] And of course my mom agreed.
Other: I had a boyfriend named Troy, but he dumped me when I was Marked.

New Name: Annilesse Lively [took my grandmother's last name]
Looks with Mark: My eyes look like they hold more emotion. They're dramatic, and enhanced my the Mark.
Personality: Likes Music, Hates her parents. She's a kind, loving person that others see to be a leader, even though she dosn't think so herself.
Class Schedule: 4
When Annilesse was Marked, and she passed out, The godes Nyx came to her and said, "My child. Many troubles and changes will take place in your time. I choose you as my daughter, so that the troubled may have guidence through the darkness. Through darkness, there must always be a dawn. Through the longest day, night must always fall." When she awoke, her mark was filled in instead of an outline.

[Please don't do other. I did it to give the story a plot. n.n]

-- Edited by Lilyspirit at 20:43, 2008-09-24


Here's my personal info. Don't hesitate to contact me if you ever need anything! <3



WindClan Deputy

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Posts: 12977
RE: The House of Night [A Vampire RP] you may now post! ~4 spots open!~
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Human Name: Nicholas Rever
Gender: Male
Hometown: New York City
Looks Before Mark: Dark brown hair with tawny colored skin and large hazel eyes
Life Before Mark: I was an orphan with no where to go. I really didnt attend a school but learned all i needed to know on the streets. I use my natural charm to con people and happily admit to it!
Reactions/changes with Mark: I hated the change. I dont really believe in this goddess Nyx (That if that is alright with you Lily =D) I reject her in all ways that i can.
Other: I had a friend who was like a brother to me but he stabbed me in the back. No biggy really, just buisness

New Name: Phantom (No last name) [If that name isnt okay let me know =D]
Looks with Mark: My hair became raven black and my skin became pale. My hazel eyes somewhat glow now.
Personality: Phantom is more or less a rebel to what he has become. He loves being a con artist and knows that it will help him stay alive. He loves classical music with no singing involved. He has a bad habit of stealing things as well.
Class Schedule: 5

If there is anything wrong with my profile please let me know =D



RiverClan Warrior

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Posts: 3555
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That's a perfect pro, Eboners, but I'd just like to let you know one thing, I guess I didn't mention! You go through the Change for four years or less [rarely less].

Freshman - Third Former
Sophmore - Fourth Former
Junior - Fifth Former
Senior - Sixth Former

Never more than four years, but when you change, you're sent to a place before being released into the world. Fleglings have no Idea where you go, or what happens.


Here's my personal info. Don't hesitate to contact me if you ever need anything! <3



ThunderClan Warrior

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RE: The House of Night [A Vampire RP] you may now post! ~3 spots open!~
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Human Name: Sara McKelly
Gender: Female
Hometown: Albany
Looks Before Mark: Light brunette hair with ice blue eyes and pale skin.
Life Before Mark: I had a fairly simple and easy life, always getting good grades, and being the apple of my parents eyes. I had it all going for me...
Reactions/changes with Mark: Everyone turned their back on me, I didn't fully understand why, why they didn't love me for who I was...
Other: No one cared for me after everything, it's fine, I could handle it on my own.

New Name: Shy
Looks with Mark: My hair darkened a bit and turned Auburnish Redish. My eyes also darkened into a deep ocean blue.
Personality: She's calm and collected, she keeps to herself and is scared of letting anyone else get too close to her. She's tired of having her heart break.
Class Schedule: 3


WindClan Deputy

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Posts: 12977
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Oh okay so that means he doesnt know that he has become a vampyer then right?



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