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TOPIC: Hogwarts :: First Year :: Spots open! Post if you'd like one :: Post Please!

WindClan Deputy

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Hogwarts :: First Year :: Full :: Started! First Posts ONLY!!!
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OOC: Okay i am gonig to give this a shot! I read your whole last post and i think i got the gist of it. The only thing i am having trouble with is if this is in 3rd or 1st person because in the begining it was 3rd but by the end you were speaking in 1st...  Also i am guessing we post about a month prior to getting on the train so i shall try that... Well i suppose i will figure it out XD IF i do anything wrong in my post let me know! XD Oh and i have no idea if we live in the same town so if we dont let me know and i will edit but for now, that is where my character lives =D

On the small corner of a not so busy street, a small house sat in pure bliss of the morning sun. In the little house lay a boy on an old cloth couch with his legs and arms splayed about in a lazy fashion.

"Reginald!" called a voice that was similar to a harpy's. The young boy twitched slightly and turned over only to wind up planting his face in to the hard wooden floors of the little house. His eyes shot open to reveal to different colored orbs. One a powerful color of green and the other, a delicate shade of light blue. He frowned slightly as his young hands reached up and rubbed his throbbing face.

"Reggie! Get your butt in the kitchen right now!" That was the unmistakeable voice of his father. The one he inheritaded his dark ginger hair from. Reggie shifted in a squatting position and gave the voices a pounting face. "Reggie! Now!" Well his father's temper seemed to be at its peak this morning. With a sigh the young boy stood in his pajamas and headed for the battle field that his family called the kitchen.

Once he entered the small room to large glaring green eyes met his face. "What?" Reggie asked, his voice squeaking at the end.

"How many times do we have to call you before you manage to wake up and get your scrawny self in here?" His father growled. Despite the old man's dark temper, he was a good person. He had taught Reggie everythign he had needed to know about being a good man when he grew up and there was no one else in the world he respected more.

"Well i am up now, what is it?" He frowned and only got a cold gaze from the old man as a reply. The ginger haired boy's mother pointed to a small envelope on the desk that was beside the door that led to the back yard.

"That came for you today. We havent opened it but judging by the post mark we already know who its from." His mother's voice seemed rather dark at the mention of this. "We called your grandfather."

Reggie's face lit up with a smile. "Papa Max is coming!" He quivered in delight. His grandfather was a quirky old man with a large enjoyable grin. The man's silvery gray hair curled out at all odd angles giving him the look mad scientist. Reggie bolted for the letter and looked at the from. The coloring of the letters made him ponder a moment.

Reginald Harris Wilkins
642 James St.
Dennis, Cape Cod

School of Witchcraft and Wizzardry
Headmaster: Lysander

   I'm pleased to tell you that you've been accepted to Hogwarts, the school of Witchcraft and Wizzardry. I ask that you have all the required items in order before the starting date of September 1st. In this letter is one train ticket from; Dennis, Cape Cod; to the school. Your train number is Nine and Two Thirds (9 2/3). We look forward to seeing you in one small month!

Mrs. Aphrodite
Deputy Headmaster

Reggie's eyes snapped open wide making them glitter oddly. This was amazing! He was going to go to a school for wizards and witches! That was something he had never really expected. Though it did explain a few things. Like when his emotions got out of control such as when he was very angry, scared, or excited thigns tended to... blow up. Not in a huge catostrophic way, but enough to make one's head turn.

"So it was that letter eh?" Came the almost, depressed sigh of his father. Reggie's brows knitted together but they didnt stay that way for long. A swift rapping at the door signaled they had a guest.

"Hey do, merry do!" sang the quirky voice of his strange Grandfather.

"Papa Max!" Reggie grinned and ran swiftly to the door, but Papa Max's hand was in the air to stop him.

"We havent a minute to lose m'boy! I know what showed up today and we must get you squared away and ready for that train." His grandfather's wide eyes stared at him with joy. The old man grabbed his hand and yanked Reggie along with him. The young ginger haired smiled and laughed as he hoped in to the car and headed in to town with Papa Max.

The two traveled for a while exchaging laughs and smiles until Papa Max stopped the car outside of an alleyway. Yet it was a dead end. "Papa Max" Reggie questioned as he stepped out of the car but the old man was not to be bothered. Instead he made himself buisy skipped down the alley and tapping the brick wall in an odd way. The old wall rippled and changed as a large street made itself repsent to him. Reggie couldnt help the excited smile that touched his face.

