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TOPIC: The Demon War-5 spots left, 4 Pure 1 Corrupted. Started

ShadowClan Leader

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The Demon War-5 spots left, 4 Pure 1 Corrupted. Started
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The Demon War
Demon: A creature that can take the form of anything. It could be cute and fluffy, ugly and savage, ugly and fluffy, or savage and cute. But, in order for a creature to be considered a demon, it must be able to do something impossible. Turn invisible, breathe fire underwater, walk through walls, etc. Demons take orders from their masters. A demons master is the one who created it. They become real once they have been drawn.

The feared Demon War is about to begin. The only intelligent species that doesnt know of the war are the humans. The Corruption King, the one responsible for the war, is hiding within the core of their planet. Because of this, the other intelligent species are too frightened to approach the planet.
Now that the war is about to begin, ambassadors from other planets traveled to Earth to warn them. The humans were told only two sides existed in this war, the Corrupted and the Pure-Ones. Any other side would not last any longer than a couple days in this war.
 Humans now must decide which side to join. If they join the Corrupted side, they stay on Earth. If they join the Pure-Ones, they leave with the ambassadors.
You are a human. You must choose your side, create demons, and fight for your side.


1. Follow the usual RP rules.
2. You can have up to 4 demons; up to 2 can be summoned at one time.
3. Keep things as realistic as possible, your demon cant fight an entire army and get away perfectly fine. A human cant beat a demon either, you can hurt a demon but it wont be severely injured.
4. Demons can only be killed by other demons, but can be injured by anything. A demon can heal only in its own world. You must dismiss an injured demon in order for it to heal. It will take a couple hours for a minor injury to heal and one day for a major injury (Not real time, RP time).
5. Feel free to fall in love, but dont go overboard.
6. Let me know when youll be gone and for how long, I dont want to kick you out of the RP when youre on vacation.
7. Give your demon a good form. Dont make it something random like a lamp or a hammer. Talking vehicles are fine. Any animal (existing or imaginary) is fine.
8. If you cant decide on a side then you can be neutral, but you cant be neutral forever.
9. If you want to switch sides, you must escape from your current side and reach a leader of the opposing side. You can switch sides only once.
10. Your demon cant betray you.
11. Try to avoid treating your demon like a pet, they are intelligent creatures.
12. You can post as one of your demons, but only if it's been summoned.

-Win battles for your side
-Capture leaders on the opposing side
-Claim new territories for your side
-Win the war

Fill out this form to join:
(From Worlds End RP )
Name: (First and last name)

(Male or female)


Other information:

Information on sides:
The Corrupted: If your character enjoys putting others through pain or doesn't care much about others. Then this side is for you. Corrupted soldiers are trained to attack without hesitation and to make people fear them. Their demons tend to be savage and have deadly abilities. All soldiers are required to have destructive demons.
The Pure-Ones: If your character enjoys helping others then  I recommend this side. Their demons vary in size, shape, personality, and abilities. There are no requirements on demons.
Up to 5 people may be on each side.

Special Thanks to:
Duskstar, Florestadream, Freeflare,  Milespaw, Fireheart, Moonstar, Timbersong, Tabbystripe, and Twigstorm for completing the survey which gave me the idea for this RP (PM me if I missed you).  Also those who have joined this RP.

-- Edited by Blizzardclaw at 22:45, 2009-03-06

-- Edited by Blizzardclaw at 04:17, 2009-03-11



Royal Luddy XD

ShadowClan Leader

Status: Offline
Posts: 1789
The Demon War-3 spots left, 3 Pure, 0 Corrupted, Started
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Important News:
This is where important events that have happened will be posted.

