Warrior Cats: The Four Clans

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TOPIC: Invasion [ seven / nine spots open! |3 ] you knoes you wants to. C:


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Invasion [ seven / nine spots open! |3 ] you knoes you wants to. C:
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Several centuries after the death of Sandry, Daja, Tris and Briar, four young mages aim to surpass them in magical skills. Two are academic mages* from Lightsbridge** and two are ambient*** mages from Winding Circle****. All have achieved their medallions***** at a young age, and after two years of completing their menial studies under their teachers, have decided that they will help the needy for the next year. (Or make up your own reasons for your character to be there--I'll be using a different excuse.)

The four meet in a freak accident after requests from a disease-, raider-, and natural disaster-ridden seaside province pour in. They meet up in the small hotel that is provided for them in the most damaged part of the province--a town imaginatively called Seafoam. Of course, with such a ripe opportunity, there is no way pirates would willingly pass up a chance to raid cities, even ones as poor as those in Fralain. They are armed with their own mages, and cloaked with their magical protections, they intend to take Seafoam and start their raids from there.

However, with the four young prodigies there, there is no saying what will happen when they face off against the pirates six accomplished mages--not prodigies, but older and more experienced in their own way.

* mages whose power comes from within themselves
** Lightsbridge is the university where academic mages attend
*** mages whose power comes from the outside world
**** Winding Circle is one of the many Circle temples that train mages
***** medallions are worn by those who have shown that they have complete control over their power and have enough power to practice as certified mages. Most earn these only after age 25. (So even the pirate mages are pushing things. xD)



! Okay, so. No typical characters, please. I do like this author and would like things to be more than just, oh, such and such had abusive parents who couldnt see his / her potential as a mage and threw him / her out on his / her ear... blah blah blahhhhh. You get the idea. Please, originality.

@ If you guys want romance, knock yourself out; however, there will be no insta-romance. Love is not like a cup of Cup-O-Noodles--you do not just add water and fall in love at first sight. Thanks. This bothers me a lot. >O

# There will be no duplication powers. I'd also like to add that in this universe, there are no powers such as mind reading. The more extreme powers (such as elemental control or dealing with large workings of power) also exhaust people--they cannot create a bridge a mile long in a rushing river and still be fresher than a daisy after a spring rain. Be reasonable, please.

$ I really would like to have something to reply to--at least three lines, thanks. >O

^ These guys powers come from something based in real life, such as plant magic or metal magic. Just a suggestion. 8D

& Keep in mind, these little kiddies, if forced to go one on one with the pirate mages, will win.
Two pirate mages > one little kiddy
So basically one lil kiddy = 1.5 pirate magie 8D
Okay, no more brain-bruising math that makes no sense, I'm just saying. shotdead-

* There really isn't much. Don't be a donkey, and well all be having fun and stuff (:

- I reserve the right to add more lil rules. 8D

---------please note that i take credit for only the plot.

-- Edited by Souki on Saturday 11th of April 2009 06:55:09 PM

-- Edited by Souki on Tuesday 14th of April 2009 12:11:53 AM

-- Edited by Souki on Monday 20th of April 2009 03:35:48 AM

-- Edited by Souki on Thursday 23rd of April 2009 03:30:48 AM



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Invasion [ seven / nine spots open! |3 ]
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The ones that are taken will be bolded in red and the mages power listed next to it.


Academic 1 -- Fire [ Vivian ]
Academic 2
Ambient 1 -- Elemental currents [ Yvonne ]
Ambient 2 --
 Nature [ Mavi ]


Academic 1
Academic 2
Academic 3
Academic 4
Ambient 1
Ambient 2


Age: must be between 15 and 18 for the four prodigies, and 16-20 for the pirate mages
Position: eg, pirate academic 2
Appearance: None of those links, unless its to a picture (see next note). No pictures unless you personally drew them, and even then, you must type up at least a skeleton appearance. Thanks.
Personality: See below vv
Power: None of that 'you'll see ;)' turd, okay? See below.
Mage Kit: All mages require one of these to do their magic--tell us what your character uses as their mage kit. =D

*I apologize (o3o) if I seem strict--its just that even laziness has its limits. (This from Master Procrastinator, I realize.)

