Warrior Cats: The Four Clans

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TOPIC: Separate Ways .:A Warriors RP:. ~Full~

ThunderClan Warrior

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RE: Separate Ways .:A Warriors RP:. ~Full~
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Wolfheart lashed her tail. No one would talk to her clanmate like that! With a screech of fury and a longing for revenge that all has been put on her she pounced. Pinning him down she sank her teeth into his back and her claws into his legs!



This wonderful siggie was made by Twigie! Thanks Twigstorm! :D


PLEASE click this link! I really need help drawing pictures for a Firestar tribute!


WindClan Deputy

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OOC: Uh, Woodfall, who are you attacking? If its Darkstar, you are nowhere near him. The army is surrounding he camp. Darkstar, Sharpfang and Bearfur are inside the camp. Its a long way down in to the camp considering its fairly big hole in the ground. So just wanted to clarify ^^"



RiverClan Warrior

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As soon as Hornetstar's cry echoed across the camp, Bearfur turned towards Darkstar. "If you had not let such terrible things block your line of sight, maybe you would have been a great leader, Darkstar." He circled Darkstar slowly, a solemn look on his face. "Yet you led your warriors with fear!" Jerkily dodging a swipe, Bearfur continued talking, his voice slow and deliberately father-like. "If you had not, perhaps all of them would have trusted you." Blocking Darkstar's paw with his own, he pinned it to the ground and sank his claws in, watching Darkstar squirm. As he moved to attack, his claws grazed underneath Bearfur's eyes and across his muzzle. Hissing in pain, Bearfur jumped back and evaded the other cats battling around him. "To lead with fear is to lead an army of traitors! Those who will not see eye-to-eye will you shall turn their backs to you in the face of inescapable defeat!" As Darkstar took a running leap, Bearfur did much the same, yet a little more sloppily. They clashed in mid-air and rolled around on the floor of the camp, clawing madly at each other. Eventually Darkstar kicked Bearfur off, each panting. "Do you not see that, Darkstar?"
"Do not speak to me as if my equal! You are the traitor here!" hissed Darkstar, lashing out and pinning Bearfur down. Narrowing his eyes, he brought his face close to Bearfur's. "You have betrayed my trust. Do you not think that of equal to leading with dishonest intentions?"
Kicking Darkstar off, he hissed. "Do not call my actions to a level of yours!"
"Then do not dare consider yourself my equal, you kit! I am a leader! You shall never reach my level!" cackled the large tom. Bearfur watched the tom with anger bubbling. Yet mixed in was a sense of pity. The tom was so deranged...
"I will kill you to save you, Darkstar," meowed Bearfur calmly.
Pausing from his tirade, the former stared at the brown tom with wide eyes. "Save me? How do you expect to save me, exactly? And from what? I have everything I could have asked for!"
"I will save you from yourself, Darkstar. There is something about you that prompts me to kill you with sympathy. May it be your foolish blind eye towards what is really there, or your negligence towards yourself... I am not sure. But I will save you."
Roaring in frustration, Darkstar ran towards Bearfur, the two tumbling towards the edge of camp. "You foolish LionClan cats and your belief in good! There is no good in this world, nor should there be! There is only evil. Do you not see that? There can only be one!" Eyes widening, Bearfur threw Darkstar off and crouched as the older tom continued ranting. "There can only be one clan! Only one power! And that shall be me! Shall be mine! All of you will see that ruling with fear is the only way!" Stalking forwards, the two toms circled each other. "You will see, Bearfur. You will see your mistake in ever daring to cross paths with I.



