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TOPIC: The Patriots .:A Future World RP:. ~Full~

ShadowClan Warrior

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RE: The Patriots .:A Future World RP:. ~Full~
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Daniel was a bit startled as Ghost Town stormed in, and then left. Daniel was left there with a very confused look on his face. "Not even going to ask..." He looked out behind his seat, then looked forward. Daniel sighed, then looked over to the monitor. "What your probably feeling is human fear of death, or maybe just fear in general." Daniel tried giving a good explanation, or as good as he could give. "Well, I don't know really." Daniel smirked, feeling foolish. "Whatever it is, I probably can or cannot give a good explanation."



RiverClan Warrior

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Grabbing a drink - at this point she didn't even care what it was, since everything on the ship was made to strengthen them and replenish what they lost - Valerie downed it quickly, slamming the empty bottle onto the counter with a stressed out look. Running a hand trough her hair, she stood there, aggravated. Stomping to the bedroom she decided to go into the closet in the back of the room. Opening it, she threw her vest onto the bed and slipped off her ripped t-shirt, replacing it with a new one. Keeping her cargo pants rolled up, she decided to stay barefoot for the time being, not seeing any socks - though secretly she knew they were tucked neatly within the spare boots that lay on the closet floor. Taking a deep breath, she frowned at the way she had treated Ghost Town. Stomping up to the bedroom door, she opened it and slipped towards the men's bedroom. Silently opening the door, she closed it behind herself and placed her hands on her hips, heaving a big sigh. "I can't stand this. I'm sorry." She knew he would ignore her so she continued. "I can't help but make people angry. I'm sorry, I guess. We all got here somehow and that was my way. But... Whatever. Just don't take it out on everyone else. It's my fault." Throwing her head back, she heaved a great sigh and rocked back on her heels. She was trained not to disobey her commander, though at the same time, it truly did bother her to have Ghost Town mad at her. Smirking, she nodded slowly in amusement at how even though they were adults, they still managed to act like children in their own ways. "Well, I guess I should leave you be." Turning around, she paused and looked at Ghost Town before walking over and laying a hand on his shoulder. "I'm not gonna bow or beg for your forgiveness or anything, but I'm truly sorry." Through her entire apology, Valerie had maintained her usual monotone voice, though something in her tone at her last statement implied a sense of sincerity.



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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William had been fuming and had not managed to fall asleep when Dex entered the room silently. She feigned calmness, but to tell you the truth, she had nearly scared him out of his skin. Sometimes he just couldn't tell if he hated, or admired that about her. He remained motionless as she spoke, his anger still with him. Though the moment she apologized, his anger deflated. William had gotten used to her monotone way of speaking and interpreted what she said in his own way. He felt foolish for having been so childish about how he had acted. Despite how Dex acted, he should have kept it together better. But how was he supposed to do that? After all, he was only human... as he had recently found out. He couldn't help how she infuriated and confounded him. The way she stood up to him and bantered back, it was all endearing... well, most of it anyway.
When she pressed her hand to his shoulder, he almost recoiled. Yet, that last touch of sincerity made him reach up with his hand and place it over hers. He waited a moment, realizing how much bigger his hands were than hers. Her thin womanly hands disappeared under his wide palms the way woman's hands were supposed to. William spoke softly and without anger, "I wouldn't expect you to beg. If you did, I'd shoot you." He said nothing else, only held her hand a moment longer.

Emili took a moment to reply to Shepard. She thought about what he said, though it didn't make much sense to her at the moment, she figured it would eventually. Everything seemed to become clearer the more she experienced. The AI's voice sounded softly from the console, "Thank you Shepard." Within moments the Panthera was off the ground and in the air. Effortlessly, the ship rose through the sky. Emili wasn't sure where she was supposed to go. If anything, it was the Patriots down time. This was the time when the team was supposed to write reports and relax for about two days. This was most often done in space, a place where Bio-Agents could be free and on their own. Following protocol, Emili angled the Panthera to head for the stars. They would stay there until she would head back to Cape Ironia.



