OOC: no i mean before the one with the plotting, you seem to miss that post.
"Well if we don't kill him maybe there will be death and destruction and maybe this realm will be destroyed and the Cykarie Realm (otherwise know as the Sye Realm in the future) will have a waged war with a realm Blackfang named after himself." Ryujini said then paused. The three of them broke out laughing.
Kyle went outside after Luna. He wrapped his arms around her. "what's wrong?" he asked. "please don't cry." he said. He hugged her a but tighter. He Waited for her to say something. Occ: sorry it's short x3
Thanks karma! The cat in my avie is my character firestar/leaf. Not the character from the book ;)
Carmello finished the bread and sighed. "Thanks again," he said. Rocky smiled and looked down at the bird. "I'm going to hang onto you until your wing's better, okay?" he asked. Carmello nodded. Rocky picked him up and carried the bird outside. He saw Luna and Kyle. He made eye-contact with Luna, then looked away. He knew he couldn't go back home. His foster dad would kill Carmello. He didn't know where to go. He didn't have any friends to stay at their house until the camping trip, when he would stay there. He sighed. He needed to get used to camping, so he would sleep in the park. People would think I'm a bum, and maybe in the morning I'll ebd up with some exra cash, He thought.
I am Jaggedpine. Just thought I should let you know.
"It's just, Ian is so sad, and I feel like I'm hurting people." She said shaking her head. "I-I have never caused anyone pain, and it got me thinking, If i didn't know that I was causing him pain, maybe I'm causing other's pain too." She said. Luna hugged him back, for once she had a shoulder to cry on. "Am I hurting you too?" She asked.
Rocky walked past Kyle's car and started to run. "Sorry," he said to te bird. He raced for the park. The ambulances were all almost gone from the wreck, and Rocky ran away from it, to the park where the other animals were. "Hello!" he called. The doctor bird smiled at him. "You healed him!" she cried with triumph, and all the birds in the park called out with joy. It was so loud and happy, that Rocky thought the whole city would hear it, including Kyle and Luna. It rang out, and Rocky yelled with them, and it sounded as if he belonged with them.
I am Jaggedpine. Just thought I should let you know.
Kyle looked at her. It was true that ian seemed upset about them. And maybe rocky too. But he knew they were upset with him too. Not just her. He sighed. "of course your not hurting me." he said. There was no way she could ever hurt him. He closed his eyes for a moment. He didn't like seeing her sad. He opened his eyes again.
Thanks karma! The cat in my avie is my character firestar/leaf. Not the character from the book ;)
She smiled at him, with tears still on her face. "I hoped not." She said, hugging him. "I would never want to hurt you, or Ian, but it's to late for that." She leaned against his chest, she could hear his heart beat. It soothed her. She began breathing more slowly and naturally. Thats when she heard the bird calls. "It's like the world is balenced when I'm with you, but without you, I'm nothing." She looked up into his eyes. "I'm glad I have you." She said, hugging him tighter.
Rocky smiled, and the calls died own until they were normal. Birds came around him and flew around his head. A young one tugged at his hair. Rocky laughed and shooed it away. e felt good to be with the birds. But, he wished things were better. He wished Luna agknowledged other people than just Kyle. He sighed and picked up a rock. He wanted to throw it, but there were too many birds in the way. He held out his aarms and birds perched on them.
I am Jaggedpine. Just thought I should let you know.
Kyle blinked and watched her brown eyes. He blushed a bit, than gave her a warm smile. "I.." he stopped himself. He wasn't going to say he loved her. Not right now. Not while everyone is upset. Plus, he just figured out that she liked him not to long ago. He watched her eyes still, with his deep blue eyes.
Thanks karma! The cat in my avie is my character firestar/leaf. Not the character from the book ;)