Warrior Cats: The Four Clans

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TOPIC: ~IvyClan RolePlay~ {2 Spots up for grabs!~} .:Sunstar has sided with Shadowstar! NightClan has formed!:.

RiverClan Warrior

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RE: ~IvyClan RolePlay~ {2 Spots up for grabs!~} .:Sunstar has sided with Shadowstar! NightClan has formed!:.
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Amberpaw thought hard. Amberwing... That was so pretty. She wouldn't mind having that name. But something about the way Ivoryclaw had changed his mind --she glanced at him with a confused expression-- it made her wonder. Did he think she wasn't pretty enough to fit the name? She wasn't the prettyest she-cat in the clan, with her not-perfect fur and her blank eyes, but she didn't think she was that bad, not that beauty was a worry of hers until now.

But no, that couldn't be it. Ivoryclaw closed himself off much more than usual. His set expression seemed off. Maybe even more reserved than usual. "That name..." she studied his reaction at her speaking. He knew someone by that name. "Amberwing? Did you know an Amberwing?" She was no longer curious, but demanding. She needed to know more about him, he already knew too much about her.


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WindClan Deputy

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Ivoryclaw glanced harshly toward her, "It doesnt matter." He turned forward again, "I knew someone by that name but she is of no consequence. Go ask the elders if you must know." He knew that he had snapped at and would only perk her intrest in the subject more. They had finally reached camp and as soon as he was inside he made a break from her. He headed for his favorite spot and hunched down there, still trying to calm himself from the vision he had had. Amberwing had been his mother... But not any longer.



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With a frown and a cold glance in his direction, she made a show to head to the elder's den, making him know that she'd find out. She knew just a normal cat couldn't have made him snap like that, or change his mind about something. Oh no, was she a cat from another clan? Had Amberwing been his mate? Did he love her? Shaking her paranoia away, she padded into the Elder's den, making herself comfortable near the door.

"Now Amberpaw," Roseheart gave a raspy laugh, "I haven't seen you sense... Why, sense you were a little apprentice! Has old Whitestar not given you your warrior name yet?" Amberpaw couldn't help but smile. Roseheart had been good friends with her father's mother, and knew well to avoid the incident even in her own mind.

"You've missed out on alot of old stories little one, and I see you've come for one today." She spoke more loudly now, noticing that Tailsight was awake. "Oh you old furball, come help me tell our young warrior a story." Amberpaw nodded with a smile, giving her thanks and apology for waking Tailsight.

"I'd like to hear about a cat named Amberwing," Amberpaw said carefully. Roseheart would know where to take it from there.

ooc: Ebbs, would you like to do the honors? I wouldn't even try to ruin a story from your mouth. :]


