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TOPIC: The Patriots .:A Future World RP:. ~Full~

WindClan Deputy

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RE: The Patriots .:A Future World RP:. ~Full~
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William entered a de-dressing room for the exact purpose that it was named for. He put on a hospital gown and held it so that nothing awkward would be showing. He frowned as a nurse and a man in a lab coat appeared.
"Are you ready?" the man asked. William only replied with a short grunt. The lab coated man ushered him in to another room, an operation room, with a metal slab of a table directly in the center. William's heart began to race. Images of past events rushed through his mind. Pain, red, the smell of antiseptic, men with indifferent faces and sharp tools. William shook for a moment as the lab-coat man brought him to the table. "Please lay down here." William slid on to the table, cold running through his body from the metal. In moments many people in scrubs appeared and began to say things to one another that William didn't quite understand. The man in the lab-coat approached and pressed a gas mask on to his face, "Count backwards from-" but as the man began to finish his sentence William was already out. There was no need to count backwards at all. Darkness filled his vision as he faded in to the deep recesses of unconsciousness.

Gloria stood in the observation room above the surgery, "He's going to be okay right?"
A woman beside her grinned softly, "Yes. William's in good hands."
"Can they get that thing out of him?"
"I'm not sure," the woman hesitated. "Its a dangerous process. Should they even knick it in the wrong place, it will leak and most likely cause tumors within his body. Its a very delicate organic substance. Luckily, we have the best working on him. Plus, if things go wrong, we still have the other two and we won't preform this operation on them."
Gloria whirled around on the woman, "That's my son in there! How dare you act like he is some sort of experiment!"
The woman looked mortified, "B-but Gloria... Be realistic. He really isn't your son. Not anymore anyway. Henry's project has altered his DNA to the point that if you looked at it, he wouldn't be considered human."
"He is human," Gloria snarled.

Emili's vocal receptors, or ears in this case, heard Shepard call her over. She glanced sideways at the man before turning to approach. "Yes Lieutenant?" she asked in that perfect computer way that she did. At this point she didn't exactly sound human, more like a programmed voice. That may have been due to the way their last conversation ended.



ShadowClan Warrior

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"I..." Daniel knew somehow he could have messed this up. He then took a deep breath and began, "Emili I apologize for what I said last time. It was insensitive, and I wasn't really thinking." He said, no frown or angry expression was on his face, rather it was sympathetic and a bit lonely. "Unlike most computers, you are an AI, with human qualities. For that moment back then, I just really couldn't decided whether I was joking, or if I was acting rude." Daniel shook his head. "No, I was acting completely rude. I meant those words, yet I didn't mean them at the same time." Daniel looked down at his hands as he paused. "Maybe you think I am a complete idiot because not even a human can understand what the heck I am trying to say." Daniel lowered his head, but his eyes were fixed on Emili. "I don't even know if you care for an apology anymore. But I wanted to give one anyway." He lifted his head up once again. "To clarify."



RiverClan Warrior

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Standing outside of the door leading to the observation room with a quiet countenance, Valerie leaned against the wall and crossed her arms across her chest. Chin falling to her chest, she pursed her lips and took slow breaths. So their DNA wasn't human. Lip curling up on one side, she snorted, a sound inaudible to a normal human's ears. Closing her eyes, her face returned to a more passive expression. I wonder if they understand that, even if our DNA isn't human, that doesn't change that we're still human physically and mentally-slash-emotionally. Being more refined in mental capabilities or or physical prowess doesn't change that fact. Lip curling back again for a split second, she returned passive as she stood there, starting to doze off again. "I hate mornings."



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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Emili listened passively to what Shepard had said. She frowned slightly and turned away near the end. "I appreciate the clarification Lieutenant," she replied before she fell silent. There was a silence that passed between them for a while. The AI took a while to process Shepard's words, whether or not they were sincere. After a while she decided that he was indeed apologizing for upsetting her. She turned her blue gaze back to the man for a moment. With no change in her passive expression she went and sat beside him. She stared ahead at the wall and murmured, "I hope the Commander will be alright."

William felt cold. He never felt colder. His stomach felt as though it were going to be sick. The smell of death and blood surrounded him. He tried to open his eyes but only saw the darkness. The man didn't know where he was. He felt around in the dark but nothing was there, no walls or floors. He was in a void and didn't understand why. He roared out in to the dark, "Heeellllooo?" There was no echo at his words, in fact it felt as though his voice had been sucked in to the dark chasm that he was stuck in. Fear gripped him as he reached out in every direction, "Doc? Gloria? Emili! Shepard! Dex?! Where is everybody?!" Tears streamed down his face as he roared his questions in to the dark.
William body felt numb the more and more he shouted. The more he called out, the more numb he felt. He opened his mouth to shout again but no sound came out. His lips moved but no words resounded from his throat. Slowly he felt the darkness begin to consume him. His brown eyes stared at his feet which were now fading in to the dark. He stared until he saw his tears fall from his face and fall in to the abyss below. He trembled and shook as the darkness reached its tendrils up until they gripped his neck. He threw back his head and let out a roar of fear and reached up for someone, anyone to save him. But there was no one. The darkness clutched at his face and he cried, "Forgive me! Shepard, Emili, Gloria... Dex... Forgive me." The darkness enveloped him now and he felt himself slip away.

Gloria stared in to the operation room with wide eyes. The flatline of William's heart could be clearly heard over the doctors yelling and screaming at each other to grab the right tools to save him. She pressed her hands to the glass that separated the observation room and the surgery room. The woman in the lab coat stood a pace behind the worried mother. The woman tensed and stared at the operation being preformed.
The young man on the table had his chest opened in a small square so that it could easily be repaired later. His ribs had been bypassed with little complications, and the doctors had managed to find the tumorous organic substance. It was colored an angry red and black, and beat in time with his heart. They had managed to start severing it from the man but with every cut it sent the man further and further in to what appeared to be cardiac arrest. Finally they had removed it but in the process they made a mistake. His heart rate had stopped, if they could not bring him back soon, he would be dead.
The doctors raced across the room grabbing tools and medicines to restart William's heart but nothing was working. Finally they stopped and looked up to the woman in the lab coat. Gloria whirled around and snarled, "Don't you dare!"
The woman shook her head sadly and reached for the intercom that linked the two rooms, "Call it."
The doctors looked at one another before reaching for the bloodied tarp that covered the lower half of the man. Slowly they covered the rest of him and one mournful soul called out, "Time of death... 8:34 AM. Complications during surgery."
Gloria wailed and horror before pounding on the glass window, "Bring him back! Bring my son back!" She cursed at the doctors and struck the glass more, tears streaming down her face.

Darkness.... Darkness... A voice? Is that a voice? Who's voice? I don't know... It's familiar. Why is it familiar? I don't know anyone. Do I? No... but yes. I know this voice. How could I?
This voice... Its sad. Its so sad. Why are you sad? Am I making you sad? How can I stop your sadness? Let me help you. Where are you? I can't see you. I need to see you. Its to dark. I need the light. I don't want to be here. I want to be where you are. Help me. Help me!
There! I see it! The light! Its warm! I don't want to be here in the dark cold! I'm coming! Wait for me! I will stop your sadness!
William's eyes flared as he gasped for precious air. He could only see a white expanse and dark moving shapes over his eyes. He groaped at the cloth and threw it from his face. Lights blinded him for a moment. People in scrubs scrambled around to stablize him. William flailed his arms and snarled at them, "Get me out of here!"
The people pinned his arms down and began to closing a rather large square wound on his chest. He endured the pain but squirmed under their grasp. They grabbed a tool that closed the wound by buring the skin together in a strange graft that worked. William glared at them with feral eyes. "Where is she?!"
The doctors backed away gladly but didn't understand his question.
"Where is my mother? Where are my friends?!" 



ShadowClan Warrior

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Daniel turned to Emili, a sympathetic smile spread across his lips. "I'm sure they know what they are doing." He said, then paused for a moment with a dumbfounded look, "If they don't we are at a complete loss." Suddenly fear ran through him. What if they did mess up? Kill Ghost-Town? As much as Daniel was in a rivalry with Ghost-Town, he certainly didn't want him to die. "No they are proffesionals." He muttered. GK and Patruskia were proffesionals at their jobs, and they were killed. Daniel's thoughts seemed to be against him. It wasn' their fault. No, they were too slow, too weak. What if I die? Am I too slow? am I too weak? And then the memory that guised itself as his every dream set into play in his mind. Of when he was stabbed in the back, both litterally and metephorically. That scene played over and over again in his mind. Daniel was oblivious to all around him, until he moved his hand and accidentally brushed his palm against Emili's hand. Instantly his mind was pulled back to reality. Daniel looked back over to Emili. "He'll be fine." He said with a weak reassuring smile.



RiverClan Warrior

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Valerie, having dozed off and being a rather deep sleeper, had slept through Gloria's shouting until there was pounding at the glass. Automatically, she jumped, crouching into a defensive position until hearing Gloria's cries. Sliding into the observation room, she strode to Gloria's side, a gentle hand on her shoulder, until she watched the whole ordeal of Ghost Town's revival. Without knowing it, a hand had slid onto the glass, the vibrations of Gloria's frantic pounding rocking through her body. Fingers curling as if her nails were going to scratch through the glass, she watched with wide eyes. Before she could see anymore, she backed up until she felt a solid wall behind her and slammed flat palms against the wall. She wouldn't go through that. She would die before they touched her.