-- Edited by Souki on Saturday 11th of April 2009 02:25:29 AM

-- Edited by Souki on Saturday 11th of April 2009 02:33:09 AM

-- Edited by Souki on Monday 13th of April 2009 11:48:45 PM

-- Edited by Souki on Monday 13th of April 2009 11:49:15 PM

-- Edited by Souki on Monday 20th of April 2009 03:36:28 AM

-- Edited by Souki on Monday 20th of April 2009 03:38:04 AM



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Name: Yvonne Fatima [Played by Souki]
Age: 15
Position: Prodigy; Ambient 1
Appearance: Yvonne had orginally black hair, although an accident at Winding Circle with a plant mage's dyes resulted in a dark teal colored streaks in her long, mid waist-length hair, which she likes to wear tied into a half-pony tail with a ribbon of a similar shade to the streaks. Her skin is pale because she spends most of her time indoors reading. (She knows several tricks in hand-to-hand combat and is handy with a bow, but only because her parents were hunters and kept her handy with training.) She's slightly tubby around the waist since she doesn't get around a lot if given the chance, but as everyone mostly focuses on her glowering, angry green-grey eyes, no one really notices unless they're really looking for something to make fun of her about.
Yvonne will wear dresses, but she'll try and ditch as many extra layers as possible. She still likes them better than breeches, though, since she dislikes the ones that are offered to her--too scratchy, she says.
Personality: Yvonne is a short tempered, sharp-tongued girl. She is a bookworm, and can and will read anything. She values her books more than any human life, although with animals, it's a different story. Animals had always acccepted her for who she was--an impatient girl always hungry for more knowledge--while her frightened parents had tried to beat the magic out of her, preferring that their only child be a normal one than one cursed with something that magic-sniffers could not see.
Faced with a fight or a brawl, Yvonne will probably ignore it unless it somehow manages to include her or her friends... or if there is money to be made. Growing up in a less-than-wealthy environment, any chance to earn extra moolah is a go for her. She really doesn't care about others, although she will if she can tell it'll come back to bite her in the behind later on in her life.
Only close friends and people she respect get spared a verbal--and sometimes, if unlucky, physical or magical--thrashing.
Power: Yvonne has the power over natural currents. Anything that flows in some sort of a pattern is fair game for her. Anything short of using small spells makes her tired and in need of rest. She can draw strength from currents, but the longer she uses these powers, the longer she'll spend unconscious recovering.
Mage Kit: The girl uses a small pouch--spelled against unwanted prying by other mages or humans--to carry her supplies. The majority of her supplies are various rocks--precious or not--and various braids of again, various material that have been spelled to hold power.

Name: Vivian Jade (sometimes called Viv) [played by Tree]
Appearance: Small girl with long pale wheat blonde hair, delicate face, and pretty bone structure with creamy skin. Vivian has large violet eyes and long lashes. 4'9
Personality: Vivian was always the baby in the family and was used to getting what she wanted and lots of attention but now she doesn't get that and it upset her...alot. Her parents more than likely gave her what she wanted so she wouldn't throw one of her fits. If you can get past her fits and mood swings you will find that she is actually really nice.
Power: She can manipulate fire and call it to her but it takes alot out of her to use it so she tries to save it for when she really needs it. Sometimes when she gets a really bad temper she looses control of her power. It only last abit because it is such an emotional and physical drain that she can't keep it up for long when she is in this state.
Mage Kit: She has a small black draw string bag with a red upwards triangle and an athame over it. Sanskrit is written golden letters under the triangle. Inside the bag is a small golden salamander with ruby eyes, an Agni doll and other stones. (hope i did that right.)
Other: She has a necklace with a Sun on it she NEVER takes off.

Name: Mavi Illakian [ played by Duskstar ]
Age: 16
Position: Ambient prodigy 2
Appearance: Mavi has light green hair of an origin that she never disclosed (some of the other mages at the Winding Circle often joked that her hair had turned green from her spending so much time with leaves and trees), brown eyes, and a very long, green scarf that has a leafy pattern at the end
Personality: Mavi is very much like nature itself: she is quite calm, kind, and forgiving, except for when a friend or something else dear to her is endangered. When she is angry, she can become quite like a summer storm: vicious, deadly, and unstoppable.
Power: Mavi's power is all about nature. She can speak to most living things around her, but quite a few have become hostile to her. Rocks will do nothing for her, and a certain few rocks will drain her of energy, leaving her unconscious to recover. She can affect small natural things around her, such as vines, leaves, and can ask favors of animals (those favors are almost always returned),
Mage Kit: Mavi's mage kit contains a large oak leaf, a few freshly grown flowers, a patch of fur from a squirrel (willingly given) and other dried leaves and berries.