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WindClan Deputy

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Roseheart's heart eyes widened for a moment, "Amberwing? Now thats a name i havent heard in seasons..." The old she cat turned toward Tailsight for a small reassurance before continuing on. "If you really want to know about her, I suppose thats alright."
THe old she cat turned back toward Amberpaw, "Well... I was a pretty young warrior at the time... Amberwing was just an apprentice and she was more beautiful than the sunrise. She had pale ginger and white fur with eyes that could melt any heart... Im assuming that since you know her name that must mean that Ivoryclaw's told you about her..." Amberpaw didnt say anything, only looked a little self concious.
"Oh dont worry hun, she wasnt anything that you need to be worried or embarrassed about. She was Ivoryclaw's mother. In fact... He looks a lot like her in the eyes... If only he'd smile again. He used to have such a handsome smile. You could almost see Amberwing in those eyes of his. They were about the same color too." Roseheart's eyes grew sad after a moment.
"It was truely tragic though... Well, not all of it. When Amberwing was just an apprentice, she managed to catch the eyes of every tom in the clan." Roseheart chuckled deeply, "There was one tom in particular that liked her very much. His name was Brownstripe. Boy that tom had such a high opinion of the warrior code... Make one wrong mistake and you'd have him jumping down your throat. Well, Amberwing, at the time she was Amberpaw, wasnt realy interested in him. She had a crush on another tom, although he wasnt nearly as handsome as Brownstripe. He was Brownstripe brother, Mountainclaw." Roseheart shook her head softly.
"That crush never went anywhere. Brownstripe grew to hate his brother though. Jealousy was something he never handled easily. Well, Amberwing soon became a warrior and was swept off her feet by Brownstripe. Soon she was going to have kits. When she did you should have seen the look in her eyes. The glow around her almost made her look like an angel. Amberwing truely was a sweet young cat. The only thing is... Her youngest son, Ivoryclaw... Looked a lot like his uncle Mountainclaw. He bore the name of his grandfather. Ivorystorm was Brownstripe's father, but the thing was... Ivorystorm had chosen favorites amongst his sons... Mountainclaw was his favorite. Seeing young Ivorykit who looked like his brother and had the name of his hated father... It made Brownstripe mad with anger."
"He hated little Ivorykit. He attacked his son not more than a few ours after he had been born. Amberwing's soul broke at that point. Brownstripe was banished. Ivorykit grew up without his father in his life. The only reminder he had was the long scars on his back from his fathers claws. We thought the fur would never grow back but it has. Only if you get close enough can you see the scars under his fur... Then again he never lets anyone that close."
Roseheart glanced at Amberpaw for a moment longer and then toward Tailsight, "Amberwing tried to raise her kits but she never had enough strength or will. Her milk dried up all to soon. Ivorykit was only two moons old at that point. He, his brother and sister tried so hard to cheer her up. Ivorykit tired the hardest of the three. Soon a sickness came throught he camp and took the lives of Mistkit and Molekit. Still Ivorykit refused to die because he always said, 'Until mama cheers up, i wont give up!' The poor little dear. He always smiled and thought nothing of himself."
Rose heart shook her head, "Well, when Ivorykit turned thre moons old his father came back. But this time as a rogue with a vengance. He killed both Mountainclaw and Amberwing. He went to kill Ivorykit but was stopped in time by... your father actually now that i think about it. Well, Ivorykit was devistated, his mother and father figure had been slaughtered before his eyes. He shut himself up like a clam then. No one could reach him... Yet there was one tom in the clan that saw what Ivoryclaw had gone through. Hawkstrike... now he was a wierd tom. Never a single emotion on his face. His past is as sad as Ivoryclaw's but i dont recollect it... Anyway, he saw the potential in Ivoryclaw and took him under his wing. When Ivoryclaw was made an apprentice he quickly learned all he could from Hawkstrike. He perfect that strange style they have... I think he does it to keep himself sane... The state we found his mother and uncle bodies in... It was a horror that no one should ever see... let alone a kit his age." Tears well in Roseheart's eyes. "We dont know what happened to Brownstripe. He escaped that night in to the forest. I think someday Ivoryclaw will leave us... He will leave to go find his father... Find him, and kill him."

OOC; Sorry its so darn long ^^"

-- Edited by Ebonycloud on Thursday 12th of November 2009 01:25:12 AM



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Breath heavy, Florestadream headed back into camp, Badgerpaw right by her side. It was awfully quiet in camp, and her green eyes flickered in happiness. She and her apprentice had gotten very, very far today, and for his vigilance she was quite grateful. Everyone in camp was oh-so happy. It made the she-cat tired, and yet awake. Because she had no idea if this would soon become an uprising because of the ceremony soon-to-come.

oOc;; a couple things. ;3
florestadream will be named deputy. yessss, odd choice considering ivoryclaw is training the whole clan.
andddddd... i will explain why if it's all right with you, mossi.

-- Edited by Florestapaw on Thursday 12th of November 2009 01:34:57 AM



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

RiverClan Warrior

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Amberpaw hid her face in her paws. His history resembled her own in a way. Parents, siblings, both taken away in a river of blood. But his father, his own father, so affected by his own history, that he had to kill his brother and mate.

"Sweetie," Roseheart interrupted her thoughts, pushing the young she-cat's chin up with her paw, "He has a bloody past, but that doesn't mean he'll have a bloody future. He's different than his father, and if you choose to have kits with him, then he will not repeat what his father did. He's different." Roseheart studied Amberpaw's reaction, but Amberpaw was a little surprised. She hadn't thought about that. Actually, she hadn't even thought about kits.

She was actually worrying about when he chose to follow his father. Would he really leave her? Would he someday leave to find this cat and make sure he passed? When that time came, Amberpaw wouldn't let him leave without her. She'd find some way to keep up with him, even with his longer legs and stronger muscles.