Planets: Max= 10

Key: [P]= plant [E]= edible  =animal [D]=dangerous [V]=venomous [F]= Fish

1. Name: Zipe
Ruling species: Slaviks [D (to enemies only)]
Other Species: Quillett [E], Needle fruit[E,P]
Side: Pure

2. Name: Hybrid III
Ruling Species: Bezerkers [D (to enemies only)]
Other Species: Quillet [E], Carcass flower [P,V], Needle Fruit [P,E], Spearhead [F,E], Leon
Side: Corrupted

3. Name: Wartorn
Ruling Species: Riddler [D (to enemies only)]
Other Species: Dragonic Blood Parasite [D,V], Quillett [E], Carcass Flower [P,V], Leon
Side: Both

4. Name: Kaverous
Ruling Species: Biolizards [D (to enemies only)]
Other Species: Spearhead [F,E], Sugar Diamond [P, E], Pineapple [P,E], Apple [P,E], Caribou [E], Burrow Snapper [E], Borak [D], King Quillett [D,E]
Side: Neutral

Name: Earth
Ruling Species: Human
Other Species: You should know this....
Side: Corrupted

5. Name: Gynel
Ruling Species: Parasitius Magna (Dangerous to everyone)
Other Species: Inferi Berry (a poisonous berry that can kill a person in an instant.)
Side: Neutral.

PM me this form for your planet:
Ruling Species: (Not required)
Other Species:
Side: (Corrupted, Pure, Both, Neutral)


Data Beast: (AKA Corruption King)
Status: Imprisoned, soon to be free.

Star Dragon:
Status: Imprisoned, soon to be free.

-- Edited by Blizzardclaw at 04:58, 2009-02-24

-- Edited by Blizzardclaw at 02:06, 2009-02-25

-- Edited by Blizzardclaw at 23:51, 2009-02-27

-- Edited by Blizzardclaw at 01:34, 2009-02-28



Royal Luddy XD

ShadowClan Leader

Status: Offline
Posts: 1789
The Demon War-5 spots left, 4 Pure 1 Corrupted. Started
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Name: Deyna Grey
Appearance: 5'6" Short blond hair. Has light blue eyes

Personality: Enjoys drawing and creating monsters. Also likes to prank others.
History: Is known for drawing strange creatures.
Other information:
Demons:  Saw-back, Destroyer, Gruel, and Wok.
Abilities: Saw-back:  light blue spinosaurus, spinning saw in back, Destroyer: miniture T-rex, can change into a machine version of self, Gruel: Shape less purple blob, shape shifting, Wok:  large 6 legged spider, brownin color, disappears when standing still

 Thomas "East" Devin
Age: 16
Appearance: A fairly tall caucasian, standing at 5' 8". He wears a black jacket with white shoulders over a dark blue shirt, and wears black shorts that cover his knees, and he wears black sneakers. He has longish dark brown hair that he always has gelled in a slightly messed up, spiky hair style, and dark blue eyes.

Personality:Stubborn and proud, Thomas (or East, as he prefers) absolutely refuses to give up. His Demons are all of his negative thoughts over his problems and his life given shape. He is a cold fighter, and does not bond with others easily. He prefers to work alone.
History:Thomas was corrupted even before the Ambassadors came to Earth. Somehow, he had been able to speak to the King of Corruption and his Demons through dreams. They poisoned his mind, pulling him to their cause without too much of a struggle.
Other information:
Demons: Arcane, Kovian, Igolo.
-Arcane: Arcane is a seven-foot-tall, knight-like being. His face, stomach, forearms, and shins are all covered in mirror-like armor. The only visible feature of his face is a twisted, perpetual smile. He is pure evil - manipulative, greedy, and with power surpassing many beings, he easily defeats opponents using his powers. He carries a spined whip, and can manipulate light with his mirrors, creating life-like illusions and harming people and other Demons alike with burning lasers.
-Kovian: Kovian is a white and silver ninja-like being who is roughly six feet tall. He is an emotionless fighter and murderer who only fights for the sake of fighting. He speaks with an almost caring tone, though he only does this to deceive others. He caries a pair of unbreakable long knives, and can control ice and sound.
-Igolo: Perhaps the scariest of all of East's Demons, Igolo is a large (10-feet-tall), dark green and black dragon with no eyes. The only emotions he knows are rage and sadness. East rarely summons him, knowing the destruction that he causes even while under control. He carries a mace and a tri-bladed chain weapon.
Side: Corrupted

