Warrior Cats: The Four Clans

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TOPIC: SnowPack- Rise of Normandy **BATTLE IS A VICTORY! WE WON WE WON! but we didn't kill Normandy. darn.*****

ShadowClan Warrior

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RE: SnowPack- Rise of Normandy **FULL!!!!*
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OOC: okay! By the way...does Rin really hate Cloudandis?

IC: Cloudandis woke up, having the two hours pass much quicker than she thought they would. She slowly padded over to a rock, her face as empty as her eyes. "That was...odd."she said to herself. But even as she spoke, her voice was its usual empty self. No squeky high pitched protesting voice. No flare of anger in her eyes. Even her body was straight and taught. She felt dissapointed, but couldn't show it. "May as well as get Rin."Cloudandis told herself.

When she found Rin, she was already up. "I suppose that you had a restless night as well?" Cloudandis asked her with the empty tone and eyes that she had lived with."I suppose we should get ready for the fight against Normady... or at least not until Aiano says so. I'm going to find Katana." and she was off, overlooking the camp.

She found Katana sleeping just outside of her den, his mouth lulling open and saliva dripping out." Katana, wake up. We need you." she told him, gently nudging his shoulder. He seemed to have drooled all over the left side of his body. She shouldered him into a sitting position as more drool fell in globs out of his mouth. "Katana, wake up." she said yet again. She nipped his tail and found that he had his eyes wide open.




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"I need to speak to Lorak." she sighed and padded out of the den. "Cloudandis!" SH yelled. "Rally every and wake the sleepers up! we need to defend!" SHe howled as she ran. "Lorak, I need to speak to you. I had a wision, it had Pakh, Fallingstar, Holly, Castingmoon, and Maze. They said we will have victory, but at a price. A price that will be only reviealed When Shadows Reviel The Moonlit Night." She said telling the prediction. "What could it mean?"


"Well if we don't kill him maybe there will be death and destruction and maybe this realm will be destroyed and the Cykarie Realm (otherwise know as the Sye Realm in the future) will have a waged war with a realm Blackfang named after himself." Ryujini said then paused. The three of them broke out laughing.

ShadowClan Warrior

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SnowPack- Rise of Normandy **CALLING ALL SP3 RPERS! DEFEND SNOWPACK FROM NORMANDY! Let's kick this pig.*****
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"Yes Rin." Cloudandis answered. Cloudandis streaked throught the camp and woke every wof up, leaving the mothers to a safer den with the pups just in case. She burst through the camp back to Katana, who was still in a sitiing position with his eyes wide open.

She nipped his tail again and he involentarily yelped in pain. "Wake up and stand next to me. We have to defend the camp from Normady. Stay with me at all times unless Aiano is in danger, understand?!" Cloudandis ordered Katana with her empty tone and dead eyes.

SHe had traveled around the camp for a while, still trying to wake every one up, and letting Lorak and Rin talk for a long time. She knew they needed to talk stratagy and of other things.

Suddenly, Cloudandis saw yellow orbs glowing in the darkness as dawn approached. All of the wolves, pups, and shades were awake, and the shades had arrived. Cloudandis gave a loud howl to signal the camp that Normadies troops were here, and the fight had begun, but was cut off by a shade that had leapt for her throat. She dislodged him and gave a louder and longer howl that rang through the entire terretory. The fight had begun.

-- Edited by Scorchheart on Wednesday 3rd of March 2010 05:07:06 AM



ShadowClan Warrior

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ooc: sorry for the double post, but are you opening more spots?




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OOC: no. I am not. I'm tryingt o get all the peeps that sighned up to get back on.


"Well if we don't kill him maybe there will be death and destruction and maybe this realm will be destroyed and the Cykarie Realm (otherwise know as the Sye Realm in the future) will have a waged war with a realm Blackfang named after himself." Ryujini said then paused. The three of them broke out laughing.

