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TOPIC: The Patriots .:A Future World RP:. ~Full~

WindClan Deputy

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RE: The Patriots .:A Future World RP:. ~Full~
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William didn't reply to his lieutenant, he really didn't want to talk about their current situation. Gently the man touched his chest where the pain had been at its worst. How could anyone do this? He could have understood if he had been merely a Bio-Agents, heck they were barely sentient. However, William and his crew weren't Bio-Agents, they were just enhanced humans. Their parents were willing to sacrifice them or discard them as if they never mattered!
Shepard had made a good point though, the Panthera was their only home now. Perhaps they could escape this world and go somewhere where they could choose their own destinies. Yet despite all the technological advances, there had been no plans for colonizing other planets and therefore there was no where other than Earth for them to go. Perhaps they could just go in to space and die off in a way they chose. William didn't like the thought of dying and if they did, who would really care?
With a sigh the man stood from his chair, wincing at the pain and soreness there. Dex had helped him up here but he would have to make it back to his bed on his own. He passed Shepard, placing a hand on the man's shoulder for a moment, "Don't let depressing thoughts pervade your mind. They crew needs you at your best and brightest... Or as bright as someone as dense as you can get." He chuckled before moving on. "Emili," he said as he moved through the ship, "Wake me and Dex when we arrive. M'kay?"
Emili's voice sounded from within the hull, there was concern in her synthetic voice, "Yes Commander." Emili's voice was strange since it wasn't quite human sounded, it sort of vibrated with mechanical influence, but she did very much have a human's voice. It was within the norms of a female voice, but tending to deep in to deeper tones sometimes. It wasn't all that unpleasant to listen to, but indeed it was strange.

Emili continued the coarse through the atmosphere. They were at a nice altitude and the AI wished they could just keep going. She hated that they were on a mission for her creators, the very same people that would launch a missile at them just to see if they could dodge it in time. She avoided any occupied airspace if she could avoid it. The Panthera was built for stealth and speed but she didn't want to have to test its skills unless necessary. They had rounded the bottom of what had once been Florida and now traveled across the Gulf of New America. Emili's radar's could see the land and the border for which they had to follow to get to their destination. She brought the Panthera in low and fast, under the cover of night. The black hull of the Panthera made a perfect disguise for night time raids. The AI zoomed over the tops of ancient trees for a good twenty minutes before finding an area on the radar that would be perfect for them to land in. She slowed the Panthera's engines and made an effortless descent in to the marshy forest. The landing gear of the Panthera let out soft hisses of air as they appeared below it and kissed the ground without another sound. Emili checked the ship's systems for any life signs outside, there were no humans at least.
Emili's voice sounded throughout the Panthera, "Attention crew, we have arrived." With that said, Emili made her way through the circuits and back in to the body she had possessed a mere few hours before. Her consciousness was drained from the ship, making the systems go from manual to default, waiting for Emili to return. The AI's vision blurred as she opened her 'human' eyes before all the world came back in to focus, small screens and bits of information passed over her eyes as she looked to different objects, she noticed that her 'human' body's eyes had everything tinted with a soft blue, perhaps in order for better night vision or something.
She made her way through the Panthera and to the women's bunk room, she peeped her head and and called, "Dex, we have arrived. Regarding Commander Ghost Town's orders, I am to wake you for the mission."



RiverClan Warrior

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Rubbing her eyes, Valerie sat up and nodded, grunting something akin to, "Thank you." Not a particularly happy riser, she sat up and slipped on her boots - when had she taken them off? - and shrugged on her vest - when had she taken anything off? - while stretching. Yawning, she went into the bathroom quickly. Not a particularly vain woman, Valerie did not enjoy appearing unofficial. Looking in the mirror, she thought in the back of her mind that a hair cut would be nice, and cleaned her teeth before untangling the plait that had kept her hair back and pulling it into a ponytail. Stumbling out of the room, she checked her pockets and everything and patted the pistol that had remained around her waist while she slept - thank goodness she had no knowledge of how to load it and it was unloaded - before kneeling down to tuck her pants into her boots. Rubbing her eyes again, she yawned, looking very much like a child. As Valerie stood, her fingers stroked her now wavy hair in distaste before ignoring the fact it was not straight and instead looking shorter and - in her opinion - less professional. Stretching once more, she relished the feeling of tight muscles relaxing and looked to everyone, then wondered in passing what exactly were they to expect.