"Come now m'boy and we shall get you everything you need!" Papa Max dashed off down the alley with Reggie hard on his heels. They stopped at each of the shops on the list until they managed to get to the wand shop. Papa max grinned widely and ushered Reggie in to the store. "Go on Reg." He smiled. "This is really soemthing you should do by yourself.

Reggie's oddly colored eyes lit up once more making them sparkle like two pools of emerald and glistening water. He tentiveily stepped in to teh shop only to be greeted by an excited looking man. The tall fellow took one look at the ginger haired boy and winked. "I know just what you need Reginald!" He headed to one of the rows and pulled out a box that looked worn and tired. Reggie frowned slightly at how th man knew his name and at the old box he now held. "Listen Mr. Wilkins" He grinned. "This wand may look old but its as powerful as any other." The man pulled back the cover to the box to reveal an old looking, straight, darkbrown wand. On the handle of the wand was inscribed a picture of a feather. "Now this wand is powered, like most, with a phoenix feather, but having this particular wand is special. That feather on the handle means it was once wield by a very powerful wizard. Use it well Mr. Wilkins. Oh, and i belive there is a suprise waiting out beside you grandfather."

Reggie glanced outside to see a fluffy black cat with ice blue eyes sitting on the suite cases That cat seemed to be smirking at him. With a large smile Reggie burst out of the shop and picked up the long legged cat. "Well hello there." He smiled and got a mrrow, in reply. Turning his eyes to Papa max he laughed, "What shall i call him?" Yet his grandfather only shoko his head letting Reggie know it was his decision. Turning back to the cat he smiled. "Alright then. I shall call you Ebbs. Is that alright?" The cat tilted his head to the side and quivered his whiskers. Reggie smiled boyishly and hugged the long legged black tom cat.

One short month later Reginald stood outside the train station with Ebbs drapped across his shoulders so that his tail hung down flicking across his chest. In his hands he held a ticket and a suite case. Beside him were a few more suite cases that Papa Max had packed for him. He shook nervously as he stepped on to the platform that said 9 on it. He was confused and looked down at his ticket. But surely enough it said 9 2/3.

-- Edited by Ebonycloud at 04:09, 2009-01-07

-- Edited by Ebonycloud at 04:09, 2009-01-07



ThunderClan Warrior

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Ooc: 9 2/3, or 9 3/4? xD;; Dunno if you did that on purpose.


Jayden Nathaniel Channing was cleaning out his room.

It was the most boring task he could be doing on a summer day, and he had a feeling his parents knew it. They had asked him to clean his room today...probably because they knew what was coming.

Aria had told him that this was the day she had gotten her letter from Hogwarts when she was eleven. Jayden's heart had been pounding all day, anticipating that an owl would fly into his room, carrying a letter from the magical school.

He knew he was a wizard. Aria had assured him he was. Jayden was able to do magic. Not by his own will, but whenever he got angry at someone...he could hurt them. He knew it was the wrong thing, but he couldn't help it.

And besides, it gave him hope.

Jayden flopped down inside his small closet, slamming a tattered old notebook onto the floor next to him.

That moment, he heard the beating of wings.

The brown owl flew right into his closet, dropped a letter in his lap, and flew away again.

He stared at the letter.

Jayden Nathaniel Channing
14 Sparrow Drive
[insert random city here]
Bedroom Closet

He scanned the letter quickly, knowing already exactly what it said.

He was going to Hogwarts.

Jayden fingered his new wand as he strode through Diagon Alley. It was cherry wood, a deep red color. The core was a centaur hair - which was rare, as apparently centaurs were feisty and arrogant towards humans.

"I found one, Jay!"

Aria's voice met his ears and he turned around. His face split into a grin as he saw what she was carrying - a gray-feathered owl, fairly small, in a metal cage.

"Thanks a lot, Ria!" he exclaimed. "Her name will be Keira," he added in a sudden burst of inspiration.

Aria chuckled. "Come on, little brother. Mum and Dad have to take us to the station."

Jayden turned to his parents. "Bye Mum, bye Dad," he murmured, realizing he would actually miss them.

His parents glanced nervously around the platform. "Bye, Jay," his mother finally murmured. "We'll miss you."

"Write to us with Keira," his dad instructed in his booming voice.

Jayden could only nod as he turned and headed toward Platforms 9 and 10, his fourth-year sister at his side.

ask me why i love marching band.
i'll definitely tell you.
but only if you've got a year to listen.

ThunderClan Warrior

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Ooc: sorry mine is a bit shorter than you guys' but...I really have to go. D:

ask me why i love marching band.
i'll definitely tell you.
but only if you've got a year to listen.

