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TOPIC: The Patriots .:A Future World RP:. ~Full~

ShadowClan Warrior

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RE: The Patriots .:A Future World RP:. ~Full~
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Daniel seemed extremely amazed at how everything was polar opposite of the things they had seen. He felt comfortable, but a bit reminiscent of his facility he was in so long ago. Looking at Outcast reminded him of the place he was made, and a tear rolled down his cheek from his bright green eye. Daniel quickly wiped the tear away and sighed. He felt grateful though that he was around people who weren't trying to kill them all. A small smile crossed his lips as he felt safe. For the moment.



WindClan Deputy

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The way Gloria's voice echoed through the grand hall made William feel a little small. There was power, authority and caring in her voice. This was something he had never learned. Of course he didn't really have the time to learn it, even though he was the leader. He had been dodging bullets, avoiding poisons and trying to keep his camp alive when he was only a boy. There had been no time for diplomacy and grand council meetings. He wished it could have been that way though, he had never wanted to do the things he had done... and yet here he was.
While he pondered the meaning of all this, a man from the crowd that had gathered stepped forward. He was a man of large muscular build, taller than William himself. Under the thick coat he wore there were many building muscles and he looked as if he knew exactly how to use them. He had a strong brow and possibly a strong jaw, but it was hidden by a thick dark brown beard. He worse shaggy dark brown hair that wasn't exactly well kept upon his head and his intense blue eyes stare up at Gloria from where they sat deep set on his face. He twitched his mouth, making his beard move in the process, "Where are they?"
Gloria's brow twitched and annoyance passed across her face. He turned to look at the man, an understanding of shared history passed between their gazes that made William worry. "They will return when their duty is done."
The man tensed but did not back down, "Where are they?"
Gloria's fists clenched beneath the dark cloak she wore, imperceptible to most but those in the Patriot Squad would have seen it easily. Gloria's gray eyes stared just as evenly back at the large man as he did in to hers, "The siege on Cape Ironia was not perfect. They anticipated us... Though we expected that. They were already on high alert because of the return of a few of their agents." For a moment she stopped, her gray eyes flashing toward William before turning back. "We managed to take down their power grid and a great deal of their infantry. However we did not get the package. It wasn't there. They will return to Outcast as soon as they find word or evidence of where it might be at."
The man didn't look satisfied, "You said this would be it Gloria! You said that this was the final place to look." William was utterly in the dark. What package? What were they talking about? The way Gloria had made her way on to the Panthera, he was certain she had been there for them. For a moment he didn't know whether to feel relieved that finally someone was not trying to use them, or that they had been a mere after thought. "I want my son back home! I want him safe!" the man roared.
Gloria did not shrink away from the man, "No where is safe on this planet Robert!" Her gray eyes lit with a fire, "With Henry's control over so many nations now it is only a matter of time before he starts bombarding Outcast from above!"
William's brows knitted. Wasn't Henry in control of the splinter cell? They were supposed to be a small organization that was attempting to overthrow New America. They had no connections to other countries... Or did they? The Patriot leader stepped forward, his brown eyes bold as he spoke, "What do you mean Henry has many connections? Isn't the Splinter Cell a small organization?"
All eyes turned to William, they looked at him, finally seeing him for the first time. A few looked curious while others looked at him in fear. The Commander shifted his weight from foot to foot, uncomfortable at all the attention.
He managed to have his attention pulled away at the sound of Gloria's voice, "What did he tell you William?"
For a moment, William felt a burning desire to growl 'I prefer Ghost Town' but he held his tongue because after that moment passed, warmth and butterflies developed in his stomach. When Gloria called him William, he didn't quite hate the name. He stared up at the woman who claimed to be his mother, "He said that he was fighting New America, to bring back the rules and ideals of Old America."
Silence flooded the room at this announcement, though no one looked surprised. Gloria spoke again, "You have been told many things in your life haven't you? Most of which you come to find out are lies, is that not true?"
William's mouth twitched in to a frown, "We've been lied to all our lives."
Gloria nodded softly, "I will not tell you to believe what we say, but the true history of the world remains to be seen. Henry is a liar and a deceiver. You have seen that for yourself. He does not run the Splinter Cell to bring back Old America. He uses it to find the very same thing we search for."
William tilted his head to the side, "Oh? And what's that?"
Gloria's features darkened, "The Supreme Commander and Chief."
William snorted heavily, "And why are you searching for that old geezer?"
Gloria's face saddened for a moment, "The Supreme Commander and Chief is no old geezer. It is a highly developed AI unit."
William felt Emili tense behind him. This indeed concerned her very much. However, William was confused, "What?"
"The Supreme Commander and Chief, we just call him the President, was developed around two hundred years ago. He was extremely primitive compared to how Emili started out. However, over the last two hundred years he had developed in to something beyond what he was originally intended to do. He, very much like Emili, can be controlled. And when the President dictates something, the world trembles. This AI unit has been alone in this world for many years. Henry developed Emili in order to tract him down. He interjected her in to your unit in the hopes that someday you would confront the AI and Emili's programming would finally kick in. She would remotely hack the AI and take it over, this leaving Henry to rule the rest of the world."
William was finding this extremely hard to believe, "Suppose this is true, now that he doesn't have us, how does he intend on finding the President."
Gloria's eyes closed for a moment as she heaved a sigh, "He doesn't intend on finding it anymore... He has already found it and moved it. That's why we were there are Cape Ironia. He found the AI only a few days before you found him in New Hope City. We had sent you a transmission in hopes that we could get to you first... But he found you. He sent you on a mission with Emili just to get her away from Cape Ironia. If she was there while they transported the AI on to the island, her programming would have kicked in to soon. They needed her away. However, we intended on getting there first and stopping it. We were wrong. They never brought the president to Cape Ironia. They spent the time while you were away to hide it in a place they hope we will never find."
William shook his head and let out a dark sigh, "And where do we fit in to all this?"
Gloria didn't reply right away, when she did her voice was filled with sadness, "You don't. He never intended to use you beyond this. You were pawns... I'm so sorry." The way she said it, William knew she meant it... and for some reason he knew in his heart that when she had found them, she saw them as people. More than just pawns, she saw them as the sons and daughter of man they they were.



