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TOPIC: The Patriots .:A Future World RP:. ~Full~

RiverClan Warrior

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RE: The Patriots .:A Future World RP:. ~Full~
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With a horrified glint in her eyes, Valerie frowned. Despite learning she was human, her apathetic tendencies continued. She, however, decided it best to not lose her temper. Stepping in front of Ghost Town, she raised an eyebrow. "Blood attaches us to no one. And also," she continues to walk forwards and speak in a low voice, "from birth we are condemned to death so is there a difference between now and then?" Her hands raised and she looked at them briefly before staring at the people seated before her. "We were... raised," she spoke, choosing her words carefully, "to fight for NAGA. Through the tests, we all changed." Eyes narrowing slightly, she held her chin higher. "I'd like to think that NAGA treated us better and that diplomacies will get us nowhere. And I'm correct, am I not?" Taking a deep breath, she stuffed her hands back in her pockets, turning so her right shoulder was to the group of people and her left shoulder was facing her group of people. Valerie focused her sight on the wall as she spoke. "You have threatened us and expect us to help you?" Her tone was slightly amused yet at the same time disgusted. "We are not toys, Henry," and the way she spoke his name was so eloquent yet so venomous, "even if you did create us. And the thought that you would treat your son like this." Her eyes flicker to Ghost Town's form for a fleeting moment before she continues to stare at the wall. She didn't know what she had been doing when she comforted him, but she knew it was the right thing and he needed it. Lazily, her head turned towards the man she had been addressing in particular. "Henry, dear, we aren't pawns in a stupid game of who will rule the world," chided Valerie in a whimsical tone. A deadly smirk played on the edge of her lips. "We have a mind and we have control over our bodies. So how about we make a deal?"



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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Henry sighed lazily, "I'm sorry Valerie. We just don't make deals. Its not a good policy." He turned from her and walked about the room again, "If I started making deals it would compromise my own goals and the goals of the splinter cell." The man turned his face back to her, "However, I will more than happy for you to submit to us. Otherwise bad things will happen." He turned his eyes back to the image on the holo-interface.
William's eyes met with it, a dark scowl on his face. He stepped up beside Dex and snarled, "You're bluffing. You wouldn't have spent all that time, money and energy building something you planned on killing anyway."
Henry's mouth pulled in to that familiar smile that William hated, "Do you want to test me boy?"
William snorted heavily, "You bet." With that he turned and marched away from the whole group. He made his way to the doors that had led in to this conference room, daring Henry to pull the trigger. Just as he reached the door, feeling quite triumphant, Henry's voice started up behind him.
"Computer, active failsafe WC-1863."
The sound of an electronic voice could be heard in the room. This one was reminiscent of Emili's but it sounded male, "Voice recognition activation passed. Activating failsafe. Subject has thirty seconds to comply before termination."
As William reached for the door he felt something horrible in his chest. At first he ignored it but after a moment it felt like a knife being driven in to his chest. Instantly the man dropped to his knees, gagging for air. His dark eyes flew open wide with fear as he grabbed his chest, praying for the horrid pain to stop. He managed to turn his body toward the group before he dropped his hands on to the floor to keep himself from fainting to the ground.
Henry's shoes made clacking sounds agains the tile floor of the room as he approached William. He leaned down and pressed a hand to the Commander's back, "Now you see son, I have to punish you if you don't obey. Do as you're told and you'll be rewarded." Every last word that man said sounded like sickly sweet poison. William gasped and gagged for air as Henry continued, "You've got five seconds." William's eyes rolled up in to his head as he dropped to the floor, his head hitting the tile harshly. As darkness filled his mind he could barely hear Henry say in a rather relaxed tone, "Computer, deactivate WC-1863 failsafe."
"Acknowledged," came the computer's reply. Within a second the pain was gone, William couldn't move. His world continued to slip in to darkness and the man didn't want to deny it. He felt the sweet cold embrace of death and wished for it to come back and take him away. Yet the only thing that lulled his mind in to the darkness was the sweet promise of unconsciousness.
"Take him to the infirmary," Henry laughed as William finally slipped away.



