So, I got to audition for a play for the very first time today. Go me! =D It's Romeo and Juliet, and I'm trying out for one of the family gang members, that way I can fence and fictionally kill someone. XD Today, though, was just the monologue and dance portion, both of which I think I did a fairly good job on -- fencing is tomorrow.
Thanks! =) Like I said, I'm mainly looking for a background role, since I have too soft of a voice and as such would not quite work as a main character. However, I wouldn't mind it too much if I got a slightly bigger part.
Oh, but no fencing portion today... BUT, I did not get sent home right after I did my first cold read -- I actually ended up doing two, the second of which was with some of the more talented people. I'm not sure what that means, but... yeah. I'll know how well I did tomorrow, when the callbacks list is posted.
Alright, first off was a funny game of dodge ball earlier, in which I inadvertently got one person out by grazing their fingers with a dodgeball, before getting out myself. XP
Next, I learned about Radical Land and how that is where numbers go when they are kicked out of pairs when dealing with radical numbers, as well as learning how 3 donkey - 7 donkey = -4 donkey in math.
After that, I got to play Luke Wilson, Owen Wilson/the main character's actor in Marley and Me/Jedidiah in Night at the Museum's younger brother, who is also from the current AT&T commercials, as the host of Medieval Jeopardy in my Intro to Theater class, with our contestants being Dr. Evil and a preppy girl named Veronica (both character names, not actual names :P.) After that, I got to play God.
And just now, I found out that I've been cast in the play as part of the Ensemble, though I'm not sure what they do. XD But still -- for my first ever audition, I think that's pretty good.
OH, and I'm SOOOO close to getting my braces off!!! My orthodontist said that I might be able to get them off next time he sees me, in six weeks, assuming I actually commit to wearing my rubber bands -- which, with that information in mind, I SO will. And I got more toothpaste- now I just need a new toothbrush. XD
If it snowed tomorrow, this would be like, perfect.
-- Edited by Wyvernclaw on Thursday 17th of December 2009 06:46:10 AM
1. TOTALLY!! Isn't dodge ball like, one of the greatest games EVER!? The only thing is, I fail at it nowadays -- at least when it comes to throwing. Catching, I'm meh, Dodging -- boo-yah, because I've only gotten out three times in the last two games I've played.
2. Shrek! Fiona! Dad! Fiona! Mom! Shrek! DONKEY!! Yeah, Radical Land! You have to know radical properties to understand.
3. It's not that much different from role-playing -- the only real difference is that you're physically there. ... Of course, that's not to say that there aren't any sub-differences, but still. XD I consider myself fairly good, but by no means amazing or anything. However, Luke Wilson is one character I can play.
12/21/09 Alright, do you guys ever, like, look back at your old works, and just... cringe because of how God-awful they are? And I'm not talking about you in general, for those who thought otherwise -- I'm talking about you specifically, as an individual. Even more specifically, I'm talking about myself.
Seriously. I made a horrible, horriblemistake joining those RPG servers on Star Wars: JKA, at least at that age. Yes, on the plus side, it got me into writing and role-playing, as well as others; but if you look at all of the negatives, it wouldn't be that wrong to say I was a horrible person before, and that the way I was treated by the majority of people via the internetz (aha -- even in a heartfelt essay, I can still be funny :P) at that time actually had reason to be (with some exceptions.)
Now, I don't know nor do I really care if you guys want a summary of what I am talking about. For those who do, I'll write one and put it in a spoiler; but that will be after I've written the rest of what I want to say, kay? Bear with me.
So, skipping ahead from that, I can't help but notice and -- if you don't mind me saying -- proudly show how much I've improved over time. Just take a look at my writing now -- the structure; the content; the ideas; the spelling. All of it -- everything in this entry has been gathered, quite literally, over six years. It took me six years to getfrom a blabbering little kid's writing style to how I am today. In that time, I have been cussed at, berated, insulted, told I was "inferior" -- and all by people who just did not realize that everyone was an equal being, be they small, big, old or young, black or white, British or American, a good role-player or not... You get it.
Anyway, I'm just babbling now. My point is, life is a roller coaster. I know that sounds cliché, but the sooner you learn that fact, the better your life will be. Everyone has their highs and their lows. Your life will have its highs and its lows. Within those major lows will be highs. Within the major highs will be lows. What matters most is that you realize this, and learn from both the highs and lows -- no matter what happens in either of them. No matter who tries to hurt you or who tries to teach you, you can learn plenty of lessons just by thinking about what they are saying.