RiverClan Warrior

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Listening to that, Valerie looked up at Gloria. Stepping forwards, she frowned. "Even if we weren't intended for use beyond this, we can still do something. I know... I know that we've been lied to and used and meant for dead... but I still think we can do something. Ghost Town, Sheperd and I have come out alive from a lot. We can help." Pausing for a moment, she pursed her lips. When no one said anything, she had a determined look in her eyes. "I don't know what Ghost Town or Shep is gonna say, but... I'm here to help you. I refuse to sit here and do nothing when that old man goes and destroys the world. I'm known for infiltration and hand-to-hand combat - I have to be able to help somehow." Hands suddenly on her hips, she leaned forwards in a challenging way. Grinning wickedly, she nodded. "I'm ready for anything. I know you all may not trust me... but I promise you I'm here to help. I won't just sit back and watch innocent bystanders get killed. I understand any mistrust. I'll even infiltrate NAGA. I don't know. I have a feeling they know something, too." Taking a hesitant step forward, she swallowed. "I wasn't intended for anything past this? Huh; 'cause I intend on making my mark."



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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William's eyes turned to Dex who had stepped forward. He lifted a brow at her, surprised at the intensity with which she volunteered herself. From what he had seen she was generally standoffish and preferred not to get involved when possible... and yet here she was, telling Gloria that she intended to help the people of Outcast against NAGA and the Splinter Cell. The man turned his attention to the woman who claimed to be his mother, the same surprise that was in his eyes was in hers, yet she recovered faster.
A warm grin speed on Gloria's face at Dex's announcement. She turned to the crowd and motioned toward the young Bio-Agent, "Is there anyone here who would deny her help? Is there anyone here who would turn her away, challenge her?"
No one answered Gloria's words, William didn't exactly know what to make of it. The woman's gray eyes swept the crowd, daring anyone to say that Dex was not welcome here. When no one spoke, Gloria turned to Dex, "We welcome you here amongst us. I know you have been given many names. What would you have us call you? What is your name?"
William frowned at this question, it was a silly thing to ask. At least in his opinion. She was Dex, simple as that. Yet he recalled how Gloria called him William. He pondered a moment. Really, what was his name? Ghost Town was the name he had chosen for himself, not William. Yet when Gloria called him by that name, he wished it really was his. What would Dex's reply be? William didn't know.



RiverClan Warrior

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Looking up, Valerie's eyes held a tinge of surprise. What did she want to be called? Holding back from shouting, Dex; Dex, of course, she took a moment to think. But no; this was a new beginning and she deserved to use a name. No, not deserved. She needed to. So she chose. "Valerie. My name is Valerie." She knew Ghost Town would be surprised and Shep probably would be, too. Taking a deep breath, she had a determined look in her eyes. This was the new start she wanted and she wasn't about to let it go. "This is like a new beginning for me. I'm going to be a new person with a different name. Sure, my past and present are going to meld together at some point but... until then, I'm not going to worry about it." Small smile gracing her lips, she nodded. "My name is Valerie Soot and I am - obviously - here to help."



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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William looked stunned. She chose Valerie? Why on Earth would she do that? She chose the name they gave her. The Commander turned his face to look at her, his brow lifted, "Is that what you want me to call you as well?" There was a hint of anger in his voice, but then again there was a hint of shame. Just a few minutes ago he had felt a warm feeling about being called William. Who was he to dictate Dex's name? She was no mere Bio-Agent anymore. She had chosen to work with the dwellers of Outcast, that was as good as accepting that she was human and that she would shape her own future. She was taking control of her life, he was not.
From where she stood on the dais, Gloria spoke warmly, "Very well Valerie Soot. You are welcome here in Outcast, as one of us. We will not make you do anything you do not wish to do, you have free will now." William's eyes darted to the blonde haired woman, this was too good to be true. Why would she just accept them with open arms? This had to be a trap in some way. Everyone wanted to use the members of the Patriot group for their own gain. In the process of other people's goals and wars, they had lost two already. William tensed where he stood near Dex, he didn't understand any of this.
After a moment Gloria turned to William, no expectation in her eyes, "Any friend of Valerie's is a friend of Outcast. Remain here as long as you wish, if you do not wish to join us that is. Outcast is the last remaining bastion of hope and freedom, we welcome all those who wish to live free." William snorted softly, he didn't know whether to storm away, or to join them.



RiverClan Warrior

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Bowing her head in thanks, Valerie sent Ghost Town a familiar smirk. "I'unno. I guess that's up to you. If anyone were to call me Dex, I guess I would prefer it to be you." Turning to look at the people around her for a second, she took a deep breath before turning back to Ghost Town with determination in her eyes. She felt right offering her aid to these people. "I don't know what's the truth anymore. I'm scared out of my mind, but I want closure. What you do is your choice. Just know that no matter what, I will always be your friend." Placing a light hand on his shoulder, she smirked. Hand retreating, she tapped her lip with her index finger for a second. "And I will always, always be the same person, no matter what name I take. That will never change." Because no matter what name she took - Valerie or Dex or maybe even Marie in the future or Monica - she would always be the same sarcastic, standoffish, irritating woman. All she hoped now was that he would understand because some small part of her really, really craved his approval. Because he's my leader...?

