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TOPIC: The Patriots .:A Future World RP:. ~Full~

WindClan Deputy

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RE: The Patriots .:A Future World RP:. ~Full~
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Gloria smiled warmly again, "I'm glad that you've decided to come out of your introverted shell then." She turned to look where Ghost Town had gone, a frown touching her lips, "They're so alike..." She let the words fall to the floor without realizing she had said them. She turned back to Valerie and motioned for the woman to follow, "If you want I can show you around Outcast. Its more than just the few hallways and hanger bay you saw. There is much to this underground city." She stepped forward, not really expecting the young woman or her companions to follow.

William continued to stride down as many long hallways as he could find. He didn't actually have a clue where he was going and by the fifth hallway, he was utterly lost. Despite this though he did not stop and ask for help, that would be like admitting weakness. He didn't want to be weak anymore, not realizing that his stubbornness was only helping to weaken him further. He managed to come across a large open cavern covered in the dull gray metals that made up the rest of the under ground complex. However this large cavern was filled with buildings, just like a small town. He could heard people's conversations, laughter and the noises that accompanied a city. However there was no sound of engines from land mobiles or aircrafts. In fact, he could hear the sharp clops or horse feet and wagon wheels turning. He wove his way in to the city, no one really paying him any mind. It was so strange to see wooden carts, cattle and horses in a town that was modern. However, with the limited air supply underground it stood to reason why they had to be careful of what they were putting in to their air. The small province he had entered smelled and felt like a village, quaint and peaceful.
The Commander lingered in this part of Outcast for a good while, pondering his foolish behavior. Gloria had said that she was his biological mother, and Henry claimed to be his biological father. He certainly looked like Henry outwardly, this scared William. How was he supposed to deal with the idea that one parent wanted to have him dead, didn't even think or him as a person, and the other actually acting like a parent but never having been there to begin with. It was confusing for the young man. This world he had been thrust in to made him question everything. Now Valerie or Dex or whatever she wanted to be called wanted to be apart of it. She was making her mark... He was cowardly denying who he was.
Then again, who was he? He was just a Bio-Agent as far as most were concerned... Yet here he was human, with a mother who looked at him with those eyes of patience and understanding. How could he let her down? Should he even care? She had done nothing to stop Henry from using him. Could she have stopped him? William didn't know, but he did know that he had to trust Dex's decision to join them. He would support her, as best he could. It was time for him to grow up and stop acting like a child. He needed to be a man.
William's fists clenched, he glared ahead as if he could see his bleak future. It did not matter to him if it was bleak, he needed to man up and tackle it head on. What sort of Commander lets his people do what even he himself cannot? This would not do. NAGA and Henry needed to be stopped and if the dwellers of Outcast were the only people who could do this, then so be it. He would join them. He could go in to battle beside Dex and meet his future head on. Well, that is if he had a clue where he was at. How can you start on your path if you had no idea where you were?
William shook his head to clear his thoughts before striding back to the hallway he was sure, well sort of sure, he came from.



RiverClan Warrior

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Clapping her hands together happily, Valerie nodded. "That would be perfect! I'm beat," she laughed, rubbing the back of her neck again. And she wasn't lying. The beginning tension had worn her thin - at one point her hands had been shaking - and she could use an hours rest to recuperate. "And as nice as the Panthera is... nothing's better than being on solid ground," she smiled. Then remembering Emili, she waved her hands suddenly. "Not that you don't do an excellent job flying it! Oh, no! You fly it incredibly." Forcing a laugh that sounded like a strangled cough, Valerie nodded nervously. "I just don't know how I'm going to be accepted with these people."



