Warrior Cats: The Four Clans

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TOPIC: A Second Chance ~Ivoryclaw's Story~ .:Part 2 is now UP!!:.

RiverClan Warrior

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Posts: 2635
RE: A Second Chance ~Ivoryclaw's Story~ .:Part 1 UP!!:.

I really liked part one, Ebonners! It was really well put together, and an interesting twist, with the apparition of Blackstar at the end... Or is Nightwhisper the reincarnation of Blackstar? Who will know?



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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Posts: 12977

Thanks a bunch Resta! Hmm... i guess we shall find out with time XD



RiverClan Warrior

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Posts: 2635

I stick beside my theory. xD



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

Status: Offline
Posts: 12977

Hehe! We shall see, the next part of this story shall be up soon =D I was working on Ebb's quest so i wasnt working on Ivy's XD



RiverClan Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 2635

:D I liked Ebony's Quest, though I am still not fond of Blackfox. I am glab that Goldpaw struck him and cut him. xD



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

ThunderClan Leader

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Posts: 3570

Beautiful~ And Sparrowpatch, and Dusky, and Blackstar~ x3


"If he dies, then it will be God's will."

"If that was meant to be comforting, it was not."

"Everyone dies eventually. Once you are born, you begin to die."

"That was not comforting either!"

"It is the way of the Creed. Usually our deaths are violent but quick."

"Old man, are you trying to provoke me?"

-Stolen from a fanfic~-

ShadowClan Deputy

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Posts: 4373

OMG. Shadeflight... fatherly? Well, I do suppose it could happen. X3

Annndddd Blackstar is still up to his old antics. Let's see what he's planning this time, hmm?

This is my wonderful competitive Pokemon team.
Sprites from PokemonElite2000.com

ThunderClan Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 7257

This is beyond amazing!! Once again I am completely impressed by your expertise of writing


WindClan Deputy

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Posts: 12977

Sorry for the extremely long delay in the next chapter! Here it is and its mostly about the past of Streamclan =D If you know the whole story and get bored easily of hearing it over and over and over again you may want to just lightly read over it for the parts with the acctualy Ivorypaw interaction with Falcondance. Anyway i hope you enjoy the breif trip through history and have fun hearing about how Blackstar came to be =D Remember it may be a tad bit different than you remember because some deatils were left out. This takes place many generations after the first one so full details were lost and Falcondance is giving a pretty close sum up of what happened. I know some of the emotions arent what you portrayed as you played Streamclan but see former statement ;)

"Come in!" called the deep voice of Streamclan's medicine cat. Ivorypaw had been sitting a little awkwardly outside his den and had only just announced his arrival. Hesitantly he stepped inside the den and took in a quick glance around, purposefully avoiding Falcondance's eyes. The den was made of old twisted roots that bent and quirked in to convenient places to put herbs. One of the walls of the den was made of a large moss covered rock that had probably been there as long as the tree had. Farther inside the den was a small trickling stream that was never used unless absolutely necessary.

Ivorypaw felt Falcondance's pale green eyes burning holes in to his fur. "Ivorypaw?" the medicine cat asked.

"Umm..." Ivorypaw started, "I was wondering..." Ivorypaw truly hated talking to this tom. The air around him was guarded and stiff despite the smiles and laughs he made. It seemed unreal, yet no other cat in the camp seemed to regard the strange air. None of them noticed the insincere eyes. They were captured by the charm that made up for the lack of feeling in his words. "Would you mind telling me the story of Blackstar?" He looked up to meet Falcondance's eyes and only saw a quiet curiosity there.

"Alright", he started, "But it's not a story I like to tell often." Ivorypaw nodded softly and lay down so that he could listen in peace. Falcondance stared at him for a moment longer before he turned to look some where beyond him, as if to look in to the past. The air around the den grew somber as the medicine cat opened his mouth to speak, "Yet it has been told to me and I shall pass it to you."

"A long time ago, during the days of legends and heroes there lived a leader named Shadowstar. He was true, brave and caring. Yet just like another other tom he managed to fall in love... But the problem was that he fell in love with their medicine cat," An expression passed on Falcondance's face that almost knocked the air from Ivorypaw's chest. There was a deep pain that looked to only reflect a small amount of the scars on his heart. What could have caused such emotions in the gray medicine cat?

