Scorchheart saw Lilyflower, but still didn't go over to talk with the rest of her clan-mates. She still couldn't find the courage to talk to the others, and tell them about her dream. It felt weird, not speaking for once. The others all seemed concerned with Shadewing, and were asking questions about something, though he might not have wanted to talk. She looked at how exited and...talkative the others were. Scorchpaw sat in the shade of a near by tree and sighed with a hint of boredom. When were they going to continue? She felt hot energy just waiting to be waisted, but she couldn't use it. She missed Bluegaze, and wished she was here. Atleast she would have been company. Plus, she couldn't remember..."Oh right. I'm the only apprentice on this trip."she silentley whispered to herself. The others were strong warriors. She grinned at the thought of meeting someone her age along the way. She would at least have a younge person to be in company with.
"Hmph. At least you guys know who your family is." Riverheart padded over to the small pile of fresh-kill that they had made and picked a vole, crunching down on it, and eating quickly. If they wanted to exclude him with their mushy-gushy-and-irritated arguments at the same time, fine. He'd get to work on their mission. Quest. Thing. Standing up, he padded around their camp, searching for any signs of other cats.
Ooc: Going on a five hour drive, PLEASE don't go too far or leave Rivy in the dust D: Drag him along if you must XD
"If he dies, then it will be God's will."
"If that was meant to be comforting, it was not."
"Everyone dies eventually. Once you are born, you begin to die."
"That was not comforting either!"
"It is the way of the Creed. Usually our deaths are violent but quick."
ooc: we won't (= I'll make sure Lilyflower be's the girl she is inside and drag River by the scruff (:
ic: Lilyflower set her tail onto Riverheart's shoulder, and gave him a sympathetic look. "That isn't as bad as losing your parents at such a young age, is it?" she asked softly. "I sometimes forget what they even look like. I.. usually do, actually. The pictures of them are blurry and fading away. I sometimes feel like I'm a burden to the world, because I forgot what my own parents looked like. But it's not me to blame. I lost them at a young age. You never even met them. We're even, there." She gave Riverheart a little friendly 'whack' on his nose with her tail, then giggled.
Shadewing ignored Lilyflower and contineud to glower at his brother. He also ignored Florestadream even after she knocked them both down. "I did call you to you mouse brain! I called your name twice! Get your ears checked the next time we see Gingerfall. A cat that cant hear will be useless on this trip. You might as well go back!" Shadewing bristled even more, growling darkly at his brother. He didnt care that Florestadream would knock their heads together if they didnt knock it off this instant. He hated how Shadowpelt was blaming him for some dumb thing like this. He did trust Shadowpelt... that was until Shadowpelt started snarling saying that Shadewing didnt trust him at all.
Scorchpaw saw the two brothers now fighting, and immediatley came over, even though she didn't want to. She saw them under Floreststreams paws glaring at eachother, and stood there with a blank expression on her face. "What...never mind,none of my buissness."she said as the other two looked at eachother coldly. She streaked back to her bramble thicket in their camp and hid in it. Fear seered through her viens as the image of their angry eyes was fozen in them. She wasn't going to get involved in a fight. "Bluegaze would! She's not here, and I need to handle myself!"she said defiantly as she hid there.
-- Edited by Scorchheart on Saturday 13th of February 2010 01:09:05 AM
"Fine!" He spat. "Go at this without me then. See if I care you piece of fox dung!" He hissed and his fur stood on end as he walked back the way they came. He trampled through the leaves and bushes as loud and noisy as an angry badger. He walked a ways and then plopped down in front of a tree licking his fur angrily. "Get my ears checked." He muttered between licks. "Get your brain checked you idiot." He continued licking his fur. He hated arguing with his brother but he wasn't about to give in to the argument. No, he wasn't the better cat in situations like this. Especially ones that made him this infuriated.
Scorchpaw sat in her bramble patch, and wondered where the rest of the group had gone. They had decided to go hunting, but she stayed behind. Scorchpaw remembered Bluegaze yet again, for she missed the cat, and wished she was there. Scorchpaw got up and decided to do some privat hunting, and went off in the direction of her clanmates, but took a detour. They were far off from how faint the scent was getting, so Scorchpaw decided to take her time in finding them. She saw a fat looking vole eating away at something, and leapt at it. She landed and caught it, but just barley. She heard something larger padding her way as she devoured her kill, her ears twitching. She pretended not to notice, and started grooming herself. Her pelt was a little dirty from having gone so far, and she still hadn't found out where the others were hunting. The noise came again, but it was closer this time. She still pretended not to notice and lay there, chomping on the left overs from her prey. She opened her jaws and drank in the air, but found no scent, for the wind was blowing towards where the sound was coming from. She got up, decdiding to go back to their temporary resting spot, but the noise came again, and it was heading towards her. She quickened her pace and went back the way she had come. She saw a plump jack rabbit role out of a bush, and was releived. Just as she was about to pounce, something smelled rank. She looked the rabbit over, and saw it was already dead. Were they in Pantherclan or Windclan? She started to run, leaving the large rabbit behind. The noise had gotten louder and closer. It was following her!She was almost back at the resting place.
-- Edited by Scorchheart on Saturday 13th of February 2010 02:01:08 AM
ooc; Scorchie, Shadow didn't just walk to a tree, he went quite a ways down the path that they came from, you can't just magically appear where I was. =]
Shadewing spat darkly after his brother, tears threatening his eyes. "Fine! Who cares about you anyway! Its not like you've even been able to be anything more than a bully!" Shadewing stormed away from where he had been standing. He lashed his tail back and forth and called out with a snarl to his group, "Well?! Are we going to finish our stupid mission or not?!" His wild blue eyes held betrayal and anger. Not even Florestadream's disapproving eyes could make him stop bristling.