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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William awoke to Emili's propt over the loud speakers. A dark frown passed over his mouth knowing that's he'd have to get out of bed again. Still, it was for the good of the team. Without their leader, how were they going to get anything done? With a sigh he swung his legs over the side and heaved himself off the bed. He quickly got himself in to his uniform, grabbing his trusty weapons from the weapons closet. With each movement he grew stiff and winced. This was not good, how as he going to get anything done?
He made his way from the bunk room, masking his pain as best he could. He couldn't let these guys down. He nodded to everyone as he approached them, "Alright, so what do we know about where we're going?"
Emili piped up, that same strange-ish voice echoing from synthetic vocal cords, "Its a complex that is half above ground and half below. From what we understand, they are on a mission to infiltrate and terminate deadly traitors. They will have arrived no to long ago and most likely have killed everyone inside. We are to follow them in and kill them."
"Well if that's all," William shrugged, his voice sarcastic. Emili stared at him, her soft blue eyes wide with misunderstanding. She hand't quiet gotten the hang of sarcasm. William turned to Dex, "Alright, since you're the best at stealth I want you on recon. Scout out ahead and see if you can find any stealthy entrances then report back to us outside the building. We won't be to far away. Travel with us until we get closer. When you find a good spot we will all go in together, okay?" He turned and moved through the airlock of the ship, "Lets move out!" He jumped from the edge of the plane to the ground, nearly collapsing when his feet hit there. "Smooth," he muttered to himself as he stood and began to march through the dense forest.



RiverClan Warrior

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Rolling her eyes, Valerie briskly warned Ghost Town to, "Watch your step, fool," in a peeved voice before splitting from the group to scout ahead. Having just woken up her temper was short and patience shorter. Sticking to the shadows, Valerie glided towards the building, eyes narrowed. Under her breath she seemed to mutter something about "idiot scientists and their crazy creations" while spewing a stream of curses aimed towards the building. Upon reach the building, she dared not try to main entrence, saving that for last, for she knew they would expect her there. Though, through her thought process, Valerie was able to deduct that the team would expect a threat and have a member survailing every exit. Exhaling sharply, Valerie slunk around the building, making two laps while examining each door. At a sound she would freeze and soften her breathing, stilled by the thought that if she would get caught there is no doubt she would be killed. Eyes narrowing, Valerie completed her third lap. Each lap had talen a large chunk of time and for her, that was concerning. Behind each door she was sure that there was something there, for a light humming was heard from behind two of the four possible entrences. Keeping that in mind - "West wing and east wing entrences are probably being watched" - Valerie took her last few minutes to view the main entrence with a peeved hiss. Tugging on her ponytail in frustration, she stared at the door as if she willed it to burn down or cause an explosion. Guessing that the soldiers would underestimate them and protect the front way - "For we're just humans; ever sector must know that by now and think us so predictable" - Valerie tut-tutted when she heard an unmistakable grunt from the other side of the door. Frowning, she slunk backwards, backtracking around the building and making her way back to the group. Sliding up beside Ghost Town, Valerie stared at the building for a pregnant moment before saying in a lonotone voice, "Main, west wing, east wing. They aren't possible. If my guesses are correct they have taken every precaution to protect themselves. Who knows why but NAGA and them. Behind the main entrence is a man. He sounded large and muscular but from the sound of his movements he is a trigger happy moron." At this she scoffed and narrowed her eyes. "Our best bet is the last possible entrence at the back corner. They could be purposefully giuiding our efforts there; however, our last option would be scaling the building and I doubt you're in the shape to accomplish such a feat." Pausing, Valerie looked at Ghost Town. "In my opinion this is a waste of time but it's probably better if we kill them." Shrugging, she looked to the building again with disdain. "These... Agents... have a lot figured out. They're definitely extremely well-trained... ah, created, rather. Either way they are not as reckless as I originally expected them to be. In this situation stealth will be key to take them bh surprise. We should not split up and everyone -" she pauses for dramatic effect and to be assured everyone heard her "- must be as quiet as possible. That's all." Nodding, Valerie straightened up.