Name: Lulubell Rutherford
Age: Nine
Gender: Female
-Eyes; A washed out blue-grey; they're almost silver in a bad light
-Hair; An equally pale silver blond; it's long, past shoulder length
-Skin; Pale
-Height and Weight; She's short, at four nine, and she doesn't weight much more than she looks.
-Overall; She's often compared to an antique doll; fair complexion, pale skin. She lacks the adorable quality young girls like her have, making her appear older than she really is. People typically mistake her for being twelve or thirteen, if not able to see her height. (She is short. As heck xDD)
-Clothing; likes baggy clothing and neutral colors, so she typically wears a grey sweater several-sizes too big and black pants.
Personality: She acts like a cheerful, caring (or carefree, whatever way you want to look at it) girl to strangers and large groups. However, if she gets you alone, she might let her act slip and become the cold hearted, anti-social girl that she is.
History: She was always the sly mastermind behind mysterious pranks in school despite her kind parents, and when the chance came to completely leave the mundane and the normal behind, she took it.
Other information: She enjoys peaceful activities (surprisingly) but only if they're done by one's self. So sports and other things that require human contact is a no-no.
- Kouseitani [Sei]
- Fei
- Ametsuchi [Tsu]
- Wu
- Kouseitani has control over tainted nature, although anything that hasn't been touched by human hands is out of her control. She takes the appearance of a small, 4 inch fairy dressed in flowery dress robes.
- Fei has the ability to immediately teleport anything within a fifty yard radius (as long as it's within sight) to another location with the same range. She takes the form of an over sized dove with long tail feathers. She is completely white but for the tips of her tail, which fades through grey to black.
- Ametsuchi is like a encyclopedia of sorts; you can ask her anything, and she will give you the answer as long as the subject of the inquiry did not specifically tell her not to give any information away. [Like, if you told her, "You cannot tell anyone anything about me," then she can't answer anything relating to you (how old are you, what is your English grade, ect.) She takes the form of an elf, human-sized.
- Wu was created with the ability to create anti-matter. Anti-matter, if it comes into contact with it's opposite, matter, will create a huge explosion. Even a gram of it had a deadly explosive range. Unfortunately, he cannot stop the anti-matter from exploding, so he rarely is summoned. He is immune to the anti-matter blasts, though, so Lulu uses him sometimes to create massive explosions. She has some consideration for the toll it takes on his energy, though, so he rarely sees action. He can take whatever form he wants, although his favorite form, strangely thick smoke, is the least energy consuming.
Side: Corrupted