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

ShadowClan Warrior

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"Well this is a very nice change from everyone trying to kill us at every turn." He chuckled, moving past Dex, then stopped. Daniel looked back over to her, though his sarcastic smile was gone, and replaced with an inquisitive expression. "You okay Dex?" He asked genuinely, without any hint of spite in his tone, which was a rarity itself. He had to be at least nice to his team members. They were all going through the same thing, while still having internal conflict-he guessed anyway. It was just them left. Ghost-Town, Dex, and himself. They were all that was left of the bio-agents with a conscience. Fear sent a chill up his spine at this thought. But soon that fear ebbed away as he looked over from Dex, to Gloria. No. He thought. We aren't alone in this. Daniel's eyes then switched their gaze to Emili. A smile returned to his lips without realizing.

OOC: Ghost-Town is lost puppy. X3



WindClan Deputy

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Emili tilted her head to the side, not quite understanding why Dex had quickly apologized. Even though she looked human she was still quite innocent of awkward comments and sarcasm. "Thank you Valeria. I try my best to fly the ship well, its one of my programmings," she said informatively and sincerely. She did not dismiss Valerie's comment since she didn't actually know how to react to it. Instead she turned her attention to Gloria who waved at them again to follow. She led the group out of the main hall and through another hallway in the opposite direction that Ghost Town had stormed down. It was a good ten minutes of hallway navigating before they entered a large cavernous space with with a village very similar to the one Ghost Town had ended up finding.
Gloria swept her hand at the village, "This is Outcast's Shadow Providence. We just call it Shadow. We have about twelve of these small villages that can house up to around three hundred people. That's also why you would have observed twelve seats around the grand table. Each leader from each village has a say according to what their people have to say. There aren't too many of us here in Outcast so we tend to know everyone. If not personally, by word of mouth. Shadow is where we house those who don't have a specific job or trade here. These people tend to be our warriors, scouts, soldiers, and a variety of other things that we use to keep an eye on the rest of the world." She led them further in to the province. They found a small housing unit similar to an apartment complex. "There are a few spare temporary apartments for you here. Each has running water, electricity, a bedroom, a kitchen/living room and a bathroom complete with a bath/shower. Also, your closet in your bedroom should have at least three days worth of Outcast's style of clothing. That would be the heavy coats and heavy clothing you saw everyone wearing. If any of you need anything, talk to Jackson. He is the leader here in Shadow." She pointed toward the hall that led here, "He generally stays in his office near the hall. He is easy enough to find." She turned back to them, "Any questions?"



RiverClan Warrior

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Looking to Sheperd she nodded before turning towards Gloria. "Just where to get food. And... Thank you for all the help, Gloria. I know I keep saying that but... I really mean it. Who knows where we'd be without you. Well, actually... who knows where Ghost Town is?" Looking over her shoulder, half-expecting him to be there, she frowned with a disapproving nod of her head. "He's so terrible reckless. He's probably lost." Clucking her tongue in disapproval, she sighed. Leave it to him to get lost, she though amusedly before turning towards the apartment complex. She smiled. This was it. This was what she had been dreaming of for days know; what she wanted so deeply it was almost primal.



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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Gloria followed Dex's gaze and listened to her question. A frown pressed on to the woman's lips, "Actually... I have no clue where he has gone. That's the down side to living here in Outcast, we don't have fancy tracking equipment." She stepped forward and waved her hand toward the inner part of the Shadow province, "There is a market further in to the village, right at the center. You can hardly miss it. They should be more than willing to accommodate you when it comes to food. Food is something we share freely here. Other things like clothes though, you have to trade for. If you have any further questions, ask Jackson." With that she left them, only one thing on her mind. Where was William and what kind of trouble was he getting himself in to?

