Hey! I just started college too! But I'm in highschool still... +P And I'm also working on my art skills...... As for homework and monsters, the pictures I just posted are my homework for my art class and they're also pictures of the Deviljho from Monster Hunter Tri with a little tweaking. Can't actually hunt the big guy yet, but he'll be showing up soon and chasing me around all sorts of places trying to eat me, my buddies, and the monsters I be hunting. Tis how Evil Joe rolls.
Hehe! I've had a few high schoolers in my classes, those that needed the credits and such or just wanted to get a head start. I looked at your artwork a few minutes ago and you are getting to be amazing 8D I love your work!!! Rusty says hi by the way! She misses you and everyone else :3 As for monster hunter tri, we have that game as well 8D Rusty has been playing it a lot lately, though she doesn't play online ^^"
Tell her to play online! I help boost her rank! My other buddy won't play with me and I'm having trouble finding guys who can help me out. No one else seems to have my mad dodging skills. THAT'S RIGHT BARIOTH! CAN'T TOUCH THIS!
Hey! Ebony! It's great to see you stopped by for a visit! I've been working on my art too (wow, so much in common...) but I still need work, and a lot of it... Your avatar looks amazing! Really, I'm speechless!
I am Jaggedpine. Just thought I should let you know.