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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OOC: THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!! >8D Highlander FTW X3 Hehe...
Also, I apologize for the extremely long post... I just got to typing and couldn't stop ^^"


Thunderstep launched himself in to the fray as Lionclan cats began to battle with Tigerclan cats. He managed to catch sight of Rumblestripe battling with Emberfang. The Lionclan deputy was nearly the size of the large tom, her battle prowess was impressive. Thunderstep made his way toward her but was cut off when Sunheart jumped to Rumblestripe's aid. Thunderstep hissed at her but she paid him no mind. In fact, none of the Tigerclan cats were attempting to attack him. Instead they had begun to attack the cats that had come from Lionclan. For a moment a dangerous thought invaded his mind, 'They think I'm one of them. They accept that I am apart of their clan. They don't think that I've aligned myself with their enemy. They think I belong with them! Would it be so wrong to belong to them? I grew up with these cats, they were my clan... Well, technically. They look at me as their comrade, is it so wrong to be?' The son of the hated leader Darkstar was confused at the thoughts coursing in his mind. Was it the influence of his insane father that spurred these thoughts on? Was he really apart of Lionclan? If he helped his father now, could he receive the crucial attention and admiration that he always desired from Darkstar?
Thunderstep stepped back from the fight between Rumblestripe, Sunheart and Emberfang. The Lionclan deputy was having a hard time keeping herself alive with the two blood thirsty warriors attempting to kill her. Thunderstep's heart pounded while the dark thoughts continued to whisper in his ear, seductive in what they promised him. He turned his green eyes from the fight. He found himself desperately searching the battlefield for someone, though he wasn't quite sure who it was yet. His eyes met with the beautiful pelt of Petaldancer. She moved in and out of her fight as gracefully as a bird in flight. He was captivated by her and it was then that he knew who he must fight for. That she-cat loved him, he knew she did. Darkstar never loved him in the way a father should and yet Petaldancer loved him when she had barely known him. He felt courage rise in his chest and he knew that Lionclan was his home now. He would not betray them.
The large golden brown warrior turned his eyes back to Emberfang, the she-cat was losing her battle. With a fierce battle-cry Thunderstep launched himself at Rumblestripe. The Tigerclan tom was taken off guard as they tumbled to the ground. Sunheart turned her eyes toward the two combatting toms. She was poised above Emberfang, ready to deliver a killing blow when she recognized that it was Thunderstep who was attacking her partner. She gaped for a moment, disbelieving that her leader's son would turn on them.
Thunderstep rolled with Rumblestripe a few times before the other tom realized who it was that was attacking him. When he had he roared, "Thunderstep! What are you doing?! You traitor! I will kill you for this!" Yet Thunderstep didn't reply, instead he continued to score blows across Rumblestripe's thick shoulders. He bit and clawed and tore through barely healed scars. This was an advantage that Lionclan would have over the Tigerclan cats. Because of all the training they had gone through, the Tigerclan cat's pelts were scarred and barely healed. They would be easier to reopen and take advantage of.
Emberfang saw her chance when Thunderstep had attacked Rumblestripe. She pushed Sunheart off her and began her battle anew, strength in her eyes that no Tigerclan cat could match.