-- Edited by Florestadream on Sunday 11th of December 2011 07:56:23 PM



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

ShadowClan Warrior

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Daniel smirked as his furrowed brows softened. "Does this mean I get to call you Valerie now?" He said with a hint of sarcasm. Daniel though pondered on the reason why Dex had wanted to be called by her given name. He then pondered on himself, and why he was never called Daniel. THen he remembered exactly why he always told everyone to call him Shepard, and that though made Daniel frown. His name was thw last thing he still had of his life in his facility, and even though he immensely hated it, he would immensely hate himself if he just discarded the name, "Shepard'. In truth, he didn't choose the name, he didn't even want it when he was called by that word. Thinmking too much about his own past made Daniel feel a pang of regret, and soon pushed away those thoughts and returned his mind back to reality.



WindClan Deputy

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William frowned a moment, his brown eyes boring in to Dex's - Valerie now - green eyes. She had touched him on the shoulder, however brief it might have been, and it reminded him of when they were on the ship together. She had touched his shoulder then too after he had been hurt, hints of friendship on her light finger tips. He did not mistake this as anything more though, he didn't really know what was going on inside Valerie's head. He knew that she would always be there if he had asked her to, whether happily or begrudgingly. Still, this did not put his mind at ease. He turned from her for a moment, his mind plunging deep in to thought. She was starting a new life here, something he might be to scared to do. He wasn't exactly a brave person, nor was he the smartest person around. He felt fear and hesitation at new things, just like any human now that he thought about it. Valerie most likely felt the same things, though she was brave enough to take that first step. She was leaping in to the darkness with no promise of a safety net, this put William to shame. He should have been the first to step forward, to lead his small group in to the new world. But how could he do that when he wouldn't admit that he needed to leap?
From on the dais he heard, "This meeting is at its end. Please, go in peace and live as you want." With those words the crowd dispersed. Gloria stepped down from where she had addressed everyone and approached Valerie. Her smile was warm and genuine, she was welcoming the young woman with open arms, "I am glad to see that you wish to help us. I would not ask this of you if it were not your wish." Her gray eyes turned to William, fixing him in place. The look there told William that she had expected him to speak up first. Was it disappointment that he saw? He hated it.
The man turned from them, shaking his head and waving the woman off with his hand. He let out a short grunt before stomping away.

Emili watched as her Commander left the Sanctuary. Her mouth turning down in to a frown. She turned her blue eyes toward Valerie, approval could be seen in the AI synthetic human eyes. She approached Gloria and Valerie, a smile turning the edge of her mouth up, "You're brave Agent De-... I mean Valerie Soot. Commander Ghost Town seems to be out of sorts because of it." She popped her hip out and crossed her arms over her chest, it felt strange to have her body do this naturally, especially when she wasn't exactly used to it. A moment passed and Emili felt Gloria's eyes upon her, yet when she turned to meet the woman's gaze, Gloria's eyes turned hastily away. Was that sadness Emili saw? The AI wondered about this a moment, why was Gloria always so hesitant around her? Perhaps she reminded Gloria of someone, but of who she had no idea.



RiverClan Warrior

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As Ghost Town walked away, Valerie stared at his back until he disappeared, a frown lightly gracing her lips. Did she feel disappointment? Regret? Shame? Yes, I do. Her doubt quickly washed away though when she felt Gloria's presence. But I will not go against my words. Jumping at the sound of Sheperd's voice, Valerie nodded no. "It's of your own will. I can't stop you from calling me Dex - and I will never be someone else just because my name is different. I will always be me." Turning towards Emili as she spoke, she forced a smile on her face. "Thank you, Emili. That means a lot to me. And..." She paused at mention of Ghost Town. Smile slipping from her lips, she muttered something that sounded like, "He'll be fine with out without me." Scratching the back of her neck, she looked around her, catching the glances of people around her. Staring back at where she had last seen Ghost Town storm off to, she sighed. I can't watch him forever. He's gotta learn that I won't always apologize and he can't always act like he's five. Turning towards Gloria, she smiled softly. "Thank you for letting me help. I mean.. I'm usually very introverted and the last one to do such a thing but... This feels right."

-- Edited by Florestadream on Sunday 11th of December 2011 11:24:41 PM



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

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