William stood at a four way intersection hallway. People moved around him, hurrying to be about their business. He looked at a sign on the wall that pointed various locations. One hall said it led to Crimson sector, a second one said it led to June province, the third said it led to Stargazer village and the last said it let to the Tundra plains. That was it... He was lost. He frowned and turned in place. Where the heck was he supposed to go? He spotted a young child eyeing him, her pale young face full of unspoken questions. William tensed awkwardly and turned away, yet he could feel her large brown eyes staring in to his back. William shifted from foot to foot before he heard the soft footfalls of the young girls shoes.
The man stiffened before he heard her soft young voice, "You lost mister?"
William turned and waved dismissively at her, "N-no. I'm just fine." He turned away hoping she would just leave.
Yet when she spoke he knew she didn't, "You're dressed funny."
William turned to look at her, "I could say the same about you."
Her pink lips turned up in to a smile as a small bubbly giggle escaped her, "I'm not dressed funny. This is Outcast, everyone wears whites and grays. You're dressed in black. You're funny looking."
William turned to face her completely, "Well where I come from we don't live under the snow. I live where wearing black isn't funny."
The girl's wide brown eyes stared up at him in awe, "Really?!"
William's mouth twitched, "Really."
She jumped forward and grabbed his hand, "Where is this place?"
William let her small thin hands grasp just one of his. They were so small and tiny compared to his, this made him a little nervous. He was afraid he'd break her. "Above the snow," he replied lamely.
"You live in the sky?" She asked.
"Well... Sort of," he shifted his weight.
The young girl tugged on his hand and squealed, "Oh mama and papa would love to meet you!"
William tried to pull away from her, "I don't have time to meet your parents."
The girl would not be refused, "Come on!" She pulled him toward the hall that led to the Crimson sector. He followed behind her, the girls small hands continuing to grasp his gloved ones. Finally they arrived in another cavern, similar to the one before but this place was quiet and eerie. It was a graveyard marked with small white stones and crosses. William's heart leapt in to his throat, where what she taking him? The girl moved with purpose further in to the graveyard, her puffy white coat matching some of the stones they passed. William gulped awkwardly, this wasn't good.
Finally they approached a large stone that had engravings for two people, it read:

Benjamin and Katy Conner

Beloved parents and friends.

Rest in Peace.

William turned his face away, his heart sinking with the sight of the stones. The little girl never let go of his hand as she introduced him to her late parents, "Mama, papa this is my new friend. He lives above the snow! In the sky!"
William turned to the stones, he saw the girls face alive and bright, as if she really were speaking with her parents. He kneeled next to her, wrapping one arm around her shoulder. He stared at the names on the stone and said, "Nice to meet you. I'm... I'm William. I guess you can call me Will if you'd like." He felt so foolish talking to grave markers, let alone claiming William as his name, but he could feel the girl's happiness coming off her in waves as he spoke to where her parents were buried. "Your little girl is very kind, I'm glad I could meet her."
The young girl turned to him, her bouncy brown curls teasing her face. Her large brown eyes misted for a moment, "Mama and papa say they're happy to meet you too."
William looked at the girl, pity and something else he couldn't describe welled inside him. He felt protective of this little girl, it didn't matter if he had only met her. He didn't know how long he could stay with her, but he would as long as he could. "I'm glad," he smiled, a genuine smile. At his smile the girl smiled back and threw herself at his chest. She wrapped her thin arms around his neck and hugged him tight. William was taken aback, not sure what to do. Yet in a moment his heart softened and he wrapped his capable arms around the young girl and pulled her close. She needed this hug, so did he. Gently he picked her off the ground, still clinging her tightly to his chest. He took her from the graveyard and back to where they had met.
William remained silent, just letting her continue to hug him. As they approached the intersection she murmured, "My name's Mary."
William smiled, "Nice to meet you Mary. I'm Will."
"Nice to meet you Will."



RiverClan Warrior

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Nodding with a smile, Valerie watched Gloria off then turned to Sheperd. "I'm going to go into the market and see if this Jackson guy is there." Giving him a wave goodbye, Valerie set off in the direction Gloria had pointed to. With her long strides she quickly found her way to the market, bustling with action. Seeing as she towered over many of the men and woman, she searched through the crowd for a man who looked to be a leader. After a few minutes she stopped because, maybe he was a warrior no longer, but rather an old man. Stopping with a hand on her hip, she sighed, blowing her hair out of her face. Placing a gentle hand on a passing woman, Valerie asked, "Would you happen to know where Jackson is?" The woman shrugged in reply. "Possibly here." With the cryptic reply the woman strolled away easily. Snorting, Valerie's eyes narrowed in frustration.