Nightfang dodged in and out of fighting cats. She had been beside Hornetstar as they made their way toward the entrance to camp, yet Hornetstar had been caught up in a fight with a tom named Yelloweye. Hornetstar yowled for Nightfang to continue on and help Bearfur and she had done so without protest. She managed to navigate her way to the thorn tunnel and she launched herself through it. She was small so it was easier for her to dodge the briars while moving fast. She burst through the tunnel to see Bearfur and Darkstar circling each other. Within the camp there were only two other cats that she could see. Sharpfang, the other cat that had accompanied Darkstar and her cousin Windfur. The two toms were hissing and spitting at each other as they circled, dodged and parried one another. Nightfang felt relieved at finally seeing Windfur after all this tom, however it was short lived. Behind her, her former mentor and continual menace appeared.
"So, here you are my little apprentice," the insane white tom snickered. "I've missed these little moments, where I have you all to myself." Nightfang whirled around, her amber eyes round with anger and fear.
"You mouse-hearted piece of fox-dung," she swore at him.
Whitewhisker curled his tail, standing up straight, "Oh Nightfang, that wasn't very nice. I might just have to punish you for that dirty little mouth." He stepped forward, his blue eyes as cold and hateful as a fox's. The two circled one another for a while before Whitewhisker continued, "Its a good thing that your friends are all caught up in their own battles. There's no one to save you now." He looked toward Bearfur, "I hope Darkstar only cripples him, I'm going to have to much fun torturing the cat you love."
Nightfang bristled and spat at him, "You can try, but only over my rotting corpse!"
Whitewhisker's mouth pulled up in to a coy smile, "Oh but my dear, what's the fun in that? I think I'll cripple you so you have to watch, then I'll kill you." With that he launched himself at Nightfang. the small she-cat dodged away, as she had done in her training sessions. Whitewhisker chased after her, his movements sloppy. His insanity must have finally gotten to him, Nightfang was finally able to predict his movements. She dodged and lashed out at him a few times, catching him across the nose. He only managed to land a scratch across her brow, but it wasn't deep. A few droplets of blood trickled down her face as she leapt over his lashing paws.
She made a mistake in her calculations though, Whitewhisker managed to hook his paws around her back ones and sent her sprawled to the ground on her back. She landed with a loud thud while he jumped on her, pinning her to the ground. He leaned down close to her ear and whispered, "Oh what fun I'll have watching your heart and spirit break. Its what you deserve little Nightfang." He pulled back from her, all the sanity in his eyes was gone now. Nightfang stared up in horror at the terrible figure that was going to end her life.
As she prepared for the end an image of Bearfur's loving eyes came in to her mind. She tensed for a moment, no, this could not end here. The she-cat snarled at Whitewhisker as he propelled his head forward, aiming for her throat. She kicked up with her back legs, it barely moved the tom but it was enough for him to miss his target. With the motion Nightfang launched her head forward as quick as a snake and bit deeply in to Whitewhisker's throat. She latched on and would not let go despite Whitewhisker battering her shoulders and stomach in an attempt to dislodge her. His eyes went wide with fear and fury so that she could see the white behind the blue irises. He pulled and neck from her while he pushed on her shoulders, but all he received for his troubles was pain shooting through his body. He struggled and struggled against her but could not free himself. His movements grew weak and his eyes began to glaze as he dropped on top of Nightfang.
His mouth moved with silent words as he tried to beg for his life. Yet no sounds came out since he had no air with which to speak. Finally, he grew limp and still. Nightfang held on for a while longer before she realized that he had died. She shoved upward and Whitewhisker's limp body fell away from her. She stood from where he had fallen on her, relieve and pity filled her eyes.
"May your insanity not follow you through death," she murmured to her hated enemy. With Whitewhisker finally dealt with she turned her attention to Bearfur, hoping that Darkstar had not killed him.

-- Edited by Ebonycloud on Wednesday 19th of October 2011 08:06:02 PM



WindClan Warrior

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OOC: I will soon post something, it's just taking along time for me to write it. :)


Moonstar made this!

ThunderClan Deputy

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Cliffheart yowled when he felt a heavy cat on top of him. He'd been watching Nightfang finally kill Whitewhisker, in the same protective way he'd watched the battle between the two cats before. This time, he was glad he hadn't had to intervene. But now, he had his own nemesis, and one that had been his enemy for a long time. That bully Stormfoot's scent wrapped around Cliffheart as the big gray tom landed on top of him. "Let's end this," he snarled, feeling a surge of strength. He threw Stormfoot off his back and jumped at his limp body, slamming it with his head. Cliffheart had never felt so much power pulse through him. He was doing this for his clan. Stormfoot quickly recovered and slashed a deep cut across the back of Cliffheart's neck, causing the tom to scream in pain, but he wouldn't run. The past few moons couldn't be wasted. Not now. Stormfoot knocked him to his back and just as the big gray tom was about to slash Cliffheart's belly open, the chocolate tom unsheathed his claws as far as they would go, and basically caught the big warrior and threw him back against a tree. Stormfoot hit with a terrifying knock, and blood started streaming from his head. His skull was busted. The TigerClan warrior was dead. Just stopping for a moment to look on, Cliffheart raced back into the fray to see if Bearfur or someone else needed his help. That's when he remembered Hornetstar. Cliffheart had hardly thought about their clan leader since the training began, and he'd stopped thinking of his patrol as Hornetstar's cats, but his own. It was a selfish thought that he was their leader and not their official clan leader. With a growl, Cliffheart's thoughts stopped when he saw Thunderstep fighting another one of his enemies. Rumblestripe. Cliffheart was upon the TigerClan tom in a flash, fighting side-by-side with Thunderstep, a cat he trusted so deeply. It felt good to fight with him.