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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The man had waited for Dex to return for a long time, it had been beginning to concern him when the bushes made a barely perceptible shake. Dex appeared next to him, had she not wanted them to shake, the bushes wouldn't have. He listened carefully to his options, if they tried any of the doors that had traps, they would be detected and kill right away. They might have surveillance around the perimeter anyway. A dark frown tugged at the man's lips, "This sucks..."
He looked at every vantage point that he could find, there weren't many if any at all. There was a nice covered spot near the main entrance. It was secluded, hidden by a large rock and some foliage. This would make an excellent sniper's vantage point, to bad they didn't actually have any snipers. Hissing darkly, William turned to Dex, "I don't think stealth is going to work very long once things get started. If Ghost Squad has the standard amount of crew members then they have six, thank goodness we do too." He turned forward as he continued, "One of us, most likely me, will take cover in that spot," he pointed to the sniper's location. "We can confuse them by setting off one of the traps at one of the doors, use the fastest of us to set off a trap and draw their attention. Its going to have to be extremely well timed since the rest of my plan consists of the rest of us knocking on the front door, hoping the guy opens it and let the sniper shoot. However, if he thinks at all like I do, I'd shoot right through the door. Killing anyone who stood near it. So we may have to throw rocks of something." He fell silent for a moment, "Any volunteers of the second door?"
Emili immediately spoke, "I will do it Commander." Her voice sounded resolute, but William didn't know if he should let her. He had no idea how fast she was or how stealthy. The AI's face hardened at the hesitation, "We can't risk them using a bomb or something against any of you. You're all made of flesh and bones, you're human." The AI's very human face looked away, "I'm an AI, a computer. I can handle the inevitable. I won't let Dex risk her life."
William's brow furrowed, "Who says Dex is volunteering?"
Emili's brow lifted, "Because she's fast, strong willed and stealthy. Not to mention she rises to challenges with a vengeance." Her soft blue eyes narrowed, "I heard your conversation with her about training her in weaponry. She seemed very enthusiastic as the idea of someone challenging her. So in her stead I suggest myself."
William turned to Dex, "Well, do you want to do it, or would you rather come with us?"



ShadowClan Warrior

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Daniel was surprised by Emili's suggestion. He blinked at her, then looked over to Dex. "I don't mind whoever is guarding the second door, just as long as we can get this done, and get it done fast. No compromises." He turned his direction to Ghost Town, his brow furrowed, but not with anger. "Where will I be stationed Commander?" Daniel adressed Ghost Town. THings still didn't feeling right. If it wasn't that idea of having an AI actually run missions with them, Daniel had no clue. But still he would obey without question, unless Ghost Town would make an 'irrational' decision, of which Shepard doubt he would ever make.



RiverClan Warrior

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"We can't have Emili's body get hurt. She's vital to the mission. I'll do it," replied Valerie with resoluteness in her voice. Her voice was not amused and held a hardness to it. "I will set off the west wing trap. More than likely the one guarding the east wing will come over as well." Raising an eyebrow, she added with a tone that implied that no one should argue with her, "But I won't run. I'm going to disable them and then find my own way through the building. Like I said, they're pretty trigger-happy compared to us." Looking towards the building for a fleeting moment, she nodded towards Ghost town, giving him a two-fingered salute. "I'm not going to run because I'm not going to be useless this time."



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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William nodded curtly, though he he did see Emili stiffen out of the corner of his eye. William turned to her, "You'll come with us, plus you don't have any weapons of usefulness all be yourself. You need back up." William motioned for the group that would go with him through the front entrance, "Lets move." The entire group moved with him, minus Dex of course. Before he continued with them, William stopped and turned back to Dex. He reached forward and pressed his hand to her shoulder, "Be careful and come back alive please." His brown eyes met with her deep green ones, "Don't be stupid and don't be a martyr. There aren't enough of our kind to risk letting a single one of us get killed.



