Warrior Cats: The Four Clans

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TOPIC: Pokémon: Rise of the Rockets -- Accepting! - *You may post now*

ShadowClan Warrior

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RE: Pokémon: Rise of the Rockets -- Accepting! - *You may post now*
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kanrik turned as His Houndor was hit with a huge spray of water. "Hounder, return." he said. "Go Ekans!" he called. Another pokemon burst out in a flash of white light. "Ekans, use poison sting!" he commanded. Ekans leapt at Polywag and shot out a stream of thin poison.

ooc; Short...



ThunderClan Warrior

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ooc: recap: Previously, new agents had arrived at the Pokemon Center to chose their Pokemon. After choosing, the first 8 agents left for Cerulean City. After Hikari arrived, 2 of the other agents (Jen and Kori) started a practice battle. During that time, Another agent (Matayo Yamamoto [me]) arrived at the Pokemon Center and chose his Pokemon. After he teleported to Cerulean City, he entered a double battle with the Biker Brothers (Eric and Benji) and won. Back at Kori and Jen's practice battle, a Rocket grunt named Kanrik challenged Hikari to a battle which has not ended yet. Now we continue with Matayo. BTW:Now the Pokemon Mart is in the Pokemon Center as seen here: http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/pics.shtml ,otherwise look at the pic below

IC: After healing his Pokemon at the Pokemon Center and gathering supplies, Matayo resumed looking for everyone else. It was around noon at that point. Matayo was pondering where to look next when his Pokegear rang. He answered it saying, "This is Matayo.Who am I speaking to?"

"Matayo, this is Shannon Ramirez." Matayo was so shocked you'd of thought he had been hit by a Thunderbolt. Matayo replied, "What do you need?"

"One of the Pokemon escaped from the Pokemon Center here on Four Island and stowed away on the boat to Vermilion City. It was last spotted at the Saffron City Mart. Blackskull needs you to capture it, since you were the only one we could reach. Can you handle it?"

"Consider it done.", Matayo replied."Good, the Pokemon is one we're He had hung up his Pokegear when his Riolu came out of its pokeball. Matayo noticed, and said,"You don't like it in there, do you?" Riolu replied with a simple shake of its head. "Alright, you can walk with me.", Matayo replied. Riolu seemed happy. Matayo and Riolu set off to find the missing Pokemon. Within ten minutes they reached Saffron City. Matayo then got another call. This time, it was Blackskull. "Agent Yamamoto, Have you found the Pokemon yet?"

"Sir, to be honest, what am I looking for?"' Matayo replied. "You are looking for a Pokemon we call Shaymin. It looks like a bush with two Gracidea flowers on the sides of its head. Find it, resume your other mission, and bring it back. Got it?"

"Yes, sir!", Matayo replied. "Good. Blackskull out.", he said as he hung up. Matayo hung up and started the search unaware he was being followed. He searched every corner of the town with his partner and found no sign of Shaymin anywhere. He and Riolu then heard a twig snap behind them. they both turned around and saw Shaymn. It bolted up to him and Riolu and stared up with unblinking eyes. It seemed to want something. It then knocked Matayo on his stomach, knocking him out, grabbed three of his poffins, and ate them. This angered Riolu and caused it to pin Shaymin down when it was done eating. Tsutarja struggled free and, suddenly, it was like Super Smash Brothers. They threw punch after punch, kick after kick, and move after move. Matayo regained consciousness and saw them both collapse from exhaustion. "Crud...", he replied, wearily. He awoke in a daze several hours later, n the area he and the Pokemon were in when the all passed out. He looked at them from where he was and got up. He picked them both up and walked to the Pokemon Center. The Pokemon awoke the next morning, with Matayo, Pichu, and Charmander by their sides. they smiled and went back to sleep.

ooc: this took six hours to type, revise and post. I will continue to post once you reach where I am. Shaymin is an ESCORT, not a Pokemon in my party.
Oh, and also. I *********** LOVE Pokemon. I have since I was born. No joke xD.
Seriously, no joke weirdface.gif . Good night Pokemon fans. Be back Ltr. sleepy.gifsleep.gif

-- Edited by Novapaw on Sunday 4th of July 2010 04:37:49 AM

-- Edited by Novastorm on Friday 17th of September 2010 04:16:57 AM





ShadowClan Deputy

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Is it even okay to use a fifth gen even as an escort..?

