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TOPIC: The Patriots .:A Future World RP:. ~Full~

WindClan Deputy

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RE: The Patriots .:A Future World RP:. ~Full~
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William didn't appreciate the contemptuous look that Dex had given him. It wasn't his fault that everything made no sense. He was just supposed to be some stupid grunt sent out to kill a target specified by his creators. The only difference between him and any other Bio-Agent outside the Patriot Squad was that he was able to make his own decisions. Was that such a bad thing?
William snorted darkly and shoved his way past Dex, know that she could have easily taken him down at such a close range. The man walked near the front of the hostage group as they entered a rather worn out office space. Desks were everywhere, their chairs thrown about as if a great mass of people had rushed out of here. There seemed to be no signs of life, even if the group that claimed to have the same name as William's squad were nearby, they obviously didn't have their headquarters set up in this building.
There were no other entrances or exits in to the room and the hair on the back of William's neck stood up. He grabbed the old man roughly and lifted him off the ground again, "You setting us up? Where are they?!"
"Calm yourself Commander. Everything will make sense in time," a voice sounded at the entrance they had just come through. Standing there was a group of fifteen adults who were armed very well and looked trained enough to do quite a bit of damage. Among the group was a middle aged man in a casual cream colored suit. His hair ad looked as if it had once been completely black, though now it was peppered with gray and white. He sported a thin beard on his face and sleek black glasses over his dark eyes.
William felt the pit of his stomach fall at the sight of the man and this group. He had just walked his whole team in to a trap. Tossing the man aside, William lifted his rifle in to an aggressive aimed position. Immediately the group standing around the man in the suit lifted theirs. The man in the glasses tsk, tsk, tsked William. Something about the way the man looked and behaved seemed oddly familiar and unsettling.
"Who are you?" William demanded.
The man laughed a bit, "Oh Commander, you really are confused aren't you?"
William stepped closer only to have a bullet fired at his feet, not actually hitting them but close enough. Growling darkly William spat, "Who are you?!"
The man stepped forward, two his guards following him, "Oh my dear boy," William seethed at that comment, "I am doctor Henry Jonathan. Don't you recognize me?" William said nothing and did not react. "That's a shame. You and the rest of your crew were always my favorites. What will WC-1863 do next? Your cases were always to fun to watch."
William hated the tone this man was taking, he looked at each of them the same way each of the people back at the complexes had looked at them. They saw each of the potential Bio-Agents as a lab rat, what kinds of scenarios could they use to push these manufactured humans through that would make them reach their full potential? It made William sick. He had only been a number back then but now he was William "Ghost Town" Cassidy. Never again would he let someone look at him that way.
William lowered his weapon slightly, "If you're done, I think I'd like to kill you now. I'd suggest that you armed friends here get out unless they want to get shot too."
The man looked slightly hurt, William couldn't tell if he was faking it, "Oh Commander, you really don't know me do you? Perhaps this will jog your memory, that encrypted message you got in your orientation vids, that was sent by me. I asked you to deviate from your mission and here you are!"
William sneered darkly and reaimed his weapon, "Sorry to say it, we didn't come here because of your message. We're here because of our mission... You."
Doctor Jonathan looked confused, finally William had the upper hand, "What do you mean us? Your mission was to go to Jamestown and protect a rather high level man from a possible assassination." Dr. Jonathan looked away, his hand coming to rest against his mouth, "If we're your mission then they already know. We have a leak." He looked up at his guards, "We have to get out of here quick. If they know about us then we are compromised. If anything they will try to kill us all here and now."
William cleared his throat, "Duh, that's what we're here for."
Dr. Jonathan looked at William with impatience, "Oh you fool, of course that's not what you're here for. They're going to wipe out any evidence of your existence. They sent you here with a tip that we'd be here. They know that you've been, as they say, 'contaminated."
William narrowed his eyes, "Contaminated?"
Jonathan quickly motioned to the rest of the group, "Look, I can't explain it here. Knowing NAGA we will be dead within the next few minutes. If you don't believe me stay here and find out. If not, then follow me and I will explain everything."
William was at a loss. On one hand he knew that NAGA saw him as an expendable crew member and had been lying to him for as long as he could remember. On the other hand, he had only just met this man, how was he supposed to trust him? Growling darkly William signaled to the Patriot Squad, "Stand down. We go with them. If anything we can just shoot them later."
Doctor Jonathan nodded, "Get back to your ship. Ours is on a lower platform. Should take us as long to get there as it does for you to get to the Panthera. Tell Emili to take you to Doctor Henry Jonathan. If she asks for a code word tell her 'Saviors'. That should get her to access the hidden data." With that he turned, his armed guards and the hostages moving with him.
William growled again and shouted, "Move out!"



