It might. It's really just a matter of writing short descriptions for each world, creating the boards for them, making a profile sheet and rules, etc. Which I could probably have done in about three weeks.
1/18/10 Kay, so everyone, I've set up the KH RPG forum. Unfortunately I'm not allowed to actually link to it here, but I think that it might be okay if you PM me for the link. So, yeah; if you're interested in joining, just drop me a PM.
Kay, so I'm going to make these first few things quick. First off, I got a line in the play. It's essentially, "Here's Juliet. She is dead." XD It's more epic than that, but still.
Second, I'm going to try and get back on track with Broken Unity, and see if I can finish it by July. Hopefully before then, since there are only ten chapters... We'll see... Of course, you guys probably don't care, since you haven't read it. XD
Third, the Kingdom Hearts RPG/forum is rolling right along... despite being dead. However, that's because of our lack of members. So, feel free to contact me if you're interested, since I can't directly link to it.
Fourth... I think that's all, actually. Oh, no it isn't. I'm going to put a cast lisdt for my next story up somewhere around here -- the sequel to bU. But that's more of a reminder to myself than it is an announcement. =/
1/30/09 So, I was going to write up a very long essay of sorts on villains in stories, but I decided against it. However, there is one point IO want to make on the subject, just so that people know this and do not make this mistake in the future: Do not be the person with the opinion that any villain with a large amount of power is cliche and unoriginal. Just don't.
Why? Because it's a very bad opinion to have. It's unfair. It doesn't make sense. Just because a villain is strong doesn't make him or her unoriginal -- and, in fact, if they were not strong, then they wouldn't be a good villain in the first place. Along with that, "powerful" can have a lot of different meanings: Technologically powerful, strength powerful, speedily powerful, intellectually powerful... There are tons of different ways that someone can be strong, and every single way can be done in a way that is interesting, unique and just plain awesome.
Take, for example, my rather large bank of villains: Jaeda is "super powerful", in more ways than one. However, her main strength does not come from the powers she has, or the strength that her species naturally possesses; instead, it comes from her intellect and how good she is with manipulation and technology. One might say that she was lame because of how strong she was; BUT, she had a plan, which spanned across several different islands and cities, involving hundreds of beings, eventually leading to her own demise because she also possessed faults within that vast array of abilities. All in all, interesting and unique.
Ruaki. A God of Death. He's powerful, because he's an emotionless tyrant who was betrayed and wishes to take away free will. Yes, a bit cliche, but he was written in such a way that the clicheness of his character does not matter at all -- because he has motivation for his actions and actually had a unique plan with which he tried to achieve his goals. He was eventually killed because he underestimated mortal beings and the power of free qill in general.
Mmm... that's all I have for now; I'll add more to it later. But, basically, just keep in mind that any villain can be interesting, and that they are all unique -- no two go about their goals in the same way. Perhaps I'll write a bit on heroes later on to... Happt Saturday.
3/1/10 SO. The play is over. That's bittersweet for me, because it was fun, but it also ate all of my time. Oh, and, due to events involving my English class: