Warrior Cats: The Four Clans

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TOPIC: SnowPack- Rise of Normandy **BATTLE IS A VICTORY! WE WON WE WON! but we didn't kill Normandy. darn.*****

ShadowClan Warrior

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SnowPack- Rise of Normandy **BATTLE IS A VICTORY! WE WON WE WON! but we didn't kill Normandy. darn.*****
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The snakelike shade bowed his head and Cloudandis did not answer at first. "I did ssssir."he replied in a fearful voice.Cloudandis stared at Normady. "I also asked sir."she said in a ghostly unwavering voice. What did he mean? Did he notice her in the crowd?  She did not quiver as the shade did. Several shades hissed and growled in shock. No one usually admitted to a fault unless their life depended on it. It seemed as if those two shades were in that situation.

Cloudandis saw the snakelike shade cowering with fear at the sight of Normady's rage. It looked like he would shrivle up. She looked back at Normady. He looked like he was ready to rip the shade to shreds . Too bad for the shade.He would have to just face the music like she did.

-- Edited by Scorchheart on Saturday 6th of March 2010 12:02:28 AM



WindClan Deputy

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OOC; Scorchie please stop editing your posts! It makes it to confusing if you keep changing it!

Normandy leapt from his balchony and launched himself at the snake shade. His dark fangs crushed the creature's head with a sickening crack. Black blood oozed from Normandy's mouth as he turned his yellow eyes to the next shade. There was a strange aura and scent around this one. Beneath the eyes of the shade he could almost make out the pupils and irises of an actual eye. The great shade king stood taller, his mouth pulling in to an intrigued grin. "So, you say you were also the one to ask," Normandy stepped forward for a moment and peered at the odd creature. "Strange that you would also stand up when the snake took the blame. You should have just let him die in your place. Anyone here would have. What rank are you?" Normandy could easily tell by the shade's apperance that it was a grunt but this blood drenched scent was not that of a normal grunt. His heart beat faster, just as it did when he had watched the female wolf kill the traitor Kiya. This excited him and nothing ever did anymore. He didnt like to kill things that excited him. In fact he lived to try and find that one thing that had ever made his heart go crazy. Analiya was that one and only wolf... That was until now.

-- Edited by Ebonycloud on Friday 5th of March 2010 04:49:44 AM



ShadowClan Warrior

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ooc: So sorry! I'm trying not to keep total attention on me!

ic:Cloudandis stared at Normady unblinking. To brighten her orb like eyes, she let out a long and silent breath. She simply watched him without fear. She didn't care if she died, just to protect her pack. She simpoly ignored his coment and answered in aghostly voice."Because, as a grunt, I have to answer you."she replied.

-- Edited by Scorchheart on Friday 5th of March 2010 04:53:10 AM



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OOC: Its okay to have the lime light every now and again so long as you dont make up some random prophecy that only you can solve ^^ Thats what we mean about not centering it around yourself =D When your character and my character are the only ones in the area its fine to center it around us since we are the only ones there ^^

Normandy licked his lips in delight. "Strange answer," he chuckled. The shade king fell silent for a moment and tension grew around him. The rest of the army quivered, waiting for him to slay the other shade but nothing happened. The dark king merely stared for long moments. Finally his gaping jaws opened wide as he bit done on to the shade's back and scruff. Yet it wasnt to kill it. Rather it was almost gentle as he lifted the grunt off the ground and jumped in to the air. His billowing wings caught the air as he headed back to the balchony. The army stared at their leader with apprehensive yellow orbs.
The shade king landed and turned to his crowd. He growled darkly and the disppersed. With that the dark beast put the shade in his mouth down upon the balchony. "What is your true name," he demanded. He knew that this creature was not his. This was not a shade. If it was he could have probed its mind. Each shade had to answer to his supieror with mental contact and now he could not touch this one's mind. The great king sat back on his haunches and his yellow eyes lit up with dark delight.



ShadowClan Warrior

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Scorchheart wrote:

ooc: Okay, thanks ebbs!

ic:She had been surprised to have Normady carry her and Place her on the balcony.Cloudandis knew she was found out. She banged the false head on the ground and it split in half to reveal her head. "I am Cloudandis."She caalmly replied. She  stood firm. She would not let herself become a tool. She wanted to know what Normady had meant by understand. She stared at him with her blank face, ready to face her death.