RiverClan Warrior

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As soon as Ghost Town was on his knees, Valerie was beside him trying to keep him awake. Her mouth was sealed shut with fear as she knelt there. When Henry placed his hand on Ghost Town's back she pushed it away protectively. When he blacked out, she watched with fear. She - they - knew that they weren't fooling. That they would die. Kneeling beside Ghost Town, Valerie checked all of his vitals before staring at Henry with wide eyes. They made her look like a child. Closing them for a second, she opened them to look at the man and took action. Before he was out of reach, she grabbed his wrist. "Where. Where is the infirmary. I don't trust you to take him." Her voice was soft and yet ordering. Looking at Ghost Town, she frowned slightly. "We were trained --"
"You were trained? Is that all you know, Valerie?" questioned Henry, looking at the girl with an eyebrow raised.
"Yes, it is. We were trained, sir, to kill. We were born human but trained to kill and that's what we know and do you know how hard it is to hear that everything has been a lie and what you want to be a lie is true?" Looking at Ghost Town's raggedly-breathing form, she closed her eyes. "Please. Just show us where the infirmary is." At her sides, her nails dug into her palms, drawing blood. And a fleeting thought passed in the back of her mind of OhIshouldcutmynails because in the front of her mind was OhgodspleasehelpusIdon'tknowwhattodoI'msoscaredHelpusHelpus. Opening her palms, she stared at them, then up at Henry with wide, saucer-like eyes. Child's eyes.

-- Edited by Florestadream on Sunday 20th of November 2011 08:56:59 PM



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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Posts: 12977
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Henry grinned triumphantly at the young woman. He said nothing and turned about. Of course the Patriot team could rely on their medical officer, but this was not something she could handle without the proper equipment and supplies. He turned to the holo-interface and pressed a few buttons. Within moments a door on the far side of the room opened and a pretty woman stepped inside. Her long wavy clone hair fell about her shoulders and on to the standard Patriot uniform.
"Its about time you were downloaded in to your new body," Henry snickered, "Emili, would you be a dear and take Valerie and Ghost Town to the infirmary. Might as well take the whole team with you as well."
The woman approached the holo-interface, her pale blue eyes were immediately drawn to Ghost Town's prone form. The AI stepped quickly to Dex's side, ignoring any possible glares she might receive from the woman. Emili knew full well of Dex's immense dislike of technology, let alone giving it a human face. A look akin to worry spread on the AI's new face. She disliked the tone that Henry had taken. She had been raised as any sentient creature was supposed to be, minus the feelings for your caretakers that was supposed to grow during the developing stages. She felt fear for her Commander who lay unconscious before her.
Easily she grabbed Ghost Town by one arm and turned to Dex, "You take the other side. I will show you the way to the infirmary." Worry filled the AI. With the development of an actual body, emotions and feelings were beginning to flood her. She wasn't sure if she should be grateful or angry at the development. During this whole exchange Ghost Town had neither moved nor made a sound. This only helped spur on Emili's newly growing worry.



ShadowClan Warrior

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Daniel looked over to see Emili walk over. Hatred and astonishment filled within him all at the same time. He hated how the resistance would use them all in this way, but he was amazed at their resolve and ability to go forward with wha they would do. But then again, they truly wouldn't kill them all. Daniel then found them weak in his mind. "You are all cowards that deserve the same fate we do!" He growled at Henry, though keeping himself in check not to lunge at the rigid man, for fear of the same action that was caused to Ghost Town. "I hope you all burn in flames that NAGA will rain down with their bombs." He cursed at them. Then he turned his direction to Ghost Town, distress appearant on his face.



RiverClan Warrior

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With a hesitant nod, Valerie grabbed Ghost Town's other side, wrapping an arm around him to keep him steady. Throwing a glance over her shoulder, her eyes were still wide as she looked at Henry. Biting her lip, she turned around. Looking to Emili, she gave a small, shaky smile. "Thank you," she breathed. At the moment, she felt so helpless. "Shepherd...," muttered Valerie, looking at the mentioned man. Her eyes asked him to walk and not look back. Her mind spun ideas but she doubted any of them would work. She felt helpless because they could kill her. Because technology had a human face. Because she couldn't do anything. A soft, sharp intake of breath was heard in silence. She wouldn't stop fighting. She couldn't.