WindClan Deputy

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OOC: Just letting you know bud that there arent multiply Normandies. So when you are using a posessive version for Normandy use Normandy's rather than Normandies. The later implies there are multiple rather than something belonging to Normandy ^^

Lorak knitted his brows, "I havent the faintest clue at what it could me." He was being truthful. Whatever it was that Starpack had prophized it was a mystery to him. Yelps and howls sounded on the edge of camp as Normandy's troops stormed the boundaries. Lorak's eyes flashed with danger as he leapt away from the hunter and made a full long sprint in to the fray. He knocked over a larger shade and the few lesser shades around backed down knowing who this was. Normandy was no where in site but that didnt stop his son from tearing at the shades as if they were him. Lorak's ivory fangs flashed and gleamed as they became stained with the black blood that ran through the misty shapes of the shades. He clawed and snapped at all around him. More and more guards jumped in to the battle. Tajh let out battle howls and commands as three or four other wolves jumped to his aid. Among them were Stone and Jango. The former candidates didnt seem to mind not having been picked but Stone's face was furious. He couldnt believe his sister had caused all this. He snarled and snapped at every shade that came his way. His stone gray eyes flashed with danger.



ShadowClan Warrior

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ooc: Sorry bout' that! Never used a name like Normady. At first I thought it was Normadity, so I didn't use the name alot.

ic: A lesser shade in the deformed shape of a bear attcked Cloudandis ,but she dodged every blow with great agility and strength. She charged at the wolf, and jumped into the air whilst still going forward. She span like a wheel and hit the lesser shade hard. Then she jumped behind the pitifull fighter and stabbed its left hind leg with her sharp fangs, penetrating the thick misty, and yet firm body of the lesser shade. It yelped in pain and snapped at her. But she saw something else that needed a good killing, and tore at the shade's chest. It lay dead on the ground as she charged at the much more tempting enemy, Kiya.

She leapt at Kiya, dodging the shades that were guarding her. She did not care if Kiya had once been a snowpack wolf, she did not deserve her title. The lesser shades dove for Cloudandis with no success as Cloudandis wrapped her fangs around Kiya's threoat, getting tighter and tighter. A large bear shade leapt on her and started trying to rip CLoudandis's leg out, but Cloudandis did not release her hold on Kiya, until she dove for Kiya's leg. She clung onto it, not caring if she died, just so long as she brought the traitor with her.

The bear shade still hadn't let go, but let out a surprised cry when Cloudandis scratched its muzzle with her hind legs, forcing it backwards into Lorak. The shades backed away from him, but the larger ones took their chances and leapt at him.

Cloudandis still held Kiya down as she wen for the she-wolf's front arm, tearing at more flesh and not daring to stop. She didn't care how angry Normady got if she killed his little pet. Not even if he actualy did care about her. Sh had seen him, and did not fear him. He was just another shade king that needed to be slaughtered. He was no better than a lesser shade. "You think Normady actually expects you to live? Are you so blind with ambition that you cannot see that he may only be using you so that he will get rid of you later, traitor?"Cloudandis asked Kiya in a calm voice as she tightened her fangs on the she-wolf's left hind leg.




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Rin gorwled as she fought off wolf shades. They were a bit stronger than her, but she could take themm. In the distance Rin heard a shrill shcreech. She whipped her head around to see comming fourth were the grater and grand shade marching fourth, like the ones that Normandy used to detroy the world in the first place. "Normandy is sending the armies of the Grands, me means to whipe this forest off the face of oblivian! Lorak! The grand shades are here!" She howled. She felt a pressence beside her. "I am here to guide." She heard a male wolf whisper in her ear as the prescnce overtook her. She began ripping shades to shreds. She ran up to a bear shade, jumped up while spnning and cracked the skull.


"Well if we don't kill him maybe there will be death and destruction and maybe this realm will be destroyed and the Cykarie Realm (otherwise know as the Sye Realm in the future) will have a waged war with a realm Blackfang named after himself." Ryujini said then paused. The three of them broke out laughing.

ShadowClan Warrior

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"You'll wish you weren't so ambitious." CLoudandis calmly told Kiya who was struggling under her paws. CLoudandis drove her fangs into the she-wolf's arm, and Kiya let out a loud screech of pain that rang out through the battle field. She saw larger shades coming, but didn't let go. Kiya looked like she was losing oxygen. She was gasping for air as Cloudandis drove her fangs deeper into her arm, ready to crack and shatter the bone that her fangs were begging to penetrate.

