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TOPIC: The Patriots .:A Future World RP:. ~Full~

ShadowClan Warrior

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RE: The Patriots .:A Future World RP:. ~Full~
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Daniel stared at Dex for a moment, then looked down to the floor. He didn't like the idea of being Commander. It was a nice thought, but to actually become it, it just felt wrong to Daniel. But something did feel right in Dex's words. Or maybe Daniel was just over thinking things. Maybe I am an idiot. His verbal self afflicting thoughts always were there to slap his mind into different directions. Daniel then looked back to Dex. "Alright then." he gave a plastered smile, then turned back to face the window.



WindClan Deputy

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Emili said nothing in reply to Dex's words. Instead she slowly banked to the left to avoid a particularly turbulent patch of air ahead. As she righted their coarse she felt through her sensors to make sure that there would not be to many of those patches. The crew and Emili continued on in silence. They had a good while to go yet and with everyone free to walk about the cabin again, Emili relaxed her mind and focused on completing algorithms and checking weather patterns. Her other sensors remained on but they were as distant to her mind.
The Panthera continued along its route with little to no interruption from gusts and turbulence. As Emili finished completing another check on the weather, one of her sensors began to flash a warning. She had been oblivious to it until that moment, since before it had only been an extremely minor warning. Yet now it was rapidly become a critical one. She checked the sensor, it was the one that detected incoming hostile crafts. Emili reached out with the sensors to the inbound ships. There were six small-one-man fighters inclosing fast. Emili was stunned for a moment, almost no ship in the world was as fast as the Panthera. Only NAGA had the ability and resources to build ships like these ones. She would have hissed a curse, but seeing as she was the ship and couldn't breath, she didn't.
Immediately she dimmed the inside of the ship and prepared to warn everyone. After a moment, the ambient light turned red and flooded the inside of the Panthera. The warning tone blared through the ship for a short four bursts before Emili's voice took over, "All hands on deck. Six hostile inbound fighters approaching at 5, 6, and 7 o'clock. All crew is to report immediately to battle stations!"

William had been taking his time relaxing in his room. His mind had wandered from subject to subject, though he avoided thinking about Dex. His brown eyes traced the underside of Shepard's bunk when the lights in the Panthera shut off and the battle lights flared to life. The annoying sound of the battle warning resounded within the ship. William immediately jumped up from his bed and charged out in the main hall of the Panthera. Emili's voice sounded above him and his heart began to pound. So this mission wasn't going to be as easy as he thought. at Emili's command, William turned and sprinted toward the back of the ship. He quickly jumped down through the hatch in the cargo bay that led to the controls of the Panthera's heavy weapons. The sounds of his boots pounded through the lower hull of the ship and the red lights continued to flash angrily.
William raced to the nearest weapons station, a large oval shaped dip in the floor that had a seat, control panel, a swivel turret and triggers, and a head set to contact the c0ckpit of the ship. William slipped in to the chair and powered up the turret. On the control panel was a loading bar as it came to full power. Grabbing ahold of the swivel harness, William locked himself in to position. He reached over and grabbed the headset and barked in to it, "William to Shepard, I'm good to go down here." There was another turret on the other side of the hull, directly adjacent to him but on the right side of the ship as opposed to the left where he was. Now William knew how to work just about any kind of weapon on the face of the Earth, but even these heavy weapons gave him pause. He was no expert on this machine but he'd do what he must. Just as he situated himself for battle, the Panthera jerked the to the right and made a hard right bank. The force of the turn made it to where William could hardly move. Soon enough, to William's relief, they pulled out of the maneuver.
Emili's voice chirped on the headset, "Moving in to attack position. All crew prepare to engage."

Emili's voice rang out to everyone as she turned the ship so they were charging straight toward the hostile ships. She activated the power to the main cannon on the Panthera and a few of the minor weapons they had. However, she knew that she could not run the systems for the weapons and hope to hit something while she had to take evasive action moving the ship. Emili's voice resounded from the dash in front of Shepard, "Lieutenant, I need you to take manual control of the ship. I will make sure the primary systems are running smoothly but I need you to maneuver the ship. This is not a request. Prepare to engage." With that Emili fell silent and focused her attention on the hostile ships.