So, yeah. Just a little insight into my thoughts, invoked by my heavy researching of the previously mentioned RPG servers today, for whatever reason. =/ For those interested in what happened regarding those, read below:
Back in 2003, I was what you'd call a naive nine-year-old. My brother and I had just started becoming really computer savvy, and as such we spent a ridiculous amount of time on ours. Well, one day, my brother found a demo for a game -- Star Wars: Jedi Academy. It was amazing, back then, and so we convinced our parents to buy it for us. Not really a mistake, but I must say, if we hadn't gotten that game, a lot of carp wouldn't have happened down the road; but alas, destiny is destiny...
Anyway, we got the game. We spent a lot of time after we got it playing single-player, and all that jazz, and stuff. Eventually, we tried multiplayer on it. Well, whatdoyaknow -- multiplayer equaled love at that time, and so we split our time playing that and single player. Fun, fun, fun. Perhaps I should have taken a leaf from the book at that point -- that, even on a free-for-all battle server, we were not liked. Oh, cruel naivety...
So, a couple of months after we started playing multiplayer, my brother happens upon this modification to the game -- Forcemod 3. Well, it seemed cool, so we decided to download it. Unfortunately, we had a limit of an hour in which we could be on the computer at that time; the download took 3. So, I think we switched off or something... I don't recall. But eventually it was installed, and we were free to play -- tomorrow. Well, only delaying the inevitable... Our countdown to emotional breakdown was soon to end.
The day after we downloaded the mod, we began to play again. We started off on an FFA server. Yeah, yeah, that was cool, you get to choose different classes and stuff and fight with certain weapons... Blah blah blah. For whatever reason we left a while afterwards, looking for another server. That... was a mistake. Because we found one -- Forcemod 3 RPG Server. Hm -- RPG? What's that, we wondered? Well, we would find out! So we went in.
Now, I believe my brother was playing at the time... But. essentially, the server was, as stated, an RPG server. So, we were a bit confused when we saw no one attacking each other. So, we decided to change that, and began attacking people. Eventually, one of the RPers told us what was going on, and directed us to the forums. Cool, cool; so you basicall act, huh? We could do that -- it sounded really easy and fun, after all, and it couldn't be that hard, could it? WRONG! Upon joining the forum, we made our profiles, submitting them for Force-usage approval. Well, a week later, the results were in -- and they were not pretty. See, the approval system basically worked by you submitting a profile, and then the admins voted on whether or not to allow the character to be used and if they could use the force. Well, there were three categories for what happened and what they could vote for: Yes, they are approved to use the Force; no, they need to retry; and Never -- they can never use the Force, ever ever. Guess what? We both got the last option -- unsurprisingly, looking back. Saddened, upset, and jsut plain angry, we left, looking for another server.
A couple of days later, I spotted something... interesting. Another RPG server, simply called RPG Server. Curious, I joined -- and was greeted with such niceness, such... deceptive generosity that I told my brother of it. He loved it, too, and so we joined the forum and made our profiles, meeting several new people, among them a really nice admin who I will call ME (the initials of his character's name.) As you can imagine, things were going great... Then they weren't. Our careers just... took a turn for the worst, and we were set on the worst possible course that someone could go on.
I completely blank on how it started; I think it was because this dude who I'll call D joined, along with others -- though he was one of the biggest problems, which I'll get into later. Anyway, yeah, we made great friends with him at first... He was so nice to begin with. Well... A couple of months (or was it weeks? It seemed to happen so fast...) later, the admins on the server wanted to introduce an official Sith faction. As it happened, SOMEHOW, I ended up as leader of the Sith. Wow; amazing, right? An accomplishment to add to my list. Things were so great then...
One day afterwards, I get a PM from ME, telling me I need to get on the server. I was confused, but said, okay, and got on, expecting something interesting. And, boy, was it interesting... painfully so. For this is where the problems officially started. As I got on, I was forced into my Sith character. I was forced (exaggerating, but still) to role-play. Moments into it, I get attacked -- by my Sith apprentice. No warning at all; and soon, I had been killed, my Sith character forcibly taken from me without any consent. Yeah, I admit, I should have prepared for that; I shouldn't have been surprised, since I didn't know how I got the part in the first place (had I suggested the faction to the admins? I think that was it...) and I certainly was not fit for the part at the time; but seriously -- how lame is that? Plotting against me without even telling me? Things could have gone soo much more smoothly if they had just asked me about it...