Cloudandis felt tense around so many shades. It was like they expected their king to slay her right there and then. Now that he finaly knew her name, he could just smash her to bits. She stared at him with no more than a blank dead look in her eyes. But something inside of her had changed. She felt different towards him than other creatures. It was almost like he cared about her. But why should he? Mabe he was only lowering her gaurd. But that didn't seem to be the point.

"I ended up here because one of your shades was in our territory and had attacked my hunting patrol. One of my pack mates tripped me and I fell on the shades corpes. I ended up coming here because your scout would have forced an alarm if I hadn't moved."she calmly explained. She saw nothing but a dark grin on his face. The other shades seemed to have quieted down, until one asked"Who killed that shade?"she stared at him blankly. "I did. Why else would I have its blood and head on me?"she stared at him. Inside, she felt he was an idiot for asking. Wasn't that obviouse? Too bad for him then.




WindClan Deputy

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Normandy threw his head back and let out a resonating laugh. The shades that hadnt left at his growl had been the ones to ask Cloudandis about the death. They stared up at their king, fearful of what he would do now. The strange beat turned his face back toward Cloudandis. "You certainly are a strange one. You stumble on to my land and you kill my kind," His yellow eyes gleamed with laughter. "Not that i mind at all. They arent much help." The shades below bristled in defense but what could they do? The shade king was the strongest of them all. His very persence struck so much fear in to the hearts of shades that they were rendered useless.
"So little Cloudandis. You certainly must be curious about what i meant. Otherwise you wouldnt been hunting along my borders. I do hope you reconsidered my request. This is why i like you whelp. Sneaking in and impersonating a shade. What fun!" The dark king seemed quite amused. "Come inside and we can talk," His wings spread out and seemed to make a dark wall of smoke so she couldnt escape around him. They ushered the she wolf inside the citidel and in to Normandy's private quarters. The room was dark and had large furnishings. Red tapseries hung on the walls and long couches adorned the room. It almost looked like this place had once been designed by humans but the shades would tell you differently. This place was built but ancient creatures that shades were decended from. They were older than Starpack and Bloodpack all together. "So little one, what would you like to know," Normandy jumped on to one of his many couches and grinned at the she wolf. His beastly appearance began to flicker for a moment.
His horns drew back and his wings disappeared. All around him his smoke turned to a light blue gray. His size shrunk and his tail curled. He went from being the fearsome shade king to an average looking wolf. A dark stripe moved from his forehead to his tail tip. White paws lay casually before him. His eyes also developed pupils. The beast had taken the shape he had used to take over Snowpack. The very same disguise that he had supressed himself into in order to infiltrate them and achieve his destiny.



ShadowClan Warrior

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As cloudandis sat in the citidel, she still stared at Normady with her blank eyes and face, knowing he might be curiouse as to why she didn't show fear. "I need to know what you meant when you said you understood me. I had this feeling that you knew what had happened before I joined the pack."she answered. She didn't mind him at all. She didn't recognize his appearance now, and he looked like he could have been a wolf from Snowpack. She did agree with him on a few things though. "i do agree with you about the shades. You could easily shatter them. They don't really seem to bright."She told him. She did not seek power or glory. SHe didn't quit know what she wanted. Mainly because she hadn't wanted anything at all.

Cloudandis had decided to sit in front of the shade king, considering she didn't want to look too comfy. The couches looked like they could lull you to sleep. If she looked to comfy, or felt too comfy, she could end up less alert and say whatever he wanted. She was going to stay active and watch her words with ease.

Normady looked strange as a wolf. He was commanding and he seemed to like to kill for sport.She didn't understand a great many things about Normady. Why was he so interested in her, when she was a wolf? She had no family to stop her from coming here, and the pack...they only seemed to see her as a member. Normady's eyes seemed to cackle with delight. He was not what Kiya had thought of him. But why was she still alive? Why hadn't he killed her for infiltrating his home?