Various NPC-type characters;
These can be manipulated as surrounding environment to help your character or help boost your post to three lines.

Lesser, non-mage pirates
Various soldiers sent from around the place to help

-- Edited by Souki on Saturday 11th of April 2009 03:23:23 AM

-- Edited by Souki on Monday 13th of April 2009 07:48:00 PM

-- Edited by Souki on Monday 20th of April 2009 03:37:29 AM



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RE: Invasion: a role play based on Tamora Pierce’s Circle of Magic [ nine spots |3 ] no exp. required
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ooc; post away, people!

while i try and dig up my intro. i swear i had it somewhere before. >O



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Invasion [ nine / nine spots open! |3 ]
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Name: Yvonne Fatima 
Age: 15
Position: Prodigy; Ambient 1
Appearance: Yvonne had orginally black hair, although an accident at Winding Circle with a plant mage's dyes resulted in a dark teal colored streaks in her long, mid waist-length hair, which she likes to wear tied into a half-pony tail with a ribbon of a similar shade to the streaks. Her skin is pale because she spends most of her time indoors reading. (She knows several tricks in hand-to-hand combat and is handy with a bow, but only because her parents were hunters and kept her handy with training.) She's slightly tubby around the waist since she doesn't get around a lot if given the chance, but as everyone mostly focuses on her glowering, angry green-grey eyes, no one really notices unless they're really looking for something to make fun of her about.
Yvonne will wear dresses, but she'll try and ditch as many extra layers as possible. She still likes them better than breeches, though, since she dislikes the ones that are offered to her--too scratchy, she says.
Personality: Yvonne is a short tempered, sharp-tongued girl. She is a bookworm, and can and will read anything. She values her books more than any human life, although with animals, it's a different story. Animals had always acccepted her for who she was--an impatient girl always hungry for more knowledge--while her frightened parents had tried to beat the magic out of her, preferring that their only child be a normal one than one cursed with something that magic-sniffers could not see.
Faced with a fight or a brawl, Yvonne will probably ignore it unless it somehow manages to include her or her friends... or if there is money to be made. Growing up in a less-than-wealthy environment, any chance to earn extra moolah is a go for her. She really doesn't care about others, although she will if she can tell it'll come back to bite her in the behind later on in her life.
Only close friends and people she respect get spared a verbal--and sometimes, if unlucky, physical or magical--thrashing.
Power: Yvonne has the power over natural currents. Anything that flows in some sort of a pattern is fair game for her. Anything short of using small spells makes her tired and in need of rest. She can draw strength from currents, but the longer she uses these powers, the longer she'll spend unconscious recovering.
Mage Kit: The girl uses a small pouch--spelled against unwanted prying by other mages or humans--to carry her supplies. The majority of her supplies are various rocks--precious or not--and various braids of again, various material that have been spelled to hold power.

-- Edited by Souki on Monday 13th of April 2009 07:48:14 PM



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ooc; o3o. i guess my plot isn't appealing at all~~ :c

i guess this would work better as a story? hmm. -talks to self-


The town wasn't in it's best condition, to put things in a very politically correct way. The majority of the houses sported huge cracks and the more unfortunate households had the black, charcoal-y marks of a recent burn, surrounded by the dried watermarks of hastily dashed on water.

This place is like a magnet for bad luck, Yvonne mused to herself as she walked through the mostly quiet town. Most of the villagers had been struck down by a mysterious disease and had been moved and quarantined somewhere else--a very stupid move, if you asked her, but she thought a lot of things were stupid, so it was pretty biased.

Another minute or two's worth of walking brought the girl to a relatively undamaged building. From the multiple stories, Yvonne could tell that this had once been an inn. It wasn't that the wealthier citizens didn't have multiple storied buildings, it was just that she could barely make out the word 'inn' on the charred sign hanging from above the entrance. The building's ceiling was slightly black, and there was a large crack down the door (which swung loosely on it's hinges) and several of the windows were missing. The door creaked weakly as a sea breeze whipped by, pushing the door inwards.