RiverClan Warrior

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At the shot of guns, Valerie's muscles reacted and she shifted herself farther into the shadows. When they had arrived and the room had been empty, Valerie had been sure to close herself into a safer spot. Watching the exchange, Valerie's face was impassive. She knew it had seemed off that they were sent here so soon after they received the encrypted message, but she was trained to follow orders, not question them and that is what she did. She made quick eye contact with the doctor, her green eyes narrowing for a fraction of a second at his tone. As soon as Ghost Town spoke out orders, Valerie snarled, tearing out her com piece with an impassive glance. They had said that who ever had a com would hear what they heard. Valerie wanted no part in hearing it. The ear piece hung useless in front of her pocket until she stuffed it in a pocket beside the com-link on her vest. A slight ringing and scratchy feeling was in her ear from having it in. Standing beside Ghost Town, Valerie spoke quietly so only he could hear. "Do you trust them?" Her eyes were not cold yet not enlightened either. They were clear and thoughtful and as she voiced her thoughts again, she turned towards him, then away as she continued talking. "I think they know what our decision is and I think they won't be happy." Who 'they' were remained to be seen, but from context it could be determined that 'they' meant NAGA and 'our' refering to them. Walking in the back with steady steps, she continued thinking, listening to the fading, stealthy steps of the other people who had been there and showed up on them rather than the Patriots surprising them. And in the back of her mind, the thoughts passed over. They know so much about us. They sent the others up so we would go down there. Eyes narrowing, she nodded her head no softly.



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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William had listened to Dex for a moment, but had not replied. Of course he didn't trust these people, he'd be stupid if he did. It was just a matter of who he trusted the least. At this point, the only people he trusted were in his own squad and that trust was based solely on that they were the same as him. He didn't trust them with his secrets, as he was sure they didn't trust him with theirs. All in all, his current situation just sucked.
William followed the path they had taken to enter the building, along the way he remembered that Dex had ripped her com-link from her ear. He took a moment to think why she would do this. After a moment he realized that everything they had said over the coms might just have been transmitted to NAGA headquarters. William cursed under his breath and ripped his own com from his ear. He tossed it away in to some forgotten corner, hoping he did the right thing. He turned to the rest of the crew, signaling them to do the same.
The group made their way back to the Panthera, each entering the sleek aircraft once more. From within they heard Emili say, "Welcome back Commander. I was worried when your com-link went dead. I've been blocking an encrypting your transmissions so that whatever NAGA manages to salvage will be nothing but gibberish."
William stared at the ceiling angrily, a funny sight for anyone in a laughing mood, "And just how are we supposed to trust you? You could be broadcasting a signal to NAGA right now."
Emili was silent for a moment before she spoke again, "Lieutenant Shepard is a technician expert. He will easily be able to find the transmission devices and consoles in the ship. He will also know how to deactivate them. I suggest he does this quickly." William turned to his second in command, nodding at him to get this done quickly.
"Of course," Emili sounded, "This does mean that if the Lieutenant plans on deactivating the com-link system, he won't be able to pilot the Panthera away from here. If NAGA truly wants to kill us, we will be sitting ducks." William shifted uncomfortably. What could he do? If he left the coms in tact NAGA could track them, but if they stayed here they were dead. Answering his unspoken question Emili started, "If you have the proper code Commander, I can pilot this vessel... That is until the Lieutenant has a free moment."
Heck... It was worth a shot, "Saviors."
"Accessing piloting systems," Emili said and the ship came to life. It was rather extraordinary. The power core hummed and William could feel the power of the Panthera against his skin, it was odd and yet intriguing. It was as if Emili had become the Panthera. Without needing Shepard in the pilot seat, the Panthera began to run the preflight systems. When all was ready Emili sounded, "Setting course for Cape Ironia." The Panthera lifted from the platform and turned of its own volition and within moments, they were away. William was beginning to like having Emili around.



RiverClan Warrior

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Standing there uncomfortably with nothing to do, Valerie shifted her weight from foot to foot. After a few moments, she swallowed. "Ghost Town. May I have a word?" Her voice was slightly inquiring, slightly giving off a tone of, 'get-over-here-now-or-you'll-get-killed-when-you-decide-to-walk-past-me'. This entire thing about going against NAGA seemed to go against every fiber of her being and yet also felt strangely right. But before she made any opinions or back-up plans for herself, seeing as they, the other 'patriots' were trained with long-range weapons, she wanted to speak with Ghost Town to get his opinion on what she should do. She was practically useless without any long-distance skills and didn't want to be a burden and have to stay on the plan or - even worse - paired up with someone. The thought almost sent a shudder down her back.



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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William had been lost in thought when Dex called his name. He glanced over his shoulder at her, receiving that look. That ever present frown resumed its position on his face. As the man stood up he tossed one more look at Emili's console. Hopefully he could trust her. Turning back to Dex he motioned for her to follow him. He led her to the men's bedroom, a rather secluded enough place. He didn't shut the door behind them but he did move to the back of the room. He pulled out the desk chair and swirled it around so he could sit on it. He motioned for Dex to sit on the lower bunk bed. "Yes?" he asked, not short tempered, but not exactly friendly either.