RiverClan Warrior

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Sending Ghost Town a reassuring smile, Valerie slid his hand off her shoulder and gave a stiff salute before slinking off into the shadows. Reaching the west wing, she gave a nasty smile before kicking down the door. As she expected, a shout was heard - "Solo!" - and a second pair of footsteps was heard as Valerie ducked into the shadows once more. As the first man ran past her, she struck, hitting several pressure points to paralyze him. Immediately he fell, dropping his gun onto her foot. Kicking her leg so she caught the gun with her foot and the man with her arms, she narrowed her eyes and dragged him into the shadows, tying his arms behind his back with her the laces from her right boot. Sliding the laces from her left boot off, she slid out of her shoes and slunk after the second man, quickly repeating the process, assured that they would be paralyzed for a good amount of time and even then the laces were tied well enough that they would cut into their arms if they moved. Pulling off her socks she stuffed them into her boots and stalked off into the building barefoot, making no sound. She had to meet up with the others at some point.



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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Posts: 12977
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William watched as Dex disappeared. He waited a moment after she was gone to turn back to his group, "Alright, this needs to be perfect. Let's go." In unison they all moved to the main entrance to the complex. Coming up behind her, William tapped Emili on the shoulder. The AI turned around to look at him, little angry lines creased her brow.
"Yes Commander?" she said shortly.
William's mouth pulled down in to an awkward frown, "You need a weapon."
"Indeed," she replied, though not exactly looking like she had a solution to the problem seeing as she was empty handed.
"What sort of weapons are you proficient with?" he asked.
"None, unless you count the Panthera's main cannon," Emili's brow lifted sarcastically, "Though I doubt that has any practicality in this situation."
William made a sarcastic face back at her, "Wouldn't it be nice if it did?"
Emili shrugged and looked away, a small smile tugging at her pink lips, "I'm sorry Commander, I will be of little use here."
The dark haired man looked to his utility belt where both of his magnums were secure in their holsters. He reached for one and pulled it out. He looked at the barrel before releasing the magazine, checking the ammo, replacing the magazine then pulling back on the chamber to load the weapon with a bullet. He flipped the weapon so that he was holding it by the barrel and the grip was ready for the AI to take. "Here," he said softly, "You need a way to defend yourself. We don't have enough people in our group to risk losing any of them."
Emili's soft blue eyes were drawn to the weapon, though it was impossible to read the expression that passed across her face, "You would hand me this weapon? You give this so that I can pull the trigger using my own free will?" She looked piercingly in to William's brown eyes. The desperation and surprise in her eyes made William swallow hard. He had never seen so much hurt in someone's eyes other than his own when he had looked in the mirror as a boy.
William began to retract the weapon, "Only if you'll take it."
Emili's hand shot out and grabbed his, desperate to take the magnum. Her fingers gripped his around the weapon, soft, warm and very human. It surprised William to feel such warmth coming from something that had never even taken its first breaths. "I will take it Commander," she said, her eyes transfixed on his, "I'm a computer. If I understand anything, its machines. A gun is nothing more than a weapon."
William nodded softly and released the gun. He watched as she turned her attention back to the weapon, her fingers tracing the silver metal tenderly. In a moment she performed the same motions that he had done to check the magazine, chamber and loading as fast, if not faster, than he did. William lifted his brow, impressed that she knew exactly what she was doing. "I though you said-" he started but was interrupted.
"I'm a computer, I have instant memory and excellent recall," Emili's mouth cracked in to a wide smile, it was the first time that William had seen anyone on his team smile genuinely. William didn't realize that his mouth actually cracked in to a smile as well.
"Lets go," he said as he moved past her, Emili following right behind. William got in to the sniper's position behind the rock as everyone began to take up other secluded spots. The man brought his weapon up and rested it against the rock. He checked his sights and lined up the shot for the door. Lifting his hand he signaled to the others that he was ready.
As soon as a loud booming sounded and yells were made, William's group threw large stones against the door. No one appeared for a moment but bullets did come bursting through the door. Luckily William had had the good sense to make sure his group wasn't standing in front of it. The door swung up with a harsh kick and a burly man stormed out. He swept his weapon in a wide arch spraying bullets everywhere. William felt a bullet wiz past his ear, pain shooting through the top of it. He winced only slightly as blood began to trickle from the knick that had been made there. Gritting his teeth, William aimed for the man's head. He pulled the trigger and several rounds burst from the assault sniper rifle. His opponent flew back from the impact against his skull.
William shouted out, "Move! Get inside!"



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