A voice could be heard swearing and grumbling through the door: "Stupid door! Needs a fixin', but where's a body ta find people tha' knows their craft in these times?" A hand reached out to pull the door closed, but Yvonne got there first.

"Excuse me," she said, her usual polite tone in place. "Would this happen to be the Inn that was supposed to take the mages from Winding Circle?"

"Yeah. But what's it to you?" The lady glowered down at her. "If you're looking for a place to put your master's baggage, you guys are taking the better rooms up on the second story. 201 to 204--a room each for the magies." She cackled slightly at her own joke before eyeing Yvonne again. "You maids will have to find other lodging," she informed loftily with a small smirk. "Unless you can pay for your own room."

"I'll be taking the keys to the room, then," Yvonne said mildly, holding out a hand. The woman handed over the one engraved with 201 on it and pointed towards the stairs. As Yvonne walked away, she heard the woman mutter, "Mages. Their servants are just as nutty as their masters," then call, "If anything's missin' when your master comes, I'm saying it was you!"

She shook her head with a smile as she walked up the stairs to her room. Why set the woman straight now? She'd know when no one else turned up to occupy the room.

As for now, Yvonne thought as she set her bags on the bed, I'll need to go around and figure out just how many people are in this Gods forsaken town.


ShadowClan Medicine Cat

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OOC: May I join?
Name: Vivian Jade (sometimes called Viv)
Appearance: Small girl with long pale wheat blonde hair, delicate face, and pretty bone structure with creamy skin. Vivian has large violet eyes and long lashes. 4'9
Personality: Vivian was always the baby in the family and was used to getting what she wanted and lots of attention but now she doesn't get that and it upset her...alot. Her parents more than likely gave her what she wanted so she wouldn't throw one of her fits. If you can get past her fits and mood swings you will find that she is actually really nice.
Power: She can manipulate fire and call it to her but it takes alot out of her to use it so she tries to save it for when she really needs it. Sometimes when she gets a really bad temper she looses control of her power. It only last abit because it is such an emotional and physical drain that she can't keep it up for long when she is in this state.
Mage Kit: She has a small black draw string bag with a red upwards triangle and an athame over it. Sanskrit is written golden letters under the triangle. Inside the bag is a small golden salamander with ruby eyes, an Agni doll and other stones. (hope i did that right.)
Other: She has a necklace with a Sun on it she NEVER takes off.


"Well get there if its where we want to be and if not, well then I guess we never really lost anything in the first place."

J'aime un homme qui joue du piano.


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ooc; |D of course~~
i was thinking maybe i was being too boring. ;__;

I'll put your sheet up, but which side is she on? -pokes position- (like for me, my character is part of the four from winding circle and is one of the two ambient mages) C:


ShadowClan Medicine Cat

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OOC: ....she is one of the four Lightsbridge and I was hoping I did everything right I was kinda worried I also researched the book series and characters some

Vivian walked through the streets stepping around puddles and what not in her path. Just as she was about to stop she saw the place. With a happy sigh she hurried over to the door and opened it walking in.
"Hey kid where are your parents?" the lady asked harshly
"By parents do you mean the people who created me or the person I live with?" she asked her
"Well Grandmother Tameran is in her Lavender field if she hasn't already done so and as for my parents well let's just say that aren't able to come"
"Well I can't let you in here without one of them"
"But this is the place that the mages are staying correct?" she asked her voice not as sweet as it was before
"Yes but that doesn't matter. I doubt they wont a kid bothering them"
"I am not a kid I am Vivian Alexandria Jade youngest member of the Jade family and Lightsbridge mage"she voice rising.
"Yeah okay"she laughed
Vivian was in a horrible mood now and her eyes where piercing. "Give me the key to the room I shall be staying in or I'll...I'll" she was at a lose for words
"Or you'll what bit my ankles?" she laughed again

-- Edited by Tree on Monday 13th of April 2009 11:45:27 PM


"Well get there if its where we want to be and if not, well then I guess we never really lost anything in the first place."

J'aime un homme qui joue du piano.

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