Name: Raissa Blaze Jones ( Nicknamed Jonsie.)
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: A girl about 5'5'', which is short to her, with shoulder length black wavy hair that is always tied up into a messy ponytail with her bangs around her face. She has very pale skin, which gives her the appearance of a 'ghost', and hazel eyes that always seem to mock something. She wears dark colors and tends to stay towards the outside a lot. [ She calls the edge of crowds the outside. ]
Personality: Who ever said that the young's paths were undetermined never met Jonsie. This girl has a knack for twisted ideas, and has a path carved out all ready. She is a talented artist, but has a rather corrupted, intelligent mind. She loves music, though in a rather... odd sense. She loves the creepy dark tunes you hear in horror movies, and has incorperated that into an ability of her demon's. She is also rather interesting into seeing through another eyes, which causes her to say, every time Fell looks through another's eyes, "The grass really isn't greener on the otehr side." The reason Julius has the power to take over another's body is because she never had a true form for him. She though that shape-shifting was childish, and of course she had to give the creature her own flair. The ability to change forms in a mental way. The mentally take over another's body.
History: Jonsie grew up with a bunch of twisted people, which she never referred to her family, nor as friends. Rather she called them, "Things," and seperated herself from everybody. The idea of her demons came to mind when she needed someone to help her 'think'. To help her cultivate new ideas, and turn them into something real. Her parents considered her insane, and locked her in her room, with nothing but a stack of paper, which she screamed her lungs out to get, many school books, which were added when she grew a year, and many pencils. She often drew her demons in the room. Her eyes had gotten used to the dark, so when they let her out, she could barely see. She was brilliant, and had read many of the books over ten times, causing her to be smarter than a usual child her age.
Other information: She has a habit of saying, Of course, a lot.
Demons: Julius, Fell, Bohemean
Julius;; To litteraly "push" one's soul and mind out of their body and take over the body. Once he exits the body, the body is lifeless, the soul having died from not having a body. He is limited in what he can do, because he is not practiced enough, and also cannot speak while in another body, nor fight. He says, "I do not have the controls down."
          Julius is a small fox-like creature with rather large ears. His fur is a pure white, which is the true color of death, and pure read eyes with lime green pupils. His tail is long and winding, two times the size of his body, which is about the same length, height, weight, and build of a fox's. There seems to be spikes that climb down the creature's back with them stopping suddenly before the tail begins.
Fell;; To see through the eyes of another with a different perspective.
           Fell is probably the most gruesome thing Raissa had ever drawn. He has the body of a chocolate lab, but he has no eyes, rather the skin hollows out a little where the eyes should be. His mouth is sewn shut, and he has no tail. He also has no ears, and only choclate fur all over his body. His toes don't spread apart, rather stay tight together, for if they spread apart, large claws erupt from his toes on his paws. When he is angry, for he cannot speak, though Raissa knows somehow what he is feeling, a strange glowing marking that looks like an eye appears on his left shoulder. His fur is short, and some patches are missing. If you look closely at him, you can see very, VERY faint scars of where his eye lids once met, though are now permanently closed...
Bohemean;; Make a creature hear a dark, melodic tune that eventually makes them go insane. The tune stays with the creature for its whole life unless, of course this would never happen, Bohemean would want it to go away.
            Bohemean is a rather simplistic creature. A pure black, Raissa believes black to be the color of beginning, wolf with large, black feathered broken wings. His tail is half the length of what it should be. His eyes are a light turquoise and darkens around the pupils. His neck fur is shaggier than the rest of his body. You can usually see bangades on this wolf's body.

Name: Ailsa Toils (Ailsa means Noble :3)
Age: 17
Gender: Female~
Appearance: Tall, long red-brown hair, green eyes, has arm sleeves, wears jeans and short sleeve t-shirts
Personality: Sorry, I can't say a personality until I've played the character *shrugs*
History: Uhm...She's a normal adult really, until she started drawing weird things. Things she could call 'Demons.' Of course, she was nothing less of stunned when she found that those demons existed as soon as she called upon them. That was when she was told of the demon war.
Other information: None really :3
Demons: Kitt (I'm so unoriginal XP), Zena, Luro
Abilities: Kitt: Talking vehicle (which in itself is quite a feat), powered with many unimaginable weapons, such as a certain type of fire that works underwater; Zena: Blue wolf with wings, a mane of red, power of ice, as well as invisibilty (if that's okay?); Luro: Lion-type creature, can break down almost any wall with his roar

Name: Billy "West" Richards
Age: 16

Appearance: Fairly tall, standing at 5' 7 1/2". He wears a completely white jecket with black shorts, and black and white sneakers. He has black hair that goes down to his shoulders and is always messed up, and he has light blue eyes.