As She tried harder and harder to kill Kiya, CLoudandis noticed a shape looming in the distance. The leader of the shades that attacked them...Normady. "So, you really trust Norm? That's too bad. You should have never betrayed the pack." Cloudandis calmly told Kiya who had managed to bite her tail. But Cloudandis didn't quiver or shake. She simply went for Kiya's throat.

A lesser wolf shade pounced on Cloudandis, putting her and Kiya underneath its paws. Cloudandis knocked it off and smacked Kiya down, her claws ripping Kiya's face. SHe snapped and bolted up, hitting Kiya as hard as she could, smacking her left and right, giving her no time to react. Normady hadn't noticed that Kiya was going to die.

As Cloudandis gave Kiya another smack to the face, she snapped her paws which twitched away. But Cloudandis caught Kiya by her right fore paw and slammed her to the ground, making Kiya involuntarily give another high pitched yelp. A shade with wings was flying towards Normady with as much speed as it could muster, taking a scrap of Kiya's fur with it. It gave a warning screech to him to signify that Kiya was getting hurt, and had bad wounds. Cloudandis continued to attack Kiya as she frantically dodged her, trying to smack Cloudandis away.



WindClan Deputy

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Lorak snapped and twisted away from shades. His eyes turning from a ghostly green to an angry yellow. A roar errupted from his throat making the shades around him stop and tremble in fear. The roar seemed to come out like that of Normandy himself. The lesser shades around him lowered their bodies in submission to Lorak. The fearsome guard licked in his lips as he enjoyed the fear of these shades. They submitted themselves to him with fearful respect. Lorak stepped foward and the shades came to his flank and lowered themselves to the ground. The guard tilted his head in question. The shades seemed to be reaching out to him with their minds begging him to give them commands so long as he didnt hurt them.
Forgive us our prince, we did not know who we were fighting. The voice seemed to come from all of them at once but it sounded as clear as a single voice. We fight at your side as is your right. Command us and we shall obey.
Lorak couldnt believe what he was hearing. He was a prince yes but these creatures were looking to him as if he really wanted that title. The reddish wolf backed away for a moment only to see confusion on the faces of the shades. It almost appeared as if they didnt recognize him anymore. Lorak's fear glowed on his face and the shades immediatly grew fierce. They launched themselves at him, completely forgetting about what they had just said to him. Lorak dodged their attack and his own fierocity returned. He snapped and bit the shades, making them fall one by one.
The same spell befell the lesser shades as they fell to their knees before him. Prince! Please forgive us! We were blinded by your weaker half. You disappeared before us! Lorak stood taller for a moment. His battle thirsty pose and aura was what was commanding these creatures. Well if it helped him fight he would use it.
Lorak turned back toward the battle and roared, "Kill them! Kill them all execpt for those who have the scent of wolves. Your prince commands you to kill all those who oppose him!" The shades immediatly launched themselves at greater shades, glad to put their lives before their prince's.
Lorak stood back and watched his horde attack Normandy's army. Are you proud father? Is this what you wanted for me? Lorak couldnt help the disdain that flooded his mind. These creatures follow me know. I will show you who is their true master!
Lorak jumped in to the fight alongside his followers. A thin layer of misty black smoke over took his body, tinting his fur a dark gray. His yellow eyes glowed out past his muzzle making him look very much like a shade as well. A few other shades let out shrieks of delight and cheers for their prince. Dark joy filled them to see their commander become what he was born to be.
Dark wings sprouted from his back as his rage increased. He snapped and bit at enemies with thick misty fangs. Horns broke away from the top of his head. Unlike his father's horns that pushed forward at the enemy, Lorak's moved upward and dipped back over his skull making two bone like horns that served as a helmet. He charged at his enemies with his new found strength. Dark delight filled him with every crack of a skull or shriek of death. Normandy would die by his fangs and his fangs alone.




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