"Her name was Rainpelt and she was a truly beautiful cat. She stunned all those she was around. Yet she had already confessed her love to another cat, her apprentice by the name of Eaglepaw. They had loved each other for a long time at that point and yet Rainpelt couldn't help but feel a lingering attachment to Shadowstar because they were kit hood friends. Shadowstar admitted that he loved her and her love faltered for a moment. She felt her love growing for him but yet, their passion was dulled by the pain they had caused to Rainpelt's former lover. Her heart was torn but Shadowstar knew that he was not destined for her. He had already begun to feel for another she cat by the name of Twigstorm. The young warrior had been pining after her leader for a good deal of time.

"Shadowstar's heart opened to her and they fell deeply in love. Not many moons later, to the happy couple was born a son and a daughter. They named their kits Blackkit and Silverkit. Rainpelt and Eaglepaw, now Eaglesight, had also been blessed with tiny lives. Named in honor of their fallen former deputy, their black furred son was named Ebonykit and his sister was named Lilackit." Falcondance stopped for a moment, as if debating whether to cover the topic of Rainpelts kits.

After a moment he gave a soft sigh and continued, "In total there were six kits in the nursery at that point in time. The other two were Yellowkit and the last was Songkit. Before to long Eaglesight had gone in to the forest to collect herbs, yet while he was out he found another kit, one that had no mother or father and had been washed ashore near the streams. He quickly brought it back to the nursery as a new sister for his two kits, he later named her Duskkit." For a moment Ivorypaw felt his heart skip a beat and then constrict at the name. He didnt know why it, so he pushed the feeling away. "As they grew older, Ebonykit and Duskkit had grown feelings for one another. Yet Ebonykit had competition, Blackkit had taken notice of the young pretty she kit.

"There was also another problem stacked against Ebonykit, it says in the legend that he was actually the revived spirit of the fallen deputy and that he had been brought back from the dead because of his passionate and pure love for his mate Goldheart. He had had a premature death so Starclan agreed. Young Ebonykit did not remember his former life so he was confused at his feelings for the new Streamclan deputy, Goldheart. Yet his feelings kept bringing him back to Duskkit. While the turmoil in his life was taking grip, Blackkit grew very close to Duskkit. The two were beginning to fall in love. Yet there was something wrong. Blackkit had been a prodigy, he was already strong and fierce but he had an overwhelming desire for blood. He loved the thrill of battle even as a kit. He wanted to feel his claws rake down on an enemy and end its life.

"This overwhelming sensation led him to kill young Songkit. Her blood stirred emotions in him that made him want more. Despite him wanting the thrill of killing, he managed to form inseparable bonds with his fellow kits. The only kit that refused him after the death of Songkit was his own sister Silverkit. She even denied that they were related. Ebonykit and Yellowkit's loyalty to their friend stayed strong though. Though soon there was to be another drastic change in their lives. One day Ebonykit found a secluded area at the back of the camp where he closed his eyes and ears. He did this when everything around him got to be too much. It reminded him of the black abyss he had lived in before his new birth. Earlier that day he had fought with himself about his feelings. One part of him told to abandon his odd feelings for the deputy yet the other fought back with such a strong force defending the love he had acquired for her.

"There was a long struggle between the personalities and eventually the spirit of Ebonycloud was pulled from the young kit. The kit felt a transformation take over. His bones bent and twisted in to their proper shape. His pure black fur rippled and turned bone white. His ice blue eyes deepened to golden amber. From that day forward he had named himself..." Falcondance trailed off for a moment as he had glanced down at Ivorypaw. An odd look passed in his eyes that the young apprentice could not read. "Ivorykit..."

Ivorypaw pulled back in a bit of shock. A bone white tom with deep golden eyes named Ivorykit? What was that all about?! There was something in Falcondance's voice that almost held disbelief. Ivorypaw shifted under his gaze before the medicine cat snapped back to an awkward attention. "Uh... umm.. anyway," He started, "From that day forward Ivorykit stopped pursuing both Goldheart and Duskkit. He watched from the side lines as Blackkit and Duskkit fell deeply in love with one another. Ebonycloud, the lost deputy of Streamclan mysteriously reappeared one day even after having his death witnessed.