So, I got in a fight afterwards. With the two of them -- D and ME. Shortly put, this was followed by a temporary suspension of D and myself, as well as a ton of other fights thereafter. Things weren't going so well for my brother, either, as he was targeted for separate, though similar reasons. Eventually, we just said screw it, and started our own server -- RPGPoRP. That was quickly killed, as one of our own admins turned against us and allowed several other fanatics from RPG Server to completely destroy our forums. When confronted, they simply laughed.
So, from there, things just got a whole lot worse. More fights, more insults. We started another server as a replacement for the one that we had lost, which, surprisingly, lived for about a year. I had just plain quit Server by that point; my brother, unfortunately, had not, which, I'm sorry to say, prolonged the attack on us. Things were going at a fairly steady pace until... *sigh* until I decided on something rather... rash and unneeded. There was a certain member, who, at the time, I found extremely annoying (still do -- though not nearly as much, and it's for other reasons.) So, um... I and one of my admins formed a plan to kill his characters -- mirroring the same act that had been used against me on my Sith character, a similarity that I realized far too late (jsut now, as a matter of fact.) That was one of the final blows to the server, which had been rocky for some time. The admins were divided, just plain waging war on one another. So, I suppose what happened next shouldn't be surprising.
Simply put, one of the admins -- who had claimed to be on our side, and stuff -- revealed that he had been lying all along, and pretty much killed the server, for no reason other than "I don't like you" and "You're a moronic American" -- stuff along those lines. That was the final straw for me. I just quit -- what the heck was the point of hanging around a game when no one would let anything change, when the admins abused their powers just to harm people they disliked? There was none -- it was a stupid thing to do. So I was gone, out of the picture, bringing my story to an end.
As for my brother and Server... Server eventually died (thank God for that.) More administrative back-stabbing, as you might have guessed. My brother attempted and failed to bring our server back once again; it died very soon after, due to a certain someone (one of the people who had continuously patronized us) purposefully causing bickering among everyone. Thankfully, my brother gave up after that, letting things just... fade out of memory...
These things have just... always lingered in my mind, and I seriously hate the fact that I was involved in any of it. Ask anyone from the server about "Tai Takoro" and they will tell you that he was the most hated person there -- literally. Fortunately, they could not extinguish my RPing spirit -- I have grown, and I am a better person because of these horrific experiences. And while it seems stupid, I continue to look for a forum where I can play in the SW universe...
Hmm... I was looking for a good story to get me out of my own problems lol.
I remember when I first wanted to get into forums. My mom was an admin on one that is actually really popular in our town; we see ads everywhere. But she was always talking about drama on the site, and while I didn't like that, I thoguht the site sounded cool, and I wanted to join, but she wouldn't let me until I was thirteen.
So I turned thirteen and she still didn't let me, so I looked for my own, and descided that I wanted to find one on a book (by now, I had found that there were many, many types of forums, lol.) so thank god I was lucky enough to stumble upon this one, which was a positive step in my computer usage.
But then I desided to start my own and my god was that a bad idea.
If it had been juut me and my best friend ("SB" I'll call her;D), it would have turned out wonderfully, but my "friend" was an admin, too("LP" we'll call her, initials of her character lol). So SB and me made the plot, started the site, got people on, then in our desperate race formore members, we added LP who begged to be an admin, whom we gave that privilage to. She killed our plots, posted where she wasn't supposed to, harassed other members, and when we confronted her about it, she just said "oh you all hate me. I'm gonna kill myself, you guys wouldn't care anyways". upon which I proceeded to scream at her how idiotic and immature that was to say, because she didn't mean it, I know that. She was just begging for attention (does it all the time).
So I screamed at her, then she tried to apologize, but we'd had so many of those fights on and off the site that I just deleted her account and ignored her in school. LP descided to make another account and get on our good side, pretending not to be herself. Silly me never thought to check the IP adresses, so I made her an admin in her own place, where she proceeded to destroy my site again.
Closed down the whole thing, haven't tried a new site sense. lol
There are just some dang bad people out there. :\
Here's my personal info. Don't hesitate to contact me if you ever need anything! <3