I am Jaggedpine. Just thought I should let you know.

WindClan Warrior

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Exhilarating passion engulfed the she-cat as she stood on the sidelines, the conture lines of her mouth turned up in a emotion filled grin.  Her eyes frantically scaned the chaotic scene of the "Lion" and "Tiger" in battle for a worthy adversary.  AHA! She saw the thin, wiry pelt of Sharpfang slink off into the undergrowth, a smirk etched on his smug mouth. In a quick move, her ivory claws slid into view and her artistically crafted pelt bristled with anticipation.  With a heave, she flinged her self head-first into fray of confussion, her mind clear on revenge against the "plague" as she acknowledged him by. Her paws met the intended mark as she was face to face with a tortiseshell cat named Applepelt. "Traitor," were the words that exploded viciously from Applepelt's jowls and contorted face, her outstreached claws digging into the raw cut above Pettledancer's sholder. The sudden quickness of the TigerClan she-cat's canny ability stunned Petaldancer and a low cry of pain came from the depths of her throat.  Recovering from the blow, she brought front paw down hard on the top of Applepelt's cranium which ultimetly stunned her to the point of wobbling.  Taking advantage of the stun, Petaldancer sprung onto the exposed back and gripped it with unsheathed claws. She then proceded to take swift bites at Applepelt's pelt, sometimes taking a chunk of fur with it.  Slowly, Petaldancer felt the she-cat's body releave of tension.  Jumping of the unconcious body, Petaldancer prowled towards the hiding place of the "great" Sharpfang. 

"Suprise, suprise," She muttered darkly, her omnious shadow betraying her to the tom. His head turned quickly, a look of disbelief passed between the boundary of his eyes.  Shaking his smally porportioned head, he murmered, "Well isn't the beauty queen herself? Have you finally come around, princess?" A look of revolt silenced him to the point, she then continued on. "I'm going to talk and you will listen, okay? First and foremost, do not call me "princess" or anything of the sort.  I am not your "princess" or anyone elses for the matter." She paced in a circle around his flank, close enough for her to feel the tension coming from his pelt.  "Two, I've had enough of males treating me like I'm a piece of fox-dung. I'm more than just a pretty face." Her eyes flickered to his for a moment, a confidence gleamed in her eyes.  "And three... I'm more dangerous than I seem." And with that, she lunged at his neck, her teeth meeting the intended target.  He rose onto hindlegs, trying to shake her off, a low growl escaping his lips.  Sliding underneath Sharpfang, Petaldancer scratceh with unsheathed claws across the soft flesh of his belly. He let out a short caturwall and brought his whole weight down upon her chest, causing her to lose her breath.  With a sharp claw, he sliced at her chest, beads of crimson blood appearing across the surface.  She felt a burst of energy as she kicked her back legs out and caught his face, this move sent him sprawling head over paws.  Her eyes wearly looked over his unconcious face and then she creapt out of the undergrowth, free of constant worry.


Moonstar made this!

RiverClan Warrior

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"My mistake?" shouted Bearfur, looking at him as if he was crazy. "I see it more as a gift, showing me as to what I shall never become." Staring at Darkstar, Bearfur frowned but said no more, as the leader was now shaking with rage and baring his fangs. They continued circling eachother for mere moments before Darkstar pounced. Bearfur jumped back clumsily, falling to his side. The loss of his tail years before still hindered him during battle. Hissing while Darkstar dug his claws into his ribs, Bearfur glared up at Darkstar. "Even if you kill me, what good will it do? There are more cats here who would gladly take your life with no warning!"

Sneering down at Bearfur, Darkstar snickered, reveling in his opponent's hisses of pain as he dug his claws into his side. "What good will it do? Bearfur, you are the only cat here whose size is greater than mine. Not by much, but you wield the greatest threat to my life, beside my own kin." Picking his paw up, he quickly placed it on Bearfur's neck, claws not yet digging in; his weight only preventing his breathing.