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

ShadowClan Warrior

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Daniel watched as Dex left to go find Jackson. He sighed, the air coming out of his nose whistled a little. THen he turned his head to look at Emili. "I guess we are alone." His eyes trailed over to the door, then back to Emili. "At least I think. YOu never know who might be watching, knowing all of our experiences as a team." He smirked. Then a thought came to mind. "Gloria seems to look so sad around you. Do you have any idea why?" Daniel asked, folding his arms over his chest.



WindClan Deputy

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Gloria walked with purpose through the long halls of Outcast. Her gray eyes darted every which way, attempting to locate the lost member of the Patriots. Her annoyance and fear rose with each step she took. She had stopped and asked a great many people if they had seen a tall man garbed in strange dark clothes but no one had seen him, or was willing to admit they had. She continued on her small quest but had little luck in all the place she looked.
As her worry was at its highest she heard a small bubbly laugh ring out, "Come on Will! I want to show you the puppies!"
"I really got to get back now Mary. I can't stay here," replied a voice that she recognized, but didn't realize could sound so tender. Instantly she tracked the two voices down to see her son and a young girl with brown curls and a happy smile. Gloria didn't immediately approach them though, something held her back.
The young girl kept pestering her son with questions and admiring smiles, and he responded with a soft voice and approving patient eyes. Gloria was taken aback. Stepping forward she called out, "William? How did you many to get all the way out here?"
With William and Mary's face whipped toward her. Mary's eyes lit up at seeing the woman. Gloria didn't exactly know this girl personally, this saddened her. When she looked at William, his brown yes had become like ice. He turned to the girl and said softly, "I'm sorry Mary. I have to go now. My friends are waiting for me."
Mary looked crestfallen. She instantly tackled his chest and wrapped her arms around his neck, "Why can't I come with you?"
William patted her head, "Because I'm going to join the fight little one. I can't bring you with me."
Mary shook her head against his neck, "No! Mama and Papa went to fight."
William sighed and scooped the girl up in to his arms before making his way toward Gloria. He looked at the woman and said, "Where does she live? Who takes care of her?"
Gloria frowned slightly, "I... I don't know really. Normally when a child's parents pass we move them in to a new family, hoping they will adjust."
William's arms tightened around the girl. He turned his head so that it touched against hers, "I'm so sorry Mary. I have to take you home now. I'll visit you as soon as I can. I promise." The little girl didn't respond, she just held him tighter. Gloria's heart wrenched for the small mite. She had no real home and now she was practically imprinted on William, like a baby duck.
Gloria motioned for him to follow but he did not right away. The man kneeled and set the girl down. He pulled her gently from his chest and wiped a tear that had fallen from her eye. He placed his large gloved hands on her shoulders, "You be a girl and I'll see you real soon. Okay?" The little girl nodded in reply. "Do you know the way home?" She nodded again. William grinned, something she had yet to see him do. "That's a good girl," he pressed his hand on to her head. With that he stood and turned to Gloria, "Take me to my friends."

Emili looked at where Valerie had gone. When Shepard spoke she tilted her head to the side. "I have no idea why she is sad Lieutenant Shepard. I know nothing of Gloria Fairchild. I was programmed by Dr. Henry Jonathan and therefore only have the knowledge he let me have. However, I am interested in learning why her emotions change when she looks at me."



ShadowClan Warrior

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Daniel chuckled, "No no, not 'Lieutenant' Shepard. Just Shepard," He paused for a moment, his smirk faltering. Then he quickly resumed, "Or Daniel. Whatever find easier to call me." Daniel shrugged. "You may be programmed by Henry, but you are a Patriot, one-hundred percent." Daniel looked at the humanoid AI, her appearance was so real. Like if she was an actual person. It made him almost forget all the circuts inside her. "Well, maybe not one-hundred percent. Like, ten percent may be the robot part. But other than that, you are our's." He sighed, but it was not in a disapointed sigh, rather, a sigh of relief.



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