"Seasons passed and the young cats grew. They had become apprentices named Blackpaw, Yellowpaw, Silverpaw, Lilacpaw, Duskpaw and Ivorypaw..." Falcondance hesitated for a moment and Ivorypaw felt the odd sense that Falcondance was probing his head for knowledge of a past life. The young bone white apprentice returned his gaze with nothing to hide. What ever the medicine cat suspected it wasn't true.  "Soon Blackpaw and Ebonycloud had come across a patrol of Treeclan cats that had been coming to look for their apprentice named Robinpaw. Robinpaw was the long lost sister of Duskpaw and had fallen deeply in love with Ivorypaw. Yet Ivorypaw was still pining for Duskpaw." Ivorypaw felt his heart constrict again. A tear welled in his eye and he had to blink it away before Falcondance saw it.

"Despite his pining for Duskpaw he settled for Robinpaw, feeling that if he could be content with her he would be able to eventually forget Duskpaw. Yet he never did... He was always deeply in love with her even after having become the mate of Robinpaw when they became warriors... Anyway," he said after having a look that he had been sidetracked. "Blackpaw and Ebonycloud were called murderers for killing the whole patrol. Blackpaw was disgusted with how his clan mates could turn on him. Ebonycloud had decided to stay for punishment. Yet Blackpaw refused and called his loyal friends to him. They fled the camp with revenge heavy in their hearts. They chose to abandon their apprenticeship and become warriors then and there. Their names were then Blackwing, Duskheart, Yellowflight, Silvermoon, Robinstripe and Ivoryclaw."

That name rang in Ivorypaw's heart. It was familiar and sounded good to him and yet with that odd sense, a pounding headache tore through his head. Ivorypaw flinched away from it, closed his eyes, and gave a soft grunt. Falcondance's attention snapped to him for a moment and he was rendered silent. A long moment passed before Ivorypaw was able to open his eyes and nod to Falcondance to continue. The medicine cat stared for a moment longer, studying the apprentice. Yet in order to fill the silence he continued.

"They formed a clan called Lostclan and recruited rogues and loners. Blackwing underwent strict training from an unknown cat. Not to long after he was given nine lives of a leader by cats from the dark forest. He was then the infamous Blackstar. Ivoryclaw was named his deputy. Soon they attacked Streamclan with deadly force. Blackstar killed many cats but was finally killed himself. Ivoryclaw fought with his old mentor, now leader of Streamclan. Ebonystar fought with such a strong savage force that he nearly killed Ivoryclaw." Pain exploded on Ivorypaw's neck, as if the flesh there had been torn there. He gasped in sheer pain and threw back his head in a brutal yowl. Falcondance flinched way from being startled. Ivorypaw's eyes glazed in fear that his life would end soon.

"Ivorypaw, whats wrong?!" Gasped Falcondance, the tom's face was covered in such a deep worry that Ivorypaw was distracted from his own pain. Even if Falcondance was a medicine cat there should have been no reason to see that degree of fear in his eyes. Ivorypaw collapsed to the ground, gasping for air. What in Starclans name was going on?! Falcondance was immediately at his side checking him over intensely, yet he found no physical scars. After a long moment the pain subsided and Ivorypaw tried to slow his breathing. He sat up but felt his legs trembled beneath him.

He had to get out of here! There was nothing in the den but pain and fear. Falcondance had always been a cause for frustration in Ivorypaw's life but now the tom's words were causing him pain. Before Falcondance could even open his mouth, Ivorypaw bolted from the den and straight out of camp. His legs pumped beneath him, carrying away to anywhere that didn't have Falcondance near it. He wasnt going to come back and he knew it. There was nothing but pain back there. He had to keep running; his life and sanity depended on it.



RiverClan Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 2635
RE: A Second Chance ~Ivoryclaw's Story~ .:Part 2 is now UP!!:.


That made me smile; I was pretty close in my guess, I think! :DDDDDD

I liked how it was Falcondance who told the story! :3 Great work as always, Ebonners!



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

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