Struggling, Bearfur narrowed his eyes at Darkstar. By luck, his claws reached Darkstar's paw, sending him crashing down on the still heaving Bearfur. Unsteadily, he stood, staring down at the dazed leader. Pinning him down with claws in his shoulder, Bearfur glared, still regaining his breath. His throat was raw and felt like it was bleeding. Pressing his entire weight onto the leader, he gave raspy breaths as he muttered, "You've caused so much pain for every cat here." But he paused as he listened to what Darkstar was muttering.

"There can only be one... There can only be one.... That foolish old cat..."

Narrowing his eyes, Bearfur glowered down at Darkstar. "What do you mean, you fool?"

"What do you think I mean, you imbecile! There can only be one that survives! Me or Hornetstar! It must be me! If any of us, I have StarClan on my side! My medicine cat recieved the message first! I was there first! There can only be one!" By that time, his words had reverted to inane mumblings with random hisses in the mix from Bearfur leaning on his paw.

Looking up, Darkstar had this hidden emotion in his eyes. Bearfur couldn't put a name to it, but shame was within the mix. Shame? Guilt? Anger? Regret? They all hid within his eyes as he laid there, being crushed by Bearfur's weight. On the outside, though, was a glassy gaze, hiding everything he didn't want anyone else to know.

And for a second, Bearfur remembered that he pitied the poor old cat, and that maybe, maybe, he wasn't as bad as he seemed. But his previous actions put an end to that - even if it was insanity that led his actions. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Bearfur applied his full body weight to his paw.

Suddenly, from Bearfur's weight, he heard a sickening crack as Darkstar's shoulder finally gave and broke from Bearfur's mass. Clumsily jumping back, he watched as Darkstar writhed in pain. Quickly regaining a sense of where he was, he stared down at the prideful leader with forlorn eyes.

"Sometimes, I think, if I had not found her, I would be like you," he whispered, as he laid his paw down on the leader's neck, digging his claws in. "And other times, I think, I am you in a way. Horrible that I say this now, yeah? But... you and I are alike in a lot of ways. Not only physically, but mentally. We are - or my case I was - very prideful cats. Apologies are not in our vocabulary, and when they are, they are usually fake. Our words are hollow unless relating to ourselves. We are hollow caskets holding nothing but wilted dreams." As Darkstar's twitches slowed, he realized that the end to the fight would not be this quick. Not every cat would know that Darkstar had died by his claws. "It is sad, is it not, that I was given a second chance while you were not?" Looking over his shoulder to Nightfang, he quickly guided his attention back to Darkstar. "I think that, if she had not come along, I would have joined you, Darkstar, because nothing would have been there to guide me home. Because nothing could have stopped the cruelty in my heart from growing. I guess that's what happened to you, yeah? Whatever guided your path left you." As Darkstar's breathing stopped, Bearfur looked down at the now dead leader. "I'm sorry, Darkstar, that I was given two second chances when you lost yours. I'm sorry."

Stepping back, he stared at the now dead TigerClan leader, wondering if there had been more to his story than anyone knew. And, in a way, he was sure that there was. But now, no one would know.

"Who knows. Maybe you'd like it better that way."

Even the cries of fellow warriors did not deter him as he padded to Nightfang's side. Placing his head on top of hers, he closed his eyes for a few seconds.

"I will give my life for you."



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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OOC: Don't feel the need to post as much as I did. I had to RP three characters ;D

Nightfang shivered at Bearfur's touch. She had only just finished her battle with Whitewhisker when she had seen Bearfur put an end to Darkstar's life. Her eyes took in the scene with fear invading her soul. She had never seen Bearfur be so cold... He had killed Darkstar by choking the air right out of him, a slow and agonizing death. Then again, she had done the same thing to Whitewhisker... She felt that same fear enter her soul about herself. What had Tigerclan done to them? Was Tigerclan even to blame? Could it have been that these cold hearted killers were hidden within every cat, even those in Lionclan? Nightfang never thought she had the ability to kill any cat, and yet here she was with blood on her paws and muzzle from a cat that no longer drew breath in this world. 

