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TOPIC: Beyond the Mirror ~ Full and Started. [We have been for awhile now...]

ThunderClan Warrior

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Posts: 2806
Beyond the Mirror ~ Full and Started. [We have been for awhile now...]
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We are the Mysticals.

We are all some type of magical creature - fairy, dragon, mermaid, etc.

We live normal lives as humans - we go to school and all that. Our school is Green Valley High School, or GVHS for short. You can create your own schedule; you do not have to post it, but you cannot share classes with people that are a different age than you unless it's an elective. KEEP YOUR SCHEDULE CONSISTENT. You can't have english for first period one day, and then art for first period the next day. Doesn't work.

There is a special haven for us called the Truth Forest. In the Forest, we are all our true forms of magical creature - hence the name, the Truth Forest. The only way to get there is through a mirror. Any mirror, really, you just have to put a special spell on it first.

The spell is Revelous Identita. All you have to do is stare at any mirror and say the spell. Once you step through the mirror, you fall through what seems to be a black hole and land on the ground in the Truth Forest. When you hit the ground, it doesn't hurt at all, it only seems like a bed of feathers.

When you want to return home [no time passes while you're in the Forest], you stand still and say Concelio Identita, and then you get this feeling in your stomach as if you're falling, and you're back facing the mirror you stepped through.

There is a spell that hides our magical features from normal humans, although it does not hide anything from other magical creatures. So we all know who else are magical creatures.

Conflict: The Shadows. They are the Dark Magic creatures.

If you are a Shadow, you can put a spell on a mirror to make it a transporter to the western part of the Truth Forest - in other words, the Dark Magic part.
We try to hide the fact that we are Mysticals from the Shadows, because they try to destroy any Mystical that is not a Shadow. In truth, the Mysticals are actually more powerful than the Shadows, which is why the Dark Magic creatures are trying to kill us.

Neither Mysticals nor Shadows are immortal - we will die of old age.

-- Edited by Flight at 20:05, 2008-09-27

-- Edited by Flight at 20:19, 2008-09-27

-- Edited by Flight at 04:26, 2008-09-28

-- Edited by Flight at 16:09, 2008-09-28

-- Edited by Flight at 03:01, 2008-10-03

-- Edited by Flight at 04:04, 2008-10-03

-- Edited by Flight at 23:23, 2008-10-05

-- Edited by Flight at 01:19, 2008-10-11

ask me why i love marching band.
i'll definitely tell you.
but only if you've got a year to listen.

ThunderClan Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 2806
RE: Beyond the Mirror ~
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Name [first and last, middle if you want]:
Gender [male or female]:
Age [please keep it 14-18, we are in high school]:
Appearance [what you look like as a human]:
Personality [how you act, this is optional]:
Family [who is in your family?]:
Other [anything else?]:
Your true form [what magical creature you are]:

At least ONE of your parents must be a Mystical; in the family section of the form, please explain which parent[s] is a Mystical and what their true form is. It must be similar to or the same as yours.
If you have any siblings, they MUST be Mysticals as well. Please explain their true form; again, must be similar to or the same as yours.
For your true form:
What you decide is not final. I will decide if what you choose is okay. :] We don't want any rabid flying hedgehogs bouncing around, now do we?

ask me why i love marching band.
i'll definitely tell you.
but only if you've got a year to listen.

ThunderClan Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 2806
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General Plot:
We must hide ourselves from the Shadows.
At some point in the roleplay, a Shadow will discover that one of us is a Mystical...
and there will be a battle in the Forest, with much bloodshed and possibly some deaths.

1. You may find love in this roleplay, but you CANNOT tell your boyfriend/girlfriend "I love you" unless you are 16 years or older.
2. Follow the 3 lines rule. I'm a stickler for this one. xD
3. No chatspeak. NONE.
ex: tiffany went downstairs 2 get a soda. whats up with u rachel? she asked.
4. Follow all the normal roleplay rules.
5. Stick to the plot. Why would I post it if I didn't want people to follow it? ^^
6. Listen to the mods...please. If you backtalk them or me, you'll be kicked out, so...just be nice.
7. If you do not post in this roleplay for one week, you will be poofed from this rp. STAY ACTIVE!
8. Be nice to everyone. No putdowns or any of that stuff.
9. OOC chat must stay on topic of the roleplay. Otherwise, keep it to the PMs.
10. If you do not post 3 lines, if you use chatspeak, if you don't stick to the plot, if you backtalk, if you're rude, if you don't stay on topic in OOC...my pont is, you have 3 warnings. If you continue to break the rules after the 3rd warning, OUT YOU GO!
11. More will be added when I think of em. o_0

-- Edited by Flight at 00:20, 2008-09-28

ask me why i love marching band.
i'll definitely tell you.
but only if you've got a year to listen.