ShadowClan Warrior

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OOC: I just have to say, while I was posting this, your signature was the main image that was facing me ebbs, and the siggy is such a boss. XD

Daniel took a moment to process the information, and then took a hold of the yoke. "Alright then Emili." He responded, then pushed it forward to make the Panthera move faster. Daniel set his headset to connect a two way between him, and Ghost Town. "Alright there Ghosty, things are going to get a little bumpy." He eyed the enemy vessels that were approaching their ship. On the radar Daniel noticed a red dot moving at rapid speed toward their icon. He quickly jerked the control to the left, making them swerve away from the projectile. Daniel then returned the yoke to the middle, stopping their hard course, and movign a jetstream forward. "Emili, fire a projectile at the third ship to the right!" He ordered.



WindClan Deputy

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OOC: Hurrhurr!

Emili had been so focused on turning on the weapons systems that when she pulled back from them she realized that the Panthera was moving according to how Shepard stirred. It felt weird to the AI to have her 'body' moving without her knowledge, but then again the Panther was not truly her body. She didn't really have one. The image of her host human body passed through her mind. She pondered calling that body her home, but pushed it off for later. Now was not the time to ponder the question that was her existence.
When Shepard barked out his command, Emili target the nearest enemy. She felt a surge in the ship and the main cannon under the ship launched. A startling white color burst forth in a straight laser toward the nearest ship. The fighters immediately began to take evasive action. They swerved in varying directions, but the one Emili had aimed at took a glancing blow from her weapon. Smoke billowed out behind it as he dodged to the right and tried to right itself.

William waited until they had drawn close enough. The hair on his neck stood up as the electric charge of the main cannon built up. When the laser fired he was blinded for a moment, but only for a moment. He watched as the fighters dodged their cannon, it was his turn. He took aim at the closest of the fighters that swerved to the left. Just like a heavy powered machine gun from the ancient days, the turret spewed forth bullets in rapid succession. He clipped one of the fighters across the wing, though it didn't do much damage. They dodged his barrage of bullets and maneuvered around the Panthera as to try and get behind the craft. William swiveled the turret so that it faced the back of the ship and continued to fire at his targets, "They're on your six Shepard!"



RiverClan Warrior

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ooc; valerie can't use machinery to save her life...
o no


In reply to the oncoming attack, Valerie did the bravest thing she could do. She stayed in her seat. Having absolutely no ability to use firearms, Valerie was useless in this situation. Maybe she wasn't cut out for this. "Shepard... What exactly am I supposed to do?" she asked slowly. A frantic gaze set upon him before she abruptly stood. "Okay, I'm useless. I received no training for this... What do I do?!" she hissed, tugging on her hair frantically. "They didn't think this would happen - the ones in my sector weren't given training in firearms, and we had no need to, either!"



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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OOC: That's okay, you can bark out orders. And if you want, you can play James Foster ;D


William fired rapidly at the fast approaching ships. He felt the Panthera buck and dodge the bullets and lasers they fired at it. William felt his body press heavily against the turret as Panthera began a steep dive, the ships following behind closely. The ships danced and dodged around each other until the Panthera pulled out of the maneuver and made a sharp arch upward so they were rocketing back in to the sky. William now faced the Earth and saw the fighters struggling to follow after the sleek Patriot ship. William let out another torrent of bullets, one of the fire took a direct hit and exploded near its companion, making the other ship buck and falter away. It turned and right itself only to have William let loose another barrage at it. This time he didn't land a direct hit, only a glancing blow. Panthera tipped forward and banked to the left, dodging another two fighters. All the while William had been listening headset that linked him to the c0ckpit allowed him to hear Dex's panic attack. He growled heavily in to the mic, "Welcome to War Commander."



RiverClan Warrior

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Frowning, Valerie hissed, "Hop off, Ghost Town. I don't need your attitude." At that she turned to Foster. "Well?" she barked, a frightening expression on her face. "I'm not good with firearms - you go man the station another would normally man, parallel to Ghost Town." When he turned to her with a suspicious glance, she screeched. "Well I'm sure neither of us want to die, Foster, so go man your station!" Her expression was ten times as frighting as it had been at the beginning and, after her little rant, she sat in the seat and held her face in her hands with a moan.

