Jake frowned & gentily hugged Anna Grace trying to comfort her, he was going to make sure Dyllan would pay. He carefully held her in his thin arms & blushed abit, he was still not use to her being this close or vise-versa. He kept his hand over hers & hoped she would be okay, either wise he would have to teach Dyllan some manners.
Anna Grace took a ragged breath and leaned into him "Thank you"she said and looked up at him. She tried to take small shallow breaths because it hurt when she breathed. Anna Grace carefully sat on her butt and pulled up her shirt. She could see it was red and was already starting to turn. She touched it and winced. Looking up at Jake her eyes where filled with pain. "Please don't do anything stupid. I don't want you to get hurt"she whispered looking back down at her stomache.
"Well get there if its where we want to be and if not, well then I guess we never really lost anything in the first place."
Jake bit his lip to keep from jumping up & finding Dyllin, to tear him apart. He looked at Leah's stomach & furrowed his eyebrows in concern. Ms. Carlsworth came over to them "Lets go back to the cabin." she didn't notice Leah's injury. She started to lead them to the cabin for breakfast, Jake gentily started to help Leah up.
IC: Anna Grace looked at him and stopped him before he could help her up. "Jake please don't get yourself hurt"she said putting her hand on his cheek. She could see it in his eyes and if Dyllan didn't watch it he was more than likely going to wind up hurt or worse. She let him help her up after that and she pulled her shirt down.
"Well get there if its where we want to be and if not, well then I guess we never really lost anything in the first place."
OOC: oh, oops :P IC: Jake nodded "I won't." he helped Anna Grace walk to the cabin. He helped her sit down at the table in the eating area. Ms. Carlsworth told the cook to fix the breakfast for them, he brought the food out for Jake & Anna. He went back & put the food down for the rest of the students to eat. Jake sat down next to Anna.
Anna Grace looked at her food then up at the teacher. "Thank you"she said with a smile. She leaned over next to Jake abit. She ate slowly but mostly she just picked at it. She wasn't hungry she was just really really sleepy. She sighed softly one hand on her stomache and one picking at eggs.
"Well get there if its where we want to be and if not, well then I guess we never really lost anything in the first place."
Jake gave Anna a small smile & starting eating his food slowly. Every now & then he would look like he had fallen asleep but he continued to eat, he was tired from the fight & not getting much sleep on the rock. Ms. Carlsworth came into the room & clapped her hands, "Alright every one almost time for school."
Anna Graced moaned and whispered "Let's skip class and go back tot he tree" in Jake's ear. She kept her voice quiet incase anyone was listening. She moved back down after she was done and looked up at him waiting to see what he had to say. "I mean it's not like we need anything they are going to teach"she continued to whisper in a hushed tone. "Why even bother with it?"
"Well get there if its where we want to be and if not, well then I guess we never really lost anything in the first place."
Jake nodded abit as he looked at Anna. "Okay." he whispered quietly & looked down at his food, he finished it slowly. He shivered abit, he was abit cold from sleeping outside. Ms. Carlsworth went back to the classroom with the other students. Jake looked at his empty plate & drank his milk.
"We can get the blankets and pillows off of out beds and chill out in there if you want"she told him still in a hushed voice. "We would get caught if we hung out in the cabin and plus I'm about to fall out right now. Are you sleepy?"she asked looking at him. She saw Dyllan sitting across the room telling some story and looking at her. She had the strange feeling they where talking about her
"Well get there if its where we want to be and if not, well then I guess we never really lost anything in the first place."