The small tabby pressed herself in to Bearfur's chest. She trembled at what she and all those in Cliffheart's patrol had become. The battle raged on around them but Nightfang paid no attention to it. Instead she focused on Bearfur's calming scent. Yet there he was drenched in Darkstar's fear scent. Nightfang pulled away from the tom she had pledged her heart to and looked in to his dark eyes.
"How are we ever going to integrate back in to Lionclan? We aren't the same cats who left," Nightfang's voice trembled for a moment. Then a thought hit her, perhaps they never would. Even if the clan welcomed them back with open arms nothing would ever be the same. They would be suspicious and fearful of the returned warriors. Those who had gone to Tigerclan would be aggressive as compared to Lionclan. They would seem curt and harsh, jumping at noises and being a little to ruthless in battle practice. They would have what Two-legs would call 'Post-Tramatic-Stress', though warriors had no name for it.
Yet, no matter her fears of the future she was certain of one thing, her love for Bearfur. After a moment she let the fear disappear from her. Her mouth set on her face as she looked at Bearfur, "No matter what, I will always be at your side. I will give my life for you too." She leaned forward and pressed her face against she chest again, "I love you."

Thunderstep jumped, dodged and attacked in tandem with Cliffheart. The two toms were intent on stopping Rumblestripe when a yowl sounded from within Lionclan's camp. Almost all at once the fighting stopped. Rumblestripe, who was a fox length from his attackers, froze. He turned his attention to the camp, the other Tigerclan cats who were nearby did as well. Without another look at his opponents, Rumblestripe raced off, Sunheart beside him. Thunderstep tossed a sideways glance at Cliffheart before he sped off after them. He had no reason to tell Cliffheart to follow him, he knew the other tom would do it out of instinct.
They followed Rumblestripe and Sunheart in to the camp where most of the remaining Tigerclan cats were gathered. Lionclan stood opposite them, their numbers were more evenly match now that Cliffheart's patrol had joined them again. At least five Tigerclan cats were missing, presumably dead from their fights. Thunderstep made his way to where the Lionclan cats were gathered. All those who had not seen Thunderstep turn on Rumblestripe and Sunheart stared at him, anger and the hurt betrayal in their eyes.
Thunderstep turned his eyes to where Hornetstar stood beside Darkstar's body. For a moment it didn't register in Thunderstep's mind at what he was seeing. It took him a few moments to realize that his father was dead. It didn't affect him for a moment, in fact he didn't believe it. His father wasn't dead, no, he was only pretending. Either that or he was unconscious. No, his father would get up in a moment and realize that his forces had been defeated. Yeah that was right, perhaps he would even see that he was wrong. Starclan didn't tell him to attack Lionclan, now there could be peace!
Yet Darkstar did not get up. He lay there motionless, his body still warm with its former life. Thunderstep took a pace forward catching everyone's attention. from the Tigerclan side a wail rose and Thunderstep recognized it instantly. It was his sister Wintersong. The gray and white she-cat raced toward their father's body, yet Hornetstar moved in front of it so that she could not get to him.
The she-cat spat at the Lionclan leader, "Heartless wretch! He was my father! My daddy!" Tears spilled from the she-cat'ss eyes catching Hornetstar off guard. Thunderstep padded forward slowly, disbelieve still in his eyes. He reached the two cats, his eyes wide and his mouth moved but did not form words.
He turned to look at Hornetstar, "He... He's only unconscious right?" No matter how he had felt about Darkstar's insanity, this was still his father. No matter what he had put Thunderstep through, the son still loved his father. Thunderstep's eyes misted, pleading with Hornetstar to tell him that he was right, that his father was still alive.
The Lionclan leader looked away, confirming the sibling's fears. Wintersong threw back her head and wailed while Thunderstep stared at his father's body, to much pain and conflict in his heart. The cats of Tigerclan watched their leader's son with confusion. Had he not turned on them? He had no right to feel this way, yet he was still their leader's son. He had every right, and yet no right at all. Their pity and grief mixed with his, the surviving cats were those who had not exactly agreed with Darkstar but would not cross him as well. They were loyal to Tigerclan and their clan mates, therefore by default, they were loyal to Darkstar. Most of them hadn't been born before their leader. They had not known a world without him in it and now he was gone. They were leaderless.

