Fireleaf smiled at hawkshadow. "I'm doing fine right now." He purred. He looked up at the blue sky. Though it still had rain clouds, it was still beautiful. Fireleaf flicked his tail back and forth quickly. He looked at hawkshadow once more. "Has starclan spoken to you about this?" He asked the medicine cat.
Thanks karma! The cat in my avie is my character firestar/leaf. Not the character from the book ;)
Breezepaw walked by Fireleaf and Oakstar and saw Hawkshadow walk next to Fireleaf. Yawning he looked to the sky and hoped they would make it to there new home soon. Looking back he saw their old territory getting farhter and farther away. Sighing he looked strait and walked side by side with the cats next to him.
Hawkshadow sighed in releif when she heared that Fireleaf was doing fine. Hawkshadow looked into the sky and saw the rain clouds "no" she said shaking her head. She walked on beside Fireleaf. She thought and then mewed hopefully "Maybe they will speak to me tonight". She waited for a reply. She looked ahead of them to see an outstretch of land in front of them.
"Lets hope..." Fireleaf murmured. The clan needed to know what they were supposed to do. But if starclan was not willing to help them, then who know what to do? Fireleaf sighed and looked down at the ground at he walked. He looked up once more at Breezepaw and hawkshadow.
Thanks karma! The cat in my avie is my character firestar/leaf. Not the character from the book ;)
Breezepaw sighed as he heard the two cats talking. Feeling a pang of sadness in him he shook his head and tried to forget about the old camp. "Maybe the new camp will reviel itself right before our eyes." Breezepaw spoke to both himself and the other cats. Looking strait again he couldnt help but wonder if Oakstar was going to make it through the journey.
Fireleaf looked at Breezepaw. "Maybe..." He whispered. "Maybe it will...." Fireleaf wished he could believe that...But he just couldn't think of the new home being better than the old.
Oakstar panted as he led the clan through the forest. His heart felt a stinging pain everytime it beated. Oakstar clinched his teeth and and stared at the ground.
Thanks karma! The cat in my avie is my character firestar/leaf. Not the character from the book ;)
Breezepaw looked at Fireleaf and nodded. Looking over at Oakstar he saw the cat clench his teeth. Walking in pace with the leader he stared at him with concern in his eyes. "Are you ok, Oakstar?" Breezepaw felt bad for the leader. He had been through alot the day before and now he had to lead the whole clan somewhere they didnt even know.
Oakstar panted. The old cat shook his head. "Ahhhh.....No...I've been better..." He sighed and felt ready to fall. He looked up at breezepaw. His eyes showed weakness and pain. He was breathing heavily and his ears pressed back.
Thanks karma! The cat in my avie is my character firestar/leaf. Not the character from the book ;)
Breezepaw stared at Oakstar and stood in front of him. "we need to stop!" he looked at Oakstar and saw the cat breath heavily. Staring at him even more sternly Breezepaw spoke to him as if his leader was an apprentice and HE was the mentor. "Now!" Breezepaw looked at him again and waited for Oakstar to reply.
"We can not stop!" Oakstar hissed. Than he calmed his voice. "No, we can't stop....I dont know what kind of stuff is out here. We can't afford to rest anymore..." Oakstar panted. He stared at breezepaw, knowing the young apprentice was bound to say something else to try and change his mind.
Thanks karma! The cat in my avie is my character firestar/leaf. Not the character from the book ;)