Poliwag took a good hit from the poison, but lept back up and stood at the ready. Hikari nodded, proud of her Pokemon's resolve. "Poliwag, Hypnosis! Then follow it up with Water Gun!"
The Tadpole Pokemon stood perfectly still, just looking at Ekans in a manner that would make him sleepy. The Hypnosis beams followed Poliwag's line of sight right to his small purple foe. Jumping forward, Poliwag's cheeks began to inflate with water. He opened his mouth and shot it out in a sturdy stream of clear-blue H2O.
"Grunt, you're pretty good at this. You'd be even better if you'd calm down."

-- Edited by Shadowstorm on Saturday 3rd of July 2010 04:09:19 PM

This is my wonderful competitive Pokemon team.
Sprites from PokemonElite2000.com

ShadowClan Warrior

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Kanrik gave her a glare. "Sorry, but I can't when people disrespect me and call me scum and Grunt-I don't handle life like all of you can." he growled. Ekans was hypnotized. "I know what'll wake him up." he said. He pulled out a specialized flute and started to play. It was the on that an executive had stolen from a strange mountain where Snorlax rested. It revived pokemon of Hypnosis, but only hypnosis. Ekans woke up. "Ekans, use bite!" he shouted. Ekans immediatly raced over and hit polywag, but it's attack was weak due to having just woken up.

ooc: Well, wyvern said nothing about fifth gens YET, so I don't think so.



ShadowClan Deputy

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Yeah. Novapaw, you should just meet up with us. Black/White haven't come out yet...

Hikari shook her head sadly. "What does it matter, Grunt? If you disrespect yourself, others will disrespect you in turn. If you respect yourself, others will respect you. And I refuse to respect you until you come to terms with this truth. I bet that this is also what the other Rockets think," she said, hoping that it would help toughen him up. It may not calm him down though.
Poliwag nodded his head, agreeing with his trainer. Even Pokemon knew that respect was important.

This is my wonderful competitive Pokemon team.
Sprites from PokemonElite2000.com

ShadowClan Warrior

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Kanrik slapped his forehead. "That's not at all my sceneio!" he cried in agony. "Return Ekans." he said before just turning on his heels. "The only reason I'm disrespected over there was because My Parents are Jessie and James of Team Rocket!" He shouted. "What is it to you, you wouldn't know since you're not the child of the most disrespected members of that organization!"



ThunderClan Warrior

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ooc:oh  damn.....JPGoops! editing.

Pokemon escort changed to Shaymin. Still not kidding about liking Pokemon since I was born though weirdface.gif . Sprite is courtesy of JoshR from http://www.spriters-resource.com/ . Still can't post until you all make it to the next day. Still pondering what to write next. Oh, and I will be making a codec style Pokegear cutscene sprite. I am trying to make sprites that best fit your descriptions and a few more. please send me more accurate descriptions of yourselves if you don't like my sprites. check below for the ones posted so far. The sprite characters are named from left to right. Matayo, Kori, Shannon (rhymes with Gannon xD), Blackskull, Professor Oak, Goldhawk, Jen, Hikari, Matthew McCoy. More to come.

-- Edited by Novapaw on Sunday 4th of July 2010 06:41:09 AM





ShadowClan Warrior

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ooc: XD Tis alright, just remember no FIfth Gens at all until Wyvern says



ThunderClan Warrior

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ooc:I'm starting to become angry, so I'll post furious.

ic: There were shattered walls everywhere. Broken glass, dented brass, and even holes here and there. This was where the war with Team Rocket had begun. Riolu looked as shocked as Matayo was. They were both horrified by the gore around them. They began to hear whispers. the whispers were saying, "MissingNo, where is our master? WHERE IS HE? TELL US!!" Matayo heard a girl's voice saying, "Why won't you help me? You useless lump on a log." Then a huge steel object flew at Matayo and Riolu. It hit them and sent them flying. the last thing they heard as they flew towards the mountains was a mysterious battle cry. Matayo's eyes slowly closed and he felt a sharp pain on the back of his head.