RiverClan Warrior

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"What exactly am I supposed to do?" Valerie asked. Frustration tinged the edges of her voice as she stood there, hands on her hips, mouth set in a firm line. She leaned forwards slightly and frowned. Snorting, she leaned back. "You might be an expert with firearms but I can barely hold a pistol. What am I going to do? If they turn on us, I'm dead. If you expect us to attack them if they're against us, I'm dead." Biting her lip in thought, she sighed lightly with frustration and lack of energy. This whole matter was rather frustrating. Whirling around towards him again, the strain in her voice insinuated that if she had more of a personality - more of a fire - her arms would be flailing around and her voice would be echoing around the ship. But she wasn't and it wouldn't because that wasn't her. "The most I can do is get information. The most I can do is be an assassin. But what good is it if they seem to know so much about us?" Brows slightly furrowing, she took a deep breath and then held her face in her hands. "My apologies... I'm just stressed out. They didn't exactly sneak up on me - I knew they wouldn't and they did, too - but I didn't know they were there until they were a foot away from the door. They're good at what they do."



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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William listened to Dex vent, he said nothing and didn't judge her words or her actions. His dark eyes remained impassive as she asked him what she really meant to the team. To be honest, he would have been frustrated if he was her too. In this day-in-age the use of a hand-to-hand specialist was limited. She could be killed easily with a bullet placed in just the right area. William waved off her apology, understanding that she needed to get this off her chest. Plus, he was the Commander right? This was what he was trained in. "You weren't the only one taken off guard," he started, "We all were. They did a heck of a job running rings around us. If what they said was true then we can't go back to NAGA. Plus with what I've just made us do, I doubt NAGA wants us back."
The tall man looked away, deep in thought for a moment. Then it hit him, Dex was extremely adept at control of her body, she just had major problems with machine weapons. Well heck, William was excellent at them, it was the other thing he was trained for. If she could control her breath and do everything she was trained to do with body control, all she'd need was trigger experience. A small smile flickered over William's face, almost impishly. He looked up at the women, "You want to be useful yes? I can teach you how to use your pistols. That stuff is simple. However I want you to do something for me." He paused for a moment just to be a bit dramatic, "I'd like you to agree to me teaching you to be our sniper expert. Heck, we left ours behind. With your precise body control and depth perception, you'd be perfect for the job! Plus it'd keep you as far away from the danger as possible. And if anyone snuck up on you, you'd just use your hand-to-hand skill to hit a pressure point somewhere on their body and make their heart explode... or whatever it is you do." He tilted his head to the side, almost endearingly, "Whaddya say?"



WindClan Warrior

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Guinevere had said nothing as the others spoke, her hand resting on just on the top of her gun.  What the heck is really going on? She wanted to cry out as she wearly sat down on a revolving chair.  Who was that man, Dr. Henry Johnathan, and what did he mean for them to do? A million questions flittered through the young womans mind as she laid her head against the cool surface of the wooden oak table.  "Where is Cape Ironia?" She asked, her words mumbled by her hair as she closed her eyes and placed her hand against the table. After a few seconds, Guievere's eyebrows furrowed in contemplation as she picked her head up and stared across at the conversation going about the aircraft. 

-- Edited by Briarlyric on Wednesday 16th of November 2011 01:23:07 AM


Moonstar made this!

RiverClan Warrior

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Raising an eyebrow at his actions, she almost blurted out, I'm not amused, but stopped herself in thought. Eyes narrowing slightly in thought, she nodded slowly. "I'm just not comfortable with leaving you all there." Valerie took a moment to step back and cross her arms across her chest. Her lips were pursed taut and her eyes were closed in contemplation. It was a lot to think about, but Valerie was never one to back down from a challenge. Opening her eyes, there was a newfound determination in them, though it wasn't reflected in her rather cool voice. "All in all, I agree, though. I need the skills. I'm just worried about leaving you all there without someone able to control their body as well as I am." Stepping forwards, she patted Ghost Town on the head as if he were a kid, quickly retracting her hand as if contact like such was burning. "Thanks, I guess," she muttered, shrugging.



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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William's mouth pulled up again in to that slight smile, "Very well then." He had ignored the pat on the head, not sure if he had liked the almost playful/teasing gesture. The man stood, his height still more than the long legged woman's, "We'll determine the threat level of certain missions or situations and see if its better to have you will us on the ground, or on a perch to take out anyone trying to get close." He passed by her, "Just make sure you're ready. I'm not the nicest guy in the world... But then again you're not the nicest girl." His eyes flashed for a moment, the challenge in his eyes evident. Dex's determination and challenge had brought back that part of him he had left behind with his team in the complex. It was interesting to have it back again.

At hearing Patrukia's voice and question, seeing as Emili was the ship, the AI answered, "Cape Ironia was once part of Iceland. After a few wars and missiles a part of the mainland broke off before settling further in to the atlantic. the former British nation had experimental technologies that allowed for more land formations by speeding up the process of volcanic activity. The made the volcanoes that the island had settled near erupt very frequently. This caused for the new island to have a larger and sturdier base. Eventually the project was abandoned and the Patriots now inhabit the island."



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