ThunderClan Leader

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Ooc: I'll do mine in this post tomorrow since I'm going to bed. 'night~


"If he dies, then it will be God's will."

"If that was meant to be comforting, it was not."

"Everyone dies eventually. Once you are born, you begin to die."

"That was not comforting either!"

"It is the way of the Creed. Usually our deaths are violent but quick."

"Old man, are you trying to provoke me?"

-Stolen from a fanfic~-

RiverClan Warrior

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ooc: OOPS! I guess I mess up alot. xD We all live in the same town, and the train is, in fact, 9 and 2/3. lol. I'll read these right now! (EXITEMENT! xD)


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RiverClan Warrior

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ooc: Okay, so Timbersong and Dusky can post their stuff a little later. They can go in with a magic family, or get in on their own. xD we can RP till we get on the train, but the train won't leave until they get on.

ic: Brooke saw feet in front of her, and looked up. A green, and a blue eye met her. She gasped and stood up quickly, laughing at her sudden scare. "Jeez, I thought you were gonna whip out a wand and turn me into a toad!" She laughed, suddenly seeing the black cat around his shoulders. "Ooh! It's a kitty!" She reached her hand out and rubbed it's soft cheek, "What's it's name?" The cat stared up at her with big blue eyes, and it's long legs were draped uncomfortably around the boy's shoulders. He seemed to be her age, and she wondered if he was put up to the same trick of "Hogwarts; The false school."


Here's my personal info. Don't hesitate to contact me if you ever need anything! <3



WindClan Deputy

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Reggie grinned at the silver eyed girl. It was nice seeing another person with oddly colored eyes. "I dont think i am allowed to do that though?" He winked at the wand joke and moved on to his cat. Reaching a hand up he pet the black tom on the head and recieved a warm purr as thanks. "His name is Ebbs. No particular reason i called him that, just thought it felt rigt." He turned back to the girl and held out his arm. The long legged tom glanced at the outstretched limb and stood. Balancing easily, he walked across the arm, almost as weightless as a feather. Now the tom was close to the girl's face and he rubbed his soft black cheek against hers. "He is quite friendly." Reggie laughed. He watched Ebbs for a while until his eyes were caught by a snowy white owl. "Wow!" He said with excitement. "Is that one yours?"



RiverClan Warrior

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"Yeah," Brooke laughed, hesitantly stepping away from Ebbs, while leaving her cheek there, trying to leave the cat be, but it didn't work. She turned to her owl and took her out of her cage. She didn't know if she was allowed to, but then again, she didn't really care. "I havn't named her yet," Brooke said softly, petting the owl's head, "But I was thinking Selene, sense the Moon godess was connected to birds." She smiled, turning back to the boy. "By the way, my name's Brooke Luna-Tiana Janelle, you?"


Here's my personal info. Don't hesitate to contact me if you ever need anything! <3



WindClan Deputy

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Reggie tilted his head to the side, "Thats a mouth full," he said with a smile spreading on his lips. After a moment, he pulled his arm close to his body with Ebbs balancing easily on top of it. As soon as his hand got close to his shoulder, Ebbs pranced to his comfortable spot and draped himself across the young boy again. The black tom's tail flicked side to side across his chest once more. "I am Reginald Wilkins." Then he thought for a moment, "But everyone calls me Reggie, so you can call me that as well." He laughed slightly at his stuck up sounding name. Ebbs purred on his shoulder and eyed the snowy white bird with mischief apparent in his pools of icey blood. Reggie flicked teh tom on the nose and laughed, "Behave yourself you little beast."



RiverClan Warrior

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ooc: lmao, Ebboners. I thought about buying a Bubbleshine, but then descided I wanted to have an owl. n.n

bic: Brooke laughed at the tom's behavior. "It's okay, I trust him." She smiled. "Okay, Reggie, so is there really a hogwarts school, because I don't see a train '9 and 2/3' personally, I kinda think my gramma faked everything. I don't know how that's possible, but she might have." brooke laughed at her assumpions and turned to the wall. "It's not like, If I ran at the wall, then 'Shoop!' I'd be at trains 1/3, 2/3, and 3/3, you know?" She laughed, putting Selena back in her cage and backing up. She ran towards the wall, knowing full well her stuff would all fall off, and she'd probobly get hurt, but descided to anyways. She braced herself to hit the wall, but it seemed like stepping through a wall of water. What? So it was true! She almost fell over with laughter upon seeing many kids with carts like hers, andSeeing a sign with train 9 and 2/3 on it.

ooc: lmao, I'm making this charrie exactly like me. x3


Here's my personal info. Don't hesitate to contact me if you ever need anything! <3



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