ThunderClan Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 2806
RE: Beyond the Mirror ~ Full! Starting TOMORROW :D
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Name: Aura Carleigh Hunter played by Flight
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Appearance: Reddish-brown hair. Freckles cover her cheeks and nose. She has green eyes and side bangs. Aura is fairly short for her age. She usually wears jeans and layered tank tops.
Personality: Outgoing, extremely friendly, very spunky. She loves to tease people, but she never means what she says. Aura can be very feisty. She would be considered "preppy."
Family: Lives with both her parents. Has no siblings; her father is not a Mystical, though he knows everything about them. Her mother is a fairy with Light powers.
Other: nupp.
Your true form: Aura is a fairy with Fire powers. She has glass-looking orangey-red wings, and that is the only Mystical feature she has. Her wings are easy to hide from the Shadows; she just sticks them under her shirt. :]

Name: Zypher Hart played by Ebonycloud
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Appearance: Thin boy that isnt to tall. He has deep golden hair and bright golden brown eyes. He wears a white shirt with a button up penalton and dark blue jeans
Personality: Tries to think every thing has a good side. That not all people are evil. Always has a noble approach and hates sneaky tactics
Family : Mother who is a human and a father who is a gryphon
Other [anything else?]: Nope
Your true form [what magical creature you are]: A large golden gryphon

Name: Eethan 'Eeth' Denvers played by Night
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Slightly long [it goes down to his shoulders], curly black hair with short bangs that cover forehead, with very dark brown streaks. Greenish-gray eyes with a bit of amber around the pupil. He's quite tall for his age, even surpassing his own parents' height. Average weight, and not that bad-looking. Always wears skinny jeans, flat-soled skate shoes with graphci designs on them, and dark-colored long-sleeve shirts, sometimes with fluorescent stripes.
Personality: In short, Eethan acts very childish. He's sweet, friendly, but a bit shy when it comes to girls. He has his flaws, like any other would. Whiny, like a little child; hyper, like a little child; and a bit annoying, like a little child. The only way you can get him to listen to you is if you act real mad or scary-looking. Thee are occasional times when he will act serious; as in more like his age. He can be calm (and sometimes even lazy) when he wants to be. [xD It's me, but in a guy version! LOL]
Family: Eeth lives with both his parents; a normal human father, and a mermaid for a mother. He also has a little sister name Abbelinah, who is also a mermaid.
Other: Likes to eat watermelons.
Your true form:
Mermaid [or Merman, for a boy, or whatever you call it. xD]

Name: Aelena Ruby Krymo played by Lilyspirit
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Appearance: Blonde hair to lower back, and green eyes that seem to glow with happyness or emotion.
Personality: A kind person, who tries to help out everyone. She keeps to herself, because she's afraid others will find out about her secret. She never met her parents, and has no idea what she is, or how to get to the world. She only knows that she's different from everyone else. Her intense feeling that she dosn't belong scares her a little.
Family [who is in your family?]: Nobody that she knows of, but she lives at a foster home with another forster kid who has cancer. She would do anything to protect her "Brother". He means the world to her. Aelena dosn't understand why her foster mother is so kind to her.
Other [anything else?]: She's very close to the element, spirit. [again, if that's okay?]
Your true form: High elf [Blood elf in WoW. n.n]

Xyrnn Crystalwing played by Souki
Gender: Female
Age: Seventeen.
Appearance: Xyrnn has long, ebony hair that is usually undone. The slender, olive skinned girl is on the short side, being only five feet five inches. She normally wears a creamy white t-shirt and tan cargo pants. She also has glacier blue eyes. Basically, a not very memorable girl. Someone whose face you forget very easily.
Personality: A normally quiet girl, can be very vicious and vengeful if provoked. Can be very annoying and persistent.  Usually very lazy and unwilling to do anything unless it serves her. Also hides emotions to all but her friends, and can be sly in using underhand tactics when it comes to getting something she wants.
Family: Lives with mother and step-father. Step-father completely unaware of the perpetrator when he mysteriously trips down the stairs due to an unknown force... Mother constantly reprimands Xyrnn for using her powers.
Other: Enjoys getting into brawls and usually turns out the victor. (Disturbing when you think about it, being as short as she is. -shifty eyes-)
True Form: An elf with powers over gravity. Only funny looking thing about her is her unatural good luck.

Name: Drake Hamston,
Gender: Male,
Age: 14,
Appearance: Raven black shaggy hair, very thin, not much muscle, sapphire eyes, pale skin, baggy pants & shirt.
Personality: Quiet, really shy, friendly when some one talks to him, might be considered a punk or an outsider, smart, easy going.
 Family: Mother died when he was 5, she was not a Mystical. Father is a werewolf, he sent Drake to live on his own. No siblings.
Your true form: Shapeshifter.