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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OOC; Now you guys have the choice to go ahead and go through the surgery or not ;D Also, this is a good chance for you guys to kill your character if you are tired of RPing ^^" Just giving ya'll a choice ;D


William sat up on the table, adrenaline coursing through his veins. It was dangerous for a human to be up and moving around so quickly after surgery, let along a heart attack. Yet, as the lab-coat-lady had said, he wasn't really human... on the DNA level at least. William's eyes burned and accused the doctors and nurses of their clumsiness. "Where are my friends?" he snarled at the people. No one moved but a voice from above caught the man's attention. His face looked up desperately to see Gloria standing with one hand pressed against a glass window and the other covering her mouth. Tears streamed down her face and her eyes were round with fear but also relief.
William's face grew innocent, like that of a wounded child. He didn't want to be on this cold table anymore. He wanted to be up there with Gloria. She wouldn't hurt him like these people had. He turned his formerly child-like eyes to the doctors, they having become feral once more. "Where are my clothes?"
The nurses and doctors looked at one another. Finally the leader of them stepped forward, "Look son, you just got out of surgery. In fact you aren't even out of surgery yet. You need to rest, no human can go through nearly dying be be running around like nothing happened."
William scoffed heavily and a devilish grin spread on his face, "I don't need rest. Rest if for the weak. I'm not like you or any ordinary human. This isn't even the worst I've gone through." Of course he was lying about this not being the worst. But like everyone of his kind, his DNA had been altered so that his body would repair faster. Not so that he couldn't be wounded but he could go through surgery without needed to go to the recovery unit. He was already battle-ready.
The doctor looked at him, flabbergasted. He shot a sideways glance at another doctor who only shrugged. Quickly they led William from the operation room and back to where his clothes were at. The man got himself dressed, sorely however. He zipped up the front of his jacket, his chest pounding with pain, but nothing he couldn't handle. He really did need to rest, but not nearly as much as an average human did.
William left the dressing chambers and headed for the main room once more. Gloria was already there, waiting with Emili and Shepard. Dex was no where to be seen. William frowned and turned to them, "Where is she?" The same question he had asked when he had awoken.



RiverClan Warrior

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ooc; if you're tired of the rp i'll kill off val. xD

Holding her breath, Valerie remained flush against the wall as they spoke. However, when Ghost Town turned around, she was in his view. Folding her arms across her chest, she hugged herself gingerly as she let out the air held captive in her lungs, quickly back to a normal breathing pattern. "You should lay down, fool," chided Valerie in a soft, quiet voice. Her tone was not commanding but advising. She offered a small, crooked smirk to him with a light chuckle. Insecurity rolled off of her in waves. Turning towards the men, she nodded. "I will go next. I can't assure it will be a success like his, but... we will see."



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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OOC; Oh I'm not tired of this RP, but if you are, this is a way out ;D

William turned at Dex's voice. For a moment he wasn't sure if she was real. She stood there, not quite like herself. She seemed... Scared, fragile even. Yet, she returned to her composure not too soon after. William stepped toward her, his eyes filled with relief. "There you are," he breathed. He ignored her comment about laying down. He wouldn't lay down until he confirmed that this was not just his dying vision. That he was still alive and that these people standing before him weren't just the imaginings of a dying mind. William stepped closer to Dex, his hand slowly stretching out until it rested on her shoulder. He gripped his softly and when he was sure that she was real, a tired smile spread on his face. He hadn't really process her last sentence yet, he was just glad that she was really. Finally when he was ready to accept this as reality, he realized what she said. He slid his hand from her shoulder and tensed. He didn't know what to say. How could he let her go through what he had gone through? The operation was a 50-50 chance of survival. Heck, he had barely made it out.
William turned to Gloria, "Isn't there a safer way?"
The woman shook her head softly, "Not yet. This was just the first round of research. We've never had live subjects before." William's mouth twitched at this. "I'm sorry," Gloria said quickly, "I didn't mean for that to sound the way it did. We've just never been able to actually preform the procedure on a living creature, let alone one that has had that tumor-thing in their body for well over twenty years."
William frowned, "Do they have to have it done?"
Gloria thought for a moment, "Well..." She looked away, deep in thought. Finally she looked up, "No. I suppose they don't. They can if they want, but they do not have too. You just can't let them get to close to Henry. In fact, you can't even let him know they're there. If he does know, he can activate all the failsafes. However, if he only sees you, then he most likely will only activate your failsafe. Which at this point is rather useless." Gloria gave them a clever smile. She looked from Dex to Shepard, "The choice is completely up to you."



ShadowClan Warrior

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Daniel looked up to glare Ghost-Town in the eyes. A sense of dream warmed over his mind, leaving him rooted where he stood. He could either keep the implant inside himself-that of which he didn't even moderately like the sound of-or undergo the operation to remove it. Either way, Daniel figured he had a high change of dying through both options. Finally the dread faded, and a challenging smirk stretched the edge of his lip. "Stay as far away from the man I want to ring the neck of? Heck no Ghost-TOwn! Hiding just isn't my style." Daniel shrugged, though his eyes had a hint of concern about Ghost-Town's health. "Just don't go dying on us because of some after effect from this."

OOC: I still support Ghost TownXDex. X3



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