Hornetstar watched the pain on Thunderstep's face, it was nearly unbearable. He turned to look at Bearfur. Hornetstar knew that the large tom had to have killed Darkstar, it was the only situation that made sense. Hornetstar had not seen the battle, as did most of the cats. They all assumed that he had killed his opposing leader, yet this was not the case. Still, he let the cats believe this, there was no reason for Bearfur to carry more of the blame that he needed to. It was Hornetstar's fault that the tom had been sent to Tigerclan at all, Hornetstar would take the fall for this.
He turned back to address the crowd, "Cats of both clans, listen to what I have to say! I declare this war over! Tigerclan has attacked Lionclan and we have proved that we are not to be irradiated from this world. Those who still believe that we are the enemy, let them step forward." Not a cat moved as the leader's eyes swept the crowd. He nodded softly, proud that they Tigerclan cats knew when enough was enough. "Then by the power of a leader I declare this war over!" All the cats looked to him now. He was the only leader left between the two clans, it wasn't right to expect Tigerclan to listen, but they did. They needed a new leader now, one they could trust to lead them in the ways of the code and to live peacefully. Hornetstar didn't know who this cat would be, but he could not be the cat to choose. He glanced at Thunderstep, perhaps even their leader's son could step up and lead them. Thunderstep had the ideals of a Lionclan cat, but he was still a Tigerclan cat deep inside his heart.

-- Edited by Ebonycloud on Saturday 22nd of October 2011 05:23:25 PM



RiverClan Warrior

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After minutes, Kestreleye looked at his friend closely, tense. He had expected this, yes, but not such a reaction from his friend. Though, then again, he had always suspected there was more to Thunderstep's distaste of his father. Kestreleye's part in the battle had hardly been influential, but once he saw Thunderstep fighting against TigerClan cats, he quickly changed sides, determined to side with his friend no matter what his place was in this worthless fight. But now, as he watched his friend writhe in emotional pain, he couldn't hold in. "This is what happens when pointless battles are fought," he scolded his friend, looking down at Thunderstep. "This is what happens when sides are chosen and battles are fought. We are born to live then die, Thunderstep. It's your turn to show your clan what a true leader is." His hard stare continued to glower down on his friend. "I'm not exactly what your part in this battle was, but I won't sit back and watch my friend fall to pieces before my very eyes." Kestreleye had watched Darkstar take his own parents' lives in a sparring match. Maybe that was when he had grown up. But either way, he had stayed in TigerClan to support his friends and maybe, if he was grown up enough he would have left TigerClan, but all the same, he was still young and reckless and made the mistake to stay in TigerClan. "You were born a leader, Thunderstep," scolded Kestreleye, jaw tight, "so show us. I know you have it in you. I might not know what you're doing or what you're going to do, but you're my best friend and I'm here to help you. So come on." Nudging his friend, he gestured to Wintersong. "This war is over."

Bearfur watched, speechless, at the events unfolding before him. Many weary laid on the floor at the spot they stood, bones creaking and muscles screaming in pain. Yet he remained standing beside Nightfang, chin high. He locked eyes with Hornetstar, before looking away. His leader took the blame for him. "Thank you," mouthed Bearfur, closing his eyes slowly. Opening them again, he looked to Shadestreak who sat there, sending Bearfur a weary grin. "It's over," his eyes seemed to say. Bearfur merely nodded, no words able to express his thanks that everyone he cared for was alive. Though, watching the scene between Thunderstep and Kestreleye, he knew the same could not be said for everyone. Softening his gaze for a second, he sent a comforting glance Nightfang's way, then padded over to Thunderstep. Standing before the two toms and Wintersong, he set his face emotionless. "I killed him." Sending Hornetstar a warning glance, he looked back to the three cats before him.



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

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