"Well, thank you very much Roseheart," Amberpaw stood, shaking out her stiff legs, "I'm sorry I haven't seen you as often as I'd like, but I promise to bring you dry, soft bedding tomorrow. Mosspaw must not have dried this out very well, even I'm stiff." They laughed, and Amberpaw left, the story heavy on her mind. She raised her eyes to see where Ivoryclaw sat, but he was no longer in that spot. Had he went for a walk?

No matter, she'd see him the next day, and she needed to sleep her energy back. Her rumbling stomach reminded her that she hadn't eaten all day, so she ate a fat vole, then collapsed in the Apprentice den, dreaming of bloody claws and a cold white body with lifeless amber eyes.

ooc:: Could someone wake her up when it's time for the naming? :]

-- Edited by Lilyspirit on Thursday 12th of November 2009 01:49:33 AM


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ThunderClan Medicine Cat Apprentice

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Mosspaw padded slowly behind Badgerpaw and Florestadream, thinking about the world. How there were four clans, and so many good things. StarClan, of all of them. She walked into camp to run into Whitestar. He seemed to be only interested in Florestadream. They stopped walking, Mosspaw feeling quite small next to the large Whitestar.

"It's the tradition to name a deputy before the moon rises," he began slowly. "And I was thinking of the next warrior who could lead IvyClan, and the first cat in mind was you." His eyes gleamed in amusement as Florestadream grew wide in shock. "You're a good, strong warrior loyal to IvyClan, and you have wits and senses. Good for being deputy. Since you were gone, training Badgerpaw," He nodded his head towards the black apprentice, "I couldn't hold the right ritual at the time. So now we are. It'll begin soon." Whitestar licked Florestadream's shoulder and left. The she-cat stood, amazed, wide with shock. Mosspaw bounced happily. "Congratulations!" she squealed, before running off.

ooc: sorry for playing your charrie for awhile, resta. hope you don't mind that.
and as for the ceremony, it'll be after school. i have to go now...

you're hiding in the closet
once again, start smiling.
I know you're tryin', real hard
not to turn your head away
pretty darling, face tomorrow
tomorrow's not yesterday. <3


WindClan Deputy

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Ivoryclaw had left his usual spot when Amberpaw really did go to interogate his past. That was the last thing he needed right now. Everyone in the clan knew to keep their mouth shut about it. It wasnt really a rule to do so but it was common knowledge to try and let the wound heal up. Yet Ivoryclaw never really was the same after all that. He figured he had turned out alright and that everyone just overeacted toward him.
The white warrior had taken a long moonlight walk. His pale fur glowed despite never being polished like other warriors. He looked like a phantom cursed to roam the world instead of hunting with Starclan. His large paws moved against the groiund, almost as if they never touched it. When he had managed to seal away his anger, his pain and his emotions again he headed back toward the camp in order to see the rest of the clan gathering beneath the high rock for an announcment. The only thing Ivoryclaw could think that was happening would be the deputy ceremony... With a deep frown the tom boldy made his way to the rock and stared up at Whitestar.
"Whitestar, I think it about time that Amberpaw recieved her warrior name. She is long past due for it." The amber eyed warrior stood his ground refusing to have it put off one more moment. "Ive tested her on everything a... normal warrior should know. Give her the name."



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Listening to Ivoryclaw, Florestadream thought to herself, I'm Deputy now. I must be fair to all. Looking up at Whitestar, she mewed, "Do her ceremony first, if you don't mind. I think she deserves a ceremony more than me." She chuckled half-heartedly, and said, "Ivoryclaw, do the honors." Looking around, she smiled to Badgerpaw, and flicked her ear for him to sit for when Whitestar called the cats together. She couldn't wait for it.



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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Ivoryclaw knitted his brows for a moment, "Honors of what? I have no say in how any of these ceremonies go. Its Whitestar that must do the ceremony." The white tom turned away and made his way through the crowd in search of Amberpaw. He didnt find her at first... Perhaps she was still asleep. He entered the apprentice den and found her in her little nest, "Wake up." he said shortly, not bothering to make a little joke as most mentors would. "You are getting a suprise," He turned from the den and Amberpaw followed behind, winking the sleep from her eyes.



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