RiverClan Warrior

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Chuckling softly, Valerie ruffled his hair and started to leave the room. "Get some rest, Ghost Town." With that she left the room to let him sleep. Refraining from moving her shoulder, Valerie herself decided to hunker down for the time being. Walking into the girls bedroom, she kicked her vest off the bed along with her ripped shirt and sprawled out of the bed without pulling the covers over herself. Closing her eyes she set herself into a slumber. Before she did, however, she let herself think about how if she wasn't a part of the team she would've rotted and became a body that had no mind set but to kill. Shuddering at the thought, she curled up into a ball at the top of her bed. She owed a lot more to the squad than she would admit or anyone knew. Squeezing her eyes closed she took a deep breath then let it out. Now was not the time to get sentimental. Not when the future was so uncertain. And as a second thought, her mind played this scene - where she walked away from everyone, even Ghost Town - where tid that thought come from? - and smiled and said, Thank you and Good bye and Maybe in another life. Taking one more deep breath, Valerie closed her eyes and decided sleep was better than the stupid daydreams..



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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Emili had managed to get the Panthera to break through the atmosphere and made the ship orbit the planet for the next two days. She had observed that the Patriots had spent most of their time on the ship, resting from having spent the two previous days running around and killing people. It was strange to think that not more than five days ago, this whole team had been meshed together in order to do the bidding of an insane doctor. Now one of them was gone and the crew was on edge. It was going to be hard to keep them all together without one just wanting to leave.
The AI herself was having a hard time coping, but she would. Just as they all would. With the rest and relaxation the crew had just had, Emili noticed that they were all itching to move again. William was doing exercises in the cargo hold while the rest of the crew did what they did to keep themselves occupied. The AI's voice resounded within the hull of the ship, "We are now ready to embark on our journey back to Cape Ironia. Arrival time is about three hours."

William had heard the call and walked out of the cargo hold. His body glistened with the sweat of the workout he had just done. He moved toward the men's room to wash himself, then realized that he had forgotten to grab clothes. Back in the complex he had been raised in, it wasn't really an issue for a male to walk around after having taken a shower, with a towel of course. However, he realized that the male to female ratio was still skewed on this ship and though better of it. He left the bathroom and went to bunk room. Grabbing an new pair of everything for his uniform except the jacket and the vest. He left the bunk room once more and headed for the bathroom again.
After a quick shower he donned his clothes and left the room. His ebony black hair was still wet and drooped on his head as apposed to the usual natural fluffiness. The Commander made his way to the front of the ship, looking rather strapping, well as strapping as he could get. He sat in the commanding officer's chair, slouching back and looking rather relaxed. He propped his chin on to his hand. He placed his arm against the arm rest and tiled his head in his hand just slightly. The man's brown eyes narrowed, the challenge of the new day lay before him. He would most likely see Henry again today. Oh how he wanted to ring that man's neck. Perhaps he would even get his chance. Maybe... Maybe not.



RiverClan Warrior

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Hearing the intercom, Valerie raised a groggy head, back aching. The past few nights she had slept curled into a ball and it had taken a strain on her back. Standing, she stretched for a good twenty minutes before grabbing a change of clothes and entering the bathroom to take a shower. Valerie was never a very good riser when prompted to awaken. Relishing in the feeling of the scalding water loosening her muscles, Valerie stretched slightly once again and then finished cleaning herself before turning off the water and drying off. Her shoulder still bothered her, and she reminded herself to take it easy as to not re-open the wound like she had last night while training and slipped on her clothes. Leaving her hair down to air-dry, she rolled her cargo pants up once again and went back into her room to pull on her vest and grab a pair of boots, not eager to put them back on. Checking that everything was there - she stared at the still-there bloodstain on her vest that she tried to vanquish but was unable to do so; yes, everything was there - she slipped out of the room, closing the door behind her. Standing in the same room where she had stitched herself up, she subconciously rubbed her shoulder; stopping when she realized what she was doing, she dropped her boots beside her and decided to inspect her weapons before realizing - with disgust - she had never cleaned them. Standing, she went into the kitchen and seeing no one, took out her weapons and cleaned them nicely, returning them to their proper positions. They were heading back to the old man and Valerie wanted to look nice when she - maybepossiblyhopefully - wrapped her slim fingers around his neck.