Personality: Billy is kind and understanding, always willing to help those in need and listening to other people's problems. He always puts others before himself, and his loyalty never wavers, even in the darkest situations.
History: Billy was born in Arizona to an unknown couple. He was a twin to an unknown person, though it is believed that his twinw as killed at some point.
Other information: None.
Demons: Torith, Diax, Gallum
A six-foot-tall, crimson and gold samurai-like Demon, he is quiet and reserved, only speaking his mind when he feels the need to. He is a speed-based fighter, making quick, ninja-like attacks. He carries two swords, and controls fire and magnetism, as well as possessing the ability to make copies of himself.
-Diax: A black, reptilian-like creature that stands on two elgs and is rather human-like physically. Diax is all about agility, and always has witty and sarcastic comments at hand for any situation. He controls shadow-based powers and utilizes a chain flail in battle.
-Gallum: A quiet knight in silver and turquoise armor, Gallum is always quiet, never speaking a word. His armor is decorated with wing-like appendages, and he carries a large shield and a lance in battle, as well as the power of ectoplasm.
Side: Pure-Ones.


-- Edited by Blizzardclaw at 22:44, 2009-03-06

-- Edited by Blizzardclaw at 04:16, 2009-03-11

-- Edited by Dragonpaw on Tuesday 17th of March 2009 01:49:56 AM



Royal Luddy XD

ShadowClan Leader

Status: Offline
Posts: 1789
The Demon War-3 spots left, 3 Pure, 0 Corrupted, Started
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Species List: Max=20

1. Slaviks: Serpent like aliens who lack legs. Intelligent. Experts in inventing weapons. Most use demons. Can grow up to 12' (Appear much shorter due to the fact that they must use most of their bodyto hold themselves up).

2. Bezerkers: Large light blue scaled beasts that can stand up to 9'. Have bull like heads and are known for going beserk in battle (hence the name "Bezerker"). Intelligent. Some use demons.

3. Quilletts: Four-eyed boar like creatures that are known for having very tasty meat. Short spikes protrude from shoulders, sides, and head. Ruling species of other planets have moved herds of quilletts around from planet to planet so that they are available to colonies. Can be 4'.

4. Riddlers: Grey skinned creatures that are part machine. Original origin is unkown. Intelligent and very deadly in combat. Red orbs that protrude from body are used for sight. It is still unknown how they work. stand at around 6'.

5. Needle Fruit: Fruit that grows in bushes. Are yellow in color and have small needles covering the peel. Must be skinned in oder to be eaten.

6. Dragonic Blood Parasites: Reptilian creatures that feed off of the blood of other beings. Only other known food source are the venomous carcass flowers. Get their own venom from eating these plants. Venom causes victim to feel sluggish, numb, and tired. Antidote exists only on Wartorn as do the parasites. Eventually wears off but causes great pain to victim. Can grow up to 4'.

7. Spearhead: Barracuda like fish that have a sharp horn protruding from head. Considered a delicacy to Biolizards. Can be up to 3' long.

8. Biolizards: Reptilian creatures that have long tails and  powerful arms but lack feet. Scales are hard on arm, but soft everywhere else. Wear armor to protect themselves. Armor has fake feet to help them get around. Walk on arms when not wearing armor. Stand at about 4'. Live mainly underground.

9. Burrow Snapper: Large rabbit like creatures that are known biting other beings. Can get up to 4'.

10. Carcass Flower: Venomous flower that smells like a rotting carcass. Venom causes bad stomach aches and numbing in arms and legs. Yellow petals with red center.

11. King Quillett: Are said to taste even better than a regular quillett. Are about twice as big as a regular quillett and have larger spikes. Are known to go beserk when injured. Can be very aggressive.

12. Sugar Diamond: Coconut like plants that contain sugar. Can vary in color and shape. Only found in Kaverous underground.

[Wolf]13. Parsitius Magna: basically a one foot long, six inch tall scorpion (without a stinger) that is capable of infecting people with a virus that mutates both their physical appearence and mental state, turning them into deformed monsters completely bent on killing. They're kind of like zombies or the Flood, to put it simply.

14. Leon: Large, scaled, reptilian creatures that seem to be very similar to cats and primates. They have four eyes, walk on four legs, and have an opposable thumb. They have hand-like feet just like many primates do. Leon's are very intelligent and can comunicate with other intelligent beings, but prefer to use very primitive weapons and shelters like spears and small huts made from grass, mud, and sticks. They are experts at fishing. Average leons can get up to 7 feet up to the shoulder.