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

ShadowClan Warrior

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Daniel nodded, his eyes seemed to softened in compliance. He drew closer to Dex and placed his hand on her shoulder. A determined look burned within his green eyes. "Ghost Town will be fine. I promise." He spoke in a low, serious, but encouraging tone. Then he shifted his gaze to Emili, the AI now in a humanoid actually slightly scared him. She said that she would serve them, not the resistance. He felt as if he could trust her, yet at the same time, he felt inner disgust at her, and at himself.



WindClan Deputy

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Emili hurriedly led the small group of five, not including herself, out of the room and down long hallways colored pale and white. It amazed the AI as to why these fleshy humans decided to place the place of recuperation and medical attention so deep inside the building. It took a good deal of time and knowledge to even find the dang place. Anyone who was in critical condition would most likely die on the trip there. Emili just didn't understand humans.
Finally they reached their destination, the nurses and doctors all looked up in a bit of confusion as they stormed in. Immediately a kindly looking older man approached them with a female nurse who didn't look so nice. He led them to an open bed behind a thin curtain and instructed them to place Ghost Town there.
"What happened?" The doctor asked as the nurse began to take vitals.
Emili didn't hesitate in her reply, the AI part of her inhibited the 'shut up filter' altogether, "They were in a conference with the Director, Dr. Jonathan. Things didn't go quiet how the Director wanted so in order to show superior strength he activated Ghost Town's failsafe."
The doctor looked confused, "G-ghost Town?"
Emili pointed to the Commander, "He is usually called William Cassidy, or WC-1863. However, he prefers Ghost Town."
The doctor looked to the Commander, a sympathetic frown on his face, "The Director can be... Extreme when making examples of people. Your friend here needs to rest for a little while. He'll be good as new in a few days."
Emili's human face frowned. Her brows knitted together and her fists clenched, it was odd, "A few days?"
The doctor sighed softly, "It won't take him that long to get up, however it will be a while until he is at full strength again. I've studied the anatomy of the experiments that were created here to infiltrate NAGA." For a moment he fell silent. He looked away before continuing softly, "Its horrifying." He looked lost in thought before snapping back to reality, "But its what the Director wants. Your friend will be sore and tired for a while. Just give him some time and he'll be as good as new soon enough." Emili nodded at the man, it was strange actually being able to interact as a human would. She needed time to get used to this.



RiverClan Warrior

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Placing her hands on her hips, she frowned. "Excellent. What are we to do now?" After a thoughtful pause, she turned towards the doctor. "Thank you." Then turning towards Emili, she paused and forced herself to look the... woman in the eyes. "And thank you." With that, she turned her back to everyone in thought. Shep was their second in command, but everyone just seemed so lost. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she stood there in thought. Turning towards Emili, she had a serious look in her face. "If you think that Henry is still there... take me back to that room."



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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Posts: 12977
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Dex's unease and dislike had not escaped Emili's notice. Something within her felt sad and hurt at the looks the Patriots were giving her. A growing dislike for Henry had started within her now at the thought that it was the body he had given her was the cause of all this. The AI looked toward Ghost Town for a moment, not really wanting to leave the infirmary. A frown twisted at the pretty lips that were supposedly her own, yet now here among the humans bring to be one of them, they felt more alien than ever.
Emili didn't sigh as she would have if she had been human, she didn't even require air, but she did look tired of the hostile glances that were thrown her way, "I will take you to him. I'm not sure he is there since I have no wireless access to the Splinter Cell's main frame. I can try to hack in but I'd need a connection first," The AI spoke. She waved her hand at Dex to follow, "Anyone else who wishes to come along can. Just follow me." Emili turned and left the infirmary, leading the group back the way they had come. She moved past the desk and in to the conference room. The group that had been there before was gone, even Henry. Emili frowned and turned back to Dex, "I'm sorry, it appears that he is not here."
"Not here?" the familiar voice of Henry sounded behind them. Emili whirled around, surprised her sensors had not detected the man. It troubled her that he managed to dodge her detection. "Can I help you with something?" the man smiled at them.



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