-- Edited by Florestadream on Friday 25th of November 2011 07:08:48 PM



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

ShadowClan Warrior

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Posts: 504
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Daniel had fallen asleep in the pilot's seat, until Emili's voice roused him awake. He had only gotten up once to take a shower before he went to sleep the night before. Daniel slowly rose up, sitting up straight, and yawned. "Compared to most, that was the most comfortable sleep I've ever had." He said drowsily, rubbing his eye. Then he frowned, remembering. "But oh joy, we get to see 'him' again, don't we?" Daniel grumped. Daniel felt like he just wanted to shoot Henry and get it over with. Daniel then thought that everyone else most likely felt the same. "If you think about it Emili, there might be some possible chance to come out of this whole entire mess of 'NAGA vs. Henry's ego' crisis alive." He sighed. "Now wouldn't that be nice?" He said quietly to himself.



WindClan Deputy

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"Indeed Lieutenant Shepard. That would be nice," the AI replied. Emili hadn't really been thinking about what Henry would do knowing that the last man on Ghost Squad had survive, mostly in due part of Emili. She had concentrated on algorithms and various other things to keep her 'mind' off things. Now that they were descending toward Cape Ironia, there was no turning back. Emili brought the Panthera down low and slow before docking in to the same hanger bay they had been in the first time. The sleek aircraft came to a slow halt and landed. The AI downloaded his consciousness in to her body before joining the rest of the crew who were now exiting the Panthera. Ghost Town was at the head of the pack, as usual. However, a rather grim expression was on his face, as if he were walking to the gas chambers. This may have not been very far from the truth when it came to Henry though.

William's heart felt empty now, how was he going to protect the Patriots if Henry held all the cards? He could easily just tell the computer to kill them all in just a single heart beat. The dark haired commander tried not to think about it as he found himself standing in front of that conference room again. He sucked in his breath for a moment before opening the door. The group entered the room to see Henry standing with his back turned to all of them. His hands folded behind his back and his foot tapping, a disappointed tempo being pounded out.
"I give you your chance and how do you repay me?" the man laughed, "With failure!" He turned around on them, madness in his brown eyes. The same brown eyes that stared out of William's face. His was eerie even to the Commander.
"You said there were the standard amount of agents," William said nonchalantly, "We were going off of your intel."
Henry's brow twitched, "Oh but you are supposed to be the best aren't you? You should have expected an army!" The man sighed and paced the room, "Its so sad. I must punish you now."
William's arms tensed. He would kill Henry before that happened. Yet as he stepped forward to do something about their problem, Henry spoke, "Computer. Activate failsafe GC-0956." William stepped faster only to hear the sounds of choking behind him. He stopped and whirled around to see that Patruskia had dropped to the floor. The woman gripped at her chest, the same way he had.
William let out an animal like roar as he whirled around again, "I'll kill you!"
He launched himself at Henry only to have the man laugh, "And WC-1863!"
Immediately William dropped to one knee. That same excruciating pain exploded in his chest. He gasped and clutched where his heart was. Patruskia was doing no better, in fact, he could no longer hear her... It had been to long. William's vision began to blur again when a synthesized voice sounded, "Warning, intruders detected. Alien software detected. Program override activated."
A moment passed and William's vision cleared, the pain in his chest completely gone. His rage filled his glared up at Henry. The older man looked shocked, he had no idea what was going on. William launched himself again at Henry, however his luck wasn't there today. Men swarmed in from one of the doors leading in to the room. The opened fire at William only to have the man dodge away, bullets grazing right past his chest. A few of them raced toward Henry while William decided not to stick around.
He turned to his group "Run!"
The commander raced past Patruskia's body, she no longer moved now... She was gone. The group headed back for the ship as alarms blared and lights flashed red. Bullets and gun fired sounded from deep within the base, William wanted nothing to do with it. He led his group back toward the Panthera only to a cloaked figure standing in the airlock.
The figure didn't move but it spoke, a woman's voice resounding within, "William... I didn't believe I would get to meet you so soon. Come now, we must leave." She moved with a grace that was only outdone by Dex. William was impressed. He had no time to think however, armed guards were right behind them. He growled and motioned for his crew to get on board.
Emili quickly entered the Panthera again and launched them out of the hanger bay, the doors closing frightfully close behind them. William took a moment to catch his breath before turning to the cloaked figure. His rage still seething within him. He stomped forward and lifted the woman by her shirt and slamming her in to one of the walls inside the Panthera, "Who are you?!"
The hood of the cloak fell away to reveal a woman who looked strikingly similar to Emili's human body. Her large blue eyes were filled with a sad joy that made William release her and take a step back. Her face was creased in a regal way, years of horror and sadness reflected from her eyes. She stepped forward softly, her hand touching William's face gently, "I am Gloria Fairchild. Your biological mother."