-- Edited by Blizzardclaw at 04:51, 2009-02-24

-- Edited by Blizzardclaw at 02:03, 2009-02-25

-- Edited by Blizzardclaw at 01:31, 2009-02-28

-- Edited by Blizzardclaw at 01:44, 2009-02-28



Royal Luddy XD

ThunderClan Leader

Status: Offline
Posts: 3570
The Demon War-Now accepting! 7 spots left, 4 on each side, Started
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Name: Ailsa Toils (Ailsa means Noble :3)
Age: 17
Gender: Female~
Appearance: Tall, long red-brown hair, green eyes, has arm sleeves, wears jeans and short sleeve t-shirts
Personality: Sorry, I can't say a personality until I've played the character *shrugs*
History: Uhm...She's a normal adult really, until she started drawing weird things. Things she could call 'Demons.' Of course, she was nothing less of stunned when she found that those demons existed as soon as she called upon them. That was when she was told of the demon war.
Other information: None really :3
Demons: Kitt (I'm so unoriginal XP), Zena, Luro
Abilities: Kitt: Talking vehicle (which in itself is quite a feat), powered with many unimaginable weapons, such as a certain type of fire that works underwater; Zena: Blue wolf with wings, a mane of red, power of ice, as well as invisibilty (if that's okay?); Luro: Lion-type creature, can break down almost any wall with his roar
Side: Pure-Ones

-- Edited by Duskstar at 23:30, 2009-02-21

-- Edited by Duskstar at 01:20, 2009-02-22


"If he dies, then it will be God's will."

"If that was meant to be comforting, it was not."

"Everyone dies eventually. Once you are born, you begin to die."

"That was not comforting either!"

"It is the way of the Creed. Usually our deaths are violent but quick."

"Old man, are you trying to provoke me?"

-Stolen from a fanfic~-

ShadowClan Leader

Status: Offline
Posts: 1789
RE: The Demon War-Now accepting!
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The abilities are for the Demons.



Royal Luddy XD

ThunderClan Leader

Status: Offline
Posts: 3570
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Ooh, okay XD And I'll add which side I'm on too >.>


"If he dies, then it will be God's will."

"If that was meant to be comforting, it was not."

"Everyone dies eventually. Once you are born, you begin to die."

"That was not comforting either!"

"It is the way of the Creed. Usually our deaths are violent but quick."

"Old man, are you trying to provoke me?"

-Stolen from a fanfic~-

ShadowClan Leader

Status: Offline
Posts: 1789
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Thanks, I forgot to put that in the form.



Royal Luddy XD

ThunderClan Leader

Status: Offline
Posts: 3570
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There :3 I edited.


"If he dies, then it will be God's will."

"If that was meant to be comforting, it was not."

"Everyone dies eventually. Once you are born, you begin to die."

"That was not comforting either!"

"It is the way of the Creed. Usually our deaths are violent but quick."

"Old man, are you trying to provoke me?"

-Stolen from a fanfic~-


Status: Offline
Posts: 116
RE: The Demon War-Now accepting! 4 spots on each side
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Name: Seaun Naito
Age: 10
Gender: Male

-Eye color: An almost icy silver. Extremely clear and sharp.

-Hair color: A dark black with red highlights on his side bangs.
Handsome if you look closely, but currently cute as a small child can be. XD

Personality: For a slight overview, he has a p.oker face. (A fake smile, etc.) He acts older then he is, and is a bit cold at times.
History:Seaun has never truly smiled. A rough childhood as an orphan has hardened his dislike towards most human-kind.
Other information: You say his name like Sean Night, but with a slight asian flair :3
Demons: Yue, Cei, Sora

-Yue has a psychic ability to warp reality into dark fear.

-Cei can manipulate ice into different shapes

-Sora can 'jump' into different dimensions or places

Side: Currently Neutral

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