At Valerie's orders, James Foster had promptly stood and raced to where he had seen Ghost Town go, but rather he turned the opposite direction. He didn't want to be on the receiving end to her rage again so he promptly went to business, examining the enemy ships before actually deciding to let out a barrage of bullets. Every shot was calculated - though not necessarily precise - and at every bullet hit he felt one step closer.



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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William had smirked devilishly when Dex yelled at him. He promptly reply with a snippy, "Aye, aye Commander." He then stopped paying attention to the com and started letting out another barrage of bullets at a rapidly inclosing fighter. It darted at them like a bee, though at the spray of bullets it veered away. He managed to lodge a few shots in to its tail before it spun away. The sound of the starboard turret made William jump a little. He pulled away from his gun and tossed a look across the hull. On the opposite side of the Panthera sat the newest addition to the crew. William's mouth twitched before he faced his enemies again. He said quickly in to his mic, "Welcome aboard Foster. Good hunting." His voice was not full of anger, as it had been with Dex. The fight had filled him with energy and excitement. His mind was not filled with the woman anymore, at least for now.

Emili targeted the various ships, helping to guide William and James Foster's turrets. She fired the main cannon at the other fighters several times, though she only managed a direct hit on one of them. The AI's voice chirped in the c0ckpit, "Commander Soot, if we continue to engage these fighters the time table for our mission will be gone. Your orders?"



RiverClan Warrior

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Frowning, Valerie took a moment to think. "Take five more minutes, then confuse them. Emili, head straight towards NAGA - get us as close as possible." Then, frighteningly scowling as if they could see her, she barked, "William. Foster. You got that? Five minutes. No more, no less. Make this a good one." Running an impatient hand through the hair that swung behind her, she turned towards Shepard. "Get ready."

James Foster, feeling strange at first now fell into procedures easily. He always was a good listener. He nodded then, realizing she couldn't actually see his face, grunted with a confirming, "Aah," then turned his attention back to the matter at hand. Five minutes, Foster. Five minutes. These people are your best chance at living. Trust them. Trust her. Knuckles turning an ashen white, he felt a bead of sweat roll down the side of his head. I won't lose.



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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"Aye Commander," William growled in to his headset, the name she used only served to tick him off. Taking aim at another of the fighter, William showered him with bullets. He missed the target however, not by much but by enough. The fighter dodged away and the Panthera pulled in to a barrel roll. William was lashed against the side of his seat by the force of the ship's movement. He felt as though some one were crushing him under an immense weight. Just as he were about to roar in pain, the maneuver stopped. The Panthera jerked downward sharply as though they took a direct hit. In just a secon they were diving toward the ground. William swiveled to shoot at the oncoming fighters, but they were not following. They were not going to follow them this time. The Panthera continued its steep decent toward the ground, the bone shattering Earth growing rapidly as they approached. William growled heavily, "Emili, what are you doing?!"
The AI's voice growled back, "It is not I Agent Ghost Town. The Panthera has lost power to the main thrusters." Emili's voice fell silent.
"Emili? Fix this heap you call a body and get us outta here!"

Emili was as close to panicking as she had ever been now that the Panthera was falling from the sky like a wounded animal. She felt Shepard try and right their position but it was no use. The main thrusters were offline. Emili rerouted power and opened alternative energy pathways in hopes to kick start the thrusters again. However her mind was preoccupied with trying to keep the shields up while also keeping the main weapons online. As much as she tried though she could not do everything at once. The lives of this crew were more important than the main cannon. She abandoned the weapon, letting the energy flow quit. She rerouted that power to the main thrusters. The Earth grew closer and closer. Almost to close to pull away from. Emili pushed at the energy in to the thrusters and in a moment they kicked to life. The Panthera shot forward until Shepard pulled back in to the yoke. The ship made a hard arch upward and rocketed back in to the sky.
Emili's voice resounded through the ship, "Power core working at 43% Commander. Shields are at 29%. We can't hold against another attack."
A harsh voice sounded through the comm, "Then have Shepard hand back control to you and get him working on repairs!" Emili recognized it as Ghost Town's.
She did not answer him but instead said to the c0ckpit, "What say you Commander?"

-- Edited by Ebonycloud on Saturday 7th of January 2012 06:16:47 PM



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