Name [first and last, middle if you want]: Kyye (like rye bread (her nickname)) Risio played by Lilacpool
Gender [male or female]: female
Age [please keep it 14-18, we are in high school]: 15
Appearance [what you look like as a human]:long black straight hair down past her butt. Side bangs. Huge blue eyes. kinda tan. 5 foot.
Personality [how you act, this is optional]: Really caring and kind but DONT get on her bad side. Loves to laugh.
Family [who is in your family?]: Her dad was a shapeshifter but he was killed, she lives with her regular mom and 5 year old sister who can change into a small phoenix.
Other [anything else?]: nahh
Your true form [what magical creature you are]: Can change into any animal. Kind of like a shapeshifter.

Name: Ivy Thorn played by Lizzardfang
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Appearance: She is 5'5 with pale skin and very skinny. She has natural tiger striped hair that goes to her knees and she wear converse all tha time
Family: Julie Thorn is her mother and she was a Pheonix while her dad was a human.
Other: She has a black porsche
Your true form: She is a Fairy

-- Edited by Flight at 00:15, 2008-09-28

-- Edited by Flight at 00:16, 2008-09-28

-- Edited by Flight at 00:17, 2008-09-28

-- Edited by Flight at 00:18, 2008-09-28

-- Edited by Flight at 16:45, 2008-09-28

-- Edited by Flight at 00:38, 2008-09-29

-- Edited by Flight at 05:16, 2008-09-29

-- Edited by Flight at 03:00, 2008-10-03

-- Edited by Flight at 04:06, 2008-10-03

-- Edited by Flight at 23:24, 2008-10-05

-- Edited by Flight at 01:22, 2008-10-11

ask me why i love marching band.
i'll definitely tell you.
but only if you've got a year to listen.

ThunderClan Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 2806
RE: Beyond the Mirror ~ 7 spots open! Please take a look! :]
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ask me why i love marching band.
i'll definitely tell you.
but only if you've got a year to listen.

ThunderClan Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 2806
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My form:

Name: Aura Carleigh Hunter
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Appearance: Reddish-brown hair. Freckles cover her cheeks and nose. She has green eyes and side bangs. Aura is fairly short for her age. She usually wears jeans and layered tank tops.
Personality: Outgoing, extremely friendly, very spunky. She loves to tease people, but she never means what she says. Aura can be very feisty. She would be considered "preppy."
Family: Lives with both her parents. Has no siblings; her father is not a Mystical, though he knows everything about them. Her mother is a fairy with Light powers.
Other: nupp.
Your true form: Aura is a fairy with Fire powers. She has glass-looking orangey-red wings, and that is the only Mystical feature she has. Her wings are easy to hide from the Shadows; she just sticks them under her shirt. :]

ask me why i love marching band.
i'll definitely tell you.
but only if you've got a year to listen.

ShadowClan Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 3579
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Name: Taylor Destiny Lynn
Gender: Female
Apperance: Blond wavy hair with blue eyes that have speakles of green in them. She has long bangs. She usually wears tight fitting jeans and tank tops...
Personailty: Spunky, she has a soft side too... She loves to just sit and daydream...
Family: Lives with her mom, her dad died when she was 3. Her moms a Water fairy, with water and ice powers

Your true form: Taylor's a fairy with water powers. She has ice blue wings that look glass after dark.

He looks around the room
Innocently overlooks the truth
Shouldn't a light go on?
Doesn't he know I've had him memorized for so long?

He sees everything black and white
Never let nobody see him cry
I don't let nobody see me wishing he was mine

ThunderClan Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 2806
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Yupp, tis fine! xD *posts joor form*

ask me why i love marching band.
i'll definitely tell you.
but only if you've got a year to listen.

ShadowClan Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 3579
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OOC: Yea!!! Thank you, Flight!!!!!!

He looks around the room
Innocently overlooks the truth
Shouldn't a light go on?
Doesn't he know I've had him memorized for so long?

He sees everything black and white
Never let nobody see him cry
I don't let nobody see me wishing he was mine


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Posts: 1712
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Name: Drake Hamston, Gender: Male, Age: 14, Appearance: Raven black shaggy hair, very thin, not much muscle, sapphire eyes, pale skin, baggy pants & shirt. Personality: Quiet, really shy, friendly when some one talks to him, might be considered a punk or an outsider, smart, easy going. Family: Mother died when he was 5, she was not a Mystical. Father is a werewolf, he sent Drake to live on his own. No siblings. Other: He changes when ever there is a full moon. Your true form: Shapeshifter.

-- Edited by Freeflare at 22:39, 2008-09-27

-- Edited by Freeflare at 22:52, 2008-09-27

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