ooc: this is foreshadowing a few events after I meet up with the rest of you. Oh, and the surroundings are all from different events. These are also based off an actual experience I had. Well, most of them weirdface.gif .

ic: Matayo awoke with a startled expression on his face. <Woah> He thought. Matayo looked at Riolu, and saw the same expression on his face. <Could we have had the same dream?> Matayo thought. About fifteen minutes later, Matayo left the Pokemon Center with his Pokemon and Shaymin fully healed, and some extra supplies. Walking by the Pokemon Fan Club, Matayo ran into a young girl. "Watch were you're going!", the girl growled. "Sorry." Matayo said. She walked away, disgusted with him. He walked away, puzzled. Something about her seemed familiar. He couldn't quite place his finger on it. He continued to walk toward Cerulean City. Shaymin and Riolu were enjoying the walk, though they were still angry with each other. Matayo came to the road to Cerulean when the same girl came running back to him. she ran up to him and asked him to help her. "What do you need help with?", Matayo asked. "I'm not telling you.", she replied. "then I won't help."

"Why won't you help me you useless lump on a log?", she angrily asked. Matayo instantly remembered the dream he had. Those were the exact words the girl in his dream said. "Fine. I'll help you.", he replied. Then, out of the blue, two thugs approached. Matayo figured they were the problem. "Come on, Rita,", one of the thugs said,"Just one kiss will be enough for today." "No, Derek! Never!", Rita replied,"The only thing you will ever get from me is a slap in the face. This infuriated Derek. He leaped at her with fists clenched, only to get kicked in the face and sent flying backwards. "You touch her, it be the last thing you do in this lifetime. Do I make myself clear?", Matayo snapped at Derek. "Fine, then. Let's you and me have a triple battle. Winner gets the girl. M'kay?", Derek said. "Alright." Matayo said. turning his hat sideways,"It's a deal." the battle kicked off with Derek sending out an Ivysaur, a Nosepass, and a Sneasle. Matayo sent out Riolu, Pichu, and Charmander. "Charmander, use Ember on Ivysaur, Pichu, use Thundershock on Sneasle, and Riolu, use Focus Energy.", Matayo commanded. Ivysaur tried to dodge the Ember, but got hit. Matayo saw it instantly collapse after taking the damage. The move must not only have been super effective, it also must have been a critical hit. Pichu hit Sneasle, but did little damage, and Riolu became pumped. " Ivysaur, use Seed Bomb.", Derek commanded. Ivysaur launched four seeds from its back and they exploded doing damage to all the Pokemon. It there by fainted while KOing Pichu. Charmander, Riolu, and Sneasle all received minimal damage, whilst Nosepass received heavy damage. Matayo saw the opportunity and said,"Riolu, use Focus Punch on Nosepass." Matayo figured that it would be a fast battle, and Riolu had knocked out Nosepass with one punch. Then Derek shouted,"Sneasle, use false swipe on Charmander." Charmander got hit, but was still standing when Matayo shouted,"Charmander, use Smokescreen." The battlefield was covered with smoke, and Sneasle was confused. Charmander had the upper hand! Matayo shouted,"Charmander, use Ember!" In a burst of flame, the battle was over. Matayo had his Pokemon return to their Pokeballs. "Fine. You win the bet.", Derek said angrily. "But next time, I'll defeat you, you little twerp."

"Oh, go tell someone who cares." Matayo replied. The two thugs left, angered. "Thank's for the help. What was your name again?", Rita asked. "My name is Matayo.", replied. they registered each other in their Pokegear and walked their separate ways. Matayo guessed he would be seeing her again in the future. He, Shaymin and Riolu took off at a run toward Cerulean to find the other agents.

ooc: I'm trying to add a few more elements to the plot. The new NPC is for a romantic element, whereas the thugs are just another group of enemies. I have to stop typing so much weirdface.gif





ShadowClan Warrior

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ooc: O_O woa woa woa woa woaowoaoaowowoaowowaowowoawooaowoaow @____@ I dunno if we're allowed to make other plots yet. Did you even look at the front page....? @______________________________________@........:dies:



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