Breezepaw didnt move from where he was. Looking at Oakstar he felt chest hurt, he knew if they stopped something might happen to the leader. bowing his head he walked to his side and started walking again. "Just'll make it through the journey..." breezepaw's eras fell back as he stared at the ground.
Oakstar looked at breezepaw. "I'm sorry, young one..." The leader whispered. "But i can't promise you that..." Oakstar sighed and looked up at the blue sky. Rain clouds still covored most of it, making the forest darker than it usally was. Oakstar looked at breezepaw again.
Thanks karma! The cat in my avie is my character firestar/leaf. Not the character from the book ;)
Breezepaw sighed and felt his tail drag. He didnt reply to Oakstar and walked side by side with him still. Shaking his head he looked up to the sky and sent a small pryer to starclan. Please dont take him yet....he looked up at Oakstar and nodded, then looked back to the ground.
Oakstar sighed and looked up. He panted as he felt anouther peircing pain in his heart. He closed his eyes tight and sweated. He clinched his teeth again and fell to the ground.
"Oakstar!" Fireleaf yelled. The ginger warrior ran up to their leader and looked at breezepaw.
Thanks karma! The cat in my avie is my character firestar/leaf. Not the character from the book ;)
Hawkshadow walked beside Oakstar to make sure that nothing like that happened again. She looked up at the clouds as she made figures out of them She looked back down at the ground.Hawkshadow yowled in surprise as she saw Oakstar collapse to the ground. She put her paw on his chest to see that his heart was beating to slow she gasped.
-- Edited by Hawkshadow on Monday 13th of July 2009 12:31:58 AM
Breezepaw looked at Oakstar as he collapsed. Gasping he looked at Hawkshadow. "What do we do?" he heard other cats murmering and yowling for there leader. Looking at him he put a paw on his chest and felt a slow herat beat. "Oh no."
Oakstar coughed and slowly began to close his eyes. He panted heavily and looked at breezepaw with his half closed eyes. Oakstar pressed his ears back and closed his eyes. His heart beated slowly in his chest as he laid on the damp ground.
Thanks karma! The cat in my avie is my character firestar/leaf. Not the character from the book ;)
"Oakstar..please." Breezepaw moved away to let Hawkshadow work. Sitting down he stared at the leader and sighed. Looking at Fireleaf he tried to hold himself from yelling. "Is oakstar be ok? he stared at Fireleaf for amoment then back at oakstar. Please be ok.... he thought to himself as he looked at his leader
Fireleaf sighed and looked at breezepaw. "I dont know..." He whispered. "But lets just hope starclan is with him right now and will help him through this and not take him." The ginger warrior pressed his ears back and watched the old leader in pain.
Thanks karma! The cat in my avie is my character firestar/leaf. Not the character from the book ;)
Hawkshadow pressed on the leaders chest trying to return it to normal. She felt tears run down her face and fall down into her leaders pelt. She felt the leaders heartbeat again but it still haden't returned to normal. She kept trying but it wasen't working.