"One moment please."she told him calmly. She stood  away from him for a moment, and then she slammed the blood that caked her body off. It had preserved her fur well, and her coat was clean. She sat back in the room in front of Normady without the stench of blood to cover her.  Her dark red pelt gleamed, her black paws camouflaging into the floor. The black stripes across her back shown clearly now, and now he could see her completely blank expression and eyes. She had always been like this, even when she had killed Kiya. Even as a pup. This was how she normally looked.

She stared at Normady, her inside self staying inactive. They would not speak, and it felt like she didn't need them to. He looked like an ordinary wolf, but she felt like she knew him somehow, as if they had seen each other a long time ago. She looked outside of the room and found that it was getting dark. If they didn't rap this up, she would have no where to go until the sun rose. The smoke that trapped her in the room was thick.  She didn't really care if she had come to face her death for a simple question. She needed the answer. And she felt that Normady had it. But she should have kept better track of the day.The sun was setting, and soon the sky would be filled with stars. What would happen if she couldn't leave?

-- Edited by Scorchheart on Friday 5th of March 2010 11:59:39 PM



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"Well I obviously called if you're standing there," weakly laughed the Alpha. Aiano's eyes were tired but she grinned as brightly as possible. She didn't try to stand, but rather, she kept talking, making her voice rather sore. "You fought brilliantly today, Lorak. Possibly better than any wolf out there." Looking outside of her den, she furrowed her brow and bit her lip. "And quite frankly I'm jealous. You fight ten times better than me. We grew up together... But look where we stand. I'm the Alpha and you're the guardian. Shouldn't this be reversed? Because i can barely take the life of anything." Laying her head down again, she took a deep breath and breathed out. She wasn't lying. Killing something was almost taboo to her. Too bad she had taken the lives of quite a few Shades today.

I make myself sick.



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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Lorak shook his head softly, "I wouldnt wish to be in your place any day of the week. Its too much for me to handle." THe reddish wolf frowned and looked away. "To be perfectly honest with you... I was scared to death of the thoughts running through my mind. I wanted to kill my father so badly but not just for the sake of the pack. I wanted to kill him and take everything from him. His kingdom and subjects. I wanted it all. I know that those thoughts come from Normandy's blood. It always has." With his statements he was trying easily to tell her that his resignation as her personal guard was for the best. The thoughts of power and ambition didnt stop at Normandy. He wanted everything she had as well. He wanted to rule everything. Yet Analiya's blood told him to be loyal to his pack. He belonged as a guard and would stay there.

Normandy grinned at the she wolf, "I understand what its like to keep all that potential locked away inside of a mask. Look at me." He looked at his blue furred body up and down. "THis was my mask. That beastly form you saw just a moment ago was who i truely am. Ive also got a feeling you are holding back as well. This fake self is just a mask. You want to be free like me as well." The king shrugged his shoulders, "or perhaps not. Its not truely my buisness." He cackled for a moment before continuing, "Now, i do know you from before. I met your grandparents. What a hoot they were. Stiff upper lip kinds. No fun at all, well... That was until you could see the terrified looks on their faces as i ripped their throats out. They were fun then!" The dark king rolled in fits of laughter.
Cloudandis' face didnt change however. Dead as always. "I guess you had to be there," he laughed. "Now," he stated as he rolled over again, "You are mostly likely curious as to what i know about your selfish parents arent you?" Normandy snorted in disgust, "Im the king of shades and i never saw such a couple before. THe fighting and hatred... It makes me want to toss my lunch." A sneer appeared on his face from memory, "I remember taking over and seeing pack members turn on each other. Yours were the worst." The edge of Normandy's mouth quirked up in dark humor. "Want to know a secret about dear old dad?" His yellow eyes danced with danger, "Think of Kiya as your father. Yep! Thats right, he betrayed everything and everyone in order to work for me! Oh the drama!" Normandy threw his head back and laughed wildly.




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OOC: just a question what is going on?


"Well if we don't kill him maybe there will be death and destruction and maybe this realm will be destroyed and the Cykarie Realm (otherwise know as the Sye Realm in the future) will have a waged war with a realm Blackfang named after himself." Ryujini said then paused. The three of them broke out laughing.

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