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TOPIC: The Dlrow – A place where nothing goes as planned. [Full... fer now c:] Started~


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The Dlrow – A place where nothing goes as planned. [Full... fer now c:] Started~
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A world where white is black
And black is white;
Right is wrong
And wrong is right.

Or so the poem goes. No one has really given it much thought, as practically no one alive on the face of Earth has ever heard of it; until recently.

The discovery was made in a country. One that hasnt been ever considered existed, even in some of the wildest stories. Inscriptions give archeologists the impression that the people of the city believed themselves to be a country in the sky. The city is impossibly advanced, buildings organized in unbelievable ways. After a couple days admiring the outer walls, they finally decided to go to the center. After walking into what seemed to be the temple within the castle, there, lying perfectly preserved on the altar, were eight scrolls, sealed by a jewel embedded in wax. Each jewel was different: upon further examination, it was discovered the respective jewels were:A garnet; a pearl; a peridot; an opal; a citrine; an amethyst; an aquamarine; and a ruby.

After much arguing, the archeologists finally agreed to open the scrolls. Instead of crumbling as expected, though, the silk opened as smoothly as if it had just been sealed a day ago instead of untold centuries. Written in gold ink and edges gilded in silver, the aforementioned poem is repeated. Upon opening all of the scrolls all of which opened with the same ease as the first one the same poem was printed in all of them.

As expected, the discovery made front page news for several weeks, until the news moved onto new prey. The news even reached the sleepy town of Riverside.

If you had been born in Riverside, your great-grandparents had most probably grown up together in diapers, and everyone knew one another. In the local high school, Riverside High, a small group of friends are curiously affected by the discovery. For a couple days prior to the appearance of the discovery in the newspapers, the group had been having strange dreams about a large city, where magic and superstition reigned supreme and technology was more advanced than it was now. According to the archeologists journals, the day the dreams began was when the scrolls were first opened.

Their adventures being on a curious Sunday, when instead of the usual 90 degree heat, they had hail, thunderstorms, and the worlds largest crop circle had been imprinted into the large grass field. They had all gone to sleep, pondering their curious day, and fell into a fitful sleep before awakening in an unfamiliar area.

The grass field was similar to the one the crop circle had appeared in, and all were dressed in medieval clothes. All clutched their respective bejeweled trinket (more later) in a fist, and a small note with their power accompanied the jewel.

-- Edited by Souki at 04:37, 2008-10-08

-- Edited by Souki at 02:04, 2008-10-09

-- Edited by Souki at 02:22, 2008-10-09

-- Edited by Souki at 01:29, 2008-10-12



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RE: The Dlrow – A place where nothing goes as planned. [One spot open ^^] It's so new it shines.
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The world they land in is known as Dray, and everything here is the opposite of what fairy tales try to teach us:

Where Good has always triumphed over Evil, Evil now rules over Good. Where heroes always manage to save the day, their antagonists succeed. Where fairy tale couples always find true love, ours find that would actually be happier single. Dray is basically medieval Europe, but where the common citizens are fairy tale creatures.

Choose here: (Bold Red has been taken)

A garnet
A pearl
A peridot
A opal

A citrine
An amethyst
An aquamarine
A ruby

Rules: The bane of all things good and benevolent. But heck, theyre here for a reason. c:

1. Normal roleplay rules apply.
2. No chatspeak in content. Thats just wrong. You know when you text your buddies? Yeah, thats a no no.
3. Three lines minimum. You want people to reply to your posts, yes? -^o^-
4. The plot is there for a reason. Yes, it is there for a reason other than being a large block of text.
5. Dont join and then disappear. If youre dead, then yes, that is understandable, but short of dying or something similar c:
6. I was thinking I guess if you absolutely must fall in love, I guess you could :S
7. No being rude; Im the only one who gets to be rude. Muwahah >D Nah, just kiddin o: But dont be mean to anyone thats not nice. (Look whos talking ^^;;)
8. There are other rules that my limited brain power cannot think of at the moment; dont go Oh.em.gee, its ANOTHER RULE. WHERED IT COME FROM!? AUGH! THE APOCALYPSE!