OOC: Oh snap...
Sorry if that seemed rushed ^^"



RiverClan Warrior

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All the events had passed by Valerie's eyes with a sense of confusion, dread and doubt. However, clambering onto the Panthera and bowing on her hands and knees while gripping the front of her shirt - she had ripped her vest open because suddenly it felt like it was constricting her breathing and, oh, why couldn't she breath? this isn't new - and trying to halt her erractic breathing. Looking up to Ghost Town, she watched the exchange in silence - or what she thought was silence but really her nervous breathing was just calming itself because there was no more fear of guns getting her like they almost did and no more thoughts of, gain my footing and just keep going who cares if my wound opens again another wound could open in my chest and then what would anyone - I - do then because it'll be too late because I'm human and I'll feel - and with wide eyes. Forcing herself to look away, she bowed her head to the floor and took one halting, deep breath and calmed herself. She couldn't bring herself to smirk and call Ghost Town - William, WC, whatever - an idiot for fighting the old man again and playing hero when that wasn't his job but all of their's and tell him that it doesn't matter if he's his father he's their leader and they're a team. Closing her eyes, she rolled onto her back and let the steady beating of her heart calm her down. She should be wary of the woman - she should be up on her feet and as alert and hyper-sensitive as always but she couldn't find the energy and instead threw an arm over her eyes. After all, what did she have to do with his family matters? As all this happened, one thought voiced itself repeatedly, like a broken record. IshouldbedeadI'mtoohumanIshouldbedead.



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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Posts: 12977
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William's brows knitted together and a dark laugh escaped his throat. Now he had heard everything. This woman claimed to be his mother and the leader of the splinter cell was his father. This couldn't have been more cliche' even if he had planned it. William shook the woman from where his had grabbed her shirt. "Please," he snorted, "You expect me to believe this?" He shoved the woman so that she fell back in to one of the chairs in the common area of the ship. William gave a short cruel laugh, not seeing the hurt and pain on the woman's face as he passed her by. The man entered the front of the ship and looked out of the front view point, "Emili, where are you taking us? There aren't many places on Earth where we will be welcomed."
The AI was silent, she had no reply for him, just as he suspected. He turned from the dashboard. The strange woman started with authority and yet tenderness in her voice, "Go to Anarctica. That is the last free zone on Earth."
William narrowed his eyes at her, "Oh please, the south pole is no free zone. Its a big floating piece of land covered in ice. No one lives there."
"No one New America or any world power wants you to know about," she replied evenly, "The ruling powers of this world shipped the smartest and most influencial that wanted no part in the governments to the south pole to live out the rest of their days in exile. I was born there." The woman's blue eyes softed for a moment, her gaze clung to William. It unnerved him. The soft look in her eyes was something he wasn't used to. Turing away from her, William scratched at the stubble on his face.
"Your orders Commander?" Emili sounded.
William shook his head, he didn't know what to do. No matter where he went he would be hunted. "Do it," he sighed.



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