The Form: Yay~ I get an appearance o:

Name: ::Your Charries name here::
Gender: ::Boy? Girl? IT!? o_O::
Age: ::Im fifty thousand years old ._. Bummer.::
Appearance: ::I dont exist, sorry. But if I did, Id be so pretty o: ::
Personality: ::Im so nice, I make flowers grow.::
Stone & Power: ::I wonder. o: ::
Other: ::Uh I like Kittehs!::

-- Edited by Souki at 04:40, 2008-10-08

-- Edited by Souki at 02:04, 2008-10-09

-- Edited by Souki at 03:09, 2008-10-15



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Posts: 750
RE: The Dlrow – A place where nothing goes as planned. [Seven spots open ^^] It's so new it shines.
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The Characters:

: Cecelia Arks [Souki]
Gender: Female
Age: Seventeen
Appearance: Chocolate hair tipped with navy blue. Bright golden amber eyes (creepy ._.). Olive skin, and Cecelia is tallish at 5' 10", but with her petite figure is often mistaken for a person at least a couple years younger; sometimes older...
Personality: Cheerful and childish; sometimes serious when the time calls for it.
Stone & Power: Amethyst ;; Manipulates weather.
Other: Does very well academically; fails rather epically physically, but is rather speedy.

Name: Sebastian Hawke [Ebonycloud]
Age: 17
Appearance: A short thin boy of about 5' 5". He has a messy head of light brown hair that falls in front of his light brown eyes. He is often made fun of for his short height.
Personality: Very relaxed and caring. He has a nasty temper if you get him mad enough though. When he is serious he can be rather scary.
Stone & Power: Ruby;; create and manipulate fire
Other: Cant run very fast but is as slippery as a snake

Name: Cammeron Myre [Lilyspirit]
Gender: Boy
Age: Sixteen
Appearance: A black-haired, handsome boy. Freckles and deep topaz eyes. 5' 6"
Personality: He's not self-centered at all. Quite the oposite. He believes all lives are more importaint than his [exept spiders. IICCKK!!]. He's lovable, and kind, and gets picked on by his friends because of it.
Stone & Power: Aquamarine ;; Can attain other's powers. n.n [mwahaha (I sunt know my limit to it yet, but i pwomise not to GODRP!)]

Name: Mystery Annabella Delitia [Emberpaw]
Gender: Femaaa~aaale~
Age: Sixteen and a half
Appearance: 5' 7". Ebony black hair that goes down to her shoulders, and bright blue streaks running through it. Tanish-olive skin, and deep amber eyes. Though she appears to be skinny and young, Mystery is quite heavy. Usually wears a mix between casual and punkish clothing, with a hint of elegance.
Personality: Her mood changes frequantly, though most of the time, she's happy and hyper and random and crazy. Hates gloomy people, for she finds them to be boring. And is almost never serious about things.
Stone & Power:  Pearl;; Manipulates aaaa~aaaiiir
Other: Loves music. LIKE, ALOT. She sings and dances randomly sometimes. n_n

Name: Steven Ryke [Flight]
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Appearance: Fairly tall, at six feet. He has darkish brown hair, that is long enough to cover his ears and reaches to the bottom of his neck in the back. His hair almost never covers his eyes; he is constantly brushing it to the side. Steven's eyes are a bright green, almost blue color that resembles the ocean.
Personality: Generally calm and quiet. He rarely gets angry or upset; is also very good at calming others down, besides himself. Extremely, almost painfully friendly and compassionate.
Stone & Power: Peridot. Manipulates earth; this does not include the weather or animals.
Other: Loves the rain.

Name: Ryu Moss [Darkcloud]
Gender: male
Age: Sixteen
Appearance: 5' 7"
Personality: funny and moderately fit... hes just awesome. he likes to showoff, and doesnt like people underestimating him. likes looking his best alot, usually wearing his favorite gray hoodie always unzipped.
Stone & Power: opal-controls water/ice... theyr pretty much the same thing, but im clarifying
Other: likes cold weather

Name: Aryaina Brookes [June]
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Appearance: 5 foot six
Personality: Funny, random, and smart
Stone &Power: Well um cintrine- it minipulates the shadows

-- Edited by Souki at 04:40, 2008-10-09



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Meh Form!

Name: Cecelia Arks
Gender: Female
Age: Seventeen
Appearance: Chocolate hair tipped with navy blue. Bright golden amber eyes (creepy ._.). Olive skin, and Cecelia is tallish at 5' 10", but with her petite figure is often mistaken for a person at least a couple years younger; sometimes older...
Personality: Cheerful and childish; sometimes serious when the time calls for it.
Stone & Power: Amethyst ;; Manipulates weather.
Other: Does very well academically; fails rather epically physically, but is rather speedy.



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ooc; And... I guess... I hope for people to show up? o:

::puts out a "Post Now, Please" sign and cookies::


WindClan Deputy

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Hehehe!!! Very well done!! I think i shall join!!! XD

Name: Sebastian Hawke
Age: 17
Appearance: A short thin boy of about 5' 5". He has a messy head of light brown hair that falls in front of his light brown eyes. He is often made fun of for his short height.
Personality: Very relaxed and caring. He has a nasty temper if you get him mad enough though. When he is serious he can be rather scary.
Stone & Power: Ruby;; create and manipulate fire
Other: Cant run very fast but is as slippery as a snake



RiverClan Warrior

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ooc: This seems sooo intresting! I mustmustmustmust join!!!

Name: Cammeron Myre
Gender: Boy
Age: Sixteen
Appearance: A black-haired, handsome boy. Freckles and deep topaz eyes. 5' 6"
Personality: He's not self-centered at all. Quite the oposite. He believes all lives are more importaint than his [exept spiders. IICCKK!!]. He's lovable, and kind, and gets picked on by his friends because of it.
Stone & Power: Aquamarine ;; Can attain other's powers. n.n [mwahaha (I sunt know my limit to it yet, but i pwomise not to GODRP!)]


Here's my personal info. Don't hesitate to contact me if you ever need anything! <3



WindClan Apprentice

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Name: Mystery Annabella Delitia
Gender: Femaaa~aaale~
Age: Sixteen and a half
Appearance: 5' 7". Ebony black hair that goes down to her shoulders, and bright blue streaks running through it. Tanish-olive skin, and deep amber eyes. Though she appears to be skinny and young, Mystery is quite heavy. Usually wears a mix between casual and punkish clothing, with a hint of elegance.
Personality: Her mood changes frequantly, though most of the time, she's happy and hyper and random and crazy. Hates gloomy people, for she finds them to be boring. And is almost never serious about things.
Stone & Power:  Pearl;; Manipulates aaaa~aaaiiir
Other: Loves music. LIKE, ALOT. She sings and dances randomly sometimes. n_n

Harhar, I'm in too many RPs... x3
I should probably let someone else join, but...I WON'T! >D

-- Edited by Emberpaw at 01:21, 2008-10-09

-- Edited by Emberpaw at 01:23, 2008-10-09

-- Edited by Emberpaw at 01:34, 2008-10-09

We all have our moments:
A moment to cry, a moment to laugh.
A moment to be held, a moment to be let go.
A moment to be sad for not having what we want,
and a moment to be happy with what we got.

Yeah, we all have those moments.
And I advise you not to put them to waste.

ThunderClan Warrior

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Ooc: Tee hee.

Since everyone else seems to be laughing maniacally I decided to RESIST PEER PRESSURE!!!! ^_^

Name: Steven Ryke
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Appearance: Fairly tall, at six feet. He has darkish brown hair, that is long enough to cover his ears and reaches to the bottom of his neck in the back. His hair almost never covers his eyes; he is constantly brushing it to the side. Steven's eyes are a bright green, almost blue color that resembles the ocean.
Personality: Generally calm and quiet. He rarely gets angry or upset; is also very good at calming others down, besides himself. Extremely, almost painfully friendly and compassionate.
Stone & Power: Peridot. Manipulates earth; this does not include the weather or animals.
Other: Loves the rain.

ask me why i love marching band.
i'll definitely tell you.
but only if you've got a year to listen.

ShadowClan Warrior

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this sounds fun. ima join, even though my sister lilyspirit is in it which may cause some complications but... ooh a cookie! *grabs cookie*

Name: Ryu Moss
Gender: male
Age: Sixteen
Appearance: 5' 7"
Personality: funny and moderately fit... hes just awesome. he likes to showoff, and doesnt like people underestimating him. likes looking his best alot, usually wearing his favorite gray hoodie always unzipped.
Stone & Power: opal-controls water/ice... theyr pretty much the same thing, but im clarifying
Other: likes cold weather

lily took meh aquamarine. i will get revenge! mua ha ha ha!

-- Edited by Darkcloud at 02:00, 2008-10-09

-- Edited